"Tox and
detox seem to be our everyday real matters;
For life is
consistent, exposing us to burdensome people and situations,
While providing
respite with good friends and fun encounters,
To measure our
resolve, our faith and convictions.
In one, we
learn how to help the world heal and be better,
In the other,
we learn that we are loved and appreciated.
And so we gain
strength, to grow, to enlighten another,
While we gain
confidence and contentment, that we are always amply provided.
May we learn
wisdom, to care and help, but not burn out,
Because we need
all the strength and life we can for the journey.
And so, we must
always move forward with purpose, not running back or roundabout,
For our
ultimate rewards await, ready to be enjoyed for eternity."
"We do
what we can with what we have,
And it may not
be much, but always sufficient enough.
What beautiful
words to hear for those who need grace from above,
being buffeted by life, regularly having it tough.
Because yes,
sometimes we fail to see what we're given,
When we look
and compare ourselves with others,
But may we
remember each of us is unique, with gifts freely given,
And what's
important is not how much a person has accumulated, but that he gathers.
May we always
be working toward promoting truth, justice, what's good and right,
How we can make
lives better for others too.
stewardship is our ultimate purpose, not fame, earthly recognition and might,
But an eternal
system of reward and reckoning awaits for me and you."
marks the person who truly believe
In what's good,
true, just, honorable and right,
Better than any
professions of faith, or certificates that give
recognition, accolade, tokens of outstanding performance and might.
For out of the
heart the mouth speaks,
Out of the
mind, the hands do the deed,
Even coated
with sweet words, selfishness and greed come out in leaks,
And evil
motivations, if unchecked, will strive to take the lead.
May we be
people one with our words and actions, reflecting our Father's love,
Living examples
of how to live as His kingdom's citizens,
Confident of
His mercy and grace, bottomless peace from above,
Salt and light,
to this world's confused denizens."
can't wait, but that's stressful,
While slowpokes
may seem un-driven, but actually content.
And we see this
most in waiting, a task un-beautiful,
But for many,
great rewards await, with honest intent.
Yes, it doesn't
pay to always be on call, on-the-go,
That's just
pretending to be busy, without real, lasting results,
While a life
waited on God's timing is better for me and you,
Where there is
eternal, deep peace, despite derision and insults.
May we learn to
knock off from the world beyond our paid, clocked hours,
Be content,
wait on His proper and good timing.
That there may
be hope for this life and soul of ours,
A reward for
good, honest, efficient, diligent servants a-coming."
unfortunate that many of us are so gullible,
As to be
fiercely loyal to wolves in sheep's clothing,
So passionate
in defending old biases and prejudices, unable
To accept those
who critique or question our unenlightened thinking.
But the Word
says we have been prayed for,
Loved much,
cared, preserved and provided for life,
We mustn't let
ourselves be swayed therefore,
By those who
are only after our purse, free labor, peaceful life.
May we open our
eyes to wisdom and light,
Allowing the
presence of our Heavenly Father to fill us in heart and mind,
Not let the
evil one trample on what's just, good and right,
But to leave
the clutches of our base and selfish nature behind."
this kid in the neighborhood who seems to never half enough
loudly syllabizing, screaming, even simple conversations until late evening.
yes, especially on days that are tough,
But sobering
too, a reflection of where the world is heading.
If we can
deaden our kids to respecting community and boundaries,
How can we
teach them respect for self and proper esteem?
Our Word says
we each are given chances, to improve our life's stories,
But to do so at
peace with all around, journeying through life like a team.
May we raise
children with much love, attention and support,
That they feel
confident and at peace with our presence,
For then, our
every struggle won't be wasted effort,
When they pay
forward, live lives accountably, responsibly hence."
"A student
essentially wondered allowed why,
If some of our
ideal business practices have been there a while,
Yet actually
still not observed and followed by
industries, leading to the same problems, old leadership style.
It makes us
think that indeed, it's normal human behavior,
To espouse and
preach what's good and better,
But fail to
follow through, losing the fervour,
Failing to see
that incremental changes need to be a consistent matter.
May we ponder
and heed on today's Word and our current predicament,
As we go
through life's journey, alone and in community.
Whereever we
go, in each precious irreplaceable moment,
How our actions
and words affect others and determine our destiny."
"In class
we talked about the nepo babies,
Abounding in
service, in commerce, and everywhere.
