God is our saving health... This Psalm on Neginoth feels prophetic and oddly written for our time; and because of that, it feels strongly powerful and timeless... May we find confidence and hope in the Psalmist's words; as we heed his encouragement to sing for joy unto our Great Healing God, The Saving Health of all the nations; and in holy fear, humbly live our days in obedience to His Way...
Praise is joyful, and
worship is solemn... Both are our expressions of thanks and testimonies about the
goodness of our God, and His abundant mercy... No matter how we do it on a
Sunday or in communal worship, the most important thing is that it reflects in
our everyday lives... For how can one keep silent, when God has been so good to
answer our prayers... No need to brag what specifically, though, because most
assuredly people will know; what should remain our duty is by giving praise and
honor, we direct recognition to God's grace and mercy, rather than our own
limited efforts and capabilities...
Because God uses a
different tape measure... Some people, who find their confidence from the
affirmation of others, and who believe that only in becoming thin and
"sexy", can they feel satisfied of their own bodies, might have a
hard time accepting that fatness is a blessing... But in the Word it is,
especially as stated here by the Psalmist (v. 11)... And so, may I suggest that
many of us should expand our vocabularies further, because being fat is not
quite exactly the same as being obese; the former means more fleshy and
curvaceous, while the other is most often a debilitating medical condition...
If one is fat, but physically active, eats nutritiously, sleeps well, and has a
generally sunny disposition in life, that person is healthy compared to thin,
slim and wiry people who lounge around or drag their feet while walking, binge
on junk food or doesn't eat at least three balanced and complete meals per day,
sleeps badly, grumpy and moody and most often depressed, a host of health
syndromes and allergies, and has gone through several surgeries to remove
inflammations, cysts, stones and whatnot (no offense meant to the latter group,
some of whom with which I am personally related by blood, extended families and
work)... May we take the perspective of the Psalmist, that it is only by living
lives of humility and obedience to God can we have true good health, both
physically and spiritually... To aspire to be thin just to fit that beautiful
dress in the store rack is ungodly and an act of conforming to the world; but a
life of prayer, faithfulness, honesty and thankfulness to God that He has made
us wonderfully and well--flabs, aches, warts and all--so that in all moments of
our lives, we can give praise and glory to Him, not just with our words, but
with our actions and motivations, is true higher and heavenly level lifestyle
In the war of words,
God's justice reigns... Especially because evil people, more so now in the
social media age, craftily and cruelly abuse this as their most destructive battleground
and strategy; at every turn, honing their skills to put down, insulting and
abusing, harassing and oppressing people who are humbly living and doing the
best they can to live peaceably and honestly, and even so far as attacking and
striking those who seek to bring life, right knowledge, wisdom and peace to
all... But when the latter put their faith in God, trusting Him to uphold their
cause and bring them justice and fairness, He will always hear and protect,
deliver and save them from the evil machinations, psychological, mental and
emotional impact of the wicked people's words and actions... May we wisely
consider our motivations and assertions, our thoughts, speech and deeds, so
that like the Psalmist, we can confidently declare, "And all men shall
fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of His
doing. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in Him; and all
the upright in heart shall glory."...
Many times in the
lives of those whom God loves and cares for, there are wilderness moments: when
wealth, achievements, careers, endeavors, positions, status and relationships
are seen and felt as worthless... They may not actually be so, but it is in
these moments that God makes His beloved people realize that He is all that
they need... Yes, the apostle Peter prophesied that all the elements will melt
with fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10-12), and Ezekiel saw a valley of dry bones
(Ezekiel 37)... But, like the Psalmist, they too believed that if we but trust
in and have faith in Him, follow His will and leading, God will restore
everything, to more than their former glory and goodness; and especially so,
because in the Bible, fatness is a result of blessing and praise (Genesis
27:28), while thinness (leanness, or slim-ness) is associated with cursing and
punishment (Isaiah 10:16), so that may we sing along with the Psalmist,
"My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall
praise thee with joyful lips" (v. 5)...
Openly, greatly...
This Psalm is to be sung by Jeduthun, one of the chief singers in the temple,
and his group... By name and lifelong function, the Jeduthun are called to be
lead lauders or praisers of God, and everything He is in the lives of His
people: our rock, our salvation, our deliverer... What should be noted well is
that with this trust and hope, God's people can be confident that in all the
uncertainties and troubles of human life, we shall not be moved (v. 6); and
even if we should be moved, He will be there to strengthen, equip and support,
so that we are not moved greatly (v. 1), in order that we are not weakened and
lose heart... What is truer and more sure instead is that in openly praising
God, in sincerely and transparently dedicating our lives and efforts to Him, He
can and will move greatly and mightily in and through us...
