If we have to do good, we must do our best; for our God and Creator is not just second best, His Word not half-truths, His grace and goodness never empty promises...



Life is partnership--between us and our God, and between us and the people He sends our way... May we do our obligations well, and take our responsibilities seriously...



The Word today


The kind of chat message we should believe and spread...


Like in ancient Israel, may we realize that when political, civic and spiritual leaders lead the people in lies and wrongdoing, in injustice and oppression, that peace and prosperity will be elusive, and health and happiness be lacking... May we learn to repent and mend our ways, listen to and be obedient to our God, free ourselves from idolatry of ourselves and base, wicked and deceptive worldly enticements, so that He may turn again and heal our land...



In all of life's challenges, sometimes we are ready, sometimes we are not... May this not discourage us, for there are always two we can depend on: one, there is God, who created us, provides for us, and gives us wisdom, strength and courage... And two, there is the person we have become, the recipient of much of His grace and goodness, and the able survivor of past difficulties and hurdles, who have learned much of the lessons and been built up in character... And these will help us make it through...



The Truth, and God's plan for His people, are often offensive to some... They can be attacked, maligned, beaten up and trodden down; but they will always prevail...



It's the little things that matter... When you recognize and appreciate, and even fairly and justly compensate, however and whatever little good is done to you--by friends or strangers, and, most especially, by service workers --you show manners and good breeding, humanity, true Christianity, love and grace; that's paying it forward, with more blessings coming back to you too...



He roars, I puff and oink...😉❤️

Happy Lunar New Year! 🧧🐯🐷


Diri lang Ta, kay way taas nga linya, dili pareho sa Singapore ug Taiwan... With free radish cake pud...




Just like there is light at the end of a subway (and a beautiful bridge and place too), so too all our troubles will have a beautiful end...




Life is full of trade offs... Whenever we love something or someone, almost always, we have to give up a part of who we are and what we have, in order to hold on to what we love... May we always have wisdom and discernment, so that we do not spend the rest of our days in loneliness and regret...



The mummy returned...


Against heavy odds...




Some silver linings...


Some of us may be like me, with inborn astigmatism... But may we not be myopic, and be more aware about what people in other parts of the world are going through...


Skin care...


As we prepare for old age...


To disinfect well...


May we think clearly, for a long time yet...


What we can learn...


Well, what is it really...



With all due respect...


A new word...


Silver linings...


A lasting pre-colonial character...


Watching, praying for peace...


Big muscles...


And another...


An uncomfortable predicament...


Getting our message across...


Again, creativity rules the day...


EQ at its best...


In the Creator's image...


If managed well, and not let it control us...


One, for mental health at work...


As we see the future unfold before us every day, there is still much to learn and understand...



God is a perfectly healing God... Yet, such favor and deliverance are not unconditional, but dependent on our motivations, our lifestyles, our obedience and responsible stewardship of His Word and creation... May we prove ourselves worthy to claim the abundant life He promised...



An old textbook joke said that boards are bellies with no brain... Sadly, it is indeed true that meetings are sometimes helpful, and sometimes a hindrance... May we learn to value each other's time, so that every second we converse and meet with people be worth it, and will not prevent us from living a more productive and meaningful life...



When I reported to work after the Christmas and typhoon break, and I commuted in a public tricycle, the elder driver said this, "Ma'am, we are really praying that people like you who go to work in MEZ 2 or CLIP report to work, because then, we will have livelihood"... Of course, I'm too proud to get teary-eyed, but I was really touched as I mumbled a thank-you... And all the more resolved that even after 26 years of earning a living, I still will not buy my own car... Call me selfish and greedy, because this is counter-culture, counter-intuitive, and offensive to some; but I would rather have more people, even strangers, pray that I have a job or that I earn an income, so that I will be part of their faithful and honest commuter-passenger; than drive my own car, and have some people curse at me, for driving like a woman...



Let's all keep on being vigilant...🙏


Well, who doesn't?...


BA. BA. Black sheep... 😢


It seems we're getting nearer to the edge on this one...


Whether one chooses kids or pets or none at all, may everything be done in humility and moderation, and wisdom too...


The grandparents also heard some Marisols talking about this too, decades ago...


A few of them may indeed be biased, but most are fearless and straightforward; and, without them, who can set straight the Marites?... So, some analysis and opinions deserve a read...


