Our own persons... In this passage, the wise teacher is telling us that just as physical desire for intimacy is what leads people to become independent from their parents (v. 1, Genesis 2:24); so too when we get to the age where we are able to support ourselves and establish families of our own, should we be mature and live in wisdom, in goodness and fairness, in generosity and understanding, in love and care of our fellowman... It goes without saying that with the age and desire should come awareness, mental and emotional maturity, intellectual and physical growth; not anymore subject to the influence and opinion of others; because at the time when we accept who God is, and His redemptive sacrifice for us, so should we be able to think for ourselves, decide and actively do and uphold what is right, just and fair... May we learn from this and realize that though we can approach God with our petitions like little children (Matthew 18:1-5), we will never live as His heirs, entrusted with His grace and mercy to be shared with all, unless we are matured, stop being proud or acting spoiled and entitled, and become our own persons (Luke 15:31)...


The soul's forever home... Is where there is quietness and peace, love and joy... If even in the physical, that is what most of us crave for, in spite of difficulties, and even though materially lacking, how much more do our souls need a forever home in the true family of God; where there is wisdom and understanding, repentance and humility, generosity and love, and where inner beauty shines regardless of external physical attributes... For indeed, "a merry heart is good medicine" (v. 22); and just as our physical bodies are sustained by adequate nutrition and good physical activity, instead of unhealthy, unwholesome, unpalatable food borne out of hearts and hands of pride and greed; so also our hearts and souls are filled to health and overflowing with kind and wise words, with genuine acts of grace and kindness, that only come from brethren and community showered with the love of God, and powered by obedience to His will and Word... May we all find our forever homes, for us to dwell in and keep company, through the rest of our days...


Believing what we know... Around the world today, there seems to be a lot of people who believe in something, even from unqualified and questionable sources, and think that they already know everything there is... But how can one believe in something which that person could not be sure of, if it is a lie or truth, if it is fact backed by logic and reasonable real events, or false information made for clickbait and profit?... Even our first parents lost their chance at the first tree of life in the Garden because they believed in a lie which the serpent told them, instead of obeying the real knowledgeable Expert, who is God, their Creator Himself... So, when our Lord says to accept Him as Savior, unless we know that He is truly Who He says He is, it would undoubtedly be difficult for us to believe and obey when He says to love our neighbor (and even our enemies) as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39); instead of the prevailing view among some stubborn parties nowadays, that because they belong to a certain group, they are somehow immune and exempt from doing their part to ensure that humanity survives and is kept safe and in good health; that because they belong to a certain group, no matter if their leaders have financially, emotionally, even physically (and in worse cases, sexually) abused and taken advantage of them; that they are only obligated to save themselves, and condemn the rest of humanity whom they think are bound for hell and damnation anyway, because they believe they are the only ones few and chosen... If they could hold such beliefs that are contrary to our Savior's intent and ultimate sacrifice to save the whole world (John 3:16-17), then, whom are they worshipping and believing in then?... May God give us wisdom to know and wisely and lovingly deconstruct the things we believe in, so that they may not separate us from the hand of our Father and Lord (John 17:1-26)...


Words are life... And the wise teacher reminds us in this passage that what we say determines what will become of us, how our lives, relations, economic situations, and our eternal destiny will turn out... And so we learn that we must carefully choose our words and examine our motivations too... For what we think and feel, no matter how we pretend, will always come out in what we say, and in how we say it... But through the everyday difficulties and challenges of life, may we remain humble, hopeful and full of joy; so that we can continue to enjoy the full essence of life that our gracious God has granted to us... And always, even if the situation is so dire, may we remember to keep our good health (in body, mind and soul), through a positive, godly attitude by managing our hearts well, for: "a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." (v. 13)...



Building our houses with wisdom... Nowhere in the history of humanity when such call is badly needed than now; when, in spite of great advances in science, technology, and factual and logical reasoning, more and more people are still stuck with thinking and beliefs as old as the medieval age... As we seek to build our lives, may we learn from this timeless passage, how to build our lives and houses well: to walk upright in God; to speak and act in humility and respect; to work diligently; to be honest and truthful; to seek right knowledge and understanding; to ponder on and spend time to learn from failures and sorrow without wallowing in regret and bitterness; not to backslide in the faith even though it means we might have to distance and separate or sever our relations with toxic people pretending to be members of God's family, so that we will be among those who truly live their faith and calling; to look well where we are heading and not take things at face value, even with enticements of gainful or profitable promises and things that may appear shiny and new and glitter; to manage and control our temper; to be generous and merciful with our neighbors and the poor; to keep our hearts sound and our priorities right, and not let envy, covetousness and lust control our beings; and to uphold and defend honor, justice and right... May we find it in ourselves to rise and take this call, so that no matter what happens, we can have hope that our God will be with us, and that our Great King will always have mercy and grant us His favor...



We are all works in progress... The theme in this passage seems to be that a person who is following the right way will expect discipline, rebuke, even hardships; yet if we continue to do right, by obeying the Word, and keeping the commandments (v. 13), we will realize that it is all for our good, and just like how a good father shows love by disciplining his children and correcting the errors of their ways, so too our God sometimes allow us to experience difficulties so we may know the right way, that we may learn wisdom and patience, that we may gain understanding and discernment... Our God is truly good; He blesses without burden, He showers us with daily mercies and grace, but does not allow us to become lazy and apathetic, or spoiled rotten and entitled, or proud and assuming... May we take each life experience and lesson to heart, so that at the end of our days, even if we may falter and recover, we may not be ashamed to face Him, our Great Judge and King, and hear Him say, "Well done!..."



The whole is greater than the sum of its parts... There is a great danger in just taking one or two verses in this chapter, without considering the whole theme of it; for at times, it proves contrary to what is happening in real life... Like when the passage is saying that good things come to good people, while evil people will be condemned and thwarted... In real life though, it is the good people who receive so many bad things, while evil and wicked people seem to prosper at every turn... And so we realize that the whole point of what the wise teacher is saying here, is that the good thing--the blessing--comes when, in spite of bad things happening, good people remain steadfast, sane, faithful, generous, patient, wise, enduring and learning; while those who claim to be good, but are actually proud and haughty in their high horses, wicked but flattering to pretend to be nice, will actually be found out in the future--whether in this lifetime, or in the day of judgment--to be hypocritical, fake and pretentious, and will receive their deserved condemnation... Indeed, being good and right before God is not visible to other people, but is manifested in a life contented, ever-learning, yet always abiding by God's truth, and always with more deeper understanding of life, of people, and of our Creator... May we be wise, may we learn our lesson, may we open our eyes, ears and hearts...