This Psalm is another
Neginah, to be played on stringed instruments... But it is not a sad song,
because it doesn't reflect despair or distress by the Psalmist... What it seeks
to show us though, is that no matter the ups and downs and turbulence of life,
those who put their trust and hope in God (not on wealthy foreign sponsors,
supporters, bureaucratic backers, or influential connections), though they may
not rise to the high echelons of power and status in society, can rest secured
and be at peace; because God is the only help and covering they need, their
hiding place, their sure hope, the inspiration of their obedience, their
strength and the substance of their confidence... May we not boast of what we
have, what we have attained, how secure we are because we are well-connected,
and how steady and rich life seems to be because of whom we know; for God can
destroy all those things (that have become our idols) in one snap... But may we
humbly live and glorify God and His abundant mercy and goodness, as we seek to
live out His peace to all, His life-giving spirit flowing like mighty rivers
from us, to a darkened and fearful world...
This song is titled
Shushaneduth, for as biblical translations say, "the lily of
testimony", it is to be played on the cymbals that are shaped like the
lily-flower, and therefore every word is a strong declaration... It is also a
Michtam, as written, for it is an eternal proclamation... Indeed, in the life
of God's people, many enemies abound, those who--out of envy and greed--
oppress, harass, bully, and abuse others, in order to promote themselves, and
to try to deprive them from learning the truth, to be truly saved, to receive
the grace and goodness due to them... Yet, as narrated in the song, God's
people never lack the talent, the skill, the strength and help in times of
oppression, tribulation and trouble; even in the face of hypocrites,
pretentious and duplicitous, evil and wicked people, God's people will be saved
and upheld... And in whatever challenge they may face, even if struck and put
down, stomped upon, those who truly fear God, who remain humbly obedient to His
call to bring life and peace as His children, will have the upper hand and the
victory, as the Psalmist said in verse 12, "Through our God we shall do
valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies"...
Even in physical,
verbal, and spiritual ambush, God is our defense... And this lament by the
Psalmist, in this third Altaschith and Michtam, still holds true in the life of
God's people today... Not only with evil people outside of the faith and normal
culture, but even within the body of Christ: some pretend to have been saved
and surrendered their lives to God, yet are still driven by materialism and
envy, worldliness, and glorification of "slim and sexy" body size,
body-hugging and revealing clothes (unless one has a mental disorder, that is),
rather than the growth and maturity of their spirits (because honestly, if one
claims to be a child of God, proclaiming themselves to live in holiness and not
conforming to the lusts of the world, yet still says "oh, it is good to be
sexy", or "hey, aren't you sexy?", isn't one being lustful and
worldly, a hypocrite of the faith by which he calls himself, in direct
disobedience to what our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:28? Hmmm... I think I have just
borrowed some of Lewis and Tolkien's words...)... Anyway, as the Psalmist said,
these people belch out their words, showing us by the stench of their speech,
what are inside their minds and bellies... Their words are swords, acting to be
sweet and diplomatic talkers, yet are full of insults, put downs and
insinuations... They lie in wait that the faithful make one mistake, and like
hungry vultures, attack by becoming judgmental, hurling insults and slander,
puff up their pride and prejudices, and claim themselves more holy, more
righteous, more knowledgeable, wiser and right... The Psalmist only has harsh
words for them, in imploring God for their downfall... But because our Lord
told us to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44), we can only pray that we be
delivered by the traps, bullying, harassment, abuse and oppression of such
people... For truly, for those who hold on to their faith and trust in God, who
live in humility, and those who strive to live peaceably with all, no matter
how disagreeable they may be, we "can sing: God is our defense, and the
God of our mercy"...
This Psalm is a
continuation of the previous one, both an Altaschith and a Michtam, so that we
may not forget that God's deliverance and preservation are true and timeless...
May we learn to set our lives, our words, our actions and motivations in order,
because surely, "there is a reward for the righteous, or those who do
right; because God is not only Creator and Lord, He is the Supreme and Great
Judge of the earth too" (v. 11)...
God's anointed one
shall not be destroyed... This psalm is both an Altaschith, "do not
destroy", which means that both the song and the people for whom and by
whom it is sung, are sealed for preservation... It is also a Michtam, a golden
or precious writing, again doubly referring to the song itself, and the heart
behind it... During the days when he was persecuted by King Saul, David
declared and claimed this song, both to preserve himself and that of King
Saul... Many of us have yet to attain that level of forgiveness and understanding,
but that is actually the heart of God... May we learn to grow into the spirit
of the song, as we go through difficulties and calamities; for surely, no
matter how hard life may be, we can take cover and find refuge under the mighty
wings of our God (v. 1)...