And a clarification...


A new word...


Zoonosis and vice versa...


To understand further...


May there be more peace and less greed and delusion...


May it not be the trigger...


Then, we look at the bigger picture...


Let's not burn them out...


The leader's focus...


For a better workplace...


Survive and thrive...


To help protect our brain against long covid, let's exercise our neurons and learn some more...


... and pfizer too...


most boosters given these days are Moderna and Pfizer... maybe we should know more on this, rather than believe all those messages in the chatbox

(the reason they are forwarded there anyway are because they are actually phishing schemes, written by ignorant non-experts who often masquerade as religious people or doomsday prophets, that once you click, will cause your account to be hacked, and your friends to receive all those nude photos and videos from your account, that, unfortunately do not look like you, but somebody better-looking)... 🤔



Stay safe... 🙏

"The ZOE Covid study app lists the follow symptoms as the main signs of Omicron infection:

Runny nose



Persistent cough

Sore throat

Other signs can also include night sweats, fatigue, body aches and pains and nausea.

Prof Spector warned that people need to be aware of these emerging Omicron symptoms as most people will not get a fever, or loss of taste or smell as with previous coronavirus strains."


Let us be aware, so we can keep healthy and safe... 🙏


Even the Word says that nature suffers from man's selfishness and greed, which it defines as disobedience of God... May we realize that it is only when we become more humane, responsible and caring stewards, godly and at right standing with our Maker, that we get to truly enjoy what life and creation has to give--a peaceful, blessed and truly satisfying journey...



We look at life through different lenses... Let us make sure we clean and polish them well from time to time...



In the year of the big cats, may we all stay healthy, safe and at peace... 🙏🐅🐈


We cope, we survive...


"We are all in this together. And together, we will make it through."


The sub-variant...


"What we know for now is that (BA.2) more or less corresponds to the characteristics that we know of Omicron" mark one."


What it is...


"As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, endemic “refers to the constant presence and/or usual prevalence of a disease or infectious agent in a population within a geographic area. The endemic level of disease in a given area is basically the baseline of that disease in a particular place. But it’s not necessarily the desired level of disease, the CDC clarifies. A disease could be considered endemic but still be pretty widespread."


Some clarifications...



And some more...



A new word...



And in any home front...


"The fundamental role of a leader is to look for ways to shape the decades ahead, not just react to the present—and to help others accept the discomfort of disruptions to the status quo. "


Out West...



Be honest, sincere and fair...



It's lunchtime, and we learn some more...



"Rapid antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19—proved highly accurate when compared to the established standard virus detection method: the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers find."

For knowledge and awareness... 🧐🙏

"What is causing deaths when it comes to COVID is inflammation. Inflammation in the lungs prevents gas exchange, and you cannot expect the antibody to reverse inflammation. All you can expect is the antibody to neutralize the virus. If you can neutralize the virus, you prevent further inflammation. The earlier you treat, the more likely you are to affect the process."


Because pride, greed, overconfidence, misplaced faith, and self-righteousness leads to a clouded mind, bad judgment, shame and destruction... May we always be humble, patient, obedient and wise...



Life is essentially one great war: against everything that threatens our humanity, our health and existence, our minds and souls... May we always be strong and kind, tough and generous, vigilant and patient, wise and understanding...



In this war, something to keep in mind...


COVID-19 vaccines go through many tests for safety and effectiveness and are then monitored closely.

Source: World Health Organization

Get Vaccine Info






Boosted up... And what a joy to meet up with Doc En too... 😊


Tabok Isla... 🌉




What we think...


And some more...


A new word...


Serve and lead...


Continuing education...


Getting real...


So that Omicron not severely damage our thinking neurons, let us learn some more today...


According to the Hopia tindero, there's 8 more days to go...

May we be richly blessed in this and the coming years ahead...

Shin Nian Kuai Le!🎆🎇🧨🎋🎍

Gong Xi Fa Chai! 🐅

It's Monday once again, and we watched that interview, so here again are our criteria...



The real conspiracy... is our disobedience to the words and covenant of our God, our choosing to do our own way, and the idolatry we have of our own interpretations and perspectives, in rejecting the life, health and abundance He offers... May we open our eyes to the truth, humble ourselves to the discipline, and live the rest of our days with His leading and guidance...



