LEARNING DEEPLY, August 01-31, 2022
A white robe, a temple pillar, a seat at the throne... When one evaluates their life, and puts off the wardrobe of hypocrisy, one finds out that our God is there, ready to enlighten and reward with what truly are the precious jewels and clothes of life: a life wrapped in goodness and godliness, not atop our own pedestals but a worthy foundational structure in God's kingdom whom others can truly depend on like a pillar, and belongingness in the highest and immortal company of all--a seat in our God's throne room... Mythical, mystical, surreal, maybe considered by some as delusional, but a truly grounded person is also vertically minded, on whom the storms of life can only strengthen and refine...
Great drought, great deluge... One
news article penned this phrase, referring to the twin climate disasters of our
time; where, in many parts of the world, unfortunately in agricultural places,
great droughts and mass die offs in nature are experienced, while in others,
especially urban areas, great deluges come with even just ordinary monsoon
rains... It also sadly reflects the human condition, with a great deluge in
economic and psycho-social problems for people, in spite of significant
technological advances and the great increase in knowledge, but there is also a
great drought of wisdom, morals, love and care for fellow beings... Yes, it's
difficult and nearly impossible, but may we be stoically and patiently
persisting in trying to do good, to be just and fair, in doing our best to be
responsible stewards of life and creation, wherever we may be; so that no
matter how many or whatever type of big ones may come, our faith and conviction
will not be shaken, and our souls and sanity remain whole, kept safe and secure
in our Father's loving hands...
The tree of life, the
crown of life and freedom from being hurt by the second death, manna and a new
name, power over the nations... All marked red, eternally important, being
words by our God and Savior Himself... Like the first four churches mentioned,
such are some of the eternal rewards of one who persevere until the end,
keeping faith, upholding truth and right while standing up against greed and
evil... Lofty goals worth pursuing, even in the face of difficulties, trials and
tribulations, persecutions and physical death... May we find the courage and
humility called for by our Savior, as we seek to live the rest of our days with
His leading, His inspiration, His mercy and grace...
It's pathetic but
natural, that some people's greed and selfishness could worsen, even as life
gets more challenging and difficult by the day... And that is the moment where
the faithful and true are revealed... For the ones who can remain humble,
generous, wise, patient, and still uphold truth and right remain standing as
heroes, as inspirations, as salt and light... May we have the courage to rise
up to the challenge...
The beginning of the
end... Like a fuel pump counter that slows down toward the end of refilling,
signalling a slowdown of flow, so will we study the last book recorded in
Biblical Canon chapter by chapter... Yet, while the events on earth seem to
rush double time, in crescendo toward a certain culmination, we also feel that
many people are slowing down and turning inward in faith, wisdom, love and
spirit... May it not be so for us; for a slowing down and a kind of numbness
could happen in our emotions and tempers, yet as always, like the true face of
our Savior whose eyes are like flames of fire, so too may our spirits and faith
grow stronger through fire, to do the work He commissioned us, to fulfill our
purpose to be a light of this world, and a salt of this earth... To the seven
churches' embodiment of the kinds of people He called for company, may we keep
in mind, may we plant in our heart, may we remain steadfast and hopeful and
full of faith, as we explore the book written in the ancient penal colony of
Patmos, think about and meditate on, beginning with...
Our word is our
bond... Yet, far too many of us speak without accountability, either promising
that which we reasonably could not deliver, or insulting, ridiculing, being
sarcastic to others, while laughing, smiling or seemingly making light of what
we say, ignorantly not knowing such to be more severe as it shows our lack of
understanding of people and things... May we learn to be responsible and
accountable with our words, which our Savior said to preferably just be Yes, or
No, as anything in excess could come from evil intentions (Matthew 5:37)...
Indeed, if every word, careless or not, be judged and accounted for (Matthew
12:36), may our every "Yes" truly show our openness and
accommodation, our capacity and willingness, and every "No" may honestly
express our humility and acknowledgment of our every boundary and limitation,
our steadfastness and integrity, while both showing our wisdom and love...
To never speak bad or
evil about things which we know not or have limited knowledge about... Because
such is the mark of a person without wisdom, a false believer, claiming to be
knowledgeable but actually a fool, one who is marked unto perdition and
destruction despite claiming to be saved and good... May we remain steadfast
and strong, humble yet wise, tactful and lovingly honest; like our Savior who
challenged conventions, but always showed mercy to all, regardless of their
position and life station...