King David killed
Goliath during wartime... Which even in their times and cultures that maintain
a sort of unwritten Articles of War, should have merited no consequential
punishment after... Indeed, there wasn't, because David became anointed... But
then, he wasn't king at the time, because King Saul was still on the throne, so
the Philistine people and relatives of Goliath exacted their vendetta, while
David was on the run for his life, and helpless... We realize that even then
and until now, war doesn't pay; because the spark of hatred, insult, offense
and affront will always remain in the hearts of surviving families, brethren
and comrades, fuelling another conflagration of attack and war... For this
reason our Lord Jesus Christ came and proclaimed, "Blessed are the
peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9), to declare that wars and conflicts are normal
human experiences, but the ones who accept their calling to attune their lives
vertically to the One who created and rules over all, must abandon all feelings
of hatred, rage, resentment, vendetta and vengeance, leaving these all up to
Him (Deuteronomy 32:35)... Then, we can have this hope: to not take offense at
slights and insults (Matthew 5:11), at persecutions, threats and assaults (2 Corinthians
4:8), because "what time we are afraid, we can trust in God" (v. 3,
4), for He is for us (v. 9) who humbly submit to His will; and so we need not
fear what man can do to us (v. 11, Matthew 10:28)... May we find strength and
peace in this...
Another Maschil on the
Neginoth teaches us again of a timeless truth: that God's people are not immune
in a world of suffering and oppression... Like King David, God's people are
normal human beings, who oftentimes get desperate and seek a way out... But
that is never a good way, because as the king realized with his own troubles,
no matter how difficult life gets, God will always sustain those who look up to
Him, and surrender their cares and burdens to Him (v. 22, the same words his
root and offspring Jesus Christ promised in Matthew 11:29)... Yes, if we but
trust God enough, not be proud of ourselves and feel entitled, if we are able
and as long as it is within our power and good conscience--to accept the help
and support of others, whoever they may be (because no matter from which
direction it comes from, all help, whether we think the people offering them
are sincere or not, are actually gifts from God), then we will feel our burdens
become easier and lighter... They do not disappear though, but God will give us
the strength to manage them; and we will gain the confidence that in this
life's journey, we are not alone, because of God and the people He sends our
way; and we are not pressured to feel and act like the world revolves around
us, because it doesn't; but that its every moment should be lived for the One
who created us and set us free to enjoy eternity with Him...
On this chapter,
another Maschil of eternal truth, to be played on the Neginoth, or stringed
instruments, we are sobered by the Psalmist's realization of King David's
predicament: how that strangers who don't even know much about him, and to whom
he had only shown respect, could sell him out to his enemy, and endanger his
life... This situation is not new, because throughout history, many more people
are that selfish and greedy, who, without even lifting a finger to help, would
gladly betray others to save their own skin, or for a profit... And even in our
social media age, groups of people abound, who destroy other people's reputation,
or slander and shoot down the truth and good message that they bring, just to
make themselves appear knowledgeable, and feel good, and for the very crafty,
earn some bonus points, or even financial rewards for trolling... Yet, King
David's words are timeless too: for God will not have mercy on liars,
slanderers, blasphemers and evildoers... He will strengthen His faithful ones,
deliver them and give them justice, and will accomplish His desire on His
enemies, and those that harm His people--whether that be for their good or
destruction, is out of our hands, for God shall deal with each person,
according to the measure of their words and deeds... May we be humbled, may we
be more circumspect, may we be more respectful and true...
Today's psalm is a
Maschil, a song of eternal truth, specifically instructed to be played on a
Mahalath, a lute or lyre or a guitar, because it is a sad song... And we
realize why: because for the God who made us, and who has such glorious plans
for our future; to not be acknowledged, to be ignored, whose presence and love
are to be denied, is the saddest realization of all... Who are we to think that
the world revolves around us; and to believe that we are entitled to comfort,
convenience, favor and grace, without being humble enough to acknowledge our
dependence on God, and the help and community of other people... If we hadn't
grown into that learning yet, this pandemic should have made us realize that we
could get sick and die any moment, but for the favor the Lord grants us when we
humbly pray and implore to be given yet another day: to work, to earn our keep,
to realize our dreams, to help and to love and cherish the people He sends our
way... May sad songs remind us of the One who loves us truly, Who will never
leave us when we cling on to Him in faith, and who daily showers us with new
mercies every morning He so graciously wakes us up to until the end of our
Evil people are
consistent: doing mischief, being proud, abusive and oppressive, greedy and
materialistic... Yet this Maschil reminds us of an eternal truth: their hope
and trust in themselves, their positions and connections, and their wealth will
come to nothing... Because the only One truly worth trusting in is God; for He
will come to the rescue of His faithful ones, and will always be a source of
strength and hope for them...