Greed is consuming everything all at once what one could still have enjoyed for many days in the future... It makes for a miserable, unwise and empty existence... May we learn to take each day one at a time, to live each moment in hope and faith; for as our Savior has said, "each day has enough trouble of its own," and its joys too...



The lesson and the Word


Happy Sunday


May we think upon this... The weeping prophet defines backsliding not as one who distanced from or stopped attending a certain church group or congregation; but one who, in spite of God's goodness, continues to live in envy and covetousness, pride and self-righteousness, with feelings of superiority, discrimination, and thinking that only they are right, when in fact they are ignorant... May we all be freed from such curse, for we read here how our God is just and fair, loving and caring, not discriminatory, and desires to have a loving relationship with, and to bless and heal anyone, regardless of race and culture, who will love and listen to Him, be obedient to His leading, and hope only in His abundant, unfailing promises...



A true leader is one who can face anything, with confidence and hope, with courage and faith... And this spirit should be in each one of us too, who are his partners in crafting a better future, with knowledge and wisdom, with love and care, with patience and understanding...



It's early morning, and by this time I should be snoring...

Yet, the future of the country is at stake, and there is still a lot to "unpack" from that interview...

Plus, this is the only time data signal at home is strongest...

And so, I have to say this:

"I respect Jessica Soho a lot as a journalist, and I watched the Interview from beginning to end...

It was marvelously perfect, unbiased, brilliant, extensively researched and truly well-informed journalism...

So... we're down to the top 4?😉"

Dun - dun - dun! 🥁🥁🥁



I just remembered...

For those of us who live from ATM happy hour to another, here is one tip from the BDO guard, in case the machine says the chip is unreadable...

He said it is because of moisture since the card has been kept in deep and cramped storage for 15 or 16 days each time...

Rub your card against your pants or skirt, chip side, and it will be readable...

Indeed, it works everytime... 🏧👌😉



6Floydlizamarie Patual, Enrico Jimenez and 4 others


Almost always, our greed and pride lead to our destruction and fall... May we heed the words of our Maker and Lord, repent and change our ways...



Many times, words can be more hurtful than the sharpest arrows; and sometimes more fatal than poisoned darts... As a radio DJ said, "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything"... But sometimes, what may be good and well-meaning for one, may be painful and demeaning for another.. And so, may we always learn to read between the lines, listen to the mood, and perceive the moment...



A couple of years ago, I dreamt 💭(and I told Mom about it then, and reminded her a short while ago) that the pandemic would last for about 3-1/2 years⏳... Well, if that Whisperer was right, we still have about a year-and-a-half to go📆... Then, let's mask up😷, disinfect like crazy🧴🧼, get vaccinated and boosted💉💉💉, strive to stay robustly healthy💊🥗🍱, and socially distance as much as we can🕴️❤️⛔❤️🕴️, but with much love and patience and understanding... By God's grace, we can do this💪, we will survive🏁, we will rise✈️🚀...



Facing up to society's thoughts...


Something to work harder on, on a macro level...


About that drool...


Our controllers...


The conditioning...


Let's not let our minds go to waste, and learn some more...


and also, something to think about...🤔

Coffee break kulitan :

Last year was the year of the vaccine...💉

Many of those who thronged and stampeded the vaccination sites now said then, that those who will get vaccinated become zombies...😱🧟‍♀️

Indeed, it looks like they are shooting 'Train to Busan' out there...🚝🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️

This year is the Year of Omicron...

And some say that unlike the growing many now, if one doesn't get sick, or even get just a bare sneeze or sniffle, that person is an alien...👽


I pray so hard not to get it, I'm almost OC in the protocols, and mine and my mom's names are now in Mars...

God forbid that until the end of the year, we turn to chubby green women... 🤦‍♀️👽🧝‍♀️



We could care more...


A new word...


From henceforth...


Managing our emotions well...


Let's not be overly anxious...


Hopefully, with wisdom and foresight...


And now, for some science, health and introspection...


For our national and local leadership...


There's a better way to play...


Today's reality...


Beware of this...


It's Friday, and we still will learn some new things...


Only those who have watched the series will know how funny and humiliating, sad and endearing this is... 😂🤣🥰

Sarra ViviJi sung

215poig4l1nas0457h1r8al39  · 

😂😂😂beautiful scene





May we learn that because we did not practice the faith (whatever we claim to have) we profess, that we did not live up to the higher and godly ideals that we were created for and called upon, that all humanity and creation are suffering... And may we repent and transform our ways henceforth...



