LEARNING DEEPLY, July 1-31, 2022

 Grace, mercy and peace... Here again are some of the Word's most controversial passages, especially with today's world issues like the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the rise of Christian nationalism in the great country the rest of the world looks to... Yet, as we learn of the history of God's people through the ages, we realize that the apostle was talking about his preferences, and not final judgments; for culture is dynamic, and so is God's relationship with humanity... We don't have a genocidal deity now, who condemns and considers half of humanity to be sub-humans, but really a gender-less God, who takes good care of us all like a responsible father of the family, in spite of our shortcomings, and who loves us so much He gave us a Savior to die for our sins, yet continues to provide for us day by day, heal us, listen to our cries and complaints, encourages, empowers us, indwells and fills His Spirit in us, and to the last of our dying breath, holds us firmly and gently, that we live each moment, and we have the capacity each time, to inhabit His grace, mercy and peace...



Received the Word the other day, that "life is short, death is sure; sin is the curse, Jesus Christ is the cure"... Indeed it is true that life on earth is so fleeting, and the world we live in so small, compared to the vastness of the universe and the space-time it has been in existence and at work until now... Yet, we thank God that we have been blessed with the mind to be curious, the disposition to learn, and the wisdom to understand: that the Great Designer and Maker of these all, loved us enough to enter into a relationship with us through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; and that putting pride down, our biases and selfishness and greed aside, we can be more amazed at His work and glory, we can experience more of His love and peace especially by living and sharing it with the rest of humanity and creation, and we can inhabit His goodness and grace, as we endure life's temporary hardships and temporal sufferings, until the end of our allotted days...



The Nanay vibes again got the better of me... I just had to buy the handcrafted doormats from the vendor kid in front of the supermarket entrance (this in spite having still many at home, that, put end to end, can now stand in for wall-to-wall carpeting)... I hope he goes to school next month... If not, he'd be like millions around the world who spend each day toiling, working an adult's worth of labor from day to night, just to help put food on the table, to have some left over for school matriculation and miscellaneous, baon and transportation costs... For our part, we can and must do each of our share to support, patronize their efforts and goods (if need be, but without compromising their safety and health), pay our taxes properly and still donate, give, help, encourage and lead the way that they might have more and better opportunities at a good and bright future... This is not an oath-taking pledge, and yet I pray, may God bless and help us all as we as a nation and civilization, help make sure that in the future, no child would work for a living before they even had the chance to learn from school and life...



A friend shared that almost all accounts are cloned with just our name and photo, inviting friends to add them... One only needs to smell the money trail to know that this is all for profit and financial gain of the clone farms... To my friends, you are forewarned, but it's really up to you to accept such invites as I only have one account, and it is this, with the morning reflection and devotional, and the lunchtime or afternoon learn... And obviously and ostensibly, the better English...



Working to live... The apostle presents to us one of the most human and natural facts of life: that as believers and people of God, our participation in our Creator's eternal work is also working that we may survive and be sustained, and not use our talents and time to defraud anybody, take advantage of them, be busybodies with our mouths and wicked agenda, while living unjustly and abusively on the fruits of other people's labor... Indeed, all the rest of creation works according to their needs, and we must learn to be likewise... In God's earth, there is no room for vanity, for over-valued trinkets, for extravagant wastefulness; but our every effort made to make sure the people around us also have enough to consume, and all of us being responsible with our time, talents and the earth's resources; that our every word and deed may bring glory to our Maker who made all things for us to live responsibly and reasonably on, to wonder at and understand deeper, to learn from and gain more wisdom, inspiration, encouragement and strength...



A recent online article said that as of July 28, humanity has already consumed all that the earth has produced for the entire year, and that for the rest of the year, we will be on consumption deficit, with the most probable result of more severe food crisis for the incoming years... If their measurements based on macroeconomic fundamentals are true, this can only be bad news for the many of us who live hand-to-mouth, while hardly making a dent on the affluence of the top 1%... And yet, even in such a grim scenario, one can find levity and a more humble and firmer resolve on living... Chubby friends and family used to joke that in famine, cold winters or even drought, the thin and sexy ones will start dying, having low bodily reserves of nutrition, heat and muscle and fat mass, while the chubby ones will still just start to get thin and sexy... It was a joke then, but it seems prophetic now... And kidding aside, I believe it is high time now we start conserving, making wise and reasonable choices about our purchasing and consumption habits, let go of old favorites and just take what we can afford and what is available, while doing our best to replenish the earth with vegetation and more responsible production and industrial activities...



To establish ourselves in every good word and work, is proving more difficult each day as the world around us steadily descends to more trouble and chaos, and the people that surround us continuously engage in abusive, oppressive, manipulative behavior in their puny efforts to survive, to stay above, to stay afloat... Yet one of the tokens or signs of upholding truth, justice, goodness, godliness and right, is the inherited blessing from our spiritual father Abraham, of deliverance from the hands of our enemies, vengeance and punishment on our oppressors by God's will, and peace and comfort, contentment and confidence on those of us who hold on in hope and faith... Indeed, trials, tribulations, persecutions and oppressions are temporary and have an end; but faith is more real, life persists, truth can never be buried, and our God's promises are sure, yes and amen, from then, now, and for all time...



