LEARNING DEEPLY, March 1-31, 2022
A famine of the Word... In these passages towards the end of his book, the prophet Amos showed the reason why a people's downfall comes: idolatry and greed, abuse and oppression of others--which in here is exemplified by agricultural cartels who take undue advantage of lowly farmers and herdsmen for their own excessive profit, and an overwhelming sense of pride, to the point that they and even the nation's leadership, refuse to hear God's word, and His messages brought to them by the prophet, even questioning his qualifications... As always, one sees many people like these today... And as it was then, so will it be now... Pride and greed, oppression and abuse may flourish for a time; but soon our deeds catch up with us... And at such times when one needs wisdom and discernment, hope and encouragement; because we ignored and turned away from the truth, so too godly enlightenment, wisdom and understanding, security, peace and confidence will fail us and be out of reach... May we learn our lesson and not ignore God's Word today, when we still have the time and chance...
With all its changes
and challenges, life often demands that we give up some things--ideals,
beliefs, traditions, practices, attitudes, preferences, character... Because,
in contrast to God's Word which is timelessly true yet miraculously is always
applicable to each season, era and generation; if we fail to open our minds and
hearts to what the time needs, and still stick to our old biases and
prejudices, we would expose our ignorance and hypocrisy, and fail in our
mission in becoming the light and salt of our world...
Idolatry and evil go
together; for selfish and prideful people who believe only in themselves, their
efforts and capacities, and thinking that they deserve and are entitled to
respect and adulation because of their own greatness, are the idolaters who perpetuate
greed and thievery, envy and covetousness, abuse and harassment, oppression and
violence, insults and lies, discontent and unbelief... But may we heed the call
of the prophet: to choose what's good and right, to choose life and justice,
fairness and generosity, to choose the God who created all things and ordered
the laws of the universe, rather than our own created stress balls of images
and pet comforts...
God made everything
good and perfect in its time... And so, whether in food or habits, beliefs and
principles, attitude and actions, the truly healthy and abundant life is one
filled with openness and understanding, variety and self-control, knowledge and
wisdom, thrift and generosity, selflessness and magnanimity...
Prepared to meet our
God... Just as the prophet reminds ancient Israel in this passage, how all
their deeds will have an effect, particularly in their rebellion against God,
abuse of nature and the environment, and oppression of other people; so too we
notice that in these last days, as we get closer to the day of our Lord,
everything we say and do will always have an almost immediate yet devastating
effect on others, on the environment, and on ourselves... Other faiths call it
karma, but this passage tells us that it is just the natural order of
things--for evil and abuse to get back at the perpetrator in ways tragic to
them, be it through their loved ones, hopes and dreams, source of pride and
livelihood... May we conduct our affairs right, treat others well, and abandon
our idolatry and greed, so that whatever challenges we go through, we may be
strengthened and made ready, to give a full accounting to the One who gave us
life; and be prepared to meet our Great Judge and King at the end of our
Not acknowledging or
believing the veracity of something does not mean it is not real or true, or
does not exist... We are mere mortal beings but equally invited to a heavenly
destiny; and so we cannot do away with, but even if we don't want to, we have
to abide by the God-given laws of nature, the wonder and reality of how our
bodies and minds work, and the malleability of how we relate to one another...
May we learn acceptance, endurance, persistence and fortitude...
For three and for
four... The shepherd prophet Amos' oft repeated refrain was interpreted by one
bible question site as representing fullness and excess, but particularly about
the people's rebellion against God... Indeed, it does sound like what one would
hear at a cattle auction from an auctioneer, which would be familiar to him, as
that would be Amos' market for his cattle... As a shepherd, Amos is telling
God's people then, and even us until today, that God convicts our excesses in
disobeying Him and hurting our fellowman, in treating people less with respect,
in abusing and harassing them, in grabbing and stealing their properties and
lands and opportunities, in stepping all over them in greed and selfishness,
and depriving them of life and liberty; and that God is measuring us up and
taking a bargain, by heaping commensurate punishment in nature, in our wealth,
on our physical and mental health, and in the things we take pride in... May we
heed the prophet's voice, and live the rest of our days in humility and godly
fear, in love and selflessness, in awareness and generosity, and in wisdom...
The key to discernment
and wisdom, is to stop thinking too highly and too much of ourselves, about
what makes us feel good and special, and about what should make us look good
and better... But empathy and awareness starts when we start looking into other
people's souls, to listen to what they are not saying but are only expressed in
a gesture, in a mannerism, in a tone of voice... For we do not exist only for
ourselves... We were created to reflect our Maker's glory; and He made us to do
good and well, to bring life and healing and peace, to uphold right and
justice, to spread love and generosity and understanding...