Because life is not perfect, some of our expectations may fall out short... But thanks be to God, we can still hope and trust, that beyond the here and now, beyond what we can perceive at the moment, something better and greater is coming...



A coffee break topic:

Maybe we need some updates on leave policies and forms...

In a few months or years maybe, standard sick leave entries could be:

"headache due to covid", "stomachache due to covid" , "diarrhea due to covid", "fatigue due to covid", "dysmenorrhoea due to covid", "flu a.k.a. Certified covid"...

Some form revisions may be forthcoming too...🤔🙄😉



Again, to be more aware and vigilant...


May God bless us more, in a year of test and tribulations...


To a more aware and informed future...


To be mindful of our words and affections...


So as not to be unnecessarily paranoid...


Rather than spread nonsense and sow fear, let's be aware...


For evening learn, we continue exploring...


Stay safe...

A lesson on endurance...


Daring women...


Deep sea records...


Under the sea...


Northern mysteries...


One for forensic history...


"Sometimes, such unexpected clues lead us places we never thought we’d go, if only we are willing, patient, and brave enough to follow them. And sometimes they do it wearing sneakers."

Humanity's heritage...


One great woman...


Let's travel virtually, to a new place...


And a few more...


A new word...


Don't be anxious...


Facing the future with confidence and faith...

"There may be something better and more meaningful on the other side."


Rising to the call of the time...


On the economic condition of our time...


Some more on leadership...


for our national leadership...

#leadershipandmanagementlearn01202022part01 https://opinion.inquirer.net/.../spying-on-our-working-poor


How true is the Marites?

If you have cold symptoms now, get swabbed and tested positive, that's Omicron?

But even if you have symptoms, just keep silent or don't talk about it, but instead just slowly and softly clear your throat from time to time, ahem... Ahheermmm!... That's the flu?

Ngeh! So it's all in the telling and naming? 😬😧😷😷😷


Even God, the Great Judge, is not prejudiced and judgmental, and is willing to forgive and give knowledge and wisdom, healing and deliverance, to those who repent and return to following His Way... May we keep that in mind, every time we suffer for our pride and stubbornness, every time we stumble on our wayward and selfish ways...



Life is queer, with its twist and turn... Is one of the lines in a famous Coming-of-Age poem... And yes, it doesn't follow hard and fast rules, nor is etched in black and white, and neither is there uniform timelines and deadlines for each one of us... May we always have discernment and strength; so that whatever happens or comes, we are always ready, and confident to move on--one hand to embrace and tackle the new, while the other ready for what is past, to let go...



Like God who was deeply offended when ancient Israel chose to worship idols alongside Him, so too, when we choose our way over things, just because we are convinced we have the right to do so, we may unintentionally harm or hurt other people, some of whom are strangers, and some who unfortunately depend on us for attention and care... May we always learn the true value of things, and be considerate in every choice and deed...






Baby, don't cry...


A survey on the new desirables...


Another clarification...


Another word...


A clarification...


A new word...


We need wisdom and fortitude in this...


On leading our families and keeping our children safe...



On team performance...


Making ourselves and our loved ones secure... Yes, it's OC, but in three maternal generations, I believe and suggest this too...


On entrepreneurship...


Leading for results...


Leading our families for God and country... (something sad and tragic)


"So, by all means, pray for miracles.

Just don’t ignore the rescue chopper when it comes."

To our national leadership...


The bell has rung, and it is broken...


The office is not our home...


Family leadership lessons...


Here are some more things to learn from K-drama land...


As we begin reading the Words of the weeping prophet, may we remember that as God has chosen him before birth to be a prophet to all the nations, so are we, people from all nations, chosen before our time began, to praise, worship and serve the One True God and Heavenly Father, in spirit and truth, in holiness, justice, godliness and peace...



 One of the most "kilig" moments in K-drama land is when the male lead shows his abs... But Mom said, "Abs? We see many of those around... In old guys!"... What she meant was: 6-pack abs+8-pounds bilbil=The Beijing Belly or Bikini 😉... Ultimately, regardless of gender, and as we age, gravity takes hold of our bodies... And so, may we remain humble and kind, godly and generous, joyful and at peace, abs or love handles or TBB regardless...