There is joy in sadness, happiness in pain... And this is not a new brand of emotional sadomasochism, but a clearer look at the realities of life... For one of the few instances when one feels most alive and human is in being hurt, pained, wounded and broken... Going through such and coming out scarred but whole, moving forward even through numbing, (mentally, emotionally and spiritually draining) brutal suffering, persisting in spite of the brokenness, just builds up the hope that becomes stronger, the faith that becomes more sincere, and the lessons and the love that become more deeply ingrained...



To be wholly sanctified by the God of peace is to be aware and to understand, to see beyond the present hardships and troubles, and to know that after all the sufferings and tribulations, the very same God rewards the faithful with peace of mind, with hope and encouragement for all days, with strength and courage until the last breath... And so, even as we see the world and civilization breaking down around us, and evil and wicked people continue on their abusive, oppressive, and destructive path, we know that a better and more glorious future awaits, while for the rest of our days we can hold on in hope and faith, in peace and righteousness, in love and joy...



If life on earth were a ball game, now we are in crunch time... Evil and nefarious people will worsen their relentless attacks on humanity, reason, justice and right; while impostors, pretenders, the fakes and the "snakes" will get exposed or willingly expose themselves in their struggle to win, to survive, to push others down that they must remain... Yet, we still must continue to do the good, to choose and act on what's right and true, to be honest and steadfast, to strengthen our faith, to keep up our hope, and to endure... For like in any ball game, after crunch time comes either victory or loss; while in life, will surely come justice and reward for one, and punishment, shame and comeuppance for another...



Establishing our hearts, in the hope our Savior's resurrection planted on us in faith... The loss of a loved one is always painful, and as long as we live, we the survivors will always mourn and carry the numbing pain throughout the rest of our days, even as we go about our daily business... Such baggage is manifested when, at the point of our own death, it is a normal sight and reaction to see long dead loved ones seemingly beckoning and welcoming us to company... Because we have this hope while yet physically active and alive: even as we do our best to conduct our affairs in truth and honesty, being fair and just and right to everyone--friends, strangers and foes alike, that as the apostle put in words, we who still continue to believe will all come to a great reunion with loved ones long gone, and with the Lord and Savior who loved us all... This may be mythical, fictional thinking to some, but really a source of comfort and hope while alive and still subject to life's beatings and harsh realities.. May we hold on to it, and be better, be stronger, be more hopeful and faithful, inspired and kind...



We are broken and wounded people; and too often we suffer, chastised, beaten up not of our own will and choosing, but what life hands out to us, in myriad forms, in varying degrees of trials and tests... Yet, may the scars of life build us up, encourage and empower us to move on in faith, hope, kindness and love..



True glory and joy... May it not be misunderstood or lost in translation anymore, that not all Jews persecuted the early believers, but the Jewish leaders then... May it also not be misunderstood, that when spiritual ministry is called, "the God business", it refers to all the hard and sincere work, and never an indication that church is an avenue for profit or money-making opportunities, pyramid or networking scams, nor a stage for fame like showbusiness, nor a breeding ground for sexual abuse and gender-based oppression... And that is what the apostle emphasized here: ministry and work in God's kingdom do not rest on monetary remuneration or societal adulation, but lives built up to be images or shadows or likenesses of our God and Savior... Because a minister's true glory and joy is not hundreds or thousands of church members and followers rich in purses and magnanimous in contributions and giving, but souls built up, encouraged, not offended, enduring and persevering in life's greatest journey together throughout their days...



It seems that these days, a lot of western writers are lamenting what they perceive and believe is a world fast coming to its doom... And to a certain degree they may be right... Yet, if such should happen, I believe the right attitude should still be one of hope: that despite all our shortcomings, and our crimes against creation, there will be a time of restoration and deliverance... If that should come without human presence, then let it be, for it might be what creation needs; but for the rest of our remaining physical days, may we make each moment count, and do our best to do good, to be generous, gracious and kind... We may still fail, and we may still relapse to our greedy and prideful nature, yet life is fulfilling if we can try to "fill each unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run"...



True high level thinking is not something esoteric, that only a few experts or secret societies understand... It is knowing that this life is fleeting and short, but the things we do in it have eternal consequences; so that we have to conduct our affairs in honesty, goodness, patience, generosity and love, being aware that whatever we say and do can make or break ourselves and others, and scar or make an imprint on them forever... Let us then make each moment count well, and make memories and impressions that encourage and support, that strengthen and build up, and that show how much we love the God who gave us life, and how much we care about His creation which gives us sustenance, and the people He sends our way to make us build a life worthy of His Name and glory...



Some of us often fail to see the true value of things; and for sheer ignorance and pride, stubbornly insist that we are right, and what we know is true, however ill-informed... Yet such hard-headedness could only lead to sorrow and regret... And so, may we learn to be humble and teachable, that we may learn and know, and everyday our beliefs and character built up in truth, in justice and right, in faith and love...



The Word today: Inside the Inner Cell

"Faithfulness in the midst of trials"

Never give up...

We are in difficulties, because there are others we need to bless, and for us to become channels of God's deliverance and salvation...

Trials are temporary, they are not our final destination...


I appreciate wherever good place you are in now, friends and family; but I share Mr. Gokongwei's sentiment, for I too, love the place where I was born and grew up in...