More than the right weight... Weight watchers are always vigilant about it; but apparently, the Word is telling us that there is more substantial need for it in our characters, our attitudes, our thoughts and behaviors... For a person may weigh even less than healthy, yet, still be a burden to others, especially if they, "throw their weight around"; while others could tip the scales a lot more than aesthetically desirable for many, yet, be a breeze to work with, easy to get along, and a comfort and refreshment to weary and stressed souls... May we learn that more than physical size and girth, our God is much more concerned with the depth of our humility and patience, the magnanimity of our hearts, the size of our generosity, the broadness of our minds, in essence, the largesse of our being; especially in learning from Him and His creation, in learning more about people and life, and in being willing to change our old beliefs and prejudices, in order to better serve Him and do our part in His Kingdom's work... For, as new as His mercies are every morning, so too, we need to unburden ourselves from cobwebbed attitudes, thoughts and ways of thinking and feeling, and always welcome His mercy and grace with fresh eyes, renewed faith, and ever-dynamic energy and enthusiasm... Stay alive, stay well, weigh right and fair...



In the multitude of words... Well, at least for this chapter, let's have none of that... Good thing though, that these words are clear and understandable, with a good dictionary in hand, that is; and its Truth timeless... And always, may we choose what is good and right, just and fair; so that we do not bring shame to ourselves, our parents and family, our community; and so that we could keep enjoying the full and good life our gracious, loving and zealous God, has given us...


The seven pillars of wisdom... In this passage, wisdom is once again personified as a woman, while the opposite is also symbolized by another woman; both present and offer lifestyles in keeping with their motives... As stated here, the wise teacher says that the foundation of wisdom is a holy fear of God (v. 10), and later, humility (Proverbs 15:23); while one bible commentary expounded that the seven pillars are: 1) counsel, 2) prudence and knowledge, 3) strength and might, 4) understanding, 5) power and authority, 6) riches and 7) honor... And from what we read today, the two women show us what is wisdom or not: wisdom prepares for, leads well, and works hard to provide (v. 2-4), while the opposite is lazy and just sits pretty, but clamorous, a social climber (v. 13-16); wisdom earns her bread and shares it generously and openly (v. 5), while the opposite builds up her provisions by stealing and secrecy (v. 17)... May we all learn our lessons and choose the better way...




We call it emotional intelligence, the Word calls it Wisdom... Compared to mortals like us, Wisdom claims to be eternal; and indeed for the keenly observant, the curious, who are not afraid to know more and correct their old beliefs and perceptions of life, it has always been there, and always present in all of creation--in all its minute parts, physical laws, and unpredictable manifestations... And so it is in the things we believe in; like the apostle Paul said, "... we know in part... But when the perfect comes, that which is in part will be done away" (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)... As we grow more in age, in awareness, in the faith, God's laws and truth never changes; but the way we manifest obedience to the lifestyle He commands should adapt to the situation, to progress, to the civilization where we are sent to witness, to the spiritual needs of the times... Therefore, we listen and heed Wisdom's cry, to develop from being simple-minded and blindly following, to wise and discerning; we move on from being fools, strongly insisting on our old ways of seeing and doing, to ones with understanding hearts, (v. 5) who are able to reform and transform our ways of thinking and behavior... For we are not called so that the world will follow us, serve us, subscribe to our own interpretations, humor our self-imagined theories and sensitivities; but so that we can serve, we can give--be it monetary, time, consideration, respect, talents, service, lawful obedience (to God, elders and authorities), and praise to God (Mark 10:42-45)... May we learn and be ready to obey our Lord and Master, who reminds us that our lives are not ours to keep, to protect at all costs, to preserve, to put on pedestals and be accorded exemption and privilege; because it is His, He has power and authority to use it in communion and unity with His, as ransom and witnesses for many... Because true, substantial, eternal life is when we sacrifice ours for His sake every single day, for His call of repentance and redemption, and to manifest this to the whole world; for then, that would be real and everlasting life preservation, and plain old but ever-dynamic wisdom (Matthew 10:39, 16:25)...



There is no wisdom in unfaithfulness and lack of respect... And this seems to be what the wise teacher is telling us in this chapter; by giving a strong example of equating a lack of wisdom into willingly going after temptations of sexual immorality, thereby disrespecting parents' and elders' instructions and reminders, and ultimately disrespecting God and His Word... The teacher also shows that sin (unfortunately again, represented by the strange married woman who becomes a seductress whenever her husband is not around) does whatever it can, and prepares things beautiful to the senses, in order to entice unwitting but willing participants... Though these have real life occurrences, but one realizes that in many areas of life, the things that weaken us, that destroy our bodies and minds, and that breaks our good relationship with God and others, are also packaged beautifully in the same way... May we all, of whatever gender, get wisdom, learn discernment, and exercise humility, prudence and contentment in all our affairs; so that we may not lose our person, our life, our soul...




Perception and interaction... In this chapter, the wise teacher is telling us again to be careful of the things God hates, which are in fact what most other people dislike too: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, hearts that devise wicked schemes, and feet that are quick to go to and participate in mischief... And all the sufferings that in our proud ignorance we encounter and undergo, actually come from all of these: when we feel so proud of and overestimate ourselves while looking down on others; when we lie or sugarcoat what we believe are bad or undesirable in us, be they situations or characters, in order to feel good and impress other people; when we blame others for our own faults, or slander them so other people will think we know a lot; when our plans and thoughts are all about us, inconsiderate of other people's needs and well-being; and when we condone injustice and unfairness, and even participate, even in a bystander capacity, in oppression and abuse... May we learn that just as our God calls on us to live lives pleasing and clean for Him, we are also called upon to be of wholesome substance, to be a good influence to others, and to uphold what is true, and right and noble... May we have the eyes, the ears, the tongue, the heart, the hands and feet prepared and worthy to answer this call....



Un-objectified... To the more sensitive souls today, this chapter may indeed sound sexist and misogynistic, for ascribing sexual immorality and sin to the person of a "strange" woman... But we must remember that in the culture and time period when this psalm was written, women were repressed, second-class citizens, with no personality, legal and civil rights apart from their fathers, husbands, or eldest sons; and any deviant or divergent attitudes and behaviors are frowned upon, at the least... In our generation today, however, a lot of women have taken great strides, in being recognized as an equal to men; yet such obsolete and outdated, oppressive and abusive views persist in the minds and cultures of many around the world: where women are considered mere property, that some of us have to dress and look a certain way, be a certain size, expose much flesh, to be considered attractive; that instead of just being women, half of us have to act like sluts to arouse the machismo and virility of men, while half have to be docile and prim and proper, to entice them to be protective and be the knights in shining armor they need the world to see them as... For lack of worthier illustrations, we may excuse the Psalmist for using "strange" women as escape goats for sin and depravity, but learning from his words here is genderless... For both men and women can be "strange", stupid, sexually immoral and sinful... And as he instructs his son to maintain integrity and keep his wits about, we, both men and women, or whatever we may consider ourselves to be, should realize that we are all called upon to be wise, discerning, humble and respectful, circumspect and tactful, to control our thoughts, speech and behaviors... For even then and now, and for all time, "the ways of man (and woman) are before the Lord, and He ponders all his (and her) doings." (v. 21)...




From the heart, and the words of the elders... Parents, elders, guardians, teachers, coaches and mentors are blessed; because they have children, wards, students, mentees and disciples to teach and impart wisdom and knowledge to... May all of us not waste those chances, remain humble and teachable, honest and transparent; as we examine our hearts, and as we ponder on the lessons we learn from those who have spiritual and moral ascendancy over us... For indeed, they are life, they are the right way, they are some of the major instruments by which our Great Creator God reveals to us His wisdom, His power, His glory, His mercy and love... May we pray earnestly for and receive discernment in these...