The last chapter in
the book of the prophet Joel seems to be God's call and reminder to all, that
we are nearing His day of judgment and decision, not just for His people,
ancient Israel, the Gentiles who claim to follow Christ in faith, but also for
everyone else... May we ready ourselves for that great day; strengthen
ourselves meanwhile through all the difficulties now and that still lay ahead;
so that when our Creator calls on us to take account, we can have confidence to
face Him and hear our ultimate judgment...
Most of our efforts
and aspirations are aimed at securing our place, our spots in life and
society... Unfortunately, far too many are all too willing to do everything and
risk anything, even stepping over others, just to have their way... If we can
understand and accept that instead of throwing our weight around, we can do
much good; instead of insisting that life and everything else move and comply
according to our standards and time frame, we can care and help; and that
instead of criticizing and putting others down whom we think crowd on us or
take away our spotlights, we can be a source of hope and ray of sunshine for
others; then we can have peace and confidence at what our God is doing in our
lives... When we feel that secure, we can rest assured that we are in our
rightful places--in life, in God's green earth, and in the universe..
It's strange and
chilling to see a thousands year old book of prophecy telling things that are
actually happening now: a devastation of a people, their culture, way of life
and worship, and a great destruction brought about by a formidable northern
army... Such is godly prophecy: unabashed, unadulterated, offering the most
grim and horrific scenarios then, of what is real life today; But it never
lacks in hope, a call to repentance and prayer... Yes, indeed, like many of
God's people around the world now, who are experiencing persecution and abuse,
ethnic cleansing and murder and pillage, but who have not let go of their faith
and hope until the very end, all of us too can have such confidence... Because
we know our God is true; and if we abandon our prideful and sinful ways, we let
go of fear and anxiety (which really are but natural consequences when we feel
insecure about life and our future), we gain hope and confidence that no matter
how things turn out to be, He will be there for us, His great day will come,
and all living and dying becomes worthwhile, when we shall soon see Him face to
Most of us want to be
seen as mature and responsible, educated and refined; yet far too many are
exhibiting exactly the opposite... If we don't know and do not admit what we
did wrong, what things in us that show a narrow mind, a troubled attitude, and
a weak character, we are simply confirming that we are indeed guilty...
Awareness is half the battle won; and knowing about ourselves, every little
impact our words and actions have on others, and trying to make sure each is
good and helpful, even though sometimes uncomfortable and painful, is one of
the surest ways of reaching our goal...
The prophet's parting
shot is a call to repentance and renewal... Because apparently, the surest
consequences of idolatry are wickedness, cruelty, and injustice... And like
ancient Israel, may we learn to replace our wicked, selfish, greedy and
idolatrous hearts and minds; to ones humbled before our Maker, and that promote
and uphold peace, goodness, justice and right for all...
Many of us never
learn, and sadly, after much evidence and living proofs to the contrary for the
past two years, a lot still believe in conspiracy theories against the
vaccine... But the truth is staring at us in the face: one of the ill effects
of getting covid (whether diagnosed and treated, and afterwards having the long
symptoms, or not--because one has never been properly tested) is psychosis...
And this is exacerbated by the war and its disastrous effects on the global
economy and our ordinary lives, no matter how physically far we are from it
(though apparently, economically not)... And so we have to understand, that we
are all responsible for each of our thoughts, words and deeds; that we must not
let fear and anxiety rule over us, causing us to take out such helplessness and
existential dread by lashing out on others and stepping all over them; that our
greedy and selfish ways be no more, and that our desire to be on top, to be
honored and looked up to and lauded for our presumed achievements and efforts,
be abandoned in place of a humble disposition, that considers the need and
welfare of fellowman over and above our own... For a better future, may we be
better, kinder, more responsible and thoughtful, more honest and accountable,
braver and more courageous to stand up for what is right and good, truly nicer
and godly too...
The house of ancient
Israel is not unlike many of us today too, who think that because we have
accumulated much wealth and connections, that the world and the lives and
chances of others are within our hands, that nothing can shake us, and that
because we can afford to pay the most skillful doctors, we can have every
disease cured and our lives prolonged, while we enjoy oppressing, abusing and
stepping on others for longer, while pretending to be righteous and nice...