The last chapter of the book by the great prophet, who history says was sewn alive in half for his dangerous and treasonous prophesies, is a fitting word and testimony for our time; especially to those of us who worship God with our mouths, but with a proud heart; who bring offerings not motivated by love, but by profit; who sees God as an ATM of blessings, not as our true Heavenly Father, Creator and King... May we not lose our place in His family and kingdom; and may we be given space in His promised new heavens and new earth...



"In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor male and female” (Galatians 3:28).

In spite of all our troubles, may we always seek God, His will, and understand what pleases Him... So that there may be healing and deliverance in our midst, and our people may experience everlasting righteousness, goodness, peace, love and joy...



We do all we can to make sure we and our loved ones are safe, healthy and happy... May our motivations and efforts be always pure, generous and considerate of others too...




May God guide us...🙏😢

That we might not think too highly of ourselves, may we always remember: God is the Potter, and we are clay...



Praise the Lord, bisan ug positive thinker ta, negative ra... 🙏(walay gipanamkon... 😉)

Amping, ampo, mga silingan... 🙏😢


For awareness and vigilance...


Because we're part of The Ring...


In spite of the chaos...


Not so brutally frank...


Last week's popular ones...


Unlimited palette...


Don't overlook...


Because it will be...



Equipping ourselves....


Though the world is getting scarier by the day, still we learn, to prepare ourselves for the better future ahead....



It's Monday, the middle of January, and may we be reminded...



God's relationship with Israel and the rest of humanity has always been fraught with fierce love and abundant provision, but also with misunderstanding, short-sightedness and stubbornness too... May we learn more deeply, so that our praises be not empty, and our worship and service be not lifeless, and directed properly...



Money is important because it enables us to pay for things in order to survive and thrive... Yet, some of the most important things in life are those that money can't buy; and these are those that make us more humane, and life, bearable, understandable, and acceptable... May we have wisdom to manage money well...



The Word today


Today's lesson


I don't want to wish all of us Odette survivors a 'Happy Month-sary', but to say Thanks and Good Job to all MECO and MCWD personnel, and even TELCO providers, and all those who supported and helped, and cooperated with them, for a roaring return to service... Thank you for making our up-to-date billing and payments worth it...



It's time to arise and shine, to bring good news, to bring hope and peace, righteousness and justice and mercy...



The wise teacher in the Proverbs said that our lives on earth are like fleeting vapors, according to scientists of which are but minute specks compared to the vast age of the universe... And so, we have to make each moment count: be kinder and nicer, more generous and forgiving, more humble and fair and just... These are but our own little take in the great goodness of our God and King, who created all things...



A true fast, that leads to salvation, answered prayers and healing... Is not to abstain from food in order to reduce waist size and weight; but to increase in wisdom, truth, righteousness, justice, generosity, mercy and peace; a fast from being ignorant and wicked, to a heaping diet of being humane and filled with the Spirit...



Happy birthday to this guy, and missing him too...

See you again someday, Tatay❤️


Sometimes, an ounce of trust can open us up to a ton of deception and abuse, or it can give us a mountain of hope and confidence... And, because it is a basic ingredient of human interactions and relationships, the Auditor may say, "trust, and verify"... But trust anyway; it is less burdensome and problematic, and more liberating and peaceful than doubt...



A virtual tour, and some more knowledge... 🤔🤓


Re-sharing this... Particularly the second image, for those who miss Kim Seon-ho... 🥰... In one of his earlier dramas, in a supporting role... 😍


There is forever... For a first date...😉😘

ahem... ahem... I am not being 'bo-kal' about it, but this is a good read...


why are we so afraid of viruses, and terrorize others more with our haywired imagination, when who and what we are were influenced by viruses ourselves since the day we were conceived?... #sciencelearn01142022part03

Doolittle's playbook...

dog-speak and man-speak... #sciencelearn01142022part02


Take your pick...


Worth knowing...



to walk the talk... #healthlearn01142022part02

a matter of survival... #sciencelearn01142022part 01

Fit to a T...