"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones" (v. 5-8)... While it is true that to accomplish our mission in life, and to achieve our full potential, we need to make good use of all our faculties, our skills and talents, and our resources, it is also a fact that we are limited, that no matter how great things we might achieve, these are nothing compared to the greatness of God; no matter how skillful or talented, intelligent or geniuses we may be, these are immaterial compared to the unfathomable and unsearchable wisdom of God... The hardest part is that no matter how hard our efforts, however much wealth we may have gathered, these could not save our souls, and we could not bring them with us beyond the grave... And so, it is but right that in everything we do and think and say, we acknowledge first our King and Maker; that we trust Him with all our heart, and not lean on our own interpretations of what we think He means for us in His Word, or believe hook-line-and-sinker what we hear from other people, about Him and about life... For none of us have plumbed the depths of God's wisdom, none of us have fathomed His mercy, love and grace; but all of us can trust in something and Someone intangible, all of us can believe in something even the brightest scientists cannot perceive... And this is what gives us life and a reason to live on, "the health to our navel" (what powers the core of our being), "the marrow to our bones" (like our blood, which are produced in the marrow of our bones, it brings us life and sustenance)... May we all gain the proper perspective, and never lose sight of it until the end of our days, even in an increasingly darkened world, even though our physical eyesight may fail...




What we keep, is what we reveal... Many of us like to associate with famous and great people, probably thinking that if we follow them around, some of their fame and greatness may rub off on us too... Yet the book of wisdom clearly says that Wisdom will keep us in good company, will enable us to keep our lives and souls well... It brings us close to and in company with good people, who will not deal treacherously with others, who are not corrupt and take bribes, who are decent and speak with tact and sense, who have good manners and are respectful and circumspect, who are truthful and transparent and not hypocritical, and who are not sexually immoral and mentally unstable... It takes wisdom to know them, and wisdom and courage to live in accordance with the same ethical standards... We only need to look at social media feeds of people to know who are their companions, friends and influencers; and we only need to hear and read the words they say, to know the type of people they associate with... May we choose the better way, one that leads us to a peaceful and joyful life, one that is governed by love, faith, thanksgiving and contentment, so that we may be far from envy and strife, and so that we may get to know clearly what great things are in store for us yet, and what greater responsibilities and opportunities our God has in store for us still...



From God, our parents and elders, and all those who have gone before us, wisdom is found... Most of us are visual learners, knowing and learning best from the things we see; and in life, we learn best by the examples of people we look up to, those who have lived longer, and even through the rest of creation where God's design and wisdom are constantly revealed each day... May we live in love and holy fear of God; and may we learn of the triumphs and trials of the people who have experienced more, their successes and failures, their hits and errors and wrong choices; because that is the only way not to commit the same mistakes ourselves, not to repeat bad choices and judgments; and so save ourselves, the people we care about, and those that depend on us or whom we influence, from unnecessary heartache, lost time, wasted opportunities, wealth and resources... May we learn wisdom, so that life would be better; may we heed good instructions, so that no matter how challenging things may be now and even in the future, we can have peace, we can keep our heads, we can stay safe and secure, and we remain joyful, healthy and well...




Oxygenated, aerobic praise... As the Psalmist closes the book, he exhorts all that breathes (in science, all that use oxygen for living and breathing and energy, except for some microbes, parasites, amoeba, yeast and the like, which live on fermentation or through their hosts or other means), to praise the Lord forever... This call encompasses basically all creatures that can be seen by the naked eye; and except in the case of man, we may well believe that they all do so, since the alternative for them would be unthinkable... Unfortunately though, many of us who can think, choose instead to elevate and promote ourselves, instead of our Creator, His power, mercy and love... Maybe this is one reason so many of us are walking dead: physically alive, but souls lost because they are untethered, not anchored to the One who can truly keep us alive, energize us, and keep us sane and well... May we choose the better way; and just as our God enables us to breathe freely His life-giving gas (except when we are severely sick and we need to pay for it already), may we enable ourselves to receive His Spirit in our lives; so that the love of the Father, the grace of His Son, and the fellowship and peace of the Holy Spirit, may be with us all, through the end of days...




Praise, and a two-edged sword... Is what God's people are called to live for... In our time today, we believe that both are our purposes in life: to serve God in praise and worship, to bring glory and honor to His Name through the lives we live; and to uphold and live His Word (the one referred to as sharper than the two-edged sword--Revelation 1:16, Hebrews 4:12), and to be guided by it as we bring peace and joy, justice and fairness, mercy and grace to the rest of humanity (Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8)... This is unlike what Crusaders did in the olden times, with the "bible and the sword"--violence, murder and genocide--justified through a religious cause; but this is what our loving and generous God actually required of all--a life of praise, in thoughts and actions, in words spoken, and as manifested in a life lived in a godly and right manner, and not hypocritical living... May we find ourselves convicted and converted, called into action, and to respond accordingly...




Even dragons are called to give praise (v. 7)... In the West, dragons are maligned; but in the East, they are revered... The Word treats dragons (in some cases, named leviathan) with both scorn and respect, even calling the antichrist as the great red dragon (Revelation 12), yet in this chapter, commanding it to praise God, together with the deep, or all creatures that dwell with it in the deepest parts of the earth or oceans... The dragon indeed, is mythical, taken as symbol for wealth and prosperity (as guardians of the earth's precious stones and metals), and a symbol of power and pride... And so, we come to understand that as with the first human, we too are all birthed out from the deepest parts of the earth, we are all guardians and stewards like the dragon, of all of God's most precious creations; yet, because we are capable of much power and pride, we have to let ourselves be tamed and trained by our One Lord and Master; to give praise and worship, to be humble, generous, selfless, and to serve and give what we can, without burden and compulsion, with wisdom, and with no reservation... May we let our inner dragons awake and arise to serve our King and uphold His cause, until He returns physically and we see Him face to face...




Praising God is comely... Especially when we realize how good and great He is, and how much He cares for and provides for all creation... In a world that has largely forgotten about Him, even some so-called Christians only out to give a good impression of themselves to others, yet are still ignorant, lazy to know more deeply about Him and His Word and judgments, full of envy, vanity and pride; may we learn to humble ourselves before Him, and allow Him to lead us to a life of praise and thanksgiving, to a life of true and lasting beauty and comeliness...



There is no exclusivity in God's family... Because as the Psalmist declares, He takes special care of even society's "others"--the stranger, the (orphan or) fatherless, and the widow (or unmarried)--all those who have no one to depend on but God and themselves... While in church services, and in order to grow more in knowledge of the Word, we may have our own study groups; but being in cliques, in clubs and circles belonging to any specific social status, and feeling superior and acting entitled because of it, is actually sacrilege, and an insult to our King and Creator who doesn't discriminate (Deuteronomy 10:17)... How much more in daily life, where we are told to be kind to strangers, the (orphans and) fatherless, the poor, and the widow (Zechariah 7:9-10)... For if we include others in our sphere, more than our nuclear family and close friends--in prayer, in sharing our blessing, in influence, in sharing and teaching the Word, and sharing knowledge of our God's infinite work and wisdom in all creation--we would have truly fulfilled our great commission (Matthew 19-20)...