A few days ago, a
writer stated that the indigenous peoples of Australia believe in "Big
Heat, Big Rain", or in much of the world these days, "Big
Flood"... Indeed, we have often seen that when life's big heat assail us
in full force, so that we sometimes find it hard to breath and find our
bearings, something great is always coming: be that opportunities or blessings;
or challenges and difficulties (even discipline and correction), but when dealt
with humbly, responsibly and right, always empowers us to become better and
The beloved elder and
apostle John, in this his third epistle that formed part of our modern day
canon, shows us what matters most even until the end of the age: as the beloved
friend and disciple Gaius has done--to continue in love, generosity,
selflessness, upholding the truth, hospitality, not to malign or cause
controversies with speech and discrimination or feelings of superiority over
others, and to always follow that which is good... Because, yes, all life comes
to an end, each in its own time; but the only life that is truly significant,
the one that truly matters is one lived for the good and betterment of others,
while grounding one's self and remaining humble; in promoting what would
benefit each one regardless of who they are, not those that would only benefit
one's ego and desires...
We know if someone is
secure and confident, at peace with their quality and qualification, and grew
up with proper breeding: they are not insulting, offensive, neither
condescending nor always throwing a challenge to anybody to prove them wrong or
less... Unfortunately, the insecure and not confident ones always only show
their pride and ignorance, their poor vocabulary and narrow-mindedness, and
their lack of class and refinement... In this chaotic era, let us show some
class and bring some honor to those who raised us, by taming our tongue; and by
showing people that we are really qualified for the work given to us by
delegating properly, accounting transparently all our tasks and outputs, and
turning over in a clear and logical manner, whatever it is that we need to pass
on to others...
To an elect lady and
her children... These two epistles of which were expressed the apostle John's
high view and respect of women's leadership in church, and life in general...
And we learn too, how women of today can rise from all the misogyny and abuse
they are subjected to in life, whether at home, at work, in public and society
in general: we know the truth about ourselves and about our God who created us
in love, and we can choose to not wallow as victims and martyrs, but as leaders
and influencers of what is good and godly, we can uphold the truth, what is
just and fair and right at all times... And we can have faith and strength to
do these, because we know our God never fails, and that however life turns out
to be, He always has good intentions for us, and our secure future in His
Some of us think--just
because we have achieved something, born into or gotten some wealth, that we
are in a certain position, or that we have established "perfect"
marriages and families, and raised "super-achiever, smart"
children--unfortunately, that we can insult and ridicule others whom we think
do not meet the criteria and standard we believe people, in general, should
have in order to merit our respect... But reality check: we all get sick and
die; and the sad reality is that for far too many, it is when we are most down
and out and helpless, that the people whom we depend on to uphold us in the
pedestals we have built for ourselves, actually abandon us to our own
devices... But blessed are those who have settled, humbled and grounded
themselves, knowing and fully aware of their worth and limitations, taking care
not to offend, waste or abuse, but making sure to encourage and build others
up, and share generously whatever little they have, be this material or
intangible; for, whatever comes, whether joy and pain, health and illness,
plenty and want, enlightenment or brain fog, sanity or not, they will be the
ones left standing to inherit the earth, the ones who can courageously go
through life in faith, in confidence, in true security and peace...
Love for fellowman
marks the true believer... Not exclusivity, nor privilege, nor thinking that
only those who belong in our little cliques or congregations are worthy of our
respect and consideration... Because yes, our Savior commanded us not to love
this world's lusts and temptations, but like Him, we are to follow in loving
the unloved, those whom we believe are "unsaved or unconverted"...
Because the truth in fact is that each of us, no matter who and where we are,
and no matter what we believe in, only need to see the goodness in people, the
grace, mercy and understanding they live by, and the peace and consideration,
the humility, generosity and selflessness they spread, to remember that we have
a God who cares for us, who desires that we believe so, and that we call upon
Him and take Him up on His Word, His promises, His love and eternal life...
Many people try to get
ahead in life by pushing others down, or by stepping all over them, or through
lies and smokescreens, by gaslighting or changing the true narrative... But
such is unsustainable, and really just a nail in the coffin of one's soul...
Because the truth will always come out, and good people can never really be put
down; since by virtue and qualifications, in various life situations, they are
always made to rise up... May we therefore spend our days in humility, in
truth, in goodness and kindness, in grateful acknowledgement that we can
achieve nothing by our own efforts and have all the credits alone; for we were
created to be in company, in equitable camaraderie and teamwork, and to remain
sane and grounded by considering the needs and state of others before our
It's all about love...
