NEW BEGINNINGS, February 1-28, 2023

Keeping at it... Repetitive tasks are boring, yet, doggedly doing things for all time has its rewards too: it's what keeps civilization going... Like the story today, with proper reward, animals can be taught to do tasks like humans, and can faithfully do it too... But one video online was posted, where the blogger said, what if, in the robots programmed to do the same, yet bullied and mistreated, they get back at their abuser and take revenge... That would be a nightmare... And so we learn that if even animals and inanimate things need proper care and encouragement, how much more so an ordinary worker, a lowly person... And so we realize that in order to keep doing our life's purpose, to fulfill our human mandate, we need to work well with others, regardless of their faith and belief, personality and persuasion, in an atmosphere where we respect each other, none abusive and oppressive to each, but in respect and love...



On the right side of history... They say history is written by the victors, no matter if winning is achieved with force, brutality and violence... Yet, it is often those who work behind the scenes, those who help despite being unacknowledged, those who are kind to the most despised and underprivileged even if unknown and judged to be less than or unqualified, and who bring comfort and hope to others even if perceived to be weak and slow, that drive life and civilization forward... In our story, while we admire Peter for the miracle and praise God for it, the narrator showed us that we celebrate the life of Tabitha / Dorcas more, who, because her life was a great help and comfort to others, faith brethren or not but especially the poor and needy, that even at death's door, life was given back... And so we believe that each kind act, each understanding and humble word we may do for the rest of our days, will not be wasted, but will become one more nail of hope towards our solid confidence and faith that our God will see us through, and will always be ready with His greater blessings yet...



Signs and wonders... Growing up and knowing still less about life, I used to be big on this; but learning more, I realized that the signs we have always been waiting for at life's turning points have always been there: that with humility and discernment, we learn that if things go against what's proper, noble, true, just, fair and right, then it isn't meant to be; that is, if things cause us to have lesser respect of ourselves and others, if it causes us to ruin and destroy others' lives, confidence and esteem, the environment and the future, even with great pay or remuneration, even with an increase in status and position, it is not worth pursuing... May we go through the rest of our lives in humility and wisdom, in living a life free from the burdens of materialism, pride and the vain pursuit of fame and glory, but to dedicate each day to making life better for all, with eternity and the kingdom our motivator and goal...



Walking and talking.... It's good to never get tired of sharing our faith, conviction and source of hope, but it's better to walk it everyday... When one takes long walks or hikes, at the onset, one feels discomfort and pain, but the overall effect is good health and a good feeling... And so it is like when one lives their faith and conviction, the ones that bring life and light, hope and joy; more than making the believer becoming stronger, wiser and more spiritually and emotionally mature themselves, such true testimony encourages and inspires others too...



Troubling heaven... An old poem once expressed the poet's anguish, that his prayers were unanswered as he "troubles deaf heaven with his bootless cries"... But a life of living, seeing, hearing ourselves and others have shown us that indeed heaven is not deaf; and our prayers, no matter how mundane, lowly, basic and bootless are always given a resolution; even if at times not what we asked for, but really, we have been granted whatever it is that we need to learn and go on... And so we thank our God and have this hope and confidence, that His heavenly realm and host hears and cares; and if we but humble ourselves, not flatter Him with words of empty praise and platitude, live simply, honestly, fairly and with grace and mercy towards others, not imposing ourselves nor abusing and oppressing others to promote ourselves and to accumulate more materially, He is attentive to our cries, and gives us strength to go on our way...