Normal, hereon...


think clearly...

the next guy, or girl, on that post, should be really smart, decisive, action-oriented, not a procrastinator and a blabber-mouth, but willing to work extra time and stay in even on weekends to do the job; somebody who has the energy, health and time... #leadershipandmanagementlearn01142022part05

write as much as you can, and always get better at it... #leadershipandmanagementlearn01142022part04

for our gig work generation... #leadershipandmanagementlearn01142022part03

from women, on work and family... #leadershipandmanagementlearn01142022part02


We learn some more today...

beware the wrath of the king... #leadershipandmanagementlearn01142022part01


Let's Celebrate Life... Let's Celebrate Cebu...

From the Queen Metropolis of the South, Happy Friday! 🌞🌴🥭🎸



Of peace, and a truly fruitful life... May we take these to heart...



Some of life's major breakthroughs happen when we think we are unprepared for it... But that's fine, for everything always falls into their perfect places... All we can do is accept, make the best we can out of it, and move on...



Amazing, lovable Bini... 😍🐇

It's quite safe to look up...


And a few more...


A new word...


Making sure it is...


For the greater good...


Wellness at work...


The what for...


We learn again...


May these give us strength and hope today... 🙏❤️(Isaiah 54-55)


The kind of leaders we choose can make or break our children's future... For once, may we stop thinking only of the here and now, and really read seriously into, and look deep through those who want to get elected; so that we may be able to plan well ahead and truly have a better look beyond...



Like it did 400 years ago, a historical analyst said that iconoclasm is alive now, albeit less destructive... God forbid that the world should resort to such violence and self-righteous rage; but indeed, through such pivotal moments in human history as where we are now, more than ever, we need to look at the world, at life, at faith, through fresh new eyes; in order to remain relevant... May we have wisdom...



A world in transition...


A giant eye in the sky...


And for mental and physical health...


Early intervention necessary...


Healthy eating...


On the matter of public health...


And the one who came after...


One for history...


Sounds like...


This post is not as lengthy or as great...


And some more...


A new word...


Where we short-ended?...


The macro view...


The better way...


A happier place...


A note on courage...


Today we're back to learning about our careers...


Beloved K-drama grandpa...🥰

When we cross the street, even in the pedestrian lane, we look both sides as a precaution... So should we be in making decisions... We weigh the pros and cons, we evaluate the costs and benefits, and we think of the short term effects and long term repercussions...



Judging from the huge crowds thronging the CoViD-19 vaccine💉 centers nowadays, majority of whom come for first and second jabs, with primary school aged kids and even babies in tow for the pedia doses, it seems people are not really afraid of covid, delta, Omicron or what not--disinformation, conspiracy theories, Marites' memes, old wives' tales and urban legends notwithstanding; but more like afraid of not getting into the malls🏪🏢 or jollibee🍗 or not receiving the 4Ps anymore💵💵💵💵... Hmmm... Mr. Gaisano, Mr. Go, Mr. Sy, Mr. Tancaktiong, and yes, even Odette (don't come back to say sorry!?!) really helped a lot... 😉



Wa kaagwanta sa bagang duot... Mangaon na lang ta uy... 😋🍗🍚


Most heroes don't wear capes... They're ordinary people like you and me; they're unnamed people who can be you and me... Everyday, they stick their necks out; they give of their time, energy, and resources; they risk their lives, and even sacrifice their bodies and limbs, to makes others live safer, healthier, and better lives...



And our very own raptors...


We also get to know some fishes...


Doing it in style....


Here to serve...


Last week's popular ones...


A few more...


Then, we learn a new word...


To roar and soar high...


Going by what's constant...


New work venues...


Because more than leadership, principles and belief, life is at stake...



Because I love being late... When delayed gratification is not a cause for regret, because Ko Soo Oppa never disappoints, since "Green Rose" days...🥰



Something to think about...

(because blood is not always thicker than water)...


May it come to mind.. Our God has not forgotten His people... May it be our source of hope and strength...



Many people desire power, and with it, wealth, fame, and influence over the affairs of others... But without the power of God at work in each of us, our lives will be empty, not satisfying, a meaningless accumulation of things and experiences that have no real and lasting significance... But if we let God's power rule in us, we will have deep contentment, unfathomable peace, and boundless joy...



The lesson and the Word... Keep on going... Keep the faith...


We each have our own pace... And whether we go fast or slow, in this physical life, we all have one destination... But who and what we will become while on this earth, will greatly affect where we will be in the life beyond, and will determine whether our passage there will be a loss or gain...



A strong reminder, against making our work, and the work of our hands, become our god... May we all have wisdom...