And it's not just saying it, or being in a relationship with someone, where it
finds fulfillment; but in every time one gives up a part of themselves, a
certain privilege or preeminence, every time one lets someone else cut in line
or go ahead of them, it is really actualized... And the beloved apostle said
that one can gracefully do these if that person is filled with the love of God,
which does not discriminate, and is generous without limitation... And hereby
we know too, those who are the true enemies of our God: those who claim to
follow Him, yet, promote exclusivity, discrimination, otherness and privilege,
instead of loving all people as He does, instead of upholding truth and justice
and right, and promoting what's good for all... May we be filled with the love
of our Heavenly Father, that we might spend the rest of our days sharing His
mercy and grace, regardless of where we are, and with whom we may be...
Beyond Thanatos...
Some people struggle all they want, just to rise above others, even to the
point of stepping down on them, to be able to become who they think they should
be--someone successful and a champion in their eyes, regardless if they offend,
disrespect, abuse others, or that the rest of the world is being destroyed
before their very eyes... And as what one social analyst said, that is where
the world is exactly in right now... But life is better and more fulfilling for
those who know themselves well, who are able to keep pace with the flow of
life, no matter how turbulent, and still be able to grow in grace, in
knowledge, in humility, in truth, in justice, in generosity and love... For
developing these characters are the true and most enduring way for one to live
beyond destruction and despair, and embrace a new world where ultimate peace
and goodness reign...
Living with the
unction (anointing) from the Holy One... Means that as God's people, we are to
live with the light of His love, and to be a light, an inspiration, an
encouragement, and a blessing to others; not to be a source of falsity and
lies, not be a propagator of hypocrisy and discontent, and not a promoter of
wayward living and rebellion to Him, and to the earthly authorities He has
ordained to rule over our civic and political affairs... May we spend the rest
of our days in the light our Savior and God has given, that we might have
confidence to meet Him in our day of reckoning, at the end of our days...
One cannot be
considered an expert, a master, an authority, or even one with relevant and
significant experience in something, without considering the very basic effects
of decisions and directives on human behavior... Because dealing with people is
indeed the first skill we learn as kids, back in preschool; and it is the one
skill we have to deal with in every situation throughout our lives... And so,
regardless of who, with whom, and for whatever purpose, may we always act with
wisdom, speak with tact, decide and lead with honesty, grace, goodness,
justice, fairness, and foresight...
The best response to
climate extinction, was what the apostle Peter penned a couple of millennia
ago... Not despair and hopelessness, sorrow nor nervous breakdown, running amok
and wreaking havoc and more destruction, in an attempt to ease our terror and
drawing or bringing other people down in our misery; it is growing in the grace
and knowledge of our Creator, and living honorably, conducting ourselves in
humility and goodness and faith... For indeed, whether by human effort or just
the natural cycle of things, the world as we know it, will soon meet its end;
but that is not reason enough for us not to care for it, to still be good and
responsible stewards of creation even until our last breath... We cannot do
magic or miracles, and we should not, because we are called to be mere
stewards, and against all odds, to be good and faithful servants...
It's sad to see
younger people give up hope and faith, especially for their future, because as
one motivational coach and teacher said, yes, the world may be in a dire
situation right now, but we need not get tied down by it, and still continue to
create, give our best in whatever endeavour, meet people and grow our networks,
and essentially, by each of our individual efforts, create our own economy, our
own system--bureaucratic or lifestyle... Indeed, it might just be as basic as waking
up each day in hope, energized to do whatever we must for the day in spite of
sadness or pain or grief, and for the rest of our days, powered by the hope and
faith to make each moment count, and the confidence and peace that each moment
is not frivolous and vain, but truly counts in our Creator's greater scheme of
Day star arising...
Those who make their lives meaningful and worthwhile strive to live in faith,
virtue and knowledge, temperance, patience and godliness, making each moment
count; while the proud and self-possessed insist on their own righteousness and
perfection, notwithstanding they offend or insult, abuse or take advantage,
ignore and gaslight, yet remain oblivious and ignorant to life's real
challenges and issues... May we let the light of our God's love, mercy and
goodness dwell in us, that we might be able to rise from the darkness, fear and
uncertainties of life, to meet each new day with joy and hope...