The ultimate repentance Psalm...
Which many of us like to preach about and try to parrot after, especially as it
was penned by the king who was after God's own heart himself... What many
people don't realize and explore more is that first, this Psalm was addressed
to The Chief Musician, which Jewish and Bible scholars understand to be God
Himself... And with such tall appeal to the highest authority in the universe,
one should be humbled and shamed enough not to sin again... Hence, it was but
right that in his later years, King David indeed reformed himself and lessened
his cavorting with his harem, especially since his double crime of adultery and
murder went unpunished by the Law of Moses as mandated in the Ten Commandments,
yet resulted in the death of his newborn son... And we learn too that even in
his last days, he reaped the consequences of his sin by being impotent enough
to stop his daughter from being raped by her half brother, and his beautiful
son and then-heir Absalom murder his rapist-half brother, and organizing a
rebellion, which led to his death... It was to King David's memorial that we
learn that even the seemingly holiest and favored people can sin most depravedly...
However God is merciful, for when they repent, they are forgiven and renewed...
Unfortunately however, or fortunately if we take the perspective from the Word,
forgiveness is a lifetime process where the repentant sinner must bear the evil
and tragic consequences of the past... Being forgiven doesn't mean getting away
scot-free for life; it simply means that when vengeance and justice are
demanded, the offender must and can actually pay the price with confidence and
faith, no matter how painful and devastating it may be... For the grace given
by forgiveness as what this Psalm wants us to learn, is not being freed from
the responsibility of owning up to our faults; but because God has forgiven us,
we now have more grace to weather the aftermath; and so be able to face the
future with trust and faith in Him, Who can create in us clean hearts, and
renew a right spirit within...
Asaph and his sons
declare in this psalm what is most important to God: it is not offerings or
flattering words that are not matched by disobedient and prideful living, but
thanksgiving and praise, humility, making true our promise to live for Him, and
calling on His Name... May we be humbled and convicted, as we set our words,
our motivations, and our deeds consistently and right...
Here is another
pragmatic song for the performance of the sons of Korah, rubbing in the wisdom
that dependence on earthly wealth, status, position and possessions are nothing
without God, particularly since we cannot bring them with us to the grave...
Even if places, buildings and monuments are named after us, still what counts
in the afterlife are not these but our relationship with a physically
intangible God, whose work in our lives can be made manifest through moments
lived in humility and selfless service and generosity to others, in not
flaunting our wealth even if we say we have worked hard to earn it, but to
share with and bless those less fortunate than us... Truly, if in this pandemic
we believe that lifting ourselves up is one way to thrive, then we must get
down from our high horses, for a life that truly matters is one where the will
and the love of God matters more, and where the care and benefit of the weaker
and oppressed ones matter more than our reputation, our fame, our image, our
body size, and our convenience...
Setting our hopes in
the right places... And may our visions not be misaligned too... As what this
Psalm from the sons of Korah reminds us of... That we must worship and serve
the One True God, Who commands His loving kindness then from the physical Mount
Zion and even now and in the future, from the spiritual Zion of His kingdom, if
we are to live meaningful lives... This is not a matter of compulsion, because
the Word says that even kings and leaders of the earth who would like to have
all glory to themselves are threatened by this faith, and they and those they
put their hope in are destroyed; which means that many of our world and
religious leaders of today may mandate some form of religion or faith, but we
know it is false; for as it is laid bare, it only serves their own selfish and
greedy purposes, to enrich themselves and hold on to power and authority at the
expense of others... But we still can hope and trust in God, who ultimately has
the upper hand, and declare the creed as what the Psalmist proclaims,
"this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even unto
Worshipping with
understanding (v. 7)... Is what the sons of Korah, some of the premier lead
singers and musicians in God's temple, remind the people then and even until
now... God did not make us stupid automatons compelled to render service
through praise and worship; because though His laws rule the universe, but our
God is never a dictator... The sons of Korah encourage us to remember His
greatness, His goodness and mercy, and that we are nothing without Him...
Incidentally, today is the start of Jewish Sukkot, the Festival of Booths or
Tabernacles; in which the chief aim is to remind God's people that we are all pilgrims
and foreigners here on earth; that when it is our time to go, no matter how
rich we are, or how high in society we may rise to, that we can never bring
with us, even a penny of our wealth beyond the grave... And so with this
understanding and full awareness, we worship and praise our God Who gave us
life and breath, Who gave us strength and skill, Who gave us wisdom and choice,
and Who daily showers us with mercy and grace, no matter what we may have
done... May we be humbled, may we be constantly reminded, and may we not lose
our hope, trust, obedience and awe...