The compassionate and gracious God... No matter how He is being peddled by modern-day doom prophets, in this psalm of praise by King David, we are again reminded of whom we worship: a God compassionate and gracious, ever merciful and kind, just and wise, hears those who reverently and in holy fear and love call on His Name, while letting the natural consequences of a prideful and sinful life take its toll and bear undesirable fruit in the lives of those who reject Him... It doesn't mean He is being autocratic though, for as dichotomous as it may seem, His mercy is everlasting, but only when people acknowledge His power and authority, and of how we are all accountable to Him as Creator, Savior and true King and Lord... May we learn that we have no right to brag about who we are, except have the firm confidence in Him; that we are not qualified to do anything, even with tons of degrees and achievements, except He enables us with His joy and strength, as He wakes us up each day, upholds us throughout, and grants us grace to rest; and that we can never be so rich and wealthy to buy out death and a legacy, because we can bring nothing with us when we pass this life, except a real connection with Him, no matter how physically intangible, but whose power and reality manifests itself in a life well lived, in faith, in kindness, in generosity, in wisdom and understanding and love...




Happy are the people... TED Ed presented a talk last year on a 75-year study of happiness, and concluded that people who are more socially connected--to family, friends, the community (physically, and a bit, even virtually)--live longer, healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives... This seems to validate what the Psalmist is saying in this chapter; that though his hands are trained for war, yet his whole being is attuned to God, His Maker... Nowhere is the promise to happiness, more emphasized than during election campaign season of politicians, and it is often tied to economic prosperity and well-being... But sadly, such promises are empty, for they miss the mark; as our Savior has said, "love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and strength; and to love other people (no matter their persuasions, race, color, beliefs, principles, intellectual pursuits, political and religious affiliations) as we love ourselves" (Matthew 22:37-40); so that we begin to see that true and lasting happiness lies in our connection with our Creator, and with other people... We also appreciate especially the Ten Commandments more, for indeed, if these two levels of relationships are where all the commandments hang, nobody can argue that diligently following how they are manifested in and powered by the love that fuels the ten, would only result in true happiness and peace... May we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the hearts to be convicted and to humbly obey...



In loving kindness we live, we are lifted up and led... There is probably no sadder soul than the person who wakes up each day not acknowledging what a great blessing that is, and going through the rest of the day in monotonous tasks and boring activities, not knowing their ultimate purpose and meaning... And many around the world, and in the workplace today are like that, and it is often manifested as burnout... When we realize that all our expectations and goals in life, that we have formulated based on our own criteria, and based on what we see are done by other people, indeed, especially if we give too much effort but receive less than what we hope for; we come to a point where we question like the Teacher in Ecclesiastes, what is the use, when we all die, and we leave everything behind ... Yet when we learn that in the morning, we are woken up not because of our intention, but because of God's great loving kindness, it shifts our perspective greatly... And when we learn that all we do each day, no matter how simple, how boring, how repetitive day in and out, are all ways for Him to show us His mercy and grace, His wisdom and love, our focus is shifted from the aimlessness of human existence, to the greater purpose by which we are called--that we were born to participate in the great creative and redemptive work of our Creator, Savior and God, on earth, which we probably most commonly know as the system and lifestyle that is called, 'God's Kingdom'; then our focus shifts from the drudgery and uncertainty of daily living, to the humble and faithful accountability and certainty that each little effort in life matters eternally... May we have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to humbly obey...




Hemmed in, but unbroken... In this Maschil of at-that-time-already-anointed King David, we are reminded of the situation where he hid in the cave as he was pursued by then-reigning King Saul; and of how at the moment he feels trapped with nowhere to turn to, he turned to God in prayer, was saved, and was even able to exercise mercy... We realize that as a Maschil, such occurrences continue to be experienced by God's people through the ages; whether from problems or troubles, from oppression and persecution, from betrayal or abandonment... There are indeed times when we feel there is no way out, and hope is bleak or even fuzzy... But may we learn like King David, that if we humble ourselves before God, He will come to our aid, give us courage and strength, make us discern the truth and what is good and right, and give us the heart to obey Him and remain faithful... May we find hope and inspiration in this...



Because the kisses of the enemy are deadlier than the wounds from a friend... The Psalmist penned again what were timeless reminders: that it is better to hear harsh truth from people whom we might not be that close to, but who are actually only looking out for our good; than to be flattered by people we believe are our friends, but are only using us for their own selfish ends, and at a heartbeat, abandon us when things may not work for their benefit anymore... May we have the wisdom and discernment to know people, so that God will keep us from those who might abuse and destroy us; and may He give us mercy and grace, and send people our way, who likewise fear and love Him, and who are genuinely concerned with the welfare of others too...




If only deliverance comes when we passively wait for it... But as we can more deeply understand from the Psalmist's words in this passage, it doesn't; for it seems to come only to those who have remained faithful and lived their lives properly... Unlike the wicked person, who only thinks of mischief, who destroys and manipulates with words, who entraps the innocent and gullible, who employ people and devices to further their evil ends, who only seek to afflict others, and to enrich themselves even at the expense of other people's honest and diligent labor; the Psalmist is telling us through his prayer, that only those who remained faithful and true, who uphold right and justice, who speak well and truthfully, who treats and sees others without malice and ill intent, have the right to call on God for salvation and deliverance... This does not however, mean perfection, for all people have less than perfect character; but it refers to those who mean well, and ensure that the people around them are treated right, with respect, and love... May we examine our hearts every time, for our motivations; so that when we approach God's presence in worship and prayer, we may come boldly, unashamed to call on our Father who always listens and cares...



To the God of our anatomy and physiology... In timeless words, the Psalmist reminds us that God designed every little part of our bodies; and as then with limited knowledge and even with advance knowledge now, scientists may know the what and how of each of its members, but the ultimate cause belongs to the Great Designer, who made them with great, unsearchable understanding and wisdom... And so, even as we are awash with knowledge on how to maintain our physical faculties well, may we, more than anything, give praise and honor to the God who designed, created and directed their workings for us... Some of us may not be complete, some may be ailing and in pain, yet for all time, we believe and are eternally thankful that we are known, all our members or individual body parts are written in the Great Designer's book; and even as He can search our hearts and thoughts, so that we are enabled to be corrected and cleansed physically and spiritually, that we are from conception to the grave, "fearfully and wonderfully made"...




From a distance... So begins what was once a popular song, that said God is watching over earth and humanity from up and somewhere out there... To a certain extent, the Psalmist agrees, as he declared that God knows the proud from afar, meaning probably that God is keeping a safe distance from the pomp and swagger of people who are puffed up with and full of themselves... But the Psalmist also declared that God hears those who have a humble heart... It would be terrible to realize that no matter our posturing, repetitive prayers and self-righteousness, God keeps away from us; in essence, not listening to our words and petitions because He cannot accept our proud and vain impressions of ourselves... May we learn to always be humble before Him who created us, and the only One who could save us every time with His mighty right hand...