The future is uncertain,
but one must still prepare for it; to a certain extent, materially, by setting
aside, by not wasting and not being extravagant... But because financial means
are too often beyond the reach of many of us, the best way to prepare for what
will come is to settle how we feel and think, to do good to all, to uphold what
is true and just and fair... Then, we can have the confidence that no matter
what happens, we have a God who always cares, who cares about our needs, our
health and sanity... Blessed be His Name forever...
For elders and all, as
what our Savior left to him for one of his last words after resurrection and
before His ascension, the apostle Peter reminds us to feed the sheep, to look
out for each other's needs and interests, to be humble and not be ruled by
greed and a desire for money and power... Indeed, timeless words for us all,
whether in positions of leadership and authority or not; for in every
situation, life is only fulfilled if we have done and left something that is good
and that blesses others; and it only becomes meaningful when lived not only for
our own narrow and limited thoughts and aspirations, but for the fulfillment of
our Savior's aim to draw all people to Himself, that we together with them,
might find and follow life that is eternal, sure and true...
It's not just cliché,
but if what we think and feel can be unconsciously shown in how we walk, who we
are, what we have been, whether we have gained a vast wealth of experience and
acquaintances, whether we are broad-minded or close-, whether we are proud or
subservient, innocent or sly, transparent or always with a self-serving agenda,
can actually be read from our faces--not the color or physical features itself,
but by the subtle shadows, twitches and reflections of energy and life they
project... Altering it may change how we look, but even that is a reflection of
a bit of discontent and unhappiness, and still, enables others to either
prejudge us haphazardly or by deeper knowledge, understand our motivations and
priorities... And so may we always strive to think, speak and do good and
godly, and uphold truth and what's fair and just and right, that we might show
others the goodness and grace of our God, really literally, by our faces..
Reckoning begins in
God's family... And if by selfishness and greed, we follow the several
generations' past interpretation of these passages regarding the subservience
of women and their treatment as less human or second-class citizens, we are
proving ourselves evil and base, ignorant and guilty of disobeying what the
rest of the passages says about doing good to all, and living lives made
separate from the cruelty and abuse the world dishes on those who subscribe to
its vices and selfish attitudes, greed and discontent... May we instead prove
faithful to the Word, regardless of gender, and live strong, brave, confident
and with wisdom, while being generous with our love and care, our attention and
Disrespecting and
dishonoring parents and elders don't pay... Because even if we think we know
better, we have achieved more, we are more technologically or digitally savvy,
to a certain and great extent, we owe who we are and what we have now to
them... And so every time we talk back to an elder or parent who always
reprimands or calls our attention, or every time we insult them or dishonor
them because we think they haven't done enough for us or given us what we want,
someday sooner than we think or need, life will always get back to us and break
us down... For just as our God's promise of honoring and respecting our parents
and elders--even if we think they don't deserve such--leads to a long, abundant
and full life, consequently, disrespecting and dishonoring them leads to a
short, miserable and messy existence... May we learn our lesson and spend the
rest of our days in wisdom, humility, peace and love...
A chosen generation...
According to the apostle Peter, is not one special or privileged or exempt, but
true to being the salt of the earth and light of the world, continues to do
good, to be law-abiding, to conduct its affairs in truth, fairness and justice,
in generosity and humility, in goodness and love... And as we see these days
that the day of Revelation of the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls is near,
whether we be alive to see it or He decides to call us earlier, may we continue
to remain faithful, humble, wise, patient and strong, without offending,
without envy and covetousness, without pride and greed...
Maybe we didn't get
the memo, but we are all (individually, and collectively as a civilization)
actually in the midst of an existential crisis, where our old ways of doing
things, our old beliefs and bureaucratic systems, those so-called "- - - -
(lifestyle and career, multi-generational, racial) dreams" have been
proven inadequate or downright false, as it seems daily living and our bills
and mortgages are getting more difficult to afford... Yet, there is always a
silver lining, and that is, hope-- that we have a God who sees what we are
going through; who designed and created us, and still provides for our daily
needs; and who wills that every thing we go through, no matter how difficult or
painful, is ultimately for our good... May we hold on to that, so that no
matter if the world is falling down, we will remain standing on His promises,
confident and at peace in His love...
To be just and fair,
to be patient and to endure, to speak right and with tact, to pray earnestly
and in pure faith... Are the formula that set us for life, because they are the
best preparation for our twilight years, and for the end of our journey... May
we choose the better path, though this may be difficult and painful, because
surely, the God who promised to always be with us, will give us the strength,
the grace, the hope, that in spite of the hardships, life with His leading will
always be good...