Grounded and settled, rooted and built up... This epistle written by Tychicus and Onesimus, the latter colored by a modern-day writer to maybe the slave who have run away because he may have gone through an unwilling and unwelcomed homosexual assault by his master, teaches us the things that will not move our faith and conviction--if we build and ground it on our God, who though designed and created all things, yet humbled Himself and died on the cross physically for us... And so, the mark of His salvation is when we do not get puffed up because of so-called deeper and higher knowledge, nor because His Spirit is in us... For His Spirit in us makes us care for and be concerned of all--regardless of faith, race, age, gender, convictions and principles; because we all need our Father's love and mercy; and our individual duty as part of humanity, is to discover His will, to be responsible for His creation, and to be accountable for our every word and deed... May we all truly root ourselves in His will, and be built up according to His desire, and for His glory...



We always learn... Sometimes we learn something, we know what that is, and we use that to make life better for ourselves and others... Sometimes though, it seems that we don't learn anything, and that may be the whole point; for like having no monopoly of knowledge, so too the awareness that there are just some things too difficult or complicated for us to know, and things beyond our grasp... It also teaches us more concretely about trust, that others may learn more than we do, that they may be more of an expert in some things critical and necessary for the survival and salvation of us all... And so, whether we understand or not, we still learn, because we can accept, we can be content, we can still hope and trust, and have faith and confidence and courage...



To all friends and family, thank you for all your greetings... You made my birthday extra special... May God bless us all as we walk this journey together... Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane and strong... Mabuhay! Padayon! Adelante!


Pressing onward, in faith, hope, love and peace... The journey may be long ang arduous, but our end goal is near... And so, together with the people God sent to accompany us, and with those whom He will touch and move by our life's witness, until that day comes--whether inside our physical bodies, or out in the world we live in--let us continue moving forward and on: faithfully, steadfastly, courageously, confidently, contentedly and joyfully...



Happy birthday to all of us who, like these guys, came into the world this day... May we continue to make it better, in spite of all its challenges...


We claim to be somebody or something, because we want to be identified as such... But may we truly live out its essence each moment, that we might become not just who we say we are, but the best version of who we can be...



To live is Christ, to die is gain... The epistle written by Epaphroditus in the name of Paul, to the Philippians, shows us the character of the writer-messenger: a life of humility and faithfulness, in preaching the gospel, and in being a light to this darkened, corrupted and fearful world--even through sickness and pain, bonds and difficulties--is a life that truly counts as meaningful... Indeed, even death is not a sad thing, for it is but a culmination, or properly, a pause, to every physical waking moment spent upholding truth, justice and right, and in ensuring that even with all the challenges and hardships in this world, life still is full of hope and joy to those whom we meet each day...



The best foot... We can't truly be who we are in front of others... When we have been used to having our way at home, either because our word was law there, or we were raised pampered and indulged in and spoiled, it is immaturity and ignorance, uneducated even, to expect the same treatment at school, at work, or even in our neighborhood... And so may we learn to be courteous and respectful, tactful and mindful, peace-giving and responsible, generous and caring... For in truth, nobody really cares about or needs to cater to, or even has time to pay attention to our true "personality" and attitude; but everyone needs us to be humane, understanding, and kind...



In the ultimate world war, which is us against our own misconceptions and misunderstandings of how life should be, the ultimate weapons are faith, humility and obedience to God... Especially as encouraged by the apostle and Tychicus, to submit (read: with utmost respect, love and care) to each other, not to condescend, or to be masochistic, or be an instrument of abuse and oppression... For our God shows no favoritism, regardless of age, gender or race, and His weapons and armor of faith and His Word, are freely available and abundant; the very same that powers and tests our quality as a person, our endurance, and our steadfastness... May we be proven true and faithful, consistently and joyfully holding on until the end of our days...



Taking the heat... Every word we say, every act, every choice and decision will always have consequences... We cannot have our cake and eat it too; and so we cannot expect life and earth to cajole us, humor us, indulge us, or give in to our every whim; and still only expect affirmation and acknowledgement when we have only been doing less than ideal, we have been remiss in our obligations, and we only do things to please our friends and the people we think can benefit us; while we stomp down, insult, abuse or hurt people whom we think owe us something... Really, each of us can only do our best in any situation, and the moment we strive to gain maturity and growth, the first step is to take responsibility and be accountable for our words and deeds; and like the undeniably warming world we must live with and survive in, take all the heat our choices generate...



To the depth, breadth and height... A trending news in the past week was the imaging of a minuscule part of the universe by one of the world's most powerful telescopes... And the images are nothing short of awesome, that such beauty, majesty and power exist in the cosmos beyond our physical home... For those of us who believe that our God created all of these, and continues to create until this day, may we remember that what we saw were just a tiny speck of all the glory He has, that He has in store for His people as a legacy forever... The usual response to the trending news then was joy, though there were still some mockers, scorners and doubters, or bashers in the more popular term; but as the apostle said, the best reaction is humility, a transformed life, kindness and peace... Because each of us is given grace, goodness, talents and gifts; and each of us have our own capacity and duty to give, to share, to build up and encourage, to be kind and understanding, to uphold truth, justice, peace and right...