By the rivers of Babylon... The Bible is indeed a book of life, at times giving us hope and terror, joy and pain, but always giving us wisdom and understanding... This chapter may be one of the most traumatic chapters in the Word, some lines of which were included in a pop song decades ago; one of great sadness and pain, when all joy were taken out of Israel during their captivity and exile, that even as they were bullied by their captors, we feel their great pain... And we realize why, because the last verse had them wishing on their enemies what happened to their very own beloved children--massacred, by having their young bodies dashed and smashed against stones... Any parent would live with the horror throughout life, giving justification to survivor's guilt, when such innocent lives could be brutally murdered... And so, we realize that the rivers of Babylon stood for the height of all bad things and injustices any people can ever receive at the hands of another, yet still experiencing double the trauma to realize that there may virtually be no deliverance, and hope rests in the memory of the past, and in a faraway land they may never again see in their lifetimes... Our world today is actually on the brink of such, and worse still to come as new sets of leaders even in our own land can be perceived as early as now to be more corrupt and evil than the ones before; yet, as long as we are still alive, we can still think and breathe, and even through pain and tears we can still sing; as we remember God's goodness, and our hope that someday when it is our time, He will give us due reward...


Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever... In this litany and responsorial song, we are reminded along with the ancient Israelites, of how God alone deserves our ultimate thanks and worship, for all that He has done, and all that He has provided, not only to them, but to all flesh, and for all time... And indeed, God deserves our daily praise and thanks, unlike some people who can only give thanks and be in that spirit once a year, yet do not acknowledge God's creative work in their lives, and in all they see and experience around them... But may we, who claim to belong to the faith named after our Savior, live the rest of our days in a lifestyle of thanksgiving; for truly, better than a wedding vow or an unbreakable bond, God's mercy and love endure forever...


Beyond human understanding... It almost escapes reason why and how our Christian God could be so powerful and mighty, so generous and merciful to those who are called His people, yet seemingly so brutal and murderous in His punishment to hard-hearted Egypt and the ancient peoples who disregarded Him... Yet, one realizes that especially with science and technology and more knowledge today, tragedies are more a result of the forces of nature and people's harmful practices and lifestyles, and misguided priorities, rather than the ire of a wrathful, invisible God... For how can the same God who created all things good, destroy them at will? Like a potter however, He does have the option (Isaiah 45:9) to break pots into potsherd, but He chooses to restore (Isaiah 1:18, Ezekiel 37)... And so we learn that when God disciplines, it is because of His love (Proverbs 3:12); when God disrupts our ways and beliefs, our principles and ways of thinking, it is because He wants us to be more humane, more discerning, wiser and are more able to reflect His glory and mercy to all (Ezekiel 36:22-38)... And so we realize that we praise our God not because He punishes our enemies, but that His ways, that are higher than ours, and beyond our understanding and limited, time-bound perception, are always meant for the salvation and deliverance of all (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9), and in humility and wisdom, especially after we have endured tribulation and suffering, and remained steadfast and faithful and true, bow before Him in worship (Revelation 7:9-17) and everlasting praise...


Non-saccharine... We are in the world, but not of it (John 17:9-11)... And when the rest of the world is sleepless in anxiety, awash in uncertainty, and buried in ignorance and lies, there is no time to sugarcoat the most important message of life: to proclaim God's kingdom and salvation through repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:47), not condescending people and insulting their intelligence and judgment... For really, who are we fooling? Most people know the truth, but lacking the credibility and consistency of those who espouse them (Matthew 23:9-35), are not convinced they should follow suit, in their convictions and beliefs, much more heed the "altar call"... We who proclaim God's Word to all, have we lived it? We who say we are in positions of leadership, and demand loyalty and obedience, are we humble and obedient and honestly accountable to our True Lord and Master?... The words in this another very short chapter were also popularized as a church praise song decades ago, and it tells us God's servants stand by night in His house, in His sanctuary--the place of worship, mercy and refuge... God's people therefore--His true servants--are not entitled, prideful, ignorant and apathetic... We may have been told to "cast our bread upon the waters" (Ecclesiastes 11:1a), but by standing nightly in His sanctuary, we are commanded to stay vigilant, proactive, wise and discerning, unceasingly prayerful, unwaveringly faithful, and consistent with our words and actions, because yes, the "bread" returns after many days (Ecclesiastes 11:1b),.. We are told to love and not hurt (Matthew 22:39, Romans 13:10); we are told not to judge (Matthew 7:1) but to fish for souls (Matthew 4:19-20); we are told not to curse those who do not believe or heed our "networking uploads peppered with epistle verses" (Matthew 5:22, 10:13-14, Luke 6:28, Mark 16:15-16 -- only Jesus can proclaim damnation, because He is God and the Son of God, but not us, especially since we are just His created beings--Isaiah 45:9); but to disciple and baptize nations in the Name of the Father, His Son, and in the power of His Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20)... Do we stand by and hold on strongly to the Creator of Heaven and Earth, proving ourselves faithful stewards, humble and meek doorkeepers of His Truth and grace, sturdy conduits of His mercy and love to a darkened world?... May we live His message and word of truth in our lives daily, so that we can perceive how He blesses us out of Zion (v. 3), and how He will be with us until the end of age...


In peace, there is a commanded blessing... In once again a short psalm, which was made into a popular church praise song decades ago, we are reminded that when people dwell in peace and unity with one another, no matter their avowed religion, spiritual affiliation or congregation, language or dialect, gender, political affiliation or interests, God Himself commands a blessing, even of abundant life and life forevermore... May we ponder on this and take it into our hearts, especially to those of us who still feel privileged, entitled and special, and would not budge an inch from our precious principles and convictions, even when our leaders--corporate, community, government--call on us to sacrifice personal convenience, let go of ignorance and hesitancy, and cooperate to ensure a healthy, safe, clean and prosperous nation... For if we believe in God, then may we also believe that only when we dwell in peace and unity with one another, thinking of other's needs and safety like we do our own, can He be glorified in our lives and personal testimonies...


A call to remembrance... Here the Psalmist sounds like modern day Zionists, in asking God to remember His promises to King David, and of how He established Zion as His physical manifestation of power and greatness.. Yet we too, who are likened to stones by John the Baptist in Matthew 3:9, the moment we believe in Jesus Christ, are the sons and daughters He referred to in Matthew 8:11-12: bound by the same faith, lifestyle, humility, grace and magnanimity as our spiritual father, Abraham, 'the father of many nations'; and therefore can hope and trust that when we invoke our God in times of our afflictions, He will heal, He will deliver, He will provide, and we shall see His salvation, mercy and grace (Genesis 22:14)...


