LEARNING DEEPLY, October 1-31, 2022

 Neither rich nor poor giving more... For truly, it is not the size of our offering, nor the fame and renown of our donations and gifts that is counted, but the quality and consistency of the heart behind it... Like the ancient Levitical priests, who, by the very garments they wear and the things they use at work are reminded each time to live holy lives, they being living sacrifices and intermediaries between a holy God and His people, may we too always be reminded to live lives worthy of His Name--in speech and actions always true and sincere, fair and just, in motivations and desires always honest and desiring the good of all, in causes and principles always bringing hope and light, healing and restoration, love and life...




A restless heart cannot be cured by much activity but only by rest and realization... A discontented, envious, selfish and greedy spirit cannot be overcome by having more, by striving to be in as many places as much as time and resources allow, nor to climb ever higher... Because true peace and wealth only come to one who diligently and honestly strive each day, through ups and downs, setbacks and milestones, with the acceptance and wisdom that a good God created us with more than enough, for each day and all our days... And as He too works out each day how best to pour out His grace and goodness, we too continue steadfast and faithful to live out His love and generosity, understanding and mercy, in manifestation of His image and likeness through our lives...



Keeping the oil in our lamps burning... Is like the mandate given to the Levitical priests, always being reminded of our duty to our God and to others, to live lives separate and distinct from our base, evil, greedy and selfish nature; and to remember that in true creativity, there is wisdom, and where lies abundant blessing and peace... For it is not what we have, what we are decked or clothed with, the wealth that we have accumulated, nor the status and company we keep that shows people how our Creator has bestowed us favor; but it is in living a just and fair life, generous and good even to the undeserving, and having a sense of anti-fragility--not losing our heads and composure, keeping the faith, fighting the good fight for our souls, and upholding what is true and good, what brings life and healing to all, as we have been blessed, and with the same outpouring of grace and mercy we have received each day...




Lest we continue to live with the impression that the same God we worship as Moses and the ancient Israelites did is vain and demanding, tyrannical, exacting, extorting and abusive as a feudal Lord and master, may we learn from the words of some great rabbis, that He too is learning day by day to live and relate with us... And that, as proven in ancient spiritual history and current life, this Almighty Creator God cannot be bribed, enticed with glittering tributes and gold; for life must take its course on us, and that He is there to give us strength and see us through... Because no matter how beautiful our altars and grottos, how magnificent our temples and church buildings, He can go beyond the tapestry of our hearts, and in every circumstance, peel back the curtains of our hypocrisy; to teach us and make us realize, at times gently, and at times too harshly, that it is in living the essence of His love, His grace and goodness, His humility and patience, His justice and mercy, His understanding and open-mindedness (especially as opposed to our insensitivity, ignorance and bookishness) that we can claim to be indwelled with His Spirit, and so be worthy to call ourselves His children and people...




Honesty unto God, unto others, unto ourselves... Means that we do not over- nor under-estimate ourselves and other people, nor be blind to each of our faults and potentials... It means humility and justice, upholding truth and life, magnifying the good instead of covering up the wrong, and speaking and conveying our truth clearly and unequivocally... May we always strive to be sincere, be free from envy and vanity, and live the rest of our days in peace and confidence, in a God who will always set things up for our good, and in the people He sends our way...




Implementing rules and regulations... Are one of the trademarks of democratic laws and oftentimes burdensome bureaucracy... Yet, as harsh as these may be in certain parts, what remains true and valid is that we are all equal before our God and Maker, and regardless of our status, age, gender and qualification, each of us deserve and are duty-bound to respect one another, to treat each other as human beings made in His image, and that any offense to person and property and even emotion, rightly must be meted just punishment... Because if we are made in the image of a Holy God, we should do whatever is in our power to live up to it; and as manifestation of basic humanity, to care and be concerned, to be generous and understanding, to not take undue advantage, to not offend nor abuse nor be wicked and cruel, especially about the things and people whom we do not know nor understand...




A peculiar treasure... Many people (even a former world-famous worship leader) find it difficult to reconcile a loving God who proclaimed the ancient Israelites as His special people, with the vengeful and genocidal One who threatens death in the same passage, should one act recklessly, in even the most petty circumstances... Yet, we realize that our relationship with this Highest Being, like our relationship with other people, could also veer into the unfamiliar, then the taken-for-granted and disrespectful, especially when we come to feel proud, overly confident, cocky and impertinent, because we are convinced and expect that He always answers our every prayer and whim... And so, just like how we should relate with one another, may we learn to magnify His presence in our lives by being faithful and trustworthy with His commands, which is actually the purest and clearest reminder of how best we should conduct our affairs on earth, no matter our religion our faith, whatever our race, age and gender...