This chapter starts
off one of the higher-pitched songs, probably because it is upon Alamoth, young
maidens or virgins, and therefore normally of soprano voices... In here, the
Psalmist emphasizes in high voice, that no matter what happens, even if
literally the world around us is falling or coming to its end, we can still
trust and have hope because, "God is our refuge and strength, a very
present help in trouble"... May we take this to heart, stop living
stubborn lives in disobedience, so that even if life's troubles overwhelm us,
we can be confident of God's words, when He declares, "Be still, and know
that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the
Well, what do we know,
the Psalms contain a Maschil that is a love song too... Maybe this is one
reason why biblical scholars, most of them men obviously, choose to interpret
this as referring to the Messiah and His bride, the church; because the verses
contain undeniably sensual (that is, ancient versions of fan-girling, a willing
harem and concubinage) and therefore a bit inappropriate, innuendos for the
Holy Book... Yet, we cannot deny that such high adulation hinting at joyful
affection and passion is both a manifestation of God's desire that His people
feels for Him, and for married men and women to their spouses too... One need
only look at social media feeds to discern that in many cases, husbands and
wives seem to adore each other so much even unto the high heavens, second only
to God Himself... It is a lifetime truth also, and we need not feel shy when
the word of God so plainly tells us of it: that in the same manner that we can
so deeply and possessively fall in love and fawn over our significant others,
and our offsprings, is actually the same kind of love our God has for us,
however physically intangible He may be... For He is truer than most fickle
human affections and connections; and even if the ties that bind us to our
loved ones get severed at death, yet even beyond and through all eternity, for
those who have given their lives to Him in worship and service through living
His Word and will, they will never fail to have Truth, His mercy and grace
reign throughout their physical lives, and His kingdom and the glory of His
presence forever...
A precarious
privilege... How the Israelites settled in the holy land, when God made them go
to war and drive out the inhabitants that have been living in the land long
before them, is still a contentious issue even until this very day... And from
the time the Psalmist penned this Maschil and until now, he reminds us of one
eternal truth as exemplified in the lives of the Israelite nation, that they
still get to experience even just a few days ago: the privilege of being called
a holy nation by God is something very precious and vulnerable, for its
debatability by people who were left out since they believe that presumably
they were not initially included, and how it is always the spark that fuels
wars and acts of terrorism around the world... And for us, Gentiles who believe
that our Lord Jesus Christ have grafted us into the same promise and blessing,
may we be reminded of such precious and dangerous gift too: in a world where
the love of many has increasingly gotten cold, which declares that Christianity
is now in decline and being abandoned by an increasingly disillusioned and
darkened body; now is always the best time to stand up and live our faith, so
that the failures of leaders and past generations that have tarnished the faith
left to us may be overcome by a better testimony... That yes, nobody is
perfect, and no one can gain holiness by our own efforts, church and man-made
traditions, creeds, principles, philosophies and traditions alone, but only by
lives personally surrendered to God, and in meekness and humility with godly
wisdom, lived for His Word and will every day... May we become those better
witnesses, those more worthy members of God's family, whose lights shine for all
the world to see...
This chapter is a
continuation of the previous one, a Maschil, where the Psalmist talks to
himself, not to get so disappointed and depressed because he will yet praise
God... May we listen in too, and learn; that in spite of the lies and darkness
that pervade earthly life, we do not lose heart, because the God we believe,
hope and trust in, will always shower us with His truth and light... He gives
us life and health, HE IS our life and health...
In this chapter which
is another Maschil, or lesson of eternal truth, the Psalmist illustrates for us
that depression, or in his term, his soul was 'cast down', can set in for the
believer, when even though we praise enthusiastically with the crowd of God's
people and pray unceasingly, yet sometimes God seems to not grant our
petitions; so that our enemies and even some of our fellow brethren ask and
wonder if we are doing right and okay, and where is God in our life if He has
not answered our prayers... Yet the Psalmist would have us remember that even
in such times when it is emotionally difficult and spiritually draining to go
on, if it seems that God is not being favorable to our situation, we still must
hope in, praise and bless God; for He will yet save and deliver, and hear us, maybe
not immediately when we want it, but in some future time, in His perfectly good
time... May we not forget that when it is too painful and difficult to
continue, we must not give up if only to take the chance to praise, to hope, to
expect and to be able to receive more grace from Him in the future... Because
life is not a gamble, these are definitely worth living for...