Yet, may we see truth, and heed the words recorded by the prophet; that our
lives and health are in God's hands; it is He who blessed us and gave
prosperity; and that we are accountable and responsible to Him and all, called
on to dispense mercy and justice, fairness and honesty, goodness and right...
There is nothing so
pathetic and contemptible as a person who throws their weight around, and
insists on having their way with things, yet resort to lies and manipulations,
sometimes bringing the name of someone famous or influential and pretending
that they are close or that they have their endorsement, just to give
credibility to their own selfish and greedy agenda... For truly mature,
responsible and accountable persons are clear about their truth, open about
their intentions and motivations, and valiantly fight their own battles... May
we be real, true, honest and good...
The prophet is once
again a spoil-sport, a party-pooper, rebuking God's people for rejoicing and
enjoying life, when they have lived so wickedly, selfishly, greedily, and
rebelliously... He could have been talking about many of us today too, for
callously choosing to live to our optimum enjoyment because YOLO; without
considering the people in our immediate circle--family and friends--who need
our support and encouragement and understanding; without thinking that we only
have one short, physical life, that is essentially a transient travel; and that
for every malicious thought, tactless and hurtful word, and oppressive and
offensive deed, we are fully accountable to the One who made us and all our
faculties, and who called us to be responsible keepers of all those whom He
gave to accompany us in our journey...
Let us not be selfish
and greedy with what is not actually personally ours; that is called
covetousness, a mortal sin according to the ten commandments... Instead, let us
see ourselves in the proper light, the light of God's word; and let us put
ourselves in our proper grounded and humble places, along with all of mortal,
fallible humanity, and the rest of creation...
When people pridefully
insist on having their way, without considering that life is a precious gift
from the Maker, and that He alone is worthy of worship, not the works of our
hands, nor our achievements and statuses, there is a general delusion, and a
seemingly never ending run of dissatisfaction and emptiness... May we learn to
humble ourselves and realize that we do not own or control our lives and that
of others, nor do we deserve all glory and honor for whatever we may have
achieved, for those belong to Him alone, and we are but lowly, mortal stewards
and transient travelers of life, who must earn our way with obedience,
humility, generosity, understanding and love...
Some people believe
only the truth that they know and want, particularly what is convenient and
comfortable for their wants and aims, and think that is all there is to it...
But that is why there is a point we call the horizon, because beyond what we
see, believe and know, are things greater than our grasp, truths that hold for
all, and realities truer than what exist in our narrow fields of visions and
comfortable bubbles, waiting to be discovered, explored, and learned...
We do not have here an
autocratic God, who enforces submission; but rather I see One who is deeply
offended by ancient Israel, and now us today, and expresses deep regret and
resentment at man's stubbornness, corruptions, abuses and sins... Yet for all
that, there will be voices that call to repentance, starting with the prophet,
and then all those whose hearts are convicted to restore a right relationship
with our Maker... May we be those voices, may we rend our hearts, may we return
to our Creator, and live our mission to be good and responsible stewards of
life, of creation, and of being our brother's keepers...
Some of the things we
hold to be dear and true, may not be all that... And so may we have wisdom, and
learn to see the real value of things, that we might not get too attached to
the things that bring only temporary joy, but to appreciate and take stock of
the things that truly matter and that will last our lifetimes...
Getting into multiple
marriages, or multiple intimate (particularly sexual) relationships, even in
our modern times, is a testament to a person's and a people's lack of knowledge
and wisdom; in this case, according to God's revelation through prophet Hosea,
a manifestation of a person's idolatry, and efforts to have their way with
things, without considering whether it is offensive to Him, or to His
creation... May we learn to manage ourselves well, that our lives be
consistently aligned with good and godly values, and that we learn to esteem
and respect our bodies and emotions, our mental and physical health, to not
waste it on relationships and people who do not share the same values and are
only out to abuse and take advantage of us... May we learn to appreciate and
take good care of our Creator's precious gift to us--life, and a chance at
Claw machine
addiction... Is not all bad from an introspective point of view, especially if,
setting aside, you extract the lesson, and not give in to over spending on the
tokens... On the player's side, it can be totally frustrating to think you
almost grabbed the toy, yet the claws seem to be screwed too loose and to shake
too much, to let it go at the moment you punched the button to pick it up...
From the other side of the four glass walls however, on the toy's point of view
were it be animated, it can be disheartening to think that you are almost on
the verge of being set free from the four glass walls that confine you, but
then, once again, it is not... So it seems like to be in real life: we think we
have everything under control, we think we are on the edge of a breakthrough,
but then, it doesn't happen or come out according to how we want... No matter,
for as long as we can keep replenishing our tokens of hope and faith, there
will always be another day, another chance...