Jehovah-nissi, and a great father-in-law... Probably too, because of Moses' humility, he was blessed in both... And may we too, learn like he did, if we believe in and obey the leading of the same God: in whatever situation--great battles, and everyday decisions, both small and big--to trust that our God gives grace and wisdom, to discern and trust that there are people with whom we can share our burdens if we are not greedy for fame or status and position, and that all along the way, these people will be with us and make the journey worthwhile...




The Lord is our strength and song; He is our salvation, our God... And He is the Lord who heals us (15:2a and 26b)... May we learn, like the ancient Israelites, not to complain or be anxious however life turns out to be; for if we believe in the same Creator and loving God as they did then, we will experience an outpouring of His strength and peace, He will give us joy and a song in our hearts, He will bring deliverance and salvation, and He will heal us and fulfill His good promises... And for the rest of our days, may we remain humble, honest and fair, just, faithful, diligent, patient and true...




"The Lord shall fight for us, and we shall hold our peace" (v. 14)... If we believed in the same God that Moses and the Israelites did, we know that in even the most impossible situations, when we call for help, our God brings hope and deliverance... It may be difficult to wrap our hands around logically and scientifically, and doing so opens up a can of worms of evidence and argumentation; but in faith, we can have hope and confidence, that in the middle of the sea and storm, our God is there, ready with His pillars of cloud and fire, to guide us along the way and see us through...




The Lord's passover, was a genocide... And because of its tragedy and sorrow, its terror and hasty escape, only the original Israelite descendants were initially commanded to observe it, after which, those who want to would have to be circumcised and inducted to the community per Mosaic law and tradition... Thankfully, humanity's one-time and eternal passover in the person of our Savior took only His physical life, that all of us may live in freedom and peace, in justice and love, and not be touched by the destroying angel... May we not waste such precious sacrifice, be on the side of good and justice and right, not oppress nor abuse nor take undue advantage of others, so that whether physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally, we will not be made to give up whatever is our most precious treasure, that is, the very lives and connections with loved ones, as payment and punishment for our pride and greed...




When regarding is a matter of life and death... What Egypt experienced as a consequence of Pharaoh's arrogance and pride is a climate and environmental catastrophe unlike any other then, but becoming common in our times... And we would do well to heed, for often, it is those people in charge and in authority, who have less to suffer, who causes great ruin and destruction to the greater majority who are most vulnerable... May we learn to be humble, to listen and accept that our way of doing and thinking are always due to change and overhaul, and to heed when the Creator and the rest of creation demands that we let go our hold on status, authority, pride and greed, and bring comfort, respite, hope and encouragement, support, salvation and deliverance to those who need it, when we have power and influence to do so...




The hard heart, that thinks of the self better and above others, is a proud and idolatrous one... And even from the ancient times and until now, is the crucible by which people are judged, punished, brought down and ruined... May we learn the lesson of Moses and Pharaoh, that it may go well with us, and that our loved ones, our country and community, will not suffer and be cursed for our pride and arrogance...




The heavy hand... Even in our time today, there are lots of slave drivers like Egypt's Pharaoh, who have no respect for people's age, gender, status, culture, situation, and mental health, who demand absolute and immediate compliance and obedience, and disregard other people's rights and opinions as long as they themselves can be made convenient and they get whatever they want... But not just the Word, even history itself records waves of exoduses like that of Moses' time... And so we come to realize that those who lord it over others, who throw their weight around, who insist on their own way no matter how limited and lacking the foresight and wisdom, like ancient Egypt, will also be dealt with by our Savior's heavy hand, until such time they fall, to rise no more, and are forgotten and their legacy and name diminished... May we always learn to be humble and respectful, to consider other's needs before our own, and even though how difficult life gets, to always remember to extend love, mercy and grace, that we may be able to truly manifest our faith and our Creator's will over our lives and all of creation...




The burning bush, an everlasting token of faith... Against all reason and logic, against the prevailing culture and politics, against economics and social norms and conventions... If we can believe, if we can have faith, we will find comfort, hope, confidence and assurance that our loving God cares for us and hears our cries, and that one day, He will bring us deliverance... May this mindset permeate the very core of our being, that whatever life brings, we can always find strength and encouragement; and with His mercy and grace, greet each day with excitement and joy...