Some years back, I
commented to a friend about the insecurity of our country's social security;
precisely the reason why now, our lawmakers are trying to make a law extending
the retirement age... But see, those can only have more negative effects than
good; because in truth, many of our seniors who live way down below the poverty
line are actually still earning a very meager living up to the point they
physically shut down... Hence, the retirement extension could only apply to
those who are gainfully employed now; which in essence, as one article said,
blocking the corporate ladder, removing the chance and hope that the younger
ones could get promoted or could get forward and somewhere in their jobs,
because those who are up there and who have gone before are not yet willing to
let go... And the sad fact is we are doing a civilizational crime against the
millennials and Gen Zs, the passionate group that are doubly more numerous, and
for whom opportunities are in dwindling supply... Good for Gen X, that we have
long accepted the fact that most of us don't really matter and can't do much
about this generational clash, and are now forging paths aside from the rat
race of going up the ladder... Well, this might be difficult to wrap our heads
around, but, why don't we try to learn and accept from nature; that as one
ages, one is meant to have less, and to be less able; simply because, as one
enters their twilight years, one is meant to have less burdens and less
accountability; that we might be better prepared, because someday soon, we will
be joining the earth itself, the ground on which we walked on, from which we
have taken so much throughout our life, yet, at the end of our journey, will be
the forever homes of our physical bodies... Still...
The tongue leads
everything else... And so it is, that life truly is ruled and renders its
fruits by what we claim and say, whether the truth or a hypocrisy, whether it
builds people up or pushes them down, whether we encourage or insult, and
whether we give and share life or deprive people of hope and faith... And as we
live our daily realities, James reminds us that no matter how we pretend, we
will be exposed through our deeds and how we respond to life's issues and
challenges... May we strive to manage our words, that we might have the wisdom
and credibility to do good, to give generously whether materially or in
essence, spreading a magnanimous share of our God's love and mercy...
As always, in times of
crisis, people's true nature comes out: the honest ones continue to uphold the
truth, the faithful ones continue to fulfill their duties and obligations, the
generous ones continue to give and share no matter the cost; while the
pretenders get exposed with their greediness, selfishness, pride, ignorance and
lack of real substance... May we strive to be faithful people, as we work each
day to survive and weather all of life's storms, doing our best to be good
examples to our children, and good and faithful children of our God...
Faith is alive... It
powers endurance, it elevates thinking beyond the present hardships, it
manifests itself in good works and generosity, it is proven by trials and
tribulations, it is strengthened by strong connection with the Savior and Giver
of life... Yes, by faith we believe in and hold on to salvation and the
eternity it ushers, but with it we can also live through each day with joy and
hope; because we believe that we are fighting the good fight, and someday, we
will finish our race, faithful and true...
When the clothes don't
fit, you either adjust them, or you adjust yourself... Such is the beauty of
knowing your capabilities and limitations... There is no need to throw
tantrums, to act entitled, or to feel that the world owes us something; it
doesn't; and we can only rightly demand from it what we have put in in honesty,
hard work, faith and goodness... May we therefore settle our attitudes and
characters, conduct ourselves right, and align our convictions and hope with
what is true, good, just and right...
Who we are is
reflected in how we treat and communicate with others... And as the apostle
said, to be content and not covetous, to do good, be fair, be patient; yet
uphold what is true and good, not just for us but more especially for others...
And therein lies true abundance: a life of generosity, humility, integrity,
grace and peace, a life being tried and tested daily that it might become a
perfect offering unto our God...
Forgetfulness is
natural, sometimes coming about through age, or the passage of time, or even
disease like dementia and long CoViD... It actually helps our brain rest too,
making us aware that we are not in control of everything most of the time, and
to learn to be vigilant, yet still trust in the goodness of God and the
goodness of the people He sends our way... Even if we forget everything, even
who we are, let us not forget the One who created us, gave us life, and
promises to be with us even until the end of our time...
Faith is the substance
of hope... Both are intangible, both run counter to logic and what one can
physically perceive... Yet, if we can endure by God's grace, the race set out
for us; no matter how difficult, painful, burdensome, troublesome, harsh and
excruciating; then, like many who have gone before us, we may spend the rest of
our days in darkness and pain, but our souls and spirits will be filled with
the light of God's love and mercy... May we not waste such chance to rise above
our present predicaments, and grow more in faith and hope, that our God who is
both Jealous and Zealous for us, may make His love fill us, and His promises
and assurances come true in our lives...