Like a weaned child... The Psalmist in this (second shortest) very short chapter is teaching us the right attitude of one truly humbled, matured and learned before God, in our prayers and daily living: yes, we may know much, we may have much and we can give much more, but that is never the source of our pride; for we must know our proper place, not to overreach, nor to have it all, or take all glory and opportunity to lead and shine all for ourselves, thereby depriving others of their chances and opportunities to lead and be accountable too... Like a weaned child, a truly mature soul is content and confident, behaves accordingly, and knows what to say, what to do, and what to feel in the right time... Surely our intents and motivations tell on us, and may we align them with the faith and conviction we profess; for if we hope in God, He will never let us down, and will always be ready to provide and care for us, whatever we need and more...




None the wiser... By now all the knowledge in the world that are freely available, and the latest technologies and apps should have made most of us, especially the many who are hyper-connected in social media, to be more learned and aware, more understanding and discerning... Instead, the opposite seems to be happening... Yes, we still talk to one another, but behind our little online screens... Even in the dinner table, no matter the propaganda on family meals, people still cannot keep away from looking and refreshing their phone or computer feeds to know the latest happening, to the extent that many, especially the younger generation, have grown insensitive and clueless about proper manners and right conduct with the people in front of them, and online - - ignorant of facts, of history and geography, of proper spelling and grammar and statement constructions... How much more in terms of faith, when far too many are so adept at sharing bible verses, beautiful quotes, memes and 'hugots', which are opposite of what they actually do in real life... The Psalmist however, says there is still hope amidst our stupidity, our idiocy, our sin against God by our laziness and neglect of creation, of our apathy towards His words, when He told us to love our neighbors (read: be considerate, especially since we do not really know what others are feeling or going through)... Because God forgives those who repent of their sinful, prideful, apathetic, and clueless ways; for such are destined for His kingdom (Matthew 3:2 & 4:17, Mark 1:3-4 & 14-15, Luke 3:3-8)... May we take heed and choose the wiser, the humbler, the more obedient way...



Persisting against all odds... Zionism and anti-semitism are the two greatest realities Israel face since the time it started as a nation thousands of years ago and even until now... While it is also true that they may not have been perfectly just against the Palestinians (or modern-day Philistines) in the land, it is also undeniable that despite all odds, the nation of the Jews have been patiently and firmly holding on to their culture and faith, even if in more recent times they had to endure the Holocaust, which began during Kristallnacht, commemorated two days ago and yesterday... And so, as God intended, the Jews are our examples of how it is to persevere and endure in the faith--that we can still hope and trust in God because He is good; that though people, constructed ideologies and systems, and governments attack us physically, yet they could not hurt our souls, our spirits that endure beyond our own lifetimes; as we hold our candles burning and steady, so that the world may know that the God we worship, and the culture, faith and lifestyle He commanded, is worth holding on to... Although some Jews in the modern day may say they are atheists, but the great majority have preserved their faith, family connections, their culture and identity, that were not constructed by man, but by God; so that this should be reason enough for the rest of the world, who claim to have been named by the Messiah of the same faith, to keep holding on and to make our lights shine bright until the end of age...




Benediction for one and all... Because these series of psalms are songs of degrees, hence, as varied as the ancient Israelites were when these were written, so the blessings suit each and every type even until our time today... There are those with their families, and those living alone; but the ultimate qualification is a holy fear of God, and in treating other people right, not to impress others or that we would be called righteous by other people, but because we acknowledge that other people deserve their due grace from God; and we do not hinder it or take away from them what's rightfully theirs, nor abuse or offend them, or besmirch their good name, and weaken their resolve and good courage... And so, as we learn to respect each other's person, we recognize that each of us are equally accountable to God, in giving Him our absolute worship and praise, and in being good stewards of all He has endowed us with--life, livelihood, relationships, communities... May we never forget to humbly ask and pray that God give us strength to fulfill our duties, the wisdom to discern the right things to do, eyes open to the truth, and hands freely generous and cleanly working and earning for our keep, in diligently doing our part to preserve and cultivate the talents He has given...



The reward of our labors... While in the second half of this passage, the Psalmist mentioned about children being a heritage of and reward from the Lord, it doesn't only mean our physically birthed children, nor the fruit of the womb only those that came out of ours, for even the barren women can be blessed with children and families too (Isaiah 54:1, Psalm 113:9)... The first half of the chapter however shows us the true reward for diligent, honest, godly effort--His will and guidance, His provision and care in our efforts: as we build families and communities for His glory, He gives meaning and purpose to all our struggles... Without appreciating that each day we live, all the work we make is not only for our physical sustenance, or professional and personal development, but more than anything is our direct participation in God's eternal creative work, it would indeed feel like our toil is boring, monotonous, and without purpose... But when we acknowledge that God is our True Master, then, however humble or difficult our careers be, at the end of each day, He rewards us with good sleep, a family that is blessed and is a blessing to others too, whether that family be physical, nuclear, extended, or spiritual...




The last laugh... Despite all spoken good wishes and intentions, there is no doubt that far too many people around the world today are confused, suffering and in pain... Yes, we see beautifully captured selfies and wonderfully filtered sites of people's travels and adventures, but the truth in fact is that many of the smiles we see are fake, and hide deeper sorrows... But these are normal to daily living, for hadn't our Lord and Savior said that "in this world, we will have trouble" (John 16:33)... One good thing however, for those who believe and accept, and do not deny but acknowledge each difficult step in their growth process, is that in the same passage, He promises peace... Likewise, when He calls blessed "those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4), both by faith and hope in Him, and by the people He sends for company (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), it is the same promise the Psalmist proclaims here, that those who "sow in tears (to strive through life in spite of difficulties, sorrows, hardships, setbacks, failures and tragedies), shall reap in joy (will receive a good reward for their honest, faithful, persistent labor, in the form of blessings without burden)" (v. 5)... May we find inspiration and strength in this, as we become a source of hope and inspiration, and blessing to others too, by being transparent and open, and speaking what's relatable and true...



The company we keep... Especially in this hyper-connected world, the people we still meet face to face, but more so, those we connect with online, the sites we visit, the materials we read, influence how we think and see, how we speak, comment and relate to others too... May we heed the example of the Psalmist, to ask God for wisdom and protection, so that we will be kept safe from the lies and machinations of the evil and wicked ones, and always be led in the right path...




Trapped in freedom... A funny story went viral last week, when the Italian Carabinieri received a call from a guy who was on house arrest, for them to take him to jail; because he could not bear one day more of lockdown with his wife... For that person who was virtually free, behind bars is better than with his wife behind closed doors... Hilarious indeed, but sad; for sometimes many of us are like that; too much freedom makes us realize that more responsibility and accountability (and much more patience, psychological and mental exercise are needed in human relations) is at stake too; and so we opt to follow the crowd, be swept by the thinking and emotion of the mob, obey and believe what other people tell us, even if these are lies and deceit; because we feel that thinking for ourselves and doing the dirty work is too much... While it is true that much of the freedom humanity has now--in religion, in civil and political rights--has been brought at the expense of many lives that came before us, and the sacrifices of greater and more talented people than us, yet, upholding them will always be worth sticking out our necks for, however average and common a person we may be... What good is it to live long as cowards who only go with the flow, when in truth, our spirits will die a thousand deaths; than to have good courage even at least once, and yet even with a short life, we strive all we can to protect and preserve justice, fairness and righteousness, as what God commanded us to do?... And above all these should be our lifelong struggle to learn and win over ignorance and prejudice, apathy and blind obedience to man-made systems constructed for the enrichment of the few, instead of building up and improving the lives and livelihood, the knowledge and wisdom, and the awareness and critical thinking of many... May we learn to spend the rest of our days in truth and honesty, in love and care not only for ourselves but others too, in courage and faith; for surely our God who proclaimed that His Word will last forever (Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35), will also definitely not abandon those who trust in Him as their help and deliverer (v. 6-8)... May we find strength, inspiration and hope in these...