The more they were afflicted, the more they multiplied and grew... And if we believe and worship, and have faith in the same God as the ancient Israelites did then, we know that even if the whole world looks down on us and sees us as less than humans, abuse and oppress us, yet, God Himself will hear our cries and our groaning--the very same God who calls Himself "I am" will have mercy, compassion, love and respect for us, and prepare for us deliverance and salvation...




God is everlastingly good; and despite how religion or denominations weaponize Him, He can only love and bless, both the good and bad ones... But here is the crucible: for in spite of wealth, fame or status, one who persists in wickedness will find rare and lasting consolation; but one who perseveres even through life's abundance and reversals of fortune, will always be given grace, hope, encouragement, faith and strength; and will soon see their lives come up, even now and in the great beyond...




May God bless us like Ephraim and Manasseh... Both blessed to become more, but the one who comes later than the other shall become greater... And as we learn from the lives of Jacob's children, as Jacob himself, so is our God like--neither unfair nor showing favoritism, but a good judge of character: for the one who is blessed to become greater, has a greater responsibility of being more humble, and to be a sort of responsible middle carer and nurturer of all to whom his influence reach; while the one who is blessed just enough, is given the duty and grace, and the wisdom to be more creative, to make do and increase whatever is available, to exercise initiative and discernment to make life work out well, and to always uphold hope, truth, justice, patience and diligence... We learn that in whatever state, however much resource, whatever the capacity, we are all called to be good stewards of what we have and what we are... And this is how our lives realize its meaning and purpose, one we would do well to discern and diligently fulfill for the rest of our days...




It is God who brings down and in, it is He who brings up and out... And we can use the mirror of Joseph's life; that if we continue to live diligently, we can believe that all the hurts and insults, oppression and abuses we receive, especially from people whom we expect better, are actually a spicy and challenging prelude to greater and life-changing blessings ahead... May we learn to entrust our future to our good God, trust that He shall bring us justice and reward with a commensurate rebuke and punishment on those who hurt us, and lead us to a much more amazing and victorious future...




Judah's turnaround is the key to his redemption... He who instigated selling his second youngest brother off as a slave, is now a fierce protector of his youngest brother, and acutely careful not to bring more heartache to his old father... Which is a lesson for all of us: that, not all who start off good, well, nice and kind, will see it through the end; but that even the nastiest and grumpiest, may actually be made up of goodness and a selfless heart... And like Judah, the fourth son, of the unloved first wife, from whose physical lineage eventually was born King David, and hundreds of years later, our Savior in His human person, Jesus Christ, a difficult or less than ideal life, attitude and character may go down in history, and leave a legacy that brings life and salvation to all...




In forgetting our resentments, we gain a fruitful life; and in all our anxieties, if we believe in faith, God shall give us an answer of peace... May we learn the lessons of Joseph's life, as we grow mature, and as we continue to humbly and diligently do good, especially in being faithful with our finances, setting aside some (here, at best, a fifth), that more than faith that God holds our future, He will bless and enlarge the something we have in store to meet our needs and the needs of our loved ones when the time of want and scarcity come...




Cannot keep a good person down... Even when blocked, persecuted, gaslighted, oppressed or forcefully hidden and stomped upon... For their talents and gifts shine through; and even when denied and neglected, omitted or forgotten, God's favor will always be poured on them; so that the world eventually rightly recognizes them, and grants them honor and respect, and the recognition they deserve... May we learn from Joseph's learning too, as we grow mature and more humble, patient and enduring; for surely, things will eventually look up, and if we hold on in hope and faith, our day in the sun will come...




Selfishness, envy, greed and pride always lead to broken relationships and families... And people doing their own thing and having their own way, even at the expense of other people's rights and concerns, always result in tragic outcomes... May we learn to respect each other, recognize that each is unique, that yes, life is in truth unequal and unfair, but to hold on in hope and faith that in God's perfect time, good and great things will come our way, when we are ready and are enabled by growth and maturity to manage them well...




Settlements... Come in the form of reconciliation, continuance of legacy, and spending the rest of our days resigned to the calling our Creator has made us for... It is not about material wealth, nor finding our one great love, nor being on the top of whatever we aspire to be; but in the everyday acceptance of our daily joys and burdens, believing in faith that today is filled with more than enough mercy and grace, and tomorrow well secured in our God's loving hands...