Lean meat... Mom and I were discussing in preparation to buying ingredients for a dish, and she said she'll buy choice cuts of lean meat... She always prefers that because for her, a dish is the best when every bite is full and tasty... And how so like life in general too... A person is only as good as their last word, their last act, their last manifestation of their professed beliefs and principles, their faith and values... For we can claim to be anybody and have anything, or we can actually be and go as high and far as we want in life; but without truth, honesty, transparency, accountability, humility, tact, courage and wisdom, our words fall flat, the things we say we believe in become questionable, and we become less credible... May we boldly live what our Creator designed us for--in kindness and care, in the humility that recognizes His power over our lives, and in the responsibility and accountability we have over other people and the rest of creation too...



He is our peace, our reconciliation, our healing and deliverance, and our life... The disciple Tychicus wrote this epistle in the name of the apostle Paul, to emphasize to the Gentile or Greek brethren at Ephesus that God chose not only the Israelites but all people around the world, including them, as special inheritance; and such predestination has no meaning unless we accept His offer of salvation and a changed life--from our wrong choices, to a life lived with His peace and reconciliation, that we might receive healing in spite of pain, and mercy and grace in the face of this world's fear and greed... May we always put our hope and trust in Him, as we strive to reflect and share His love and bounty with others too...



There is only a few weeks left before face-to-face classes begin, and even now, parents and guardians are busy with enrollments and other re- and entrance requirements, getting excited and feeling almost relieved after the past two years of involuntary distance and online learning.. May I suggest that we be honest and transparent with our kids too, going with and making them fully aware of each step of the process, and even every little cost--not to embarrass them or make them feel guilty, but to teach them about responsibility; so that when their time as parents and guardians will come in the future, they will come with the right mindset, and can better plan, prepare and perform the task...



Powering on...

May we let the fruits of God's Spirit bear and work mightily in us, that through all of life's troubles and tribulations, we can endure and persevere, and reap a good harvest in life...



Better, Greater, Stronger...

Sometimes, difficult things happen, and we don't understand nor grasp the why and how, and even the "until when"... It isn't that our God enjoys making us suffer or playing with our minds... Because often our difficulties and troubles may be due to our faults or the actions of others; yet we all deserve His love, forgiveness and mercy... And so we trust and hope that even with all the "odds" against us, the "evens" will come; even with suffering there is deliverance; even with illness, there is healing; and even with pain, there is joy... And we hold on to that, so we may come out in life--with the grace and strength our Savior freely gives in abundance--better, greater, stronger...



Jus soli and jus sanguinis, or by birth under the law and by blood of our immediate ancestors... Like laws in force in our nations, we are all subject to the pulls of our human nature, as well as their rightful consequences and implications... According to the apostle, it is also the same with the Galatian brethren who are still living in bondage to sin and their trying-hard-to-please-and-to-be-perfect nature... But he reminds them, and even us today, that we have been redeemed by the precious blood of our Savior, children of God by faith in Jesus Christ, and therefore must live washed and free from trying to fit in with the crowd, from keeping up with appearances and whatever it is that we believe raises us up socially in the eyes of many (even with their ill effects on our health and sanity), and live the rest of our lives showing and giving glory to the Father who loves us all, and who desires that we be a source of life, hope, healing and peace to the world and beyond that He created...



Nostalgia is an amazing thing... In its best manifestation, it can cause one to go places, meet people, and try to recreate situations inspired by happy memories... But in its worst form, it can cause people to support and uphold someone or something based upon altered memories, or those founded on lies, historical revisions, and even disillusions of absent past glories... May we therefore always be true, honest and sincere; so that we can leave a legacy of right knowledge, wisdom, humility, godliness and peace to the future generation...



Out of our bodies... One of the criticisms hurled against modern-day Christianity is the hypocrisy of many of its adherents; but the bad apple should not be made to represent or be in leadership positions for the rest of those in the basket... For the Savior we follow and the God revealed to us is neither discriminatory nor judgmental, neither critical nor proud, neither puffed up nor hypocritical, nor does He deal in double-speak or under-handed agenda... We believe in His salvation, we accept His Word, we are witnesses to His daily mercy and grace, and we are content and confident in His strength and power to make us endure and persevere... Therefore, may we let go of our selfishness and greed, envy and covetousness, ignorance, stubbornness and pride; in order that He may live truly in us, and like our first century brethren, we might be molded and built up to bring peace, healing, light, hope, love and joy to our world...



The small blanket... There is a Filipino proverb, of curling into a fetal position when one is given a small blanket ("Haba'ng maiksi and kumot, matutong mamaluktot"); one of the Filipino's inborn and homebred character that is key to our resilience as a people... Like, when Mom bought cheese bread from the corner bakery store, and this has shrunk in size, with the cheese bit missing, she said that whereas she'd eat only one piece before, now she may have to eat two, or as I suggested, now is the best time one can start going on a reduced food (read: molecular gastronomy) diet... An online article said we are now experiencing the highest inflation rate in 70 years, which many may not grasp the scale or calculation of, only that it takes more pesos to buy things, or if the price is the same, we get less and less of the usual; and no amount of interest rate hikes could prevent overspending, since people now actually buy less of what they used to buy before, but are spending more money... Still, we are here, alive and able, and as the local proverb says, we can crouch, we can hunch up, we can be all the more thrifty, we can live down below what we make while trying our best to adapt to our increasingly challenging world..