In this chapter, the
Psalmist reminds us of his experience with fair-weather friends who, in his
times of illness and sorrow, only wish the worst for him, not bothering to
support him in any way, nor lift his spirit up... We should learn from this
too: to wisely associate with people who do their best to do good, and to bring
out good in others... Good thing for him, the Psalmist has God in his life,
protecting him, saving him, healing and blessing him as always... And this God
is our God too, and He will do the same for us, when we humbly follow His will
in whatever relationship and connection we establish with other people, whether
at work or in our personal lives... Let our friendships and communion with
others then, be subject to His wisdom, His will, His blessing, and His grace...
In waiting patiently,
there is grace and mercy... And this is what the Psalmist wants us to remember;
that though we can give all that we can, out of what we have, out of what we
can do, out of the time given to us on earth; but it is our trust and hope, our
patient endurance and never-ending prayer, conversation and appeal to God that
He inclines His ears to... Yes, we can show our love of Him by giving Him out
of what He has given us, but elsewhere He said, He "desires mercy (love)
and obedience (out of love), not just sacrifice, nor offering" (Hosea 6:6,
Matthew 9:13, 1 Samuel 15:22-23)... God desires that more than speaking about
and giving for Him, that we live for Him, and be guided by His will and word
each day... May we have the minds to understand and the hearts to humbly
Probably bewildered by
all the trouble the world is experiencing right now, even given the fact there
are so many well-meaning people praying, giving, helping, sacrificing, but
seemingly to no avail for an ever- darkened humanity that steps closer and
closer to the edge of destruction, somebody asked: "how does one know if
the troubles we are going through are mere trials, or punishments?"...
Deep question indeed, but the honest answer is: we don't know, because only God
knows and understands what we are going through, how we might get through them,
and what will the future hold for each and everyone of us... Indeed we have
seen throughout the whole of human history, that good and nice people suffer
along with the bad, and more often experience more tragedies than wicked
ones... Yet, goodness never dies out, faith never gets snuffed out, and hope
never fails; simply because God is good, and He is true to His promises and
prophecies... and like the Psalmist here who went through much hardship and
tribulations, so that he eventually asked God to make him know and understand
when he will die, we too can feel frustrated at times... It is worth
remembering however that no matter what we go through, even if we don't
understand the why and how, yet we can rest assured that our "now"
and our "tomorrow" are in the hands of our God... The important thing
is, we don't let these hardships pass without us learning, maturing, becoming
better... May we all grow in the grace and knowledge of Him who loves us so
much that He gave His Only Son, so we may be able to spend eternity with Him, when
we believe, and live the rest of our lives in pure obedience to that faith...
This day incidentally,
is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest (and some say, the truest)
holiday of the Jews, and the only one of its kind the world over and among all
cultures; for unlike other holidays which are usually celebrations, this one is
a memorial of prayer, fasting and repentance, in order that the sinful man may
get closer to the Holy God... There is much to learn from this holiday, and even
from today's chapter, as King David declared... We realize that sometimes due
to our sins, sometimes due to life's circumstances, and sometimes due to the
cruelty of evil and wicked people, we all undergo suffering and pain... Yet God
is gracious; He waits for us to seek forgiveness, to repent of our wrongdoings,
and to appeal to Him for help out of the midst of our difficulties... For just
as King David believed and experienced His goodness, so too He remains
consistent, and will still listen to, commune with, and eternally be a Savior
and Deliverer of all those who trust and depend on His mercy and goodness all
throughout time...
In this chapter, King
David seems to be laying bare his beef against the wicked--those envious
people, who clearly manifest their schemes and machinations against those who
do what is good, just, fair and right... He also repeatedly presents the marks
and benefits of the righteous--people who are humble, who are merciful and
generous, peace-loving, promoters of life and justice, who are blessed
abundantly yet are always delightedly content with God, His will and Word, and
His way of living--and of how God will save and deliver them each time they are
in difficulty... Indeed, it takes faith and trust to take the great king at his
word; yet, as surely as we believe religious myths and traditions, all the more
strongly should we heed this great Psalmist and Israelite King, whose life and
reign are recorded in the annals of history and archaeology, as much as his
humanity and faith are detailed in the Word... May we have hearts and faith
such as his...
It is the height of
wickedness to believe that in spite of our deceitful and cruel, yet
hypocritical words and actions, we are good, we are doing fine, we are strong
and invincible, and God will not hold us accountable... Because God always sees
and hears, He will call to account, He will dispense justice and put us all in
our proper places and rightful ends... Yet for those who humble themselves and
trust in Him, this Psalm of King David declares for us that out of the
abundance of God's mercy and grace, they shall be abundantly satisfied... May
we have the eyes to see, ears to hear, and humility to conduct our words and
actions right...
