NEW BEGINNINGS, March 1-31, 2023

Sound sleep is the ultimate success... Yes, we can have everything we want in life: wealth, fame, status, adventures and miles, experiences and milestones; yet, the truest tests of whether we have arrived are peace, confidence and faith, and a sound sleep... When one grows older however, sleep is hard to come by, which is biological; and which makes us doubt whether babies who sleep soundly live better than insomniac adults... And our story and text today would seem to affirm that... For indeed, innocence of evil and wrongdoing, the absence of malice and greed, bereft of pride and selfishness, we can truly trust the One who made us; and we can truly manifest that we have faith in His salvation and healing, in His provision and protection, in His leading and love...



The real good... An online writer expressed sorrow over one of his favorite Christian singers who abandoned the faith for disillusionment, whom he said ultimately declared that he doesn't believe in God anymore, that is, the God preached to him since he was a kid, and a pastor's kid at that... And we feel regretful too, over such things, but more than that, over the people and the situations that that person said made him lose faith, especially since one of those was what he said was the lack of consistency between what the Word preaches and what most believers claim to be their faith and convictions, against what they do... And we call such hypocrisy and disconnect as sin, what the apostles in these passages proclaimed as not doing the good we ought to do, but instead doing what is not good--for strengthening our connection with our God and with others... Personality tests indeed prove that the self-righteous--particularly those who say and outwardly manifest adherence to the traditions and rituals of their faith--have the dirtiest and often most perverse secret sins; much like those who claim to know a lot and feel superior over other people, especially over those whom they think are of lower rank and status than them, are actually massively ignorant and incapable... May we truly see ourselves before the eyes of our Maker, be fair and just to all, and remain humble through all of life's ups and downs; that we might not cause others to stumble in the faith, and that we might have peace and confidence until we meet our Great Judge and King at the end of our days...



When life doesn't go according to plan... There were dreams we had lost, places we would have wanted to go and explore, things and opportunities we would have wanted to do, but we didn't and never got to, because life, and the connections and hold of our loved ones prevailed... If we had and if we did, things would surely have turned out differently... But as it is, and like every prayer and wish not granted, it seemed that God had other plans for our lives... It might seem torturous and annoying, almost to the point of disillusionment, but really, since we are limited by our own concepts of time and mortality, age and space, we might think that we can just settle with what we have been given... But if like Moses, we trust that God had better and greater plans, then surely, that too will manifest... Our losses and misses today mean that our victories and hits lie just around the bend, if we only be patient and wait just a little while for them to be revealed and come to fruition... For He has never abandoned His beloved, and we can trust that as His nature and promise, He always works out everything for good...



The right mindset... Our cute 8-year-old neighbor's kid very confidently talks about "mindset", not really understanding the word itself, but just mimicking what he probably hears in video games... And he's right to a certain extent too... All of us have our own issues and concerns; we deal with different situations daily, that stresses us out, puts us on edge, and generally threatens our peace and sense of stability... But if we have the proper "mindset", that is, when we prayerfully and in faith, trust or cast our cares on our Maker and Savior, He truly blesses us with wisdom to handle everything with grace and peace... And it's not the kind that is forced, nor a pretense of being cool and calm outwardly just so people will see us poised and confident, but real peace; that whatever happens in life, in abundance and want, both when our dreams come true or our plans fail, either when people fulfill their commitments or break their promises, we are confident and secure that our God makes a way for us, and that everything works out well... May we be encouraged by this, and may our hearts be set at peace...



The love shield... A character in a popular children's book stated that the 'Boy Who Lived' was saved from certain death by the shield of love from his mother, as she gave her life to protect her infant son from the evil one which massacred their family... That story also reminds us of the power of prayer, in which we heard of testimonies that certain people were saved from destruction and a wayward life because somebody cared enough to pray for them... And too often, real, loving, heartfelt prayer is done in secret; for the moment we brandish it to the world, when we impress people that we are prayerful, we lose its essence of love, we diminish its capacity to affect and change lives... May we instead show that we care for others, that we truly love them, not in telling them that we pray for them, but that we show such in how we understand them, how we are patient with their issues and concerns... For real prayer bears fruit in discernment, where we begin to understand how people feel, and what are their unsaid needs and challenges, and makes us rise to the occasion by meeting so, with generosity and humility... With our prayers and true love, may we shield people from the discouragement and disillusionment that life's downturns bring, and may we help encourage and strengthen their faith in God and humanity...