Grace, love and communion... In the family of Truth belong Credibility, Goodness and Peace... And these are worthy values... For one doesn't earn credibility by many words, degrees or licenses and certification, but by living out the ethics and ideals of their faith and beliefs... Goodness comes from a heart deprived of pride, greed and envy... While peace comes from the soul content and confident of the Creator's grace and promises... And we have seen in the lives even of our elders, so that we too can prove these in our own, that one who abides by these virtues, will also experience the promised grace, love and communion our God names as His very essence and legacy...



Tuned out... One of my late mentors used to say, "no wisdom", when he doesn't like how things get done... If he was still here now, he would be mad to realize that he was actually talking to a different generation... For, if the boldness and courage the preceding generations have exhibited may often have lacked proper discernment to his eyes, it seems things only got worse over time; and many in the new generation may exhibit a certain kind of initiative and boldness, but to the parents' and society's disappointment, are actually rebellion in its most disrespectful, ignorant and stubborn form... Was it a result of not growing up under the care and guidance of grandparents in an extended family? Was it the Internet? Was it in the food and drink? Was it because knowledge now is free, abundant, and so readily available, without one working so hard to do research and analysis?... But each generation has to face up to its own challenges... And so, much as parents and elders decry however huge the gap in learning and wisdom now, compared to the past, in spite of the vast abundance of readily available knowledge, much still remains to be done; and while we breathe, there is still in fact a chance for each of us to humbly listen to and heed the lessons of history and old age, to discover the truth and uphold it, to be sensitive and discerning...



Because our God's grace is sufficient, and His strength made perfect in our weaknesses... Let us not give occasion to people who love money and manifold gain, to take advantage of the patience and promises our God showers on us; that people who are covetous and greedy, envious and proud may not malign the message our God entrusted to us: that through life's difficulties, we can overcome by His power and mercy, we can become better by His grace and wisdom... May we prove worthy of His gospel and His kingdom, and be circumspect, be aware, be diligent and endure until He comes to manifest in the flesh again...



Body and reason... Many of us think it's okay to say one thing, yet do another, or to renege on our promises, or to assume or take credit for what others did or accomplished, thinking that we would look great in the eyes of others and ourselves if we presume to be first in staking our claim... But as the Wise King said, much words are meaningless... Yes, indeed, the impression and impact of our words may last a lifetime, but if not validated by truth and sincerity, if uttered to demean others, to promote ourselves at the expense of other people, and not backed by honesty and diligence, are definitely not recipes for a worthy life... May we always say what's true and proper, what builds up and not flatters, and what promotes peace and justice and right; that we may become even worthy to stand at the end, in awe yet with confidence, before our Great Creator God and King...



Generosity and the confidence to fulfill our life's calling both arise from and breeds love... They reflect faith, and how trusting and hopeful we are in our Creator's generosity and ability to fulfill His promises; they also show our love and concern for those who share His message with us, and those who go with us in our life's journey... May we be found faithful without being envious, continue to be generous and giving without being covetous and proud, and ever be hungry for truth and wisdom without being prejudiced or exclusive and greedy...



A recent news article transcribed a discussion within a management and labor group comparing the job culture and attitudes of two rich countries... In one, the prevailing culture is lifetime employment, particularly those within the rank and file and middle management levels, where working for a long time, even the whole of their careers in one organization, being promoted or moved just within, is commendable and given premium; while in the other, the culture is to work in different organizations, and most often in different industries, is considered more enriching... Up front, most people will say it boils down to loyalty... I dare say I agree with the culture of the second country: it is a matter of confidence--both in one's skills and qualifications, and in the opportunities in one's job and economic market... Strangely, it is also a reflection and mirror of faith, that of moving out of our comfort zones, trusting God that wherever we may go, He is always there to equip, while we muster up the courage, we make a bet on what we have learned, be willing to get to know more and different kinds of people without burning bridges or destroying our reputation, and in learning more about life and work... For work is nothing but discipline... Yes, it is a way to earn a living, but its true essence is one that teaches us to embrace uncertainty, to not give in to inertia, to never stop becoming better, as we spend our days trying to keep up with our Creator's daily labor and work as manifested in all of creation...



Because the proof of learning is becoming better, the proof of wisdom is to accept the truth and uphold it, the proof of faith is to persevere against all odds, and the proof of love is to give and share... And we are encouraged to do the same, as what the apostle encouraged the Corinthian Church, when considering and putting up the example of the Macedonian Church... Hence, we must realize that we do not live only for ourselves; but every act, every word, every ounce of blessing, will find its fulfillment when shared and poured out to become a blessing to others too...



Even respecting the laws of nature, it still seems that virtually nothing is impossible to the one who has faith, one who can muster up the courage to do something to change things, and the wisdom to plan and maneuver in such a manner to derive the utmost benefit and good in whatever situation... It may be that we to whom all the odds of creation and life seem to be stacked against since birth, may be born not to silver spoons, but to become overcomers--people who start with nothing, and will most often end it with nothing but the shirt on our backs, yet be able to spend our lifetimes making a difference, making this world--in spite of its corruption and decay, something worth living and fighting for...