For many of us
powerless humans, it is natural to appeal to a higher power when we are
wronged, oppressed, violated or abused, especially by those people with more
power and influence... But King David, a man after God's own heart, had the
right attitude: he appealed to God Himself, Creator and Ruler of all... And it
would be wise for us to follow his example, for then we would experience true
joy: "And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in His
salvation." (v. 9)...
God's blessings and
grace starts first of all in the mind and the heart... Those who fear and love
Him, who do their best to live His will and Word in their lives, who guard
their speech and actions not to oppress and abuse others and instead be
generous and gracious, are kept safe, given courage and sanity, and a proper
perspective in the face of the world's ridicule, rejection, persecution... For
as many as His promises as declared and claimed by King David in this chapter,
so indeed will God's provision, protection, peace, wisdom and discernment be poured
out on those who continually praise Him, and who trust and hope in Him...
To be truly blessed is
a reciprocal act: whom God calls and chooses as His inheritance (also, John
17:1-26), and those who, even if they might not be physically part of the chosen,
yet, made the decision and accomplished the deed of making God their Lord, King
and Master; for they are grafted to the True Vine, and brought to the One Fold
(John 15:1-8, 10:16)... For indeed, "Blessed is the nation whose God is
the LORD, the people He chose for His inheritance." (v. 12)...
In this first Maschil,
or instructional Psalm, the Psalmist starts us off with our basic instruction
in life: that we are to trust God, Who instructs and teaches us in the right
way to go, and Who guides us Himself with His eyes... And we can know for
certain if we have obeyed well, because His sure promises will be clearly
manifested in our lives: that unlike the wicked and stubborn who will encounter
many sorrows, the one that trusts God will receive abundant mercy, and will be
glad and rejoice...
Sometimes, no matter
how hard we try, how careful we may be, however much we give our best, because
of the selfishness and greed of some, we still encounter tragedy, suffering,
and pain... Yet, we can always count on God's faithfulness, "our fortress
and rock (v. 3)", the "keeper of our spirits" (v. 5), "Who
has our times in His hands" (v. 15), "Who lays down and grants great
goodness to all those who fear Him" (v. 19), and "Who shows marvelous
kindness even in a strong and fearful city" (v. 21)... May we heed the
challenge of the Psalmist, as he encourages us to love God, to be faithful, and
not to boast but be confident inwardly that we can and will do our best for Him
as a manifestation of what we believe (v. 23)... And as we derive good courage
from His sure promises and constant provision, may we receive from Him
strength--physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually--and hope...
For those who have put
their trust in God, it is not always sunshine and roses; for the worries, cares
and sorrows of life may trouble us even through the night... But God in His
mercy, gives us joy in the morning, in the grace that He gives us by keeping us
alive... And so, may we not trust in our own prosperity, relying on it for
security, for it is only God who can help us, give us strength and enable us to
stand strong... It is only Him who can turn our mourning into dancing, that He
may be glorified through our lives...
Here one can know if
they have their priorities straight, and their hearts in the right place; when,
in times of honor and recognition, we give glory to God instead of promoting
ourselves; when, in times of suffering and pain, we can still give glory to
God, and worship Him, not because we are worthy, or we feel good and righteous,
but because God alone is worth lifting up and worshipping, in the beauty of the
holiness which He alone can give... And then we reap what is the real reward:
through trials and tribulations, even in sorrow, He will give us strength, He
will bless us with peace...
We are such needy
creatures, and rightly so, for without God, we are nothing... All that we have,
all that we do, can only find meaning and fulfillment with His strength, His
anointing and saving grace...
"Blessed be the
Lord, because He hath heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my
strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my
heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him. The Lord is their
strength, and He is the saving strength of His anointed. Save thy people, and
bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever." (v.
Even in the midst of
persecution and hardship, we have a true partner and companion...
"The Lord is my light
and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of
whom shall I be afraid?...For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His
pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up
upon a rock...Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen
thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." (v. 1, 5, 14)
In these times of
tragedy, suffering and pain, it is not a soul-searching that we need, as if our
souls have been lost, but rather, an examination of our hearts, our
motivations, our principles, and our ways of life, measuring them against
Truth, and against the will and the Word of God... Maybe then God will hear, He
will heal, and He will save; because He does, in fact, but only those whose
hearts humbly seek Him and obey His call... May we have the wisdom to heed His
Even though we are
sinners, with such weak resolve in life, but because God is good, He helps and
protects those who trust Him; and leads through the right and secure path,
those who humbly submit to His leading... May we all make the right choice
today, and for the rest of our waking days...