This chapter, the three before, and the eleven after which are all titled, 'Song of Degrees', are described by some bible commentaries to be sung by pilgrims as they journey to Jerusalem and to worship in God's Temple... Spiritually, it also describes the believer's life journey too, as we worship and serve the same God as ancient Israel... We meet hardships along the way, interspersed with moments of joy; but we never lose our focus and desire, to meet God at the place He appointed - - whether that be His physical temple, or spiritual dwelling, which is our hearts, our bodies, or as we welcome the physical return and rule of our Lord and Savior - - and be united with Him in love, and to be filled with His presence... And so, even if we experience unease, uncertainties, anxieties and worries, may these not be our prevailing mindsets; may we remain humble, steadfast and generous; for we must remember that we have help and hope in Him, whose hands are powerful and mighty, yet gracious and merciful - - in the past, in the present, and well into the future...


The city of peace... Like what the Psalmist proclaimed, those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem out of love, will prosper; so too in life, a person, a people, a nation who seeks to live in peace out of love for others will prosper... History and current events have indeed proven that, especially when world leaders proclaim any kind of "war" against anything--be they drugs, systems, people--these can only lead to sorrow, death, loss to generations of talents and productivity, and overall general poverty... There might be some who would profit out of such measures and get rich even more, but their wealth will be hollow, and devoid of true peace because these came at the expense of innocent lives and property... In these trying times, especially when old patriarchal machismo posturing of leadership styles and cultures have been proven lacking, may we be circumspect with our motivations... For there can truly be no progress and prosperity, unless there is peace, unless we let the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7) rule in our hearts and in our lives, and we preserve and protect it at all costs; only then can we have the courage to face an uncertain and tumultuous future (John 14:27)...


The invocation and the benediction--let it not become a temptation... While it is true that for the believer, God will always come to our rescue and help us in time of trouble; yet, it shouldn't be our excuse to engage in reckless, stubborn behavior... If we remember, our Lord and Savior was tempted likewise by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11), even instigating Him to risk His physical life to prove Himself, but He did not give in, and won over the temptations by declaring and obeying the Word of God... Unfortunately, far too many today make the mistake of obeying the enemy, thinking that they are obeying God; but what they are actually doing is challenging God by risking their health and safety, and pushing their bodies to the limit (in depriving it of proper nourishment, support, rest and recuperation, in unnecessarily exposing it to dangerous, vulnerable situations) because they believe God will save, heal and preserve anyway... But they forget that God doesn't need to prove anything to us now, in this generation, because He already has, and these are all written in words, in history, in creation, and in the lives of people He touched throughout the ages (Romans 1:19-20)... What they do not realize is that God wants us to do our part--in obedience to His will, in participating and doing our share to preserve life, good physical, mental and spiritual health, and in being good stewards to take care of and restore creation... May this invocation be our source of hope to persevere in doing good, in living justly, fairly and in the proper manner, and not be our temptation to challenge God, so that we do not grow stubborn and belittle Him who has always been so gracious and merciful to us in the past and forever into the future...


Lies and war... Especially in our hyper-connected world, some people who have no better and more productive things to do, are fond of propagating lies and insinuations, which others who are easily agitated, especially those who want the world to think that they know, respond to with anger and hate, trolling and put down... Yet, the Psalmist said these are wicked people--deceitful, false and warmongers, and have no place not only in God's kingdom and family, but even more so in human civilization... May we learn to bridle our tongues, speak or comment with tact and wisdom, so that we can be truly people worthy of being called God's children... Blessed are the tactful, witty, honest, truthful, fair, trustworthy and peacemakers...


The lost sheep... Isaiah (53:6) agrees with the Psalmist, that we are like lost sheep, each turning to our own separate ways, and God has tasked our Lord Jesus Christ to seek and save us, which He indeed proclaimed to all (Luke 19:10); that would be an answer to the Psalmist's prayer for salvation (176)... Many will probably say they are not lost but safe and in the right path, but then like the sheep's journey with the Shepherd, all too often, from time to time, even if we say we have been saved and are believers, also turn astray--when we choose to believe those who claim to have God's Word but are only in it for the money, the fame, the position, like ravenous wolves; when we choose to ignore some of God's Word and truth because we think they are outdated and only applicable to ancient Israel, and not to Greco-Roman culture which the apostle Paul sanitizers for us in the Epistles, believing this to be the one that fits our modern culture, even when it actually endures forever (Isaiah 40:8); when we even ignore our Lord Jesus's Words in His beatitudes and preachings thinking that they are too saccharine, weak and pathetic for telling us to love our neighbors, even our enemies and the outcasts of society, those who believe differently, those who have different skin color and race, thinking that we are somehow entitled and privileged because we "have been born again"... But then we claim to be kingdom people, of whom our Savior said should be like little children (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15), people with no malice or ill intent, who only seek peace, justice, fairness, and blessing for all (Matthew 5:9)... May we continue on the path of the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), not turning aside for our own convenience, and live in humility and a non-judgmental heart (Matthew 7:1-5), so that whatever may come in this life and beyond, our souls may be kept secure in the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6)...


Praising God seven times a day... When I was young, there used to be a church song on praising God seven times a day... Makes one feel guilty, for, if many of us only get the chance to praise and worship God for about fifteen to thirty minutes out of the one to two hours we spend in church every Sunday, seven times in each day, everyday, is such a tall order... But when one thinks about it, our God does not get tired (Isaiah 40:28)... Then again, He is Almighty, while we are weak, and our lives short and full of trouble (Job 14:1, Psalm 144:4)... However, He commands us to love Him above all (Mark 12:30-31); and this love should compel us to think of, thank and praise Him at whatever moment in our lives - - be it silent and in the mind only - - 1) when we are given a chance to wake up, 2) when we eat or before we begin a day of labor, 3) when we find some time to rest or when we have difficulties accomplishing our tasks, 4) at midday that we are still able to stand under the withering heat of the noonday sun, 5) in the afternoon again when we take a break or seriously need to finish our work, 6) when we sit down to dinner or spend some quality time with family and friends, and 7) as we knock off to sleep, for God to preserve our souls until the morning, when we are given again the grace to face a new day... Truly, if our gratitude to God for all that He has given and done be this much, praising and thanking Him for seven times each day will become the habit that anchors our souls, and give us courage and confidence to face the future, despite all of its uncertainties...