Living by faith, not by sight... In some of life's most tragic and traumatic episodes, an out-of-body experience is one of people's coping mechanisms; and though psychologically fragile, one with quite strong emotional composition could come out mentally unscathed, and still able to continue and move on in faith, hope and wisdom; while those who may have not received the proper support and encouragement bear emotional and psychological scars deeper and longer-lasting than the physical ones... May we therefore learn from the apostles' words here, to perceive beyond the hardship and trouble we experience, to put our hope and faith far above and beyond the pain we bear... For that is indeed where we are bound, if we trust our Savior's promise, if we take His hand as He leads and comforts us through life: an eternity of glory, free from pain, saved from sin, delivered and made whole from the evil and rottenness that destroys the material world we know...



The things that move us often make our day... When these are good, may we be moved and inspired to do good, and give our best to make life better for us and others... When these are not so good, may we be moved to patience and persistence, understanding and love, that we may bring hope and light, joy and inspiration for us and others; that against all odds, we may continue in our journey until that great and glorious day...



Treasures in jars of clay... We are clay: our bodies get sick and decay, our emotions fickle and volatile, our minds and reason sometimes troubled or confused, or misleading and absent... Yet, in spirit we know, that if we have surrendered our souls to our Savior, there is freedom--not bound by material things or physical manifestation, but in faith and hope, believing that a better and more glorious life awaits, a life far above, beyond and removed from the burdens, uncertainties, want and incapacities of our frail human existence... Let us still hold on to that in hope, in prayer, in patience, the treasure in heaven, that which will never decay nor be depleted...



Sometimes, difficult things happen, and we don't understand the cause, nor do we feel secure about the outcome... But let us just continue to hope and pray, and trust; that our Savior will never leave us, and that our God will always be there to help us make it through, and teach us to learn and discover more about life with Him, and life lived according to His will and for His glory...



And so we come to the second epistle to the Corinthians, written by Titus and Luke, in the name of Paul, enlightening us that the reason for our troubles and suffering, is that by overcoming and learning, we can comfort others and give them hope, and proclaim to them the message of God's kingdom and love, with sincerity and truth; this being the essence of what it means to be the salt of the earth, a savor of life to those seeking for it, a savor of death and guilty conscience to those who disregard life, humanity and creation... Such tall order and difficult mission entails that yes, we may encounter sorrow and grief, but we must not dwell there; for other people look to us for inspiration, a kind word, a good news, truth, peace, love, and a blessing...



Hold on in hope, to inner strength and peace... As shocking as it may learn that a former world leader who still wields great influence to the last minute, even within party lines, could be murdered out in public and in broad daylight in a country known to be respectful and safe, and constitutionally mandated to be pacifist, with its people culturally conformist to the general norm; it is also equally tragic to realize that no person everywhere is exempted from the existential crisis, dread and anxiety that seems to pervade the very air humanity is breathing for the last couple of years (like the TV series 'Dark Hole' being prescient and come to life)... We mourn and feel grief with the affected people, and offer whatever consolation and encouragement we can, but we can only hope and pray that people everywhere may also find hope and wisdom, light and peace... Because no matter how economically and socially more challenging things may become, we must never lose our grips with reason, and still do our best to hold on to in faith, in strength and peace; so that until our last moment, and like the late world leader, we can still embody the nobility and wisdom of being human; and in spite of today's upheavals and world-changing events, persevere until we actualize that we are destined for more and greater, beyond the here and now...



Evil communication corrupts good manners... And so the epistle written in Philippi by 4 Church brethren and elders in the name of the apostle Paul, though may sometimes have been peppered with a bit of their own conceptions and preferences, yet shows us the over-arching message of standing strong in the faith, to have hope in a life after with our Savior and King, and to continue to do good and to labor with others for a better life, knowing that our lives, our hopes and dreams, and our efforts will not be in vain... It encourages us too, to respect church brethren and elders of all gender (like women Aquila and Priscilla), age (like young Timothy), and status (like pioneering elder Apollos), to make it a point to weekly set our schedules and financial resources to help out in the church's work and financial needs... Because with right communication, with right understanding, with all acts done in love, we can encourage and share this life journey with others, as we as a community await and welcome the return of our Savior, King and Deliverer...



First study how to handle people well, then you can manage tasks, groups and organizations more meaningfully and effectively... Because honors and accolades, degrees and licenses can be accumulated based on our ability to accomplish things; but one word, one act, that manifests how full of ourselves we are, how selfish and greedy, how blind and deaf, and how ignorant or how little we understand others, can make all of it meaningless... Therefore let us learn to put awareness of others first, that we might see ourselves in a truer light, and that we might perceive life in a clearer and better perspective...



We're all in this together... These are both some of the oft-quoted and most misinterpreted and misapplied passages of the epistles, particularly what love means, and the speaking and submission of women in church; for if love will have its way, and if we consider the words of the prophets, as cited by the apostle Peter (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17) God's spirit does not discriminate between genders, that He pours out His power and revelation to anybody, regardless of status or age, and that anyone filled with His spirit must share the message, in an orderly, understandable, and logical manner... Because misquoting and denying how and from whom edification comes is denying love's true purpose: not a physical fulfillment, but a building up of character, strengthening of spirit, and confidence, joy and peace of the soul dedicated and destined for eternal glory and everlasting communion with our God, Savior and King...