Situation-ships... Some Bible experts argue a homosexual relationship in the story today, thereby encouraging to affirm LGBTQIA+ relations in the faith, seeing as great men of God seems to be involved in it too... One can't argue with them or with the traditionalists, because of spirited, aggressive, often hostile discussions on both sides... However, for the sake of identity, sanity, and peace, one best remembers the true essence of friendship: that, like the one written about between God Himself and Abraham, it transcends age, gender, sexual and intimate relations, intellectual capacities, power and authority status, race, and time... May we learn to celebrate instead our nature of being made in God's image, and build ourselves and our connections on the soul-level, where each one of us seek only the good of our friends and acquaintances, where we celebrate each of our milestones, where we respect the ideas and issues of our colleagues, and instead of throwing our weight around, gently nudge each other in case we forget or are remiss in our obligations, where we do not brandish errors and mistakes, that the erring ones may be castigated as examples, hoping that such may inspire adherence in others, but rather, to pick up the slack... Because truly, punishments and penalties, even when the law says are the requirements for implementation, have been proven by history to be untrue and ineffective in the face of love, freedom, respect, tolerance, and understanding... For indeed, what better way to manifest true love and real humanity than inspiring and encouraging others to do good, to fulfill our duties, and when we see what's lacking in others, to be the better person in being generous and in extending some form of comfort and reassurance? ...



Everyday is a chance to do better... Most of us believe that, but sadly, because many of us would want to protect our pride, our self-serving interests, we always default to our usual old ways of doing things; so much so that corruption and greed, abuse and oppression always reign... If we but study nature however, we learn of its great adaptability in the onslaught of the changing seasons, to try to survive and thrive until the day it becomes extinct... And so we realize that no matter what comes next, we need not worry, nor should this confidence be the source of any feeling of superiority... Because each of us is given grace each day to welcome the love and mercy showered to all by our Maker; and each one of us are given talents and skills to make do with whatever we have in life, and make of them something better and greater...



More than a voice in the head... It is amazing to me how some people could claim to hear the voice of God speaking to them yet, they could still put themselves in positions of moral and spiritual supremacy, proclaiming judgments of others, either to outright condemnation or worse, taking of and over their persons, properties and most cruelly, their lives... We see a lot of documentaries these days exposing such charlatans... Maybe false prophets and teachers get away with it because the natural human need to belong, to be accepted, no matter how shallow or pretentious the manner in which the giver manifests it, make us gullible... Never mind that we often forget the appropriate response of God's people had been humility in the face of revelation, obedience and wisdom and not prideful proclamations and solicitations for material things and unpaid labor bordering on slavery in the name of volunteerism... Good thing though is that we have the Word as a strong, moral compass: anything that flies in the face of logic and reason that our Creator has ordained in the universe, anything that oppresses and abuses, that demeans and devalues life and dignity--whether human and everything else, anything that ruins the peace and beauty of the natural universe, is most probably evil and must be avoided or shunned... May we live our days as good stewards; for it is by showing deep respect to the Word and work of our eternal Master, that we can truly fulfill our mission of spreading His good message of love, and hope and peace...



Making a life... Sometime ago, some young college friends retorted about the use of doing well and getting good grades in their minor and units-bracketed subjects, when it is the major ones they need to get evaluated on for graduation... And I responded with what I've learnt and realized from my time in university until now: "It may be our major subjects that teach us how to make a living; but it is our minors that teach us how to make a life"... "Physical education teaches us sports and camaraderie, English hones our communication skills, Filipino makes us more aware and appreciative of our national language, History makes us not forget the past that we might learn how to deal with the present better, and the natural sciences teach us more about life, nature and the environment so we could become better stewards of them"... For all its intents and purposes, a holistic, well-rounded education makes us less ignorant and more responsible people... And this, more so, in our study of the Word; especially when we learn more about the life and times they were written, when we validate them with other factual and recorded sources, and most meaningfully and fruitfully when we live them daily, until we reach its goal of making us into our Creator's worthy heirs and children--the ultimate peacemakers and ambassadors of His love and grace to each