The Lord, the King of
Glory, actually owns everything we see around us... It is but right that we
prove ourselves responsible stewards, not be greedy or selfish or clingy of
these things because we can not bring them with us when we die, and to give Him
the glory, honor and praise...
"le Seigneur est mon
berger"... The first line of the twenty third Psalm, as translated into
French, evokes images of being in a lush pasture or forest garden, on top of a
hill or mountain, because that is precisely what 'Berg' means (pasture on top
of a mountain or hill, and 'berger', meaning shepherd or gardener)... An apt
description of the inner peace and confidence of one who can truly yet humbly
declare the words of this Psalm, as engraved in our hearts... So that no matter
the floods of problem or despair, we feel secure in the knowledge that our God
keeps our spirits safe... That even if our physical bodies get sick or
exhausted, He is always with us to refresh, restore, heal especially inwardly,
and make us dwell in His presence, if we so choose, forever...
The Messiah's passion
Psalm... Teaches us humility in the face of hardship, patience in the time of
affliction, trust in the time of difficulty, hope in the time of trouble... For
God hears those who come to Him in faith, and in meekness depend on Him for
help and deliverance... Even to a generation of descendants, a people yet to be
born, He will still do mightily, and pour out and declare His glory, His power,
His mercy and grace...
Whether King or High
leader, poor country man or miserable slum dweller: whoever trusts in the Lord,
by His mercy, they shall not be moved... Those who humbly ask God for life,
will be given eternal life and more - - healing, deliverance, salvation; while
their oppressors become God's enemies, and will be destroyed, along with their
descendants... May we have the wisdom and courage to choose the right side...
Though we have
nothing, though we are nobody, yet we can trust in our God, who hears and saves
those who trust in Him...
Yes, indeed, from our
atmosphere up to the cosmos beyond, God's glory is revealed... And even in the
strongest and darkest storms, we can have hope, we can learn patience and
endurance, we can gain wisdom and understanding... For we know that whether
those that govern all creation, or those that must be used in the
administration of human relations and the affairs of people, His laws and
ordering are perfect and complete; and His promises of provision, care,
protection and security, are true...
"The Lord is my
rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will
trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call
upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my
enemies."... When God is our defense and shield, our victory, there is
nothing to fear against the enemy...
May we behold God's
countenance in righteousness, unafraid, confident, full of hope and joy, even
if the whole world should turn against us, or turn its back on us... For we
have a God who rejoices in making us the apple of His eye, who delivers and
heals, all those who trust in Him alone...
We can always strive
to be in company with, and be surrounded by the people we love and care about;
but the only affirmation we need is God's, who preserves and restores those who
trust and worship Him alone, and in whose presence, there is fullness of joy...
The person who lives
in integrity and fairness will abide by God's presence, and not be shaken by
the storms of life...
Unlike what
unbelievers and atheists think, God is not just an abstract concept or
convenient cause of those who could not plumb the real essence of life... For
even the full height, extent and depth of human philosophy and understanding
could never fathom His being... He is real, and He rules the affairs of those
who live right by Him: in justice and fairness, in deliverance and restoration,
in grace and power, in mercy and love...
Sometimes, like the
Psalmist, we also think that God is taking too long in answering our prayers...
Yet, like him, we can realize too that God will always do things in His proper
timing... As He had given us so bountifully in the past; so will He not fail to
give us the healing, deliverance, breakthrough, growth and advancement we
deserve, at the right time, and when He believes we are ready for it...
There will soon be a
fitting end to all liars, flatterers, and wicked abusers and oppressors; for
the Lord will rise and defend the poor and needy who humbly appeal to Him for
We are all tried and
tested... And while the Lord hates those who remain prideful and ignorant; He
watches over those who repent, reform, and humbly obey His guidance...
Even wicked and cruel,
rude, oppressive, abusive, and offensive, people have Psalms dedicated for
them... But only to remind us that no matter how much harm they inflict on the
innocent, the poor, the humble, God will hear the cause and cries of the
latter, save and strengthen them, and punish the evildoers... So, however
difficult the situation and unfortunate the circumstance, there is no reason to
give in to our baser nature and lash out at others, verbally or physically,
because God always hears, and dispenses right judgment...
The Lord is a refuge
for the oppressed and the humble... And it is not something to brag about; nor
a license for complacency, abuse, or feel superior of and be entitled to; but
one that we should be deeply and meekly eternally grateful for...
We thank God that for
the glory of His excellent Name, He has given us stewardship of His creation...
May we prove ourselves responsible and worthy...
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