Lingering affections... Just like substance abusers, letting go of beliefs, principles, concepts and theories we have grown up with can be a difficult struggle; for it sometimes means that we have to deny ourselves, and somehow invalidate who we were and who we professed to be to people... But growth and maturity demand that we learn something new each day, even if these may be contrary to our preferred culture and lifestyle... Indeed, nature teaches us that learning and transforming our principles, habits and ways of doing are keys to survival; likewise, consciously and willingly letting go of pet peeves, habits, routines, mannerisms, biases and prejudices is necessary that we might be able to spend our days more fruitfully, meaningfully, and satisfactorily, in accomplishing our purpose and calling...



Again, these are some of the most controversial passages from the epistles, particularly what many believe is the root of the discrimination of women and their treatment as second class citizens in the Christian church; where for hundreds of years, they have to be made subservient to men in leadership, to husbands at home, to their fathers and brothers, and even to male strangers everywhere in society... But it is worthy to note that even the apostle said that it is actually not a custom of the early church, simply what he believes is the proper order of things... And so, we can excuse him for seeing things only based on his preferences as a lifelong bachelor, and his discernment of what should be right about the culture of his time... Yet, in the succeeding passages, he showed what was the way taught by our Savior: in the physical remembrance of communion and breaking of bread, we partake of His life, death and resurrection, without discrimination as to gender, race and culture; and in the diversity of gifts, talents and identities, we are to show a diversified church, using all resources and every little help and effort, to bring Him glory, to proclaim His love and the gospel of His kingdom, and uphold the kind of life He wants us all to enjoy and practice, and be a light and blessing for, to the rest of the world... May we let go of our misinterpretations, that truth and love be not lost on us, and that we might truly live the abundant life our Savior promised...



Trying on for size... It is still a perfect world, but populated by imperfect people... If we were, everybody would have been treated fairly, accorded the same respect and recognition, and given equal due for equal work... Yet, we are not; and too often, because of greed and selfishness, and a desire to be at an advantage over others, for vanity and pride, many of us show favoritism, discriminate, objectify, prejudge, and take comfort in our biases, even abuse and oppress, and wield and brandish superiority to hide our insecurity, anxiety and fear of the unknown... May we learn to humbly accept our limitations, to do our best to uphold what is good and just and right, to always act motivated by love for others, and to have wisdom to discern that life is meaningful and rewarding when we do not hold on to regret and fear, and we do not let others stumble through us and fall...



Whatever we do, we do for God's glory... This seems to be the apostle's response to the bashers and trolls of his time... Yet, we learn that no matter how legalized, how sincere and truthful our witness and testimony may be, those who are doomed with ignorance and pride, will never be enlightened, convinced and delivered... And so we heed his call to remain strong, hopeful, to persevere and endure, and until our last breath, to run the good race and to fight the good fight of faith... For we do not seek accolades or recognition and validation from others, but from our Maker, and from those who believe His message through our testimony and our life example... Indeed, whatever we say and do, whatever we eat and drink, in all of our choices and decisions, may our God and Savior's Name be glorified...



Much like how millennials grew up with popular culture's tale of the 'Boy who lived' , and his archenemy, 'He who must not be named', a few days ago, a certain author wrote about an emotion that most people in the world right now are experiencing, but would not name or identify, nor acknowledge and face head on: Grief - - that the world and civilization as we know it, is breaking down and coming to an end; so much so that in denying it, we try to fill our days with activities, with work, with distractions, with efforts to accumulate, to spend, or to invest and save, which is becoming more difficult as every day, prices go up, events and upheavals happen that seem to upend them all, and prove false all the philosophies, theories, concepts and systems, which our elders and past generations have adapted, and which our generation have seen are not actually valid and working out well anymore... But thanks be to God that yes, we will acknowledge our fears and anxieties, our grief and despair; but we will also hold on to in hope; that if we persevere in doing our best, doing good, helping each other, inspiring and encouraging one another, and in spite of difficulties, uphold truth, justice and right, we might be able to complete this life well and good... May we still be inspired and enlightened, may we remain hopeful and joyful, not because we can by our own will and effort, but because we were created to be, and blessed with the strength and wisdom to do so...



On labels, whether statuses, gender, or food... It is important to remember that the apostle stated that his words are permissions or suggestions, and not commandments, acknowledging that he did not receive nor had knowledge of what God commanded particularly in the matter of singleness and marriage, with even the same argument he used in the manner of eating: that there is actually equality between genders and affiliations, especially in terms of respect and care for each other, in taking care not to offend nor be misinterpreted and misunderstood, in making sure to live in peace, to be able to bless and influence others to doing good, to living right, and to enter into a holy and right connection with our God and Maker... For labels and impressions really do not matter, but how we love and live our Creator's words and let these bear fruit in our lives, that will be the true reckoning, regardless of our status, whatever our life preferences and convictions may be...



Destruction and restoration... Many of our beliefs, practices, principles and elements of culture and tradition may have been taught us from our elders and from past generations... And for a time, maybe we sincerely believed they are good and right; but especially as we mature, and as age and all its stresses take a toll in our bodies, in a rapidly changing world fast spinning towards its own destruction, we realize that many of those things may not actually be true and worth subscribing to at all... And so, as we gain more wisdom and discernment, we realize that only when we ponder for ourselves, and come to evaluate what we have done in the past, in the light of right knowledge founded on truth and the natural and logical order of things, we decide what misconceptions we may have to let go, and what convictions we need to strengthen and hold on to... For as a fictional material that has its roots in wisdom and philosophy say, even when there is destruction, there will also be restoration--really just an affirmation of what the Word says about time, and it being present for all things, even life and death; so that even when we shatter old philosophies and principles, we are assured that there will also be a more enlightened way of seeing life and living it in the future...



