LEARNING DEEPLY, November 1-30, 2022

The healing serpent and the talking ass (donkey)... Oftentimes, the very things that make us stumble, teaches us a lot about patience, humility and faith; and sometimes, those that we think of lowly, or as little more than beasts of burden, are actually blessed to see and know more, to discern better what is happening around us... May we learn to always humble and not over-estimate ourselves, nor to demand privilege and entitlements, but to understand and gain wisdom... For always, what is true, noble and right is just before us, but that we need to see beyond the now, in order to have the courage and confidence to claim and wait patiently for the blessings and grace coming our way; and in the process refine and develop our character to endure and persevere until the end...




A word of hope and prayer:

Except for American media outlets, it seems that especially in our part of the globe, there has been a massive media or news blackout and censorship about the suffering the people in the Middle Kingdom are going through right now, with the 0-C enforcement...

Well, we can only hope and pray for peace, freedom, healing and deliverance, especially for friends out there, families and friends of friends, and most especially our faith brethren, to remain strong and steadfast...

May we keep in mind that however fierce the tyrant may be, how severe the lockdowns and deprivation, we can trust our God to fill us with His indwelling Spirit, because, in every way...





Here's a timeline of how China's COVID protests gained momentum https://reut.rs/3Fcgdgo


To all my inaanaks and pamangkins:

Because of something to be used in the ordinary course of living, and whose economic life lasts beyond the current calendar year, mommy-ninang is once again poor this yearend...

However, as usual, I just wanna greet you all with some gentle reminders...

Know that you are loved and cherished from the moment you were born, until forever...

That you are cared and prayed for everyday...

I pray that you will always be filled with the light and wisdom of our God...

So that each day and always, you might be worthy to receive in abundance (and able to share with boundless generosity), His love, grace and goodness...

And whatever your personal beliefs, aspirations and preferences...

Love you lots...

Happy holidays!

- Mommy/Auntie/Tita Ivy


Disinfecting ourselves inwardly and outwardly, that we might not stumble at our waters of Meribah... Too often, pride and selfishness, impure and malicious intents, insecurity and envy, discontent and dissatisfaction, short-sightedness, fear and cowardice, are blots and venoms to the soul and to our relationships with our God and with each other, leading to misery, despair, ruin and destruction... May we learn the lesson at the test of the waters of Meribah, and always remain humble and respectful to our Maker and to each other... And unlike Moses' temperamental rage, we need not beat ourselves up, batter heaven's doors with loud and strong voices (yet, bootless cries) of repeated supplication that our breakthroughs may come (because God being God, He hears our deepest prayers and our most silent whispers); but only speak the word and our prayers silently, quietly, lovingly, and in trust, hope and faith... For indeed, God works not in the storms of our passion and the rage of our desires and miseries, but in the quietness and the still small voice of patience, humility and gentleness of a soul that is filled with hope, love, grace and peace...




Respect and leadership are earned... Even if one may be appointed to certain positions to oversee, or one may feel to have superiority, but absent the "bud and fruit" of wisdom, knowledge, right application, consistency and clarity, transparency and accountability, like that of Aaron's rod, one can't claim to be a leader or command respect... For life, as exemplified by our God and Savior, may be oppressive to the one below or of lower status, but inwardly and significantly meaningless, unhappy, and unsatisfying to the tyrant... May we learn to always humble ourselves, that we might keep the peace and confidence from the awareness that our God always puts us in the right places and positions, to bring love, light, healing and goodness to all...




The sinkhole and the plague... Also reminds us of the plot of one korean horror-thriller drama, where, especially those with lingering resentments, insecurities, envy and trauma, were the ones taken over and controlled zombie-like by the black smoke emitted by the large hole in the ground, while those with stronger and bolder convictions were able to overcome... May we learn the lessons of Korah and company, and be grateful, thankful, humble, at peace and content with what our God has given, and where He is leading; for surely, the path may sometimes be rocky or as barren as a dessert of sand, but in the end lies love, grace, abundance, and joy...