It's nice to
have the career path paved well for little lords and ladies,
counter-culture to diversity, talent, merit, skills that matter.
But in our
life's journey, we too can have the privilege
Of having our
concerns sorted out, as we strive
To do our best,
understand, seek wisdom and godly knowledge,
Believing our
God whom, with His sure promises, also can keep our hopes alive.
May we always
find strength, wisdom, hope, joy and love,
Always ready to
uphold what's true, just and fair,
Becoming good
stewards of life and creation, as mandated from above,
Knowing our
Heavenly Father knows, listens, and is always there."
amazing how a martyr's death forty-three years ago,
Could still
hold power over the fight for freedom and democracy today,
That it was
moved from its actual anniversary, probably to
Diminish the
potency of its symbol in some way.
Indeed, like
the Word and story for the day,
A life lived
for others can bring an eternal legacy,
Of love and
light, desire for peace and justice to stay,
And sacrifice
if need be, to stop oppression, tyranny and unlawful supremacy.
May we learn
from the life of our modern hero and remember
To stop living
only for ourselves, our recognition and affirmation.
But at each
moment, our Saviour's Words we always remember,
To show our
love for Him by giving ourselves, promoting truth, justice and right in any
"The words
of a late teacher are timeless,
That literacy
is not knowing all the answers,
But knowing
where to look, how to address
Issues and
concerns; this knowledge one generously shares and transfers.
In the same
manner maturity and wisdom are manifested in humility,
Knowing we
don't have monopoly of talent, skill and effort,
everything is always the result of an act of community,
And each one a
significant contributor, with appropriate support.
May we respect
each other's convictions, freedoms and individuality,
As we live the
heavenly love and light we have been given.
That our lives
bear fruit, deeper than attention-grabbing superficiality,
substantial, slices of the Bread of Life without leaven."
"The tale
of King Saul's relentless pursuit of David's life
Is immortalized
in the Word, in history and literature, read far and wide.
It speaks of
the darkness of one's soul being the source of strife,
Of evil
influences and imaginings giving life to the demons of envy and pride.
But it also
shows that light wins at the end and saves the day,
Where someone
with the light of God's love is preserved,
Living to rule
and reign victorious on the proper day,
recognition and a good legacy, that's well-deserved.
May we strive
to fight the darkness that daily threatens our peace,
And find hope
and strength in our Father's love.
Believing and
trusting His promise to restore what's broken into one whole piece,
And living each
day with mercy and grace from above."
sobering meme that's meant to be funny goes around,
That the right
way to ask for money is not to beg nor ask,
But to start
your pitch with a Hallelujah to those on the ground,
proselytizing passionately first, until soliciting funds in the name of
offerings become the main task.
Yes, the horse
or cattle that threads the corn must not be muzzled,
For everyone
must strive to live and eat the fruit of their labor.
But fattening
up the line without caring about the donor's welfare always have me puzzled,
Especially when
such giving diminishes the cheerfulness, becoming a burdensome obligation, not
Thankfully we
can look forward to a promised better day,
When those who
worship and lead in humility, truth and faithfulness are rewarded.
May we always
be true, accountable, promote peace and goodness in every way,
responsibilities to our God, His creation, our fellowmen always accounted for
and minded."
"If only
the world has less selfish and greedy people,
Who only look
out for what they can take.
There'd be less
strife, more progress, less trouble,
When each do
their best in whatever their hands can make.
And so we are
reminded by the Word to help and understand,
Work hard and
diligently to earn our keep,
Deal with
others in love and an honest hand,
Celebrate with
those full of joy, mourn with those who weep.
May we truly be
people worthy of our stewardship
Of life and
creation, of our relations and abilities.
That we might
persevere and grow stronger amidst all kinds of hardship,
While keeping
our faith strong, sane and healthy in all our faculties."
classmate once recited during Family Living class,
That there's no
privacy inside the family.
Sad but true,
for sharing space may give us a good pass,
While sometimes
leading to lack of boundaries and toxicity.
unfortunately this is magnified these days in social media,
Where some
people try to put down other's achievements and good deed,
As nothing more
than bragging, clout-chasing idea,
Even if these
were posted for memories, yet trolls and haters abound indeed.
May we learn
from our Saviour's experience,
Never to stop
preaching truth and doing our best, upholding what's true and good.