Digestion still in process, after 31 years...
March 19, 2010
I am republishing a free verse I made in 1991 which a friend kindly published
in a school paper in 1994, entitled, " Carpe Diem"...
'I came beside myself,
intending to suck the marrow out of life.
I feel guilty of not having lived,
so I wanted to live deliberately.
When I was out there in the open,
heart filled with renewed passion,
head filled with dreams,
to start life anew,
I opened my eyes wide;
and from the top of The Table,
I found out:
I was sucking the marrow,
but have never digested it;
I have always lived and existed,
but have never truly seized'
...but now, after 19 years, the digestive process is finally taking place.=)
Our children are given
to us, both as testimony and living illustrations (like that of the prophet
Hosea's) of what we gain from our good and bad deeds in the past, and even
those that we are doing still in the present... Yet, they are our symbols of
hope too, a beacon and remembrance of our Creator and Savior; that if we
correct our ways and lifestyles, our children will be the first to receive the
blessing and favor, and that the future would be bright and full of hope... In
all that we think, say and do, may we always be responsible and accountable to
ourselves, to our children, our community and country, and to our God and
Most people associate
being lean and thin as healthy... In many cases they are; unfortunately in
some, it hides a heart full of envy and pride, a mind of ignorance and
worldliness, "hands that shed innocent blood", and tongues that only
lash out discouragement, insults and abuses to those whom they see as not
keeping up with their physical standards...As people who say they worship a Creator
and King, and claim to be called by faith in the name of His Son and our
Savior, the best state of health should be: a height that remains humble and
grounded, a weight that is not thrown around, a mind filled with wisdom and
understanding, a heart full of hope and faith, a waistline girded by
generosity, lungs that breathe in good life lessons and breathe out
encouragement and care for others, internal organs coated by a proper
proportion of visceral and subcutaneous fats that come from a well-balanced
nutrition and productively active lifestyle, metabolism and energy powered by
joy and thankfulness, and loins that are built up by a character of fortitude
and resilience even through life's most difficult and devastating challenges...
May we remain holistically hale and healthy until the end of our days...
The last two chapters of the prophet
Daniel's book seem to be God's revelation and insight on what happened since
Alexander the Great's time, and what is happening until our generation today: a
time of countless and terrible wars, which do not respect gods or cultures or
heritage, but forces and wealth, technology, strategy and know-how; and putting
military strength, even politics, above and over people's lives and
livelihoods, their rights and freedoms... Yet, our God never fails to remind
and encourage those who seek to understand and be wise, who also encourage and
influence others to a good and godly life, and to righteousness--to remain
strong, steadfast, not lose focus and understand until the end; for even though
we pass through the very tongues of death, yet at the ultimate end of times, a
bright and shining reward awaits... And if we persist in doing good, abandoning
and condemning wickedness and leaving this base nature of ours behind, we will
ultimately earn our place in His coming kingdom of peace, joy and
Earlier, a leadership lesson clip
from John Maxwell talked about getting from good intentions to good actions,
through self-discipline... And self-discipline can either be a tunnel, when it
is a burden for one, like going through a difficult learning phase; or a
bridge, where one is encouraged and hopeful and just plain open and
understanding to the changes in getting to somewhere in life.. Not unlike many
of us, who pretend not to, but actually carry our personal burdens always; and
no matter how we try to appear perky and positive, yet in the stressful
moments, our exasperation with life comes out, and we lash out at other people,
who are only doing their best to get by too... May we have wisdom, may we have
a sense of responsibility and accountability, to own up to our limitations,
stop feeling entitled and in control... Because life is often beyond our
control; but how we teach ourselves to adapt, to learn and be stronger amidst
and in spite of its challenges and difficulties is our actualization as human
beings and as children of God...
The prophet Daniel's
vision of the Messiah and the destruction of Jerusalem came about after he once
again humbled himself and asked forgiveness for his people's sins, and fasted...
The understanding was clear and strong, but it only contributed more sadness
and distress, even fear and awe when he learned that the affairs of men and
empires is governed by unseen princes of angels ruling behind the scenes... So
is it like for our modern and ordinary lives too: physically disheartening and
often full of challenges and pains, seemingly beyond our control and reason;
yet, if we humble ourselves before our God and Creator, we will understand our
proper places, and gain hope and faith in His overall plan...