Our perspective means life or death... Like the 12 spies sent by God through Moses, to search and analyze the land of Canaan, how we view things will literally change everything... For indeed, our journey through life brings us to many cusps and breakthroughs... And if we just look at these two-dimensionally, or through the number of zeroes on our pay rates, we fail to see the bigger picture: that life is often 4D, that it is not just what we see, what we hold in our hands, what acclaim or recognition we receive, social and economic status that we gain that determine our future, our happiness and peace; but what we hold in our hearts, the love we receive, the company we keep, and the people who will always be there for us, ready to welcome us with open arms, just like our loving, generous God and Father, that measure whether we have truly arrived and succeeded, and whether we have done well...




Not just in the dictionary but even in real life, misery follows discontent... Because measuring ourselves against the milestones of other people's lives will make us blind to all the grace and goodness we have received, and all the beauty we have been endowed with... And it takes faith, a strong heaping of joy and gratitude, wisdom and patience, to realize and accept that wherever in life we may be, our God is there ready to generously shower us with the abundance of His love, mercy and peace...




To rise and return, and to pray forward... Just as our Savior said that the olden laws were mirrors of how God dealt and related with His people in the ancient times, may we today remember the lesson of our Eternal Passover: that every day, each moment, no matter what we face or what we have done, to never break nor let go of our connection with Him; and to keep such relationship, like our relationships with one another, strong, vibrant, honest and sincere, open, growing and alive... That in all we do, we align and ground ourselves with what pleases Him, what better fulfills our purpose of being good stewards of creation, of bringing hope, light, encouragement, learning, love and life to all...




Kohen, bridge between God and man... Is a mirror of leadership, whether religious or secular... For indeed, leadership is dual accountability and responsibility, connecting people with their higher calling, and building them up to become better as they live... And though at times, the offerings might be lavish, or they may be meager, but none of these belong proprietarily to the leader and his interests, but for the furtherance of the greater purpose by which he or she called... May we who believe, whom the new covenant says belong to a royal priesthood, live each day doing our part in not just strengthening connection with our God, but more so, making sure that the people we influence are there with us in our eternal journey too...




God's blessing shows no discrimination... In an archaic world, mere jealousy leads to oppressive and harsh, discriminatory and abusive, life-threatening, punishments; while mere infraction of vows go the usual animal sacrifice route... Yet, thanks be to God our Savior brought an end to these cruel penalties and showed mercy and love... So that in our time today, though people's relationships are subject to harsher and more difficult challenges, yet, we can have the chance to truly live the essence and reap the proper and just fruits when it is declared, "the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace"...




Everyone according to his or her service, and everyone according to his or her burden... One of the most insidious lies the enemy of life and love has spread throughout humanity is to think that, "if others can, so can I", or "if others can have, so must I have one too", thereby fueling an unending cycle of envy, greed, misery and despair... But if we would just learn the lessons of the offices and duties of the Levitical priests, ministers, and stewards, we realize that despite our past and present mistakes and failures, our Creator still acknowledges our uniqueness, and puts no pressure on us to do our best to get to the spotlight; for even in the most menial tasks and humble professions, His grace still abounds... For one may strive to have everything in life, yet still be deep down unhappy due to discontent; while one may at times seem simple, unassuming and be bereft of luxuries and material trappings, yet can sleep fitfully at night, and at every moment, in every mood and temperament, still be filled and radiate a deep inner peace; that is due to confidence and hope that wherever in life they may be, God is there to sustain, give hope, inspiration and courage...




The desire to be numbered... Often compels many of us to form cliques, join groups, religious organizations, hobby communities, and even cults, just to belong to something we believe special and unique... But like the ancient Israelites, how many of us see that the heart behind the ancient census intends both to recognize the uniqueness and identification of each person, while even at that time and age harsh and seemingly discriminatory, but also making them part of our God's great host--from the heavenly realms to His physical earthly dominion?... May we realize that though inwardly we revel and feel confident of each of our own talents, capabilities and potential, but the greater purpose of our uniqueness is in making life worth living for, not only for ourselves but for others too, even beyond our own little congregations; but more so when we embrace the "others" - - those who believe and live by different sets of codes and standards, who, being of same worth as us in the eyes of our God, deserve respect, freedom from persecution and abuse, prejudice and condemnation, oppression and discrimination, but rightly needs mercy, grace, goodness and kindness too...




The value of a human life... Is the same, regardless of whether age, gender, economic conditions and life situations may render each different in capacities to pay... May we learn in these passages to see that the heart of God sees our intent and motivation more than the size of our offerings and vows, and likewise use the same eyes in how we treat others too... We may not be financially capable and able all the time, especially with today's challenges and difficulties, but may we have the heart to care for others, to utter a little prayer each day, to say a kind word, to always put ourselves in other people's shoes, that we may be not just in monetary, physical or outward means, but from inside and out to the people whose lives and moments we touch, radiating our Creator's love and mercy, goodness and grace...