Desalinated... Is how our local water system provider described their efforts to acquire more water source for many parts of the metropolis, since freshwater sources are severely limited... The former salty water has supposedly become fit for human consumption after much filtering, but as personally observed, not entirely potable to sensitive stomachs, hence, the need and the boom of the purified water industry on one hand to feed the growing demand for drinking, life-giving water... Indeed, our story mirrors this all too well: here is a woman greatly misunderstood as having had many husbands and being adulterous, which bible scholars say was not actually how it was worded in the original scripture; for, per Samaritan tradition, it might be that as one widowed and abandoned multiple times and lacking in economic means, she might not actually be having a sexual relationship with the man she was currently living, but there as one financially and socially supported by a brother or a male kin, like in the story of Ruth and Boaz initially... But the whole story showed us that our God and Savior does not show favoritism, going beyond His local Jewish congregation to reach out to neighbors and the world beyond... And so should we mirror our faith and how we live it too... As leadership and coaching experts say, let us go beyond our comfort zone, beyond the people and situations we are familiar with... There are a lot more people out in the big wide world who need our attention, our friendship, our care; and if we are to be faithful stewards and witnesses of the faith we profess, more than our friends and little ministries in our local church, it is this mass of weary, confused, sad and disoriented humanity that we must shine our light and share the love of God with, without prejudice, stripped bare of our limited knowledge of people and life, and set free of our ignorance and pride...



The more one talks about it, the lesser there is of it... Humility that is... And so our message speaks for itself; that if we say we believe and worship the same God and Savior, who in humility and simplicity lived like one of the least privileged and most inconvenienced yet most generous among us, so too must we likewise emulate such a life--in humility, service, generosity and magnanimity, simplicity, contentment, joy and obedience... May God give us the grace and wisdom to do so...



The first and the last... We learn in biology class that the first organ that forms after a baby is conceived is the heart, and in medical shows it seems that the last organ that lets go of any sign of life is also the heart... Indeed, in between the first heartbeat and the last beep, there is life and living, where we make our daily and lifelong choices, where we are led by our urges and wishes, where we are inspired and driven by our hopes and dreams... May we examine the things that we hold in our hearts, the things we are passionate about, the people we care for; that in these and for these we might manifest our God's goodness and love, His wisdom and patience, good judgment, honesty, responsibility and accountability, health and healing, restoration and nourishment, joy and peace...



"Nothing to lose", the basic English translation for some friends and neighbors when asked why they still observe some superstitions and traditions... But like our story and text today, the realities of daily life should remind us that what is more important are wisdom and love: if we love our God, we choose to listen to His words, be humble and refrain from saying and doing things that hurt us and others; if we love ourselves and others, we choose to take care of our bodies and minds well, help and support those in need, that we might bring peace and share His joy and goodness to all... For, traditions may persist across generations as we seek to honor our ancestors, but wisdom and love should compel our every motivation and action now and for the rest of our days...



Excessive and verbalized humility is pride; just as talking about your own spiritual revival, achievements and milestones in front of an adoring crowd is not testimony but a stand-up performance... For revival comes from a humble heart, manifested in how we treat others whom we can see, hear and touch, as a reflection that indeed, we have allowed the Spirit of our God to come dwell in us, and ignite our faith, our passion for life, and our love for the rest of humanity, faith-and-belief brethren or not... May there be no programmed or scheduled, advertised or orchestrated revivals in our lives, but a daily one, an everyday outpouring of His love, grace and mercy to us, and to all we come to touch in our journey...



Of prayer cards and goal cards... The things and people we care for, are usually and naturally the ones we pray for... And feeling a little guilty when people ask me why I'm still single until now (which is not unusual since every generation in my maternal side of the family has one), I blurt out a lot of different reasons other than the very simple and honest one that it really was not in the goal card I made when I was in high school, after attending a church youth camp... Still, life hands us out difficult experiences and challenges that try to discourage us, makes us doubt if we can achieve our goals or receive the answers to our prayers, and causes us to meet and know people who often brings us to a point where we start to doubt the goodness and sanity of humanity; but our God gives us grace in such a way that when we pray, all our hardships and discouragement pale in comparison to His blessings, and in the companionship of the people who are worthy of and with whom we too are honored to spend our time and affection... And we realize that what we prayed for, guided by goal cards, prayer cards and whatnot, are slowly yet steadily and fully being granted... As we go through the rest of our days, may we always remember our God's goodness, be humble and honest yet childlike in the things we pray and ask for, and believe and be confident that He hears and answers...