For that is our
key to a better future, giving wisdom and good sense,
appreciated inside or outside our community and neighborhood."
always pays, that's what we learn,
Being honest,
faithful, transparent, its own reward.
For there is
peace in honest labor, a good turn
Comes to those
who are genuine, sans recognition nor award.
And the Word
says because there's reconciliation with our Father,
When from our
mistakes and shortcomings
We are humble,
we acknowledge when we falter,
And correct or
give retribution, without much ulterior imaginings.
May we always
be authentic, honest, transparent and true,
Our deeds
consistent with our words, our motives pure,
That there may
be peace and love, each receiving what's due,
And even
through life's uncertainties, our eternal future made sure."
"We know
it's wrong to wish ill of callous people,
But we can't
help but feel offended when short-changed.
though, life actually chastises the uncaring, no matter how subtle,
And at some
point we realize, something in them unravels, goes unhinged.
And so, much as
the world demands forgiveness, no matter how undeserved,
And some of
those who've been offended, truly hesitant in giving,
We realize that
passing up on resentment when offended,
Shows the
better person, leads to more joyful living.
May we then
strive to live each moment in justice and right,
Knowing we've
done our best, given our all, no task uncompleted,
With clear
conscience, sleeping peacefully at night,
Having offended
nor deprived no one, our responsibilities all accounted."
life gets sticky, this world gets slippery,
So that we
realize old habits and thoughts become useless.
Thankfully, we
have a Heavenly Father who's there, ready
To provide and
guide, and give us chances.
We may be
racked by doubt and fear,
Anxiety may
hound our deepest needs and grandest plans,
But we learned
and experienced about a love so near,
In spite of
uncertainties, giving us courage to advance.
May we always
hold on to this hope in faith,
forgetting that He who designed, also sustained and gave wisdom.
That all our
days be filled with joy, encouragement, patience as we wait,
Full of mercy
and good fruit, until we reach our heavenly welcome."
there's one thing to learn as we grow old,
It's that we
should have matured more towards an open mind;
To face life
with faith and courage, be bold
To be the
change, to be respectful and kind.
It is a
testament too, to the life changing power of our Father's love,
If we can seek
to understand more, rather than judge;
If we can open
our hearts to the fact that each of us is uniquely gifted from above,
And that from
our biases and prejudices we must definitely budge.
Then, we would
have fulfilled our being salt and light,
For we can make
life better for others, be that spark
That leads the
way in being fair, honest, doing good and right,
Bringing others
to wisdom and reason, from a life that's dreary and dark."
"There are
many ways of looking at things,
Just as there
are many ways of interpreting the Word.
But we can't
put our biases and imaginings
Ahead of what
it says, for it cuts like a sword.
And a sword it
is; but like what an anime says,
A sword is
either meant to kill, or to protect.
Therefore, the
Word to darkness and ignorance, it slays,
But to humility
and wisdom, only life and grace we can expect.
May we give
time to read and listen to the Word regularly,
That it may
give us discernment, understanding, knowledge.
But not forget
to study it against background sources, with history and living daily,
That we might
feel its power; and for the journey--gain hope and courage."
are those who consider themselves fulfilled and strong,
As they may not
need much help from outside,
But more
blessed are those who reach out as they go along
Life's journey,
for they may not lack for those who stand beside.
And it's not
always a significant other, but maybe physically unrelated,
Whom God will
send to help, encourage and strengthen.
For with
prayers and faith, we find our supplications granted,
Our needs met,
doubts eased, questions answered, burdens lighten.
May we never
fail to pray and seek for our Father's mercy everyday,
For His promise
to sustain and never abandon is true.
As we
acknowledge His goodness and grace every step of the way,
He will always
be there for me and you."
"In a
status-obsessed world, it's sad to know,
That many
people always act with ulterior motive--
Impure, serving
only their interests, vanity, ego,
Dishing out
flattery, compliments, without love to give.
But such should
not be for the believer,
Who is fully
aware of the daily grace given.
For our words
and actions should be honest, wherever,
mindful, ever aware we are accountable to heaven.
May we speak no
careless word, do no thoughtless act,
May our motives
be only for peace and good.
May we uphold
truth, promote justice, decide and choose on fact,
Grateful to be
blessed, every blessing counted and understood."
"At the
end of the day, people just want peace.
To know that
the day has been worth it;
Confident that
they've done their best, survived in one piece;
Believing that
everything will work out well, to the last bit.