Choosing our battles... Any well-meaning person will tell us to choose our battles... Unfortunately however, real life happens, and whether we like to avoid them or not, our battles choose us; and ready or not, we have to face up to and fight them if we want to survive... Feeling overwhelmed with his, the Psalmist takes somewhat of a demanding turn, in asking God a little more forcefully, to quicken and enable him, to rise above his circumstances and difficulties... And why not, for the God we believe in is indeed Almighty, abundant in mercy and grace, tender and loving, just and good... And so we are encouraged, that whatever happens, whatever comes, we trust in faith and pray as the Psalmist did, that our God of truth and justice, will deliver us and help us win our battles...




Long nights... We are in the season of long nights, and friends and family often talk about how the sun comes up late, and sets down so early... Good news for those who want to snatch some more winks though, but a bit bothersome to those who have to wake up early for in-person work... Sadly, far too many today also have deeper and gloomier long nights, when problems, stress, despair and depression overwhelm a person in the evening, and even during the day; so that their view of life itself seems dark and gloomy... But that is human nature, as the Wise teacher said, there is "a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:4)... In all these times, may we always remember that our God is greater than our pain, He is ever faithful, His steadfast love never ceases, and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23)... So the next time we feel overwhelmed, oppressed and downtrodden, let us hold on in faith, to the hope that though "weeping may last through the night, but His joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5)...



The triumph of the underdog... Many of us like a good underdog story, the kind where somebody belittled, mocked, bullied, ridiculed, harassed and abused, turn out the winner and become great at the end... This is also the main motivation of our faith, when even our Lord and Savior promised to come back in the flesh so we can see Him face to face, to bring justice and judgment to fallen humanity, restore creation, and rule over all (Revelation 22:20)... But few know that the triumph of the spiritual underdog has been happening throughout history, when God's people, even through suffering, tribulation, pain and sorrow, can still delight and rejoice in His promises and provisions, and still do their best to be 'people of the Book' - - holding on in trust and faith that always, greater days lie ahead, because God in His Word said so... And so, much as we expectantly hope and wait for the 'return of our King', even in the here and now, we live His triumph in our lives, as we remain steadfast in His love, His mercy and grace...




Most of us were asked at a young age, and made to recite even in school presentations, what we want to be when we grow up... I guess any career choice, however simple and humble, would be good, since most often, it reflects a person's interests... But few realize that for those of us who call our faith by the Name of our Savior, we actually have a higher calling, as written in the Word, and as proclaimed by our Lord Jesus Christ and His cousin and corresponding "Elijah" - - John the Baptist (Matthew 3:2 & 4:17, Mark 1:15) - - to repent of our sinful, prideful, selfish ways, and live His kingdom in this life and beyond (Luke 17:20-21)... And this kingdom is not a physical dominion or territory (John 18:36), but a lifestyle, which begins the day we acknowledge God's will in our lives (Matthew 6:10), to live in trust and obedience to God like little children (Matthew 18:1-5), and to be good stewards of all resources and skills our God has endowed us with (Luke 19:11-27)... May we teach ourselves and our children, that more than careers or fame or wealth, there is a higher and better path for us, that we can only perceive when we let the Word enter our hearts and give it light (v. 130), when we joyfully celebrate and keep God's Word with us every moment of our lives...



God is our surety... Many of us with the extra means to do so, would often invest in insurance plans, to prepare for any eventualities... And that is fine, especially those with families and children to take care of... But with the way life and civilization is going now, many often feel uncertain of the future: whether we would still have regular means of income, whether we still stay safe and healthy and alive, and worse, whether we or our heirs can still claim whatever sureties and premiums we invested when unforeseen events happen... And so like the Psalmist, we pray for and realize that the ultimate insurance, surety and guarantee for our lives is God... We may not have much, but if we are obedient to His will for us, if we trust in and keep alive His Word, we can have peace and confidence; that no matter what happens, we are safe and secure in Him for all our days and beyond... Because He is the God that provides, protects, sustains, saves and delivers...




God is our hiding place... Many people are still in denial and ignorant; and so, for those who are keenly following climate change updates and models, the recent COP26 conference may not produce much positive results in the behavior of humanity, and in the condition of the environment and world economies now... There are worries about when the earth gets 1.5°C warmer, then, the calamities and superstorms, droughts and pandemics, famine and wars, hyperinflation, food shortages, and economic depressions we are experiencing now will surely increase in both frequency and intensity... Maybe this is the reason why the world's richest people are gearing up to go outside the planet should things take a turn for the worse... But then as a believer, it is not denial nor inability to see reality to trust like the Psalmist, that God is our hiding place... If our relationship with Him (which undoubtedly only each of us personally can attest to) is right, we need not fear should all physical life on earth--including us, of course--be destroyed, because of the greed and corruption of the rich and powerful... Through the sufferings we went through we know that faith is real, and deliverance will surely come, just as it does every day even in our most dire circumstances... While we can do our part to be good stewards of God's creation, our conviction should be stronger, that wherever life takes us, here on earth in our physical existence, or the great beyond, as long as we stay close and connected to our Heavenly Father as prayed for by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we will have peace and confidence under the shadow of His wings, inside of His presence, Who is our Hiding Place...



In a world darkened by sin, greed and pride, where people are out only for themselves, their own gratification and interests, even if it means stepping on others or abusing them, we thank God that we have His Word to light our path, and to be a lamp upon our way... For, indeed, human principles and ideologies are often lacking, though seemingly sophisticated, yet at the end many of which are proven false and hypocritical... But God's Word remains true forever, and His truth endures through all generations... May we draw our strength, wisdom and inspiration from it, as we see it come alive in our lives and in all of creation...




Our Lord Jesus Christ has said that a disciple or a student is not above his teacher (Matthew 10:24, Luke 6:40)... And the Psalmist may have had it in mind too even when he claimed to have more understanding than his teachers... Because, yes, we owe a lot of what we know from the people gifted, patient and generous enough to share with us what they have learned in life... But true maturity and understanding come when we do not commit the same mistakes and errors in judgment that they did... May we all become wise and discerning, humble and accountable, so that we could teach our next generation better...




Not just the next best thing... As believers, maybe it's time we teach ourselves and our children to be content in life, to rest in the knowledge that God provides, to feel secured and confident that He gives us strength and peace, and to stop seeking for the next fun and thrilling adventure, the next colorful filterable entry and event to social media statuses (because according to neurologists, such thoughts and intents are the very same ones activated in the brains of drug addicts and dependents, the fix or joint they inhale or drink or inject to keep getting the "high" they crave)... As children of God, we do not worship, serve and love our Father because it gives us a feel good fix, but like the Psalmist said, because we know that He is the True Eternal, that His Word lasts for all time, and that His faithfulness and mercies never end... So, to the truly converted and secured soul, even if we have very little, we know we lack nothing; even if we may not go anywhere new or exciting, we feel joyful that our spirits and hearts are everywhere; for like our Omnipotent Creator, we know we are connected in thought, in love, in prayer, in breath with all His creation, great and small, in every corner of this earth and beyond... And so, we do not vainlessly strive in the rat race for the next amazing event, the next best thing, the next perfect adventure, for with God, we know we already have His perfect love and care, His grace and sustenance everyday...





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