When we strive for control, we lose it... In whatever situation, whether at work and play, in careers and relationships, none of our best efforts could ever bring us to that desired point that everything will follow and fall in place as we wish; for life, being itself, is always greater, and more so, the One who gave it beyond understanding... Control is playing God; but living our days always follow His will; so that we could not even come near Him in wisdom, in making fool-proof and fail-safe plans, in influencing and changing people's minds, in imposing our beliefs and convictions on others... Only our God has moral capital over us all; and the more we humble ourselves and submit to His command to do our best to be good and honest with our fellowman, not to abuse their kindness and graciousness, not to step all over them and take advantage of them to promote our own wants and desires, and to respect their rights, boundaries, persons and principles, the better and more peaceful life can be...



No blackouts... With our God and Savior, that is... For He is good to all, regardless of whom, even to some who do not acknowledge His presence and authority, and even to some who only pay lip service and act their faith for show, or do their convictions only to impress... And so may we too not turn off or dim His light in our lives; to resolve and strive to live the rest of our days in honesty and transparency, diligently, consistently, faithfully; that with His Spirit in us, for ourselves and for others, there may be no blackouts in our character...



True faith manifests in social justice, in treating every person right and fairly, in recognizing each individual's rights and dignity, regardless of nationality, age, gender, beliefs and preferences, backgrounds and abilities... And true Christianity is best displayed in action, in respecting others as fellow creatures made in the image of our Maker, and not harshly commanding, enslaving, abusing, oppressing, taking advantage of, or disregarding them when we feel inconvenienced or have to face truths and realities we feel inadequate or ill-equipped for... And that is also where love comes to play, for love compels us to be patient even with those whom we do not know, or in partially knowing or not understanding, are uncomfortable, embarrassed or awkward with... True love leads to justice, and justice is the fruit of treating our God and other people in truth and right...



Loving life, loving the Giver of life... Whether we are in a relationship or blessed to be single, free and independent for life, love is true when we direct it to the proper party: the Giver Himself, the One who is love, and the life He has given, more than any of our temporal, fleshly desires and wants... For love genuinely bears fruit as we express gratitude for each morning that we are given a chance to wake up and go about our day, for it is His love and mercy that sustains us each morning, and it is love that gives us the peace and grace to lie down in rest at night... May we therefore always discern the love and light that envelopes us each moment, that the love we express to others may likewise be full of life, hope, joy and peace...



For the many of us who believe and as even what behavioral studies say, regardless of what religion or denomination we belong, our prayers and appeals to a Higher Being or God or a Divine Presence, have saved our sanities amidst life's many confusions, challenges and tribulations... It is counter-culture, it seems foolish and crazy, since such faith often defy logic; but trying to rise above what overwhelms us each moment, and believing that there is a higher purpose to our existence, and that we are called to triumph over our troubles, wisdom over our inner wars, and peace over our pain, is what actually makes life more meaningful and worth living for... May we continue to discern the good, the purpose, the meaning of such in our every day...



Often, the most wordy among us, myself included, are doing so because we want to convince others to accept and believe the same things we do... Yet, because we don't hold moral capital over others, even towards our family and loved ones, we can only show them a good example, earn our respect, and maybe wait for them to give us the time of day, to examine and consider what we say... And so, much like the ancient disciple who said that all books are not enough to tell about our God and Savior, so too until today, no sermon, writing, motivational and self-help text can convince people about our faith and conviction more than our very behaviors, our words often carelessly and thoughtlessly said, our characters and choices often devoid of wisdom on most occasions... May we learn to build our lives showing that we have truly been saved, that we are worshipping a living God who has inspired us to do good, to act with justice and mercy to all, regardless of what they look like and believe in, regardless of their status and capabilities... For that is a true witness and disciple, the clearest reflection and image of the Son of God, the God of love, understanding, patience and wisdom...