There is no more
perfect life than for one who is not obsessed with always competing, keeping or
catching up with others, be they material possessions, positions or status,
experiences and adventures, or aesthetics... Because always, there will be
greater and lesser persons than us; and the truly contented, joyful and happy
person is one who has fully accepted and is eternally grateful for what our
Maker has given, and makes do with it to the best they can...
The prophet Daniel's
visions of the world kingdoms and empires in these chapters were recorded by
history to have actually occurred during and after the fall of the Persian
empire; yet their spirits, convictions and sentiments have persisted to the
present day, even influencing the drive and motivation of many of our present
day despots, tyrants, dictators, oppressors, abusers and autocrats... And
though like Daniel, God's people may be astonished, attacked, oppressed, persecuted
and wearied out, yet, as we too persist and endure in the hope and promises of
our Savior, we can have the confidence that at the end, our God will reign
righteously and restore everything to justice and right... May we continue to
stay strong and resilient, as we edge closer to the day of our ultimate
It is sad to learn
that people whom you think should be more mature and should know better, would
believe and subscribe to lies, unproven and falsely proven conspiracy theories
and misinformations, when a simple and quick fact check could have shown them
what is true and right... But to brandish their convictions on social media
only unfortunately exposes their ignorance, pride, hypocrisy, and the sorry
state of their mental health... May we truly embrace the truth as what our
Savior desires for us to do; and though faith may often put us on a different
or alternate reality when it comes to viewing our daily challenges and
tribulations; may it still prove its worth by opening our eyes to logical reality
and good sense, and to the need for more love, wisdom, peace, understanding,
care and concern for all, regardless of each of our beliefs and persuasions...
Modern day scholars
argue the historicity of the book of Daniel, yet, some of life's timeless
lessons are contained in these passages: proud rulers, malicious and envious
people who manipulate situations and spread lies and fake information for their
own selfish ends, will soon be destroyed and all that they care for ruined,
their lives numbered and weighed but ultimately found wanting and lacking;
while those who serve God continually, remain faithful and hopeful, and keep their
integrity, will always be delivered and sustained no matter the situation, even
across changes in governments and rulerships, even in global challenges and
tribulations... May we have Daniel's courage and faith, as we get thrown into
our own lion's dens...
Last night, social
media was alive with posts showing kilometers long queues of cars waiting to
gas up, since prices would hugely increase today... It speaks about the normal
human trait to try to accumulate as much as they can of a very basic and
important resource, before it becomes more unaffordable to do so... And with
our world in difficulty these days, scenes such as these would surely happen
whenever basic commodities are increasingly becoming scarcer and more costly...
Yet in all of this, may we remember that there is one most important resource
we do not need to line up for to be filled to overflowing: God's mercy and
grace that gives us wisdom and confidence to weather any storm and economic
uncertainty, political and social upheaval... Each day, may we always tap into
that limitless resource as we strive everyday to live for Him, in honesty and
fairness, in justice and right, in hope and faith...
Bending and taking the
knee... Bending the knee is from ancient times to now, a sign of submission;
while the latter is modern America's sign of protest against racial oppression
and inequality... Then Word has shown us through the life of Emperor
Nebuchadnezzar, that we must bend the knee only to our Creator, the most High
God of heaven and the universe; while we cannot take a knee against His
judgments on proud and sinful humanity... For no matter how great we may think
we are, how amazing things we may have done, our lives, our health, our sanity
and reason are in His hands... May we be humble and respectful, mindful and
thankful always...
A better say... I
sometimes read from certain posts, how some people are tired of seeing posts
from people they don’t like, on topics they don't appreciate... But this is
social media, and the algorithm dictates that what you see are related to the
things you like, love, or care... And so it sounds to me like they might be
seeing and reading things from strangers or others they think are beneath them,
that are actually wiser, funnier, with more sense, and more engaging... Because
really, life is not about saying and posturing, but doing the good and right,
being just and fair, and giving more of what you have and what you are; and
even if unspoken, unposted, or aesthetically unimpressive, the person with the
good say and better deed, thrives in community with others not only in the
virtual but most of all on the physical plane, and gets through the long
God reveals His
timeless secrets in our places of exile... The refugee story is as long as the
history of humanity; but like in Daniel's time, God continues to bless His
people, and grants them wisdom, strength and favor even in the foreign lands
they have been migrated to, whether voluntarily or forcefully... And so, may we
learn that too often, when we are upended and removed far from our comfort zones,
in ways sometimes too harsh or violent, so uncalled for and unfair, it is there
that we understand His good purpose for us, no matter in what civilization,
kingdom, world power, or prevailing culture we may sojourn; it is then we know
that though physical life has an end, His will and design for us does not; for
truly, He is the God of life, He is the God of our struggles, and He is the God
of time and history...