The unleavened bread of sincerity and truth... These are some of the Apostle Paul's most controversial words that resonate so strongly today, particularly, no offense meant, as what critics claim how the Christian Church is dying because of its hypocrisy: a blatant attack on the concept and culture of LGBTQIA, but a tolerance and condonation of child molestation, abuse, objectification and rape of women, domestic violence, massacre of indigenous people throughout history, and destruction of culture and the environment all the while falsely brandishing the name and the word of God... And that is what muddles the message of our salvation and the kingdom of God, particularly if we fail to see that in these words, the apostle may have a very different perspective on things and civilization, who, being not entirely a prophet, can only see and relate with what was around him during his time... But what shouldn't get lost is our own individual responsibility to overcome our sinful, lustful, greedy and selfish nature, our sense of entitlement and pride, regardless of what position we may have in church and society, regardless of our degrees and qualifications, or the amount of wealth we have accumulated... Rich and poor alike, we are called to respect other people and not abuse or impose on them; we are called to care for the weak, and not take advantage of them; we are called to live our truth, that we might be credible witnesses of our Savior, and so be able to inform the ignorant, give hope to the discouraged, give wisdom to the confused... May we truly be people of sincerity and truth, as we all struggle together to reach our ultimate destinations in our life's journey...



Aging backwards... Some people do or even try to look, act and think younger in spite of advancing age; and not always due to senility, but probably due to a certain wish to hold on to and try to recapture the essence and feeling of their youth; so much so that some coin such phrases as '40 is the new 20', or '60 is the new 30'... While it's cute, and maybe physiologically still able, yet especially when one is entrusted with managing people, tasks and things, even our nuclear and extended families, and our faith, we need mature minds and behaviors up to the challenge... While feeling young can be an escape, may we only make it a respite, and be on most days and times, responsible, aware, accountable, honest and trustworthy...



I heard somebody say that those who have the license are to be differentiated from those who don't, and those who graduated from those who did not finish, even though all of them studied the same course and went through the same specialisations... But I think what really should differentiate people are ethics and personal accountability, credibility and trustworthiness; because yes, some may be doing better than others, some may have been given better chances than most, but the application of knowledge and wisdom, the integrity, the professionalism, and the way we treat people over profits is what matters... And so it seems with the spiritual, like what the apostle Paul says in these passages... One may go to church all the time, spend countless hours in religious activities, but without fully reading and discerning the Word, without confirming it with and through the lens of other external, historical, cultural, logical and scientific sources in order to build faith more, like the Berean Christians did, we lose out on growing and maturing, and fully integrating it in our daily living... In short, a lack of full and better understanding leads to inadequacy in practice, a stunted growth, and a sadly inappropriate and lacking witness and manifestation of our God's mercy, grace, love and power through us who claim to belong in His kingdom, to a world badly needing such hope, encouragement and deliverance... May we heed the apostle's inspiration, may we truly listen to the call of our Savior, and though uncomfortable and difficult, truly live our calling and the gospel entrusted on those who believe...



Most people love popcorns. In fact, I have yet to find any who inwardly doesn't, even those who say they're on some kind of a diet. And though these puffed kernels are mostly not good, according to nutritionists, yet, especially when we watch TV or movies, or when we bond with friends and family, nobody can help consuming them, even if only for their tastiness; or actually, most often ignoring it for the sheer fun of putting each piece on the mouth. Somehow, it seems like that in human relationships and connections too. People often ignore and forget good intentions, but they will remember forever how we made them feel. May we learn to make others feel loved, welcomed and appreciated, the way our God and Savior always makes us feel each time we open our eyes to a new morning, each time we face a new day of possibilities and opportunities...



Having the mind of Christ is not to feel proud that we have what we believe to be a higher knowledge even beyond those with the most degrees and licenses, nor the stronger faith and conviction than those whom we think believe differently... It is in the confidence and peace in knowing that every word we say and every deed, can have a huge impact on others... It is being aware that all of us go through the same daily struggles, and deserve compassion and to give it to others too... And living our faith means we exist to respect and empathize with one another, rather than insisting we are right or our way is better... It is not glorying in the flesh, so much so that we can afford to stay silent about our issues, and be vocal about the bigger issues of the gospel: how that human constructs are lacking in giving us the ideal life... But it is only in giving our lives and love to our God, and obeying His leading to be responsible stewards of creation, and loving and accountable keepers of our fellowman, that life is truly complete and perfect--the kind of life that is as abundant as His unlimited bounty and grace; the kind of life filled with His utmost and bottomless peace, mercy and favor...



For every crisis, there's an opportunity; and for every hardship and difficulty, there is always a chance to ponder, position ourselves well, and prepare... And even though we may not be able to trust on the veracity of the things we hope for, nor expect human-made promises to come true or have a significant impact on how things will turn out to be, yet, we can trust that as long as we have breath, and as long as our God graciously and generously showers us with new mercies everyday, we will always have a chance at making the best out of life, and of getting the most good out of every situation...




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