Thankfulness or gratitude is kin to humility and respect... If we believe we are in the right, what we believe in is good, and the things we hold on to are true and noble, there should be no room for pride, self-righteousness, abuse and oppression, hurt and domination of others, envy and materialism... For the God we know has given us unmerited favor each day, and His son has granted us a way to salvation and eternal life... We do not impose our beliefs and convictions on others, because we are confident that each of us are given grace and a chance to live better; we do not have selfish motives and malicious intent because we know that other people, no matter how different, are also made in our Maker's image, capable and worthy of love and respect, each just trying to do good and survive; and we can afford them that much respect and kindness, because we understand our faith, we know intimately whom we worship, we have learned life's lessons, we are aware of our principles and the world's present predicaments, tumultuous history and better future... We know, therefore, we can be like what our Savior wants us to be, and with hope and faith, towards the rest of our journey we can peacefully and confidently go...



The universal prayer... At the heart of every sane person is the desire to be safe and secure, in body and spirit, in mind and soul, in relation and livelihood, in the present concerns and in the future... But life's uncertainties and challenges are such that these goals are often elusive... However, only when we realize and acknowledge our Maker and purpose in life--that we were created in the image of our God, and that He desires our communion and to be a reflection to a confused and hurting humanity--can our actions and motivations be truly full of love and grace, and able to bring hope and healing to all... May our faith and conviction not only be in words, but with wisdom and understanding, be full of respect for other's rights and boundaries, while reaching out to help and support those in need as much as our resources and time allow... For our final reckoning is not how many people we have actually talked to and shared our faith and principles, but as a good and faithful servant--one who has served in actions, one who has brought comfort and hope to those whom God sends our way...



Jesus in our ads... An online writer commented about a certain commercial shown during break of a secular game, that showed refugees, and how Jesus, because He too was like them in His physical and earthly childhood, "gets them"... Indeed, it makes us think... Yes, Jesus Christ indeed has been one of the most polarizing beings, which a third of the major religions couldn't even agree on how to follow, canonically and traditionally; but almost everyone can't deny His impact on History and many people's lives, on how world events were shaped by how people espouse and manifest their belief in Him and their resultant behavior... But to see Him on commercials, like a commodity, makes one question if our lives, who say we believe in Him, are not enough as living testimonies of who He is... If we have to see Jesus advertised on a billboard, a marquee, or a half-time show, does this mean He cannot be seen in how we live, or that we have not been faithful messengers of His gospel through our actions?... If we have to use paid-for commercials that only generate profits for the media operator, does this mean that the fruits and profits of God's Holy Spirit cannot be viewed in our lives?... May it not be so, and may it be that instead of verbally spouting our faith and conviction, our Savior's work can truly be seen in our lives: that have been saved and destined for eternal glory, that brings grace, peace and love to all...



Our actions should match our words... Our story today is sadly common to many; how, it is quite easy to go on self-righteous mode by thinking that even if we have a rift with others, at least we believe our God has forgiven us and is good to us... It misses the one most important point: how we have failed to obey the command to love others as our God loved us, by allowing conflict, resentment and offense to breed, not owning up to our mistakes, by thinking we are already good and don't need to change our words and behavior... Yes, people may disregard, abuse or hurt us, but living humbly, honestly, fairly and with integrity, with respect, especially of ideas and boundaries, beats a false sense of confidence from self-righteousness... For our faith and person are not measured by our words, but in our actions, especially in how we have shown that the God we serve is our Father, when we heed His word to bring peace, love, justice, wisdom and goodness to all, regardless of who they are, or whatever may be their beliefs, persuasions, and affiliations...



Never too far gone... Many of us often just think within our spheres, feeling confident within our little comfort zones, not caring about other people's issues and concerns if it wouldn't benefit us, because even in our relationships and dealing with others, we have been too commercialized and materialistic, thinking that our lives are all about us... What would have happened if our God and Shepherd were like that, not caring that one sheep got lost, because anyway, He still has 99... But thankfully, He showed us that each one matters and has precious value, especially the lowly and forgotten, those who have been neglected, unseen, and fallen through the gaps in life, no matter if they have grown weak and weary, or simply disillusioned... May we draw confidence and strength in this, that even if the world forgets about us, or disregards us for not giving them what they want and what pleases and benefits their selfish ends, our God still cares for us deeply, and will always be with us, whether we be alone in life's trenches, or in the company of those He generously and lovingly sends our way...