Most of us earn and
receive only as much as to feed ourselves and loved ones; so that its harsh
realities often make us feel that life is only about toil and drudgery... Yet,
when the Word says that our Creator designated or blessed a day in seven to
rest, which in our pre-Spanish Cebuano culture was a day of
"Ligid-ligid", it brings us back to the purpose of life: a loving
relationship with our God and His creation, which is the ultimate source of our
replenishment and strength, and give us the drive to, "ligid", or
"roll" with whatever punches life throws our way... And so, whatever
day we respect it to be, may we truly give ourselves time on our day of rest by
first, spending time with God, His family and ours, and even with nature, and
freeing ourselves from this world's demands for actitivity and achievement,
from its pressure and bottomless desire for corporate productivity, greed, fame
and wealth, pride and materialism...
The ancient world is
as ours now: corrupt and rotten to the core in many of its systems and
practices... Yet, like what our God has promised to the prophet, there shall be
healing and deliverance, and blessings that flow like rushing rivers of water,
when we learn to respect each others' boundaries--physically, culturally,
mentally, politically, and emotionally; and when we learn to be obedient before
Him, and humble and true to Him and all... Then, we will truly be God's people,
dwelling in our own places called, "The Lord is there"...
The grains and the
stalk... I am always inwardly disgusted by grown up people who do not finish
all the food in their plate, with many of these happening in restaurants and
fast food shops, even family gatherings; and unfortunately, most of these waste
only end up in trash bins and landfills, no living and healthy soul able and
worthy to peruse of, even stray dogs, cats and rats... I feel heartbroken for
my farmer and fisher ancestors and all their kind in the world, who work hard
just to put food in our table and theirs, just to have the fruits of their
labor only end up bring treated with such ungratefulness... One of my life long
prejudices is that chances are, food wasters are actually life wasters too:
wasting their lives, their minds, their talents, their opportunities and time
and connection with others; because they are unmindful, unthankful,
undisciplined, and grew up without proper breeding... This may be an early
morning rant, but may we learn to appreciate life and creation, so that in the
coming food shortage, we might have wisdom, patience and strength to live
In every area of life,
there must be a place for God - - our Creator and King, whether that be our
physical dwelling, the fruits of our labor, our time and attention... And that
would be the sure motivator for us to behave with Him and others accordingly:
with no pride and selfishness, no exaggerated sense of self-worth, no unjust or
fraudulent measurements or taking of undue advantage, with all due respect,
humility, honesty, love and good intentions...
Sentiments in a proper
time and place... Just like what the great teacher in Ecclesiastes said,
"there is a time for everything", so is it misguided and out of line
for some to rant on social media why the world is expressing outrage now, with
Russia's invasion of Iraq, and were silent when their country experienced
maltreatment at the hands of foreign invaders in the past... Well, there was no
social media in the past, and the news we get then is not current events but
history, and few people have access to or even interested in what happens to
other parts of the world then, unlike now... It is likewise as improper and
illogical, when whatever issues we have at home that ruined our mood are
brought to work, and our resentments taken out at co-workers; for each of us
have our own personal issues, yet regardless of position, we are all just
humans, simple folks earning our bread, and have a right to be free of
harassment from bitter colleagues... May we then put our lives in proper
perspective, that every interaction we have with others is truly a humane kind,
one that brings blessings of peace, instead of ignorance, abuse and
Some modern eyes see
in these passages God's racial discrimination and exclusivity, but Bible
scholars say such sentiment rests on the pen of the scribe, and without
cultural and social context, we in our current generation fail to see that
these are just illustrations of how marvelous and holy is our God, how well
ordered is His creation and kingdom, and that in as much as we can, we who
desire a relationship and connection with Him, must also think deep about our
life and decisions, and rightly set our affairs in order; that we may not be
tainted by pride and self-righteousness, that we may learn to separate what is
good from what is offensive, and that we align our values with what is right,
good, just, fair and clean before our One True King and Judge... May we remain
humble and faithful to such standards...