Tolstoy wrote a story
entitled, "God Sees The Truth But Waits"... That was tragic; for
Truth and Justice came a tad too late to bring any kind of vindication and
deliverance... Often, Truth is a patient waiter too... But because we are
fearful and cowardly, because we are too proud to admit that we have let
ourselves believe in lies, that we have allowed mis- and dis-information to
cloud our judgment instead of knowing the facts and following logic and the
laws our God ordained in nature, Truth lies beyond our grasp, somewhere else we
couldn't perceive and comprehend... It bides its time; and at the opportune
moment, even when we think life is unfair, especially when we have accumulated
so many regrets and built up a castle of so many "what-ifs", Truth
comes dishing its own brand of justice, bringing us to our knees in surrender,
and crushing us down in comeuppance... Still...
Because we have a true
High Priest of good things to come, we can rise above our present predicaments,
and see beyond our present world that is slowly and surely being subjected to
its fiery indignation, to continue and hold fast to our faith without wavering;
we can persevere, we can hope and be confident, because He who promised is
faithful and true...
Sometimes, I am simply
amazed by how many of those younger than me think that they know everything,
when they haven't lived much, haven't been to many places or organizations,
haven't learned that much survival or employable and working skills, and
haven't known that many people personally... To think that because we're
digitally savvy, we are knowingly superior is a sad state indeed; for true life
often resides outside our handheld screens, and truth and love resides beyond what
we perceive as our daily imagined and preferred realities... May we ground
ourselves before life throws us back down, and humble ourselves before we fall
hard on our comeuppance... Still...
Jesus Christ is the
surety of a better testament, the mediator of a better covenant, our eternal
High Priest, our King of Peace... And as we obey His leading, His Word planted
in our hearts, and bearing fruit in our lives, we can have hope and not fear
what tomorrow may bring; for we know and are sure, that our souls, hearts and
minds are kept safe in His loving arms...
Cuteness overload...
When babies pout and do a tantrum, they are so irresistibly cute; but when
adults throw their weight around, act entitled, and demand obedience and
flattery, condescend and feel themselves superior, they tip the scales to
downright being rude, mean, nasty, disrespectful, undesirable... May we
therefore learn to always act with tact and kindness, and to be truly humble
rather than merely acting cute... For as the Word says, "be wise
(discerning, perceptive) as serpents; but harmless (humble, kind, respectful,
tactful, generous, understanding) as doves" (Matthew 10:16)
The hope that anchors
our soul... Especially in these troubled and turbulent times, when it seems
that even the very physical world we live in is breaking down, there can be
peace and confidence that if we have built our faith on the promises of our
Savior, that if we have done our best to be obedient to His leading, in the
radical life He preached; then we can trust that no matter what happens to us
and what we have, He will keep our souls... In storms, in floods, in quakes,
through fire, heat, drought and famine, in sickness and pain, in calamities and
tragedies, we can surrender ourselves to Him, and still grow stronger and more
mature; for He promised and He will--keep our souls safe, our minds sane, our
hearts settled and full of love, free from anxiety and fear...
Far too often, the
ones who are most insecure are the strongest on the defensive, even to the
point of being rude and offensive to anyone whom they feel even slightly to
threaten their turf... But, why struggle so much to throw one's weight around,
if we know ourselves, our capabilities, our worth?... For, success and
fulfillment can only be truly meaningful when we have gotten so not at the
expense of putting down others, grabbing all the credits and opportunities for
advancement for ourselves, but rather, in helping build each other up, and
making others count and be recognized too... As always, may we keep in mind our
Savior's Word: "He who exalts himself will be humbled; and he who humbles
himself will be exalted." (Matthew 23:12).
The Word is alive...
We are reminded here of the true purpose of exhortation, and that is to chip
away at hearts hardened by pride, greed, selfishness, anger and ignorance...