Greed breeds loneliness... In our stories today, both men are thrust in situations where they were alone, seemingly abandoned and friendless, yet in fact, are selflessly fulfilling something grand for their families and humanity, though largely forgotten and uncredited... And that is what makes them at peace even in solitude, primarily too because of confidence that God is there, our ultimate companion and guide... Unlike a person full of greed and selfishness, who can never trust the next person, who always fears for their life and wealth, who always thinks that somebody or something is out to get them or is out to take advantage of them, who is always filled with a guilty conscience, may we learn to spend the rest of our days in humility and generosity; for open hands and hearts truly connect us with one another in love, gives us peace and joy, and is the fulfillment of our true purpose...



Peace, unbounded by resource, space and time... One can do their best to accumulate much wealth, fame, status and honor; but that only shows how desperate and poor a person truly is, not only psychologically, emotionally, intellectually, but more so spiritually... For true wealth is peace, especially in the here and now, in however dire the situation, in whatever time and wherever; and confidence, in the awareness that our souls are totally secured beyond this life, that our physical needs amply and more than sufficiently provided for... If such thought is beyond comprehension, that is its whole purpose; for something so eternally grand is not to be understood by our human metrics that are often clouded by prejudice and bias, by our pride and greed, but could only be appreciated by a life of humility and thankfulness, truth and justice, fairness, honesty, joy and love...



It's cliché, but still worth repeating... That our God has a good plan for each of us, if we don't lose hope and hold on in faith... Like Naomi whose life had turned upside down, yet, with wisdom and a bit of maneuvering that is nonetheless legal and ethical, however out of the box, there is hope for us amidst our difficulties and defeats, there is a good future even amidst our present darkness and pain... A glorious story yet awaits to unfold for us according to His will, and may that give us hope and strength for the rest of our journey...



While familiarity breeds contempt, it is always good to get to know people a little bit more, regardless of who they are and where they're from; it teaches us about life on earth, about culture and current events, personalities and perspectives, about how common life's challenges and struggles are to every one; and with that knowledge, we will better be able to treat others with respect, with healthy boundaries, with honesty, generosity, understanding and love... Our time should not just be consumed with fellowship of friends, colleagues and our little congregations and communities; but like what our God and Savior reminded us, to converse, accommodate and relate with strangers, albeit at a safe and understanding distance, not too close for comfort, neither too far for love... For that is true faith in action: a willingness to open our hearts and hands, our minds and souls not only to the people in our limited spheres of influence, but most especially to the greater mass of hurting, struggling, bewildered and needy humanity...



A famous quote said that "effective teachers don't cover a curriculum; they uncover it"... So it goes in life... Our Great Rabbi and Savior did not stop teaching two thousand years ago, but even now, amidst a world of chaos and confusion, misunderstanding, hatred and war, hardship and trouble, in times of want and deprivation, still He uncovers life's great lessons for us, and shows us ways how to become more like Him each day: how to care for the needs of others and for the greater good more than our own, how to overcome our bias and prejudice; that we might become true and living testimonies of His salvation and goodness, of His generosity and love for all, irrespective of race, age, gender, belief and persuasion, past misdeeds and even current failures... May we be proven true and faithful with the knowledge and wisdom, the light and love He has granted...



Blessed are the marginalized... For sadly, in our world today that highly promotes self above others, that only considers the material as a measure of success more than character, that puts a premium on fame, power and authority, and having a good time more than making life better for all, far too many fall in between the gaps... And that is where grace and true blessing comes... For even as people are abused, oppressed, deprived and taken advantage of; even as we mourn our losses and grieve over our misses, we know that our Savior hears our cries... May we be found faithful and true, may we spend our days in kindness and understanding, in hope and faith and love...




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