Been thinking about
hubris, which a recent article mentioned, especially with regards to the
motivation behind the actions of a current-day tyrant... The dictionary says it
means an exaggerated sense of pride and self-worth, with etymology in the
ancient Greek, referring to certain people believing that they are invincible
and powerful, and with their words and actions that are often lacking wisdom
and care, are brought down low and destroyed by the gods, to be reminded of
their mortality... In our time today, people with hubris come in many forms, in
different ages and genders, which means that it is indeed part of base human
nature... But wisdom demands that one be humble, for, no matter how intelligent
and capable, wealthy and secure we deem ourselves to be, we are mere mortals
with short life spans; and it doesn't pay to abuse or oppress others whom we
think are beneath us... For if the ancient Greeks believed and say they
witnessed the punishment of the old gods on proud and wicked people, how much
more real and severe and humiliating will be the just judgment of our one, true
and living God... May we remain humble and fair, kind and merciful,
understanding and generous with what we have, and with what we are...
Even in times of exile
and persecution, the prophet was shown the exact and complete measurements of
God's temple, a physical manifestation of people's worship of and relationship
with Him... May we learn that in our time today, such is still the desire and
will of the same God--that no matter the circumstance, out in the open or in
community with others, or in the privacy of our own rooms and minds, our
worship of Him, our conversation in prayer and meditation of the Word, even to
every deed we do and every word we say, are all carefully noted and accounted
for... And if we remain steadfast and faithful, we are assured that someday, we
shall receive a right reward for how we live...
Evil prospers when
good people do nothing... Such evil may come in the range of people murdering
others or going to war against them, stepping over others to get their way,
insulting, being tactless, demeaning, threatening or harassing others whom they
think are beneath them... And when our Savior said to essentially go against
humanity's selfish grain, such as giving blessing even when persecuted, so too,
speaking up in the face of injustice, spreading truth in the face of apathy and
ignorance, keeping still in spite of chaos, or simply keeping silent to make a
point, may we do what is right, and may our God give us fortitude and wisdom to
live so...
The proud and
oppressive kingdoms and rulerships will ultimately reach their downfall and
destruction; yet God's people, who remain faithful and hopeful in Him, though
they may experience hardships and difficulties, persecutions and even be sent
on diaspora for a time, will someday be restored, be enlightened with His vision
and plans for a more glorious future, and be given confidence and peace,
contentment and joy, in His promises, love and everyday sustenance...
One cannot bulldoze
people into respect and submission... For a time maybe, that autocrat may force
others to obey what he or she wants; but that obedience is hollow, devoid of
love and understanding, and full of hate and resentment... Therefore, may we
remain humble and tactful, generous and understanding, and confident and at
peace; that if we remain transparent and confident of the truth and the vision
we espouse, other people will willingly and voluntarily cooperate with us, to
craft the greater future we all aspire to have...
t is telling us that
though it seems all hope is lost, and that expectations dry up due to terror
and desolation, our God can breathe life even into dry bones, make them live
again, and raise up a great army for His kingdom... And so, even if faced with
insurmountable and difficult challenges now, may we strengthen our faith and
hope; for like His right judgment on ancient oppressive kingdoms, in the time
of His visitation, our God will declare His power and glory to all mankind,
unite His people and bring them all under one fold, under One shepherd, to live
in peace and joy in His kingdom for all time...
In a rapidly changing
and increasingly challenging world, apathy and ignorance, laziness and
cowardice have no place; but living our truth, being shining and transparent
examples of our faith, humility and obedience to our God's Word and will, even
as revealed in creation, being present, making a stand for freedom and justice,
righteousness and right, will carry us through towards a greater future...
Vendetta does not pay,
since such unforgiveness is caused by envy and covetousness... And especially
because our God and all creation conspire daily to restore and renew all
things, such lingering resentments, sour grapes, rage and anger, will be the
undoing of the one who wields them, and will disqualify that person from
enjoying all the glory with the rest of the universe, when all things shall
once again become new...
The kind of leaders we
need must be clear with their values, and make a stand, the ones who voice out,
support, encourage, cheer and help whenever they can, with what they have, and
within the sphere of influence they can reach... Actually though, that's the
kind of people we should be... As we strive to become the better person
necessary, to achieve the greater future we desire for us and our future
generation, may we live the good values passed down to us from our ancestors,
and which we now must adapt in our changing times...
In our digital age,
those who have been blessed to know more, are the modern watchmen and
watchwomen, declaring the truth to the world, upholding it, living it for all
to see, to take courage from, and to put their hope on... Like Ezekiel, one may
not be remiss, or one should not shy away from that, nor to stand by the
sidelines and be neutral, but must stand on the side of truth, justice,
fairness, righteousness and right... Because whenever tragedy happens, the
blood of those people we failed to tell the truth to, those whom we kept our
hands off caring, encouraging, supporting and helping, will be required at our
hands... And ultimately, in a future time when all things become new and are
restored by our Maker to their ultimate glory, our apathy, our pride and greed
and disobedience, our laziness and ignorance, our cowardice, will be the ones
unfortunately excluding us and making us unworthy to be part of it all...