Rain in due season, and none shall make us afraid... Like what Moses recorded about God's commands to the ancient Israelites, it is greed for more that brings about disobedience, abuse, injustice, and ruin... Sans the matter of human slavery and racial discrimination and objectification, we realize that many of these words are still alive and valid today... And every tragedy from every inch of rain, flood, storm or hurricane, every spark and conflagration in our forests and dwellings, every scarcity and inflationary situation we encounter, we are reaping our collective greed as humanity... May we learn to give up on the things we are so passionately greedy and selfish about, and consider in every action, what is good for others and what makes life better for them, and what gives rest, respite and recovery for the environment too...




Martha and Mary in our time... We are way past the era where every infraction against a Jealous and Vengeful Deity be punished by death; yet, what remains true is the command to believe and have faith, and to act it out in ways exemplified by our Savior's dear friends: we celebrate with our Maker on days and times He appointed, but we also give time to rest... For rest is surrender, and a kind of winning over the battle against worthsplaining--a break from always trying to prove ourselves good, significant, great and active, enthusiastic and on fire... For our God commands us not to let the oil of our faith and conviction run dry, that the fire of His Spirit may not die in us... As we strive each day to be people worth the task of stewardship of life and creation, may we truly be One with our Creator in celebrations and even in tragedies, in triumphs and trials, in faith and hope, in activity, in rest, patient waiting and endurance...




Rather than discriminating against people with disabilities, we learn from these passages that as God commanded Moses, only those most physically fit and able are to fulfill the physically demanding priestly duties, and only the best are to be given as offerings... It actually also speaks about spiritual matters too: supposed to be, only the most mature and spiritually developed are to lead God's people in communal worship of Him--which can only be achieved not by excessive passion and energy, but a life seasoned with experience, that has had its share of lessons and realizations, that has remained humble and faithful, and that has proven itself strong and persistent through whatever trials and tribulation... For indeed, the best life we can live is the best we can offer: a life of mercy, love, goodness and grace...




Good and godly living in the land of milk and honey, seems to be unusually harsh in the punishment of offenders and disobedience... Yet, at the heart of these commands and penalties, may we see the spirit that tells us to love and respect our God and fellowman and the rest of creation, and not to do anything to abuse, offend, defraud, deceive or lead them away from the truth and everything that is good for life... For more than the threat of stones and beatings and burnings, may we today in modern society live our days powered by His mercy, grace, wisdom, humility and goodness...




Respect is key... Whether it be in matters of worship, food, privacy and exposure, relationship with others, and even in our daily struggles and issues, we learn a lot from the ancient Mosaic laws; for, regardless of our culture and race, we know that respect for other people's rights and preferences, their sessibilities and their efforts, good intentions and potentials, is one trademark of being human, humane, and a worthy child of God... May we learn to see and position ourselves right, that we may also see the truth in others, and share with them the love, mercy, grace and goodness of our Savior...




No wonder the old saying goes, "cleanliness is next to godliness"; for indeed, one who truly worships God not only cleanses themselves and their surroundings physically, but in heart, mind and spirit, true, pure, honest, and absent of selfishness, greed and malice... And there is no scapegoating here, for each of us have our own issues, our own situations, our own predicaments and mindsets... But what separates us from the most vicious beasts is probably the capacity to understand and know more, to apply wisdom and generosity, to not give in to primal instinct but to repent, be remorseful, and atone for our transgressions to God and others, to learn to step back at times, and to give our best most times, in our stewardship of life and creation...




It seems that many of these ancient laws on cleansing and disinfection, isolation, quarantine and testing, are the precursors of modern medicine's basic health protocols... Unfortunately, far too many of us are too stubborn and ignorant to learn, showing just how much we missed out on the lessons in the Word... May we learn to be humble and mature enough to ensure that whenever we are or feel sick, we do the best we can to fight and overcome and prevent it from infecting others... For sickness indeed, shows the quality of a person: at a time when we are most helpless and vulnerable, can we be humble enough to listen to the spirit behind the words and commands of our God? "To not only stay strong and steadfast, righteous, faithful and true, but more importantly, to only bring healing, hope and life to all"...