We all need to go the proverbial extra mile, if we want to go to somewhere new, somewhere better, that brings out more of our nurturing side, and that enables us to become the best that we can be...



Blueing a new word...


Something to think about...


"People in charge of voting those into power do not select leaders based on talent or merit, but swagger and confidence. People tend to vote on style, not substance; they end up choosing leaders who exude an atmosphere of strength, but have little to show for it."

Making it worthwhile...


A balancing act...


It's our year... Let's be better workers than last year...


Forming good lifetime habits...


Time is the true key...




Trust, and wise tolerance...


There are benefits in proper scaling...


The faster the rise...


A mark of maturity...



A lunchtime learn on the counter-climb...


Oh, nia na, mga ka-Oponganon nga mahilig mag-wara wara... Pagpuyo usa ha... Kung mukatol ang tiil nga laagan, hapaka lang usa na... Amping ta tanan, kay si Omicron mahilig pud maglakwatsa... 🙏


The blessing and the cursing, the provision and the discipline, are not open to appropriation; but are only meant, and are only given to those who join with Jacob's descendants, in worshipping and serving the same God, the God of Israel, the Friend of Abraham, in the manner, and with the heart and attitude He demands... May we all come to Him in humility, obedience and faith...



Spoiler : harsh, bundak ra kaayo, apan...

















In the great parade of life, some of us are active participants, some of us celebrate with those who do, and some of us are mere bystanders... But breakthroughs and worthy milestones happen when we give it all we got, when we pour out our energy and passion, when we joyfully and without reservation and regret, join with the rest of those who persist, persevere and endure, and move on in faith, in hope, and in confidence...



As the prophet Isaiah says, he who is perfect--in life, in career, in relationships, in effort, in faith, in character--is blind... May we have eyes to see...

#HappyJanuary06midnight – ISAIAH 46


WFH, flexi, co-working, lots of AI, strong and durable Internet and electricity...


Taking it slow...


I believe we should already carve it as part of Cebuano culture...

"Ang tanan Mosulod sa Robinson's Galleria dapat magpahulagway sa sista nga kabulakan, isip pagpahibalo ug pagpasibya sa tibuok kalibutan."😉💐🎸



Beautiful and poignant...


And a few more...


A new word...


Seriously, we all really need to change ourselves to change the world...


Being substantial, or living a life of substance...


Surviving and thriving is winning...


As long as we are alive, we continue learning...


For two whole years, I haven't been able to go outside the home province, not even for deaths of friends and family... Fear and a lack of faith?... Hmmm, I think not. Because, as a child of God, I have learned that the better testimony and the best evangelism is to care and be concerned, to be generous and to give way, to be honest and obedient, to be responsible and accountable... Otherwise, as the Word says, the faith I profess, without the works and obedience it commands, is dead...


1 hour


Because our God is able, He hears and strengthens, He saves and He provides...


2 hours


Many times, a life of convenience makes us complacent and careless, rendering our love of God and all that He has given--His Word and Truth, life and other people, and new and better ideas--cold, obsolete, stale and lifeless... Maybe this is the reason God sends us disruptions and uncertainties, to the point that sometimes our plans are thwarted...

He most probably wants us to never stop being creative, to always learn the true value of things, to take calculated risks, to develop patience and persistence and endurance, to trust and be faithful... Because after all, these are what make us more like Him, we whom He made in His image and likeness...


3 hours


In this life, there are tigers, and there are those who hope and wait upon the Lord...



Today's lunchtime craft... ⛩️



Our hearts break at all the children around the world who continue to suffer from calamities and tragedies, poverty and deprivation and abuses; yet we can only do so much, with the little that we have... And so, the best and most we can do is to make sure that those within our care and sphere of influence are fed and nurtured well, and mentored and educated right; so that they grow up to be good and godly people, kind and nurturing, and responsible citizens and stewards who will pay it forward to the next generations...


Yesterday 5:10 AM  


Maybe because I'm in the middle of my 45th year of existence, a bit wiser to how the world works, but I honestly get a bit of a perverse enjoyment from being asked, "Senior, Ma'am?" 👩‍🦳(because of the short gray hairs in my forehead line), or "Pregnant, Ma'am?" 🤰(because of my protruding bilbil)... But I actually kinda like the bit of extra special treatment that comes with those, so even if I am tempted to blurt, "yes!", I just smile, and whisper, "in 15 years", or "with an idea"😉... No offense meant, and as long as I am not asked to present an OSCA card, then, misinterpretations like these are not offensive to me and will always be welcome...