And for this
end, nothing beats honesty;
Being fair and
just, leaving no regrets behind.
For we know
we've done our best, fulfilled our duty
To God, people,
country and life, with all our heart and mind.
May we
therefore spend our days mindful and circumspect
Of our
responsibilities; handle everything with wisdom and maturity.
For only then
can we reach the end we expect,
Leaving this
life with a good legacy, with love and integrity."
voices are better silenced, they speak nonsense,
But then, they
invoke the freedom to express;
While some need
to be heard, their convictions intense,
But because of
ignorance, we disregard them nevertheless.
Because wisdom
shouts clearly in the soul's quiet,
Imploring all
to slow down, stop and hear.
It needs good
and clean motives as diet;
A pure heart,
no malice, greed nor fear.
May we truly be
people of wisdom;
Showing true
progress and maturity as a people.
Heed the call
of reason that bids all to come.
For from its
Source, our Heavenly Father, its supply is abundant and ample."
"We have
been indoctrinated on the self-made man,
And true, if we
strive, we eventually prosper,
But life is so
much more than doing what we can,
Because some
things are beyond our control, even the ever-after.
On such times,
we look up to Someone infinitely higher,
Who knows the
past and the future, while holding the present,
Who exists from
of old, in whose hands is forever,
Who knows our
coming and going, ascent and descent.
Like Job, may
we have both the faith and integrity,
To believe and
worship the One who wills us to be,
Knowing our
purpose is to proclaim His kingdom, live lives of substance and quality,
Making peace,
doing good, leaving a good legacy."
doesn't stop at the reprimand, but beyond
That are
stronger and clearer reminders to live
The faith we
profess, through peace, an honest hand,
In humility,
not self-righteousness, but love to give.
condemnation' is two-pronged, not just for the believer,
But FROM the
believer, in seeing and treating others.
For now we know
our God can save whomever,
The last can be
first, the first to be circumspect in all matters.
May we live in
peace, bring hope and light,
Not sow
misunderstanding, fear, threats, hatred,
Not insist that
we know better, are always right,
But to be
mindful, awake, fruitful by more than a hundred."
"Some bit
of sadness is suddenly known,
About a beloved
champion estranged from family,
Because of the
latter's money mismanagement issues, shades thrown,
When all should
have joined and celebrated in unity.
Reminds us that
in this life and the next,
We are all just
stewards, not material profiteers,
But to always
be honest, faithful in context,
accountable, to what's true and just always steers.
May we prove to
be faithful in the little and the lot,
May we be kind,
respectful, understanding, discerning, giving,
Honest and
true, promoting what's good, ourselves not,
That there'll
always be a chance to be forgiven and forgiving."
current Olympics had a unique way of passing the torch,
Going over
roads, rooftops, rivers, tunnels, bridges, arches,
history and tradition, calling forth unity through sports,
And calling
attention to diversity and solidarity as every athlete marches.
But there will
always be unfairness and unequal play,
As surely as
there be good winners and sore losers.
These are games
after all, but for which the athletes dedicate during training, their every
While being a
venue to politicize, with real issues and imposters.
But in the real
and eternal arena of life we learn,
That torches,
tasks, responsibilities, issues are no laughing matter.
We need to be
serious, responsible, take them with much care and concern,
For they will
all determine our destiny in the ever after."
timeless and never fails to show,
How we raise
and make our children grow.
Those treated
with love and respect,
Grow up kind
and good, as what we expect.
Those raised
under the impression of wealth and privilege,
Often can't do
away with entitlement, even with little knowledge.
Those trained
and disciplined in a craft or sport,
Often become
more skilled, achieving greatness with proper support.
May we as a
community, raise kids in goodness and godliness,
That they
become people full of generosity and kindness.
May we teach
them to be broad-, open-minded, and understanding,
That wherever
they go, wisdom, love and peace they bring."
"We get
them every election time, that indelible ink,
But thankfully,
it lasts only a few days.
What doesn't
get erased was the votes we hope and think
Would have made
our country better in many ways.
Similarly, the
choices we make as we go along
Life's journey
leaves a mark of who we are
And whom we
serve, the God whom we praise and belong
Who goes with
us no matter how far.
May His
presence in our lives leave a good trace,
Showing we have
done His will, spreading His gospel,
That people be
blessed, not harmed nor hurt, given space
To grow and
learn, embrace and enjoy the light and life He brings so well."
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