As one ages, one all the more feels deeply that what we do to others, come back to us two-fold... When you think yourself too highly, others will most often look down on you and question your quality and qualification... When you insult or abuse or be sarcastic and condescending, others will scrutinize every inch of your life, even your personal relationships, the things you care about, your dreams, goals, motives and motivations... May we learn to chill, be respectful even to those whom we believe are slower and dumber than us; because more than money, favors, connections and advancements, there we gain mercy, love, patience, grace and goodness, and a healthy mind and thriving soul and spirit too...




Rather than strict spiritual commands, it seems that when Moses recorded God's instructions on clean and unclean meats, the dietary laws simply designated healthy eating... And yes, except for the swine, which had great agricultural value in ancient Israelite tribes and in many other parts of the world, which is now main fare in modern times, all other designated as unclean foods may not actually really agree with some stomachs... Likewise, when God commanded women who gave birth to rest and be isolated, we see a God who cares for both neo-natal and maternal life enough to prevent that there be a chance that she be forced to work and serve in that condition, or through exposure to circumstances that may compromise her health and safety... We see here then, a God who cares for our physical needs, our diets, our rest and recovery... And may we learn to always be grateful and thankful to Him who cares for our milestones as much as our every meal...




Strange fires lead to death and destruction... But if the commands and ordinances to be followed were as numerous as the ones given, ordinary humans even in our time today, would truly be confused and bewildered... Yet too, there are many today, particularly in the younger generations, who can't wait to put themselves in positions of authority and power, no matter if they are less qualified, largely ignorant, or lacking in wisdom and maturity... And so we learn not to get in over our heads, to consider that what we think we know may not yet be enough and all that, and that there should always be room for humility and respect, and learning more, and more deeply... Because dreams and illusions driven by an inflated sense of self indeed burns and destroys, and ruins the soul and our connections with others, giving us undue stress, troubled minds and unsettled souls...




A public washing... In a culture that values modesty, it is indeed noteworthy that Aaron and the Levitical priests be bathed and washed in public, with further specific instructions on offerings, their consumption, food hygiene, and even a caution on eating expired ones... But until today we learn that more than a matter of faith, these are very practical things, sans the indecent exposure... For in matters of personal and spiritual hygiene, these we all must do if we want to get along better with others and help make life worth living, and this world worth saving and striving for... And in matters of what we give to God and ourselves, it is but natural and logically called for to produce and give only our best, that our relationships and connections (with Him and others) be not tainted with malice, ill-will, doubts, and the rottenness of pride, selfishness and greed... May we strive to prove ourselves worthy today and always...




The weight of our words... If we, who claim to worship the same God as the ancient Israelites did, would obey the ancient commands on offerings and reparations for every careless word and lies, every broken promise or unintentional mistake done against Him, His things, and our fellowman, we would all be miserable and poor... Yet, thanks be to God, our Savior came to bring us hope and enlightenment, and salvation... For truly, though such practices make it difficult to fulfill our role as good stewards and conservators of the earth and creation, may we not lose the lesson: to appreciate and be careful with what we say and do, because of the gravity of such, and to always be mindful not to feel superior, or to lord it over others, or to take out on them our own frustrations and miseries, and so resort to lying, stealing, abusing, and defrauding... For surely, no reparation will ever be enough for broken trust and promises, and a life predicated in that way--even to get ahead and to have much, at the expense of others-- will forever be bereft of mercy, grace, goodness and peace...




The high cost of peace and reparation... For a fledgling pastoral society then, animal sacrifices was more than enough toll for peace and unintentional transgressions, and probably the reason why they were so hard to comply with... But still, God's people tried their best, no doubt... For our modern society today, we have to thank our Savior and history, and the advance of civilization, for putting an end to that... However, we should not miss the lesson: that unlike the prevailing culture now, may we uphold peace purely and without malice and ulterior motive, and that we may take care not to offend or transgress or trespass against other people's rights and proper and just entitlements... For truly, the toll is not only in us having to pay later when life's troubles and our conscience takes away our inner peace, but also when by offending or taking advantage or abusing others, however much we believe to be intentionally, we also lose the grace, goodness and mercy we are meant to partake of for the rest of our days and beyond...