Because the power of the Word is not only to encourage but build up; not only
to lighten one's mood, but to give wisdom; not only to inform us but to make us
fully aware of life's deeper and harsher realities; not only to comfort us now,
but to ever set our hopes in eternity... May we let the Word bear fruit in our
lives, so that as our souls and spirits are torn apart that we may be filled by
our God's spirit, we too can share such grace, mercy, love and goodness to
Poverty, despair and
loneliness are ever-present predicaments and conditions of humanity... And no
amount of government or professional intervention can actually totally
eliminate them... But someone somewhere differentiated bring rich versus being
wealthy (maybe to give clarity to what really matters), with the first we are
made to understand to be having much, while the latter we are made aware to be
having much to give and actually given... And so, we realize that our goals in
life need not be to eliminate our tragic predicaments, but to live on in spite
of them, as what our Savior said that the poor (materially, and in spirit) will
always be with us: there can be poverty, but not a hindrance to boundless
generosity; there can be times of despair, but not enough to snuff out hope;
there can be moments of loneliness, but that can be overrun with joy... Indeed,
to feel poor, lonely and in despair may make us more human and lower than
angels; but not to give up and still be able to give generously, sacrificially,
to find and hold on to hope and joy, to find strength above and beyond what's
here and now are what make us children of our God...
Because He suffered,
He helps... Because our Savior became man, ministered, suffered and died, He
can understand our weaknesses and troubles, and He helps us in them... May we
remember that we do not worship a distant deity unable to relate with our
issues, nor an image of stone tied to and limited in a pedestal, but One
living, breathing, feeling being; One we can always run to for guidance and
care, for wisdom and peace...
Scratching an itch...
Does feel good; but overdoing it could lead to bruises and wounds... So is
nitpicking over an issue, particularly what's already been done and buried, or
where one doesn't have full and detailed knowledge; it could only lead to hurt
and resentments, maybe even broken relationships... May we therefore learn to
let go of the things we couldn't control, accept what's true and undeniable,
and through all of life's challenges and troubles, be flexible and adaptable...
A bold servant... One
would argue what right would Onesimus, the runaway slave who had offended his
master, pen an epistle in the name of the apostle Paul, begging his master to
take him back... But we also realize that sometimes, reconciliation and
restoration require not only humility, but also a truthful begging for
forgiveness, a certain boldness to take the initiative, a stepping out of the
comfort zone of resentment and nursing of grudges to one of setting things
right... Indeed, life's breakthroughs come when we overcome its challenges and
oppressions, and rise above our situation to take hold of that which is better,
maybe more difficult and seemingly impossible, yet greater opportunity and
There is no better way
to pay back our parents and elders for their sacrifices in raising us than to
make sure they are happy, healthy, safe and at peace in their twilight years...
Because in a harsh world that everyday proves more chaotic and challenging, while
it is the parent's mission to provide a better future for the next generation,
it is also a God-given mandate to take care of elders and grandparents, which
no amount of government social security can cover or equal... And so, let us
not be remiss in fulfilling the fifth commandment, that is the first with a
promise, and that gives us a true long and meaningful life...
A true believer is a
law abider... For how can we prove worthy to be citizens of God's Heavenly
kingdom, which is as yet invisible, if we do not fulfill faithfully our
obligations in being citizens of the physical realm, whose leaders and officers
we may not agree with in principle and preference, but whom our God actually
blessed to rule over our civil and political lives; that we may know that true
obedience to His will is manifested in humility, in the resilience, fortitude
and flexibility in complying with earthly, man-made laws and ordinances, no
matter how harsh or oppressive we deem them to be... At the end of our journey,
may we be found faithful and good...
Meeting and
reconnecting with old friends and colleagues is like vitamins for the soul...
They are God's precious gift, with whom we share certain parts of our struggles
and endeavours; they are our life's harvest field, with whom we share God's
mercy, grace and goodness; they are life's crucible, with whom we sharpen and
build up our characters and attitudes, our personalities, beliefs and
principles with... Therefore, wherever we go, whatever we do, let us be good
and kind, just and fair to friends and colleagues; so that, life being a
journey, we might not burn any or many bridges...
To the pure, all
things are pure and good; but to the evil ones, nothing is pure, and everything
always has an evil motive... May we strive to remain sober, kind,
understanding, generous and godly, that we might have peace and contentment,
love and joy, for the rest of our days...