To each our own, love and reconciliation with a healthy set of boundaries... And this, rooted in respect, justice and fairness, humility and the absence of envy and greed, would have made the lives of the ancient faith fathers more secure, confident, and peaceful... May we learn from them, and conduct our daily affairs in truth and honesty, in care and concern for others, in respect and love...




Because our greatest battle is against ourselves... We learn from Jacob's life that we can only try so hard to succeed in life, to do our best to accumulate much, to use all our wits and strength to achieve much; but our hardest challenge is to overcome our base nature, our pride, greed, deceitfulness, envy, lust, our sense of entitlement and superiority, our fear and cowardice... And no matter how wise and good we think we may be, we will never do a complete turnaround in life unless we come face to face with our God, humbly repent and submit ourselves to His leading... Like His touch on the hollow of Jacob's thigh in Penuel, may we henceforth not walk through life according to our own will, but with a limp in spirit, a constant reminder to remain humble and true, faithful and aware, generous and understanding, with love and discernment...




Deceit begets deceit... And so we learn from Jacob's life that though success and prosperity may come, if gotten through dishonest means, will still be a source of sorrow and resentment... Yes, blessings come to those who work hard, to those who are ingenious and wise, but life is more satisfying for one who remains honest and true, just and fair, faithful and patient amidst life's regular reversals of fortune... For then we realize that those things we believe are not working out are opportunities to do better, to find and make another way, and to actually be our greater breakthroughs...




Deceit doesn't pay, for it often leads to estrangement and separation... Yet, even in the wilderness of the soul and life, if the wrongdoer learns humility and changes their perspective and attitude, there is still the promise of a better person to face whatever tomorrow brings... And so, may we learn to always deal honestly, truthfully, fairly and justly, that we may not cause unnecessary heartbreaks, resentments and ruin of our loved ones and friends...




Because even our Savior claimed to be so...

"Those who wish to hide the truth will want the world to forget, and the truth to be distorted. But it's fine. As long as many more people remember, we will never lose... Because the truth is stronger than anything else."

(words of wisdom from the international Halmeonis of kdrama)



My late grandmother used to say, "imo'ng pamintaha, tibuok kaliwatan nimo ang moani sa gaba"...

But it seems that seldom seems to be the case with some people we know to be blatant bullies and oppressors, envious, greedy and corrupt, made more cruel by condescension, amplified by mocking laughs and giggles, and on the sly and with smokescreens, continue to lie, steal and step down on others...

Although, like the biblical third and fourth generations, we never know what lies ahead...

Still, one who strives to live humbly, to be honest and faithful, to be trustworthy and fair, need not be anxious and fearful, even in poverty and want, in sickness and danger..

For truly, even the whole universe conspires to bring respite and comfort to those who persistently do good...

Therefore, let the cruel and wicked ones continue to wreck their havoc and destruction; but let the merciful, patient and wise, graceful and content live the rest of their days in peace...



Making room, making time... To one who believes and faithfully and humbly obeys, our God always makes room and time; and even in the face of dissent and opposition, oppression and persecution, there is always abundance of mercy and grace, provision and strength... May we learn from the lives and families of Abraham and Isaac, sans doubts and cowardice, but more, that of faith, of honoring parents and elders, of patience and graciousness, of fairness and trustworthiness, of hope and love...




The right weight, the right amount, the right price, the right person and attitude... We all desire that, but with impatience, greed and pride, only a few ever get what they need... And so, we would do best to emulate Abraham's awareness and observance of culture and customs, and his and his servant's--and Rebekah's too--faith and obedience: to believe that our God works and sets everything up for our good and His glory, and that even into the unknown, to strange lands and unfamiliar territory, we will be properly settled, provided for and supported, appreciated and recognized for our true potential and worth, loved and blessed...




Jehovah-jireh: not just a Name we often misinterpret and invoke when the funds are low and the food shelves are bare, but a statement and declaration about our God who sees and hears, and provides for and by Himself whatever we need in life and whatever He needs from us, on top of the mountain of our testing and trouble, in clear and unequivocal terms and manifestations we can perceive... May we learn to trust and believe and obey like Abraham, that we may always see daily the goodness and greatness of our Creator, Provider and God...




Short sightedness is one of the most dangerous weaknesses of a human being... And we see this again, and its tragic consequences, not just in Abraham's married life, but in his nephew Lot's too... May we learn to be patient, to trust in our God's goodness and provision, and to keep the faith that in spite of life's hardships, better days still await...





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