All offering properly washed, cleaned, seasoned... Is an image of a life well-lived: in maturity and wisdom, learning the most significant lessons amidst ups and downs, gaining valuable insights through abundance and want, keeping faith and peace even in the midst of troubles... May we always be reminded to mine for that treasure that neither rusts nor melts, cannot be stolen, and whose value only increases even beyond death...




Holiness to the Lord... The Levitical priests then were the ancient Israelites' models of how it is to live in their age: ordinary men with ordinary needs and desires, yet by true office, dedicated to a life in union with God, and at all times, reminded of what great and precious privilege is the faith in Him who was largely unseen but whose presence is always there, by cloud and fire, through whatever season and human decision... May we too realize that yes, we can earn a living with whatever our hands have made, and whatever our skill and talent can come up with, but our real calling is making this life worth living, if only because we acknowledge it is a gift, not ours to dispense and dispose of as we wish, but as an extension and reflection on that Great Being who created us and sustains us each day; that more than the aesthetics, we share His goodness and glory, His mercy and love, His bounty and peace to all...




All the gold, silver and brass, and a looking glass for women... It is curious that in a culture where some critics say misogynysts denigrate women as second class citizens, Mosaic law records that with all the glory and magnificence of the temple, a space is allotted for their basic instinct and need to check up on looks and grooming... Depending on one's conviction on what constitutes feminine rights, I choose rather to believe that God also intends that sans vanity and short of a lustful and impure intent, He wants His people, women most especially, to have some privacy as they maintain self-esteem that they can look their best as they meet Him in the most holy place... May we learn that it does not take expensive, fancy clothes and get ups, an exposure of skin and flesh, for one to say they look good, attractive and desirable; but a simple and noble looking-glass, a mirror where we can physically see ourselves, and more deeply--emotionally and spiritually-- our thoughts and motivations, our desires and aims; that we may examine ourselves and be able to only offer to God and to other people, our natural, pure selves, stripped of pride and greed, selfishness and malice, and in every way, motivated by truth, goodness, peace and love...




True talent teaches and passes on, because life is meant for something greater, and in creativity lies wisdom... May we learn from the lives and recorded work of Bezaleel and Aholiab, and all the nameless people throughout history whose names are lost through time but whose work and legacy lasts until today; that where God has blessed with talent and skill, He has also given grace to teach others, that all of us may make this life better, and all of us may fulfill our part in its greater and nobler purpose... So that in a new and better world, there may be no more room for greed, envy, superiority and insecurity, selfishness and vanity; where every person makes use of whatever we were given, to be good stewards of creation, and to be responsible keepers of our fellowman...




In the cleft of the rock... During those times when we don't understand life, how and where is it going, and where God and our faith in Him fits, He passes us by and declares His Name and essence... So that this invisible God is made alive not with figures of stone, wood, cement nor metals, but through lives lived according to His will and command, His good plans and intent: in honesty, in justice and fairness, in generosity and love, in the absence of greed and pride, vanity and materialism... For He does visit our inequities and inadequacies on our children, so that we must stop the evil culture of objectifying them, and projecting on them our failed dreams and broken souls, and each be accountable, each overcome our own weaknesses; that we might give glory to Him, and meaning and true fulfillment to our lives, for the rest of our days...




Sometimes, exploring alternatives could be deadly... Some modern day critics say that the God of Moses was tyrannical, punishing and killing people who only want to exercise their right of self-determination, at what and whom to worship, during the time they feel unattended to... And until today, people are like this too... When we feel neglected and unrecognized, when we feel ignored or passed up on, when it seems that there is no more spark or thrill or excitement or "kilig", we think we are not needed anymore or that God is silent and does not hear us, we immediately and are willing to give up on Him, on others, on ourselves... But the bigger lesson here is from then and until today, God works most in the desert of our lives, when everything is at a plateau and standstill, when life seems not progressing, or when we feel nothing significant is happening, or we are nowhere near achieving milestones and breakthroughs... Because unlike popular evangelical and modern-day culture's condemnation of backsliding or the absence of the Holy Spirit's presence, or a condemnation of uselessness and insignificance and an ordinary and uneventful life, it is in the stillness, in the patient waiting, and in keeping our calm and peace that endurance builds, and where the fulfillment of His promise begins, "He (or she) who endures to the end will be saved, will be given the crown of life, will rule and reign in eternity with Him in glory"...





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