The heavy downpour of
rains, just like the relentless heat of the sun, are no respecter of persons,
rich or poor, young or old; yet, those who are settled in better-constructed
dwellings in good locations will have an easier time... Likewise, in life,
sickness and death comes to all; yet, while those materially better off will
have a grander send-off, none of their wealth can be brought beyond the grave;
while those who have lived lives without regrets, without offense, with love,
generosity, humility, justice, fairness, kindness and right, will undoubtedly
have more people sending them off with fondness, with joy and peace in spite of
the sadness, with love even with the longing... May we all strive to love and
give more, so that we finish our journey bathed in hope and peace, in love and
Between the quick and
the dead... These passages that the apostle penned toward the end of his
ministry and martyrdom are oft-quoted through time, by those who have believed
in the gospel, and believed themselves to have remained faithful until the last
day... And rightly so, for it is not other people's intercessions after we are
gone that determine how we finish our journey, but what we have done to keep
the faith, to fight the good fight, to keep ourselves free from the pride, greed,
selfishness and evil motivations of this world... And for this, until the last
breath, may we continue building our lives with the principle that death is not
an end, a punishment nor something to be feared of, but (like a good racer or
endurance athlete) a finishing of a race, a completion of a course, even a good
friend that brings us our rewards in victory and ushers us to be with our
Savior and King in eternal glory...
It seems that life
always has a way of humbling us and putting us down, making us learn that we
are not as good, as great, as smart, as perfect, as wise, as strong and
invincible as we imagine and proclaim ourselves to be... And so, whether that
be through sickness or pain, shortcomings or inadequacies, mistakes or failures
especially in judgment and endeavour, may we remain teachable, humble,
respectful, steadfast, faithful, circumspect, discerning, generous and kind to
all, whatever or whoever they may be...
The spirit of power,
love and sound mind... If this reigns in us, compels us to remain faithful and
strong, to do good, to discern what is good and godly, to prioritize what
matters and endures, to understand the true value of things, and to know the
true nature of people... And it is the same spirit that calls us to account,
and is the key to our ultimate reward, beyond all the hardships and troubles of
the present life, to an eternity of the same--power, love, sound mind--, and
even grace and mercy from our God and King...
I believe that one of
the more critical issues we have to address as a nation is end-of-life care,
especially because of our current economic difficulties, and a greater majority
of our population being either the young with less financial capacity (with
many of them believing that they are facing an uncertain future), and middle
carers (supporting both their immediate families, i.e., spouses and kids, and
also providing support and help to aging parents and elders)... Our current
pension and social security system is sadly wanting, so that when it is time
for the current middle carers, and especially the youth of today to retire,
there may be not enough government financial support to go by... As it is,
because we never know when our elders (and even us) will go, and until when we
can have the security and capacity to support, may we spend each day doing our
best not to offend, to give them even simple joys, give them quality time when
we can, and make memories worth the while until the last of theirs or our
days... If in the future the food, the money and other resources be not enough,
at the very least we would all leave this life and physical domain giving our
all to make our loved ones happy, at peace and content...
Godliness with
contentment is great gain... It seems that as the apostle stated, this is the
key to living the good life: no matter how little we have, or even the lack of
some things, whether in the financial or material aspect, in career or in
relationships, true happiness and godliness can only be found in one who is
grateful for whatever they have, not giving in to envy and covetousness... In
our modern world, it is the key too, to having a fulfilled life: not in
degrees, status, qualifications and even wealth and daring adventures, but in
wisdom and joy, in humility and peace no matter the circumstance...
Maybe because we're at
the age which someone calls, the Age of Extinction, it seems that the things we
said and did before now come back to haunt us; in the physical world of which,
even old sicknesses long thought conquered through science and medicine have
now again reared their ugly heads, but more venomously and powerfully, having
slept and mutated for generations... And so, may we learn to be circumspect, to
be wiser, kinder, more understanding, patient and humble... But let the wicked
and cruel ones continue with what they're doing; because surely, joy and
contentment and hopeful endurance can only be built up in those who live
rightly, in justice, fairness, goodness and love...
A code of ethics
worthy of adaptation not only in the spiritual leadership world, but more so in
the secular... And the issues the world is addressing these days with regards
to its own leaders, could use a thing or two from these... For we believe that
a person must first be morally upright, honest, kind, humble, just and godly,
not only in word and appearance, but especially behind closed doors, or when no
one is looking... Indeed, a good leader is one first unto themselves and to
their families, before they can lead other people well...
True to our word...
The mark of a responsible person, who strives to live according to the will of
our Maker and Savior, is not to renege on our promises, but to fulfill our
obligations, to do what we said we would do, to walk the talk--no matter how
difficult it is, no matter how pressed for time and resources... For just as we
believe that our God's promises are Yes and Amen, and that He will accomplish
and be faithful to complete His good work in us, so are we--who are made in His
image and likeness--expected to do the same within the short and fleeting
physical life we are given on earth...
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