January 5 10:33 PM


On an office break...

May we all have a Tiger-rific year ahead... 🗼🐯🐅

January 5 6:19 PM


God is faithful and true... And though not everyone may agree with and support the things we care about, yet if we remain humble, honest, trustworthy, faithful, responsible, and work consistently and diligently, He blesses us with His mercy and grace... He will soon make the things we are working on, bear fruit in its own beautiful and perfect time...


January 4 5:35 AM


January 3 9:43 PM


While yet in this life, bad things may happen to God's people; but if we remain strong, steadfast, courageous, persistent and hopeful, He will come to save, deliver, and give us the good, abundant, safe and peaceful life He promised...


January 3 6:33 AM  


The Word today

January 2 1:28 PM


Life sum and power the past two weeks toward the year end...


January 2 10:36 AM


Prioritize your time and energy... Don't get distracted and waste your efforts on things that are temporal and shallow; so that when the things that are really important, the things that truly matter will come, you will not run out of time and resources for it; and so that you will not spend the rest of your days in regret, in frustration and sorrow...


January 2 6:11 AM


The beauty of fortitude...


January 1 6:11 PM


After super typhoon Odette made landfall and the power lines went down, this was the read... I am still halfway, yet already I can understand how a loving God may sometimes allow destruction and devastation, as a way to discipline us, and teach us that we can never hold on to anything, especially material wealth, worldly knowledge, or human advancement and achievement... But we can hold on to Him alone, who is the source of all our hope and confidence... As we face a new year, let us all rise in faith and in godly living, and take up the challenge of living for His glory and Name...


Januay 1 6:18 AM


Natsuyumi Jan. 01, 2022, 5:30 a.m.:

Whoever we may be, wherever we may go whatever we may do, we need to put ourselves in our proper places, clean up our acts together, and clean up the environment too...

January 1 6:02 AM


I'm not Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist or Shinto, but because the hoarders and profiteers have swept the supermarket shelves bare of ordinary candles, I've been lighting these and will go on until electric connection in our barangay is restored... And oh, like in Yolanda's wake, the golden trumpet will be sounded during the new year too...

From the Queen Metropolis of the South, "Happy New Year!"


Decembe30, 2021 11:53 PM 

Maniudto ta sa NRA...

(samtang naghulat sa Tonkatsu)

Itadakimasu! 🍱🥤


December 26, 2021 12:43 PM


On moonlit nights

December 26, 2021 11:45 AM  


We looked for downtimes, for a rest from all the stress, a kind of living off the grid... It didn't come without a cost, but here it is... And we always thank God for giving us the good out of all the bad, and for making us realize the more important things in life... Here is to a more balanced and restful, more prosperous, healthier and happier life ahead...


December 26, 2021 11:48 AM 

Tragedies are sometimes caused by nature, or by human nature... But what make us thrive are humility, humanity, and worship... Let's keep on fighting, and rise... 🙏🙏🙏

December 22, 2021 11:17 AM  


Ivy Daluperit Beronilla Lubiano marked herself safe during Typhoon Odette (Rai) Across Philippines.

December 17, 2021 12:49 PM


It's a devastated Cebu... Words and pictures will never be enough to show the damage... But praise be to God most of us are still alive... We can rebuild, we can hope and pray, we can still have a happy yet bittersweet holiday... 🙏🙏🙏

December 17, 2021 12:42 PM

Nibuto na ang transformer diri sa Looc, ug nag brown out.. So, offline usa ta to conserve battery power... Until then, stay safe and vigilant Vismin... 🙏🙏🙏

December 16, 2021 6:38 PM

Haiyan/Yolanda is the standard or yardstick... 🌀🌪️So we must stay awake and vigilant this time... 🧐😳If needed, evacuate... 🧳🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️Charge all rechargeables, ready the emergency power and light sources, the medicines and changes of clothes, have an early dinner, eat lots of carbo for the body heat and adrenaline rush needed later... 🍞🥐🥛🍫🥤AND PRAY, PRAY HARD, PRAY HARDER SOME MORE🙏🙏🙏

December 16, 2021 5:26 PM  


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