Don't let the
unnecessary and unimportant things, your fascination with the past, its comfort
and familiarity, and its over-rated glory, and even your obsession to be in
form, to be properly organized, and to be on your pre-determined schedule,
distract you, slow you down and bog you from your journey... Because the truth,
the substantial and meaningful, the truly significant things that will last a
lifetime and beyond, goes on in its relentless course, and might leave you
Whether old pharaohs, emperors and
kings, or modern day tyrants and autocrats, by God's hands, and with the
natural flow of events in human history and systems, the environment and the
cosmos, there shall be a tragic and miserable end to those who oppress, abuse,
terrorize, massacre and murder, plunder and pillage others... Therefore, may we
learn to live in contentment and humility, and accept the reality that the
golden past may not happen again nor can be recreated, but that it is present
life, peace and understanding, and the greater future we must work harder on...
When one feels stressed, burdened
and overwhelmed, one may not need to acquire certain things, to have the
company of certain people, or to go and explore any other certain place... For
it may be that the only things that can give one relief and respite from the
burdens of life is one's self, and a restored connection with our Maker; to be
grateful for and appreciate the very basic things He has given us: life and
breath - - at regular intervals of which to take it slow and breathe deeply;
day and night - - to spend each waking moment in mindful awareness, and at
night's rest, to sleep in peace and confidence of His goodness and grace;
energy - - not to waste it, push it to our limits, but to carefully and
deliberately use it; because for how long our hearts beat, breath, heartbeat
and energy are unseen natural resources that deplete with age, and must be
expended wisely, slowly, and with each minute, in thankfulness to the One who granted
it, and in appreciation of everyone and everything He has sent our way... To
beat stress, may we live each second, slowly, deliberately, mindfully...
In the Word, diaspora is a result of
God's judgment on a proud and sinful people... Yet, because too often, this
comes as an effect of wars and invasions, and the merciless and selfish actions
of greedy leaders, many more innocents and people who are just humbly living
simple lives are the greater victims... However, like in nature, forced
immigrations and diaspora are not totally tragic, for they teach us to be more
humble before our Creator, and to reconnect well and be better stewards of all
"Quitters never win", is
only good for those on the side of truth, right and justice; not for those who
pridefully insist on having their own way, who stubbornly strive to give in to
their delusions, without knowing how far they are from reality... Because in
the new and better world we and our children aspire to be, what we need is
peace, humility, love, truth, right knowledge, and understanding... So yes, if
we are doing good and for the good of all, we need to keep it up; but if what
we do hurts others, especially the innocent, or only propagate lies and fear
and more delusions, we need to accept the truth, and learn when to stop and
exit gracefully...
Whether ancient or modern Tyruses,
kings and leaders who accumulate extensive power and immeasurable wealth at the
expense of many lives, oppressing and abusing others to get their way, so they
can accommodate their greed and delusions of being like gods, will always earn
our Creator's most wrathful and tragic judgments... And as He had proven true
to His Word throughout history, even if these people's offenses and crimes pile
up to the high heavens, there will be a sure end and destruction to them, with
their memories, legacies, systems and cultures forgotten and abandoned by
future generations... May this be our hope and strength, and our motivation to
live lives in humility, justice and fairness, love and consideration of other
people's dignity, honor, rights and freedoms...
We can fight for our convictions...
But may we not forget that our real battles are in the everyday challenges: to
provide for the needs of our families and loved ones, and to help make this
world safe and secure for them and for our future generations...
As it is in the ancient times, so
will it be in our generation: our God is never pleased with people who mock and
ridicule His people who are experiencing tragedies, calamities, hardships and
trials... For indeed, being human, we must learn that other creatures are
concerned and care for their kindred who are in difficulty, how much more
should we be?... Therefore, whether our help can be as much as giving of
resources, or as bold even to bring about deliverance, or as simple and free as
a prayer, but the heart of love behind them is what counts, and what matters
most of all...
The choices we make are a reflection
of who we are and our values... Regardless of what they may be, whether we are
vocal about them or not, may they be a blessing to us and others; and should
they be found wanting and unsatisfactory, may we not lose the lesson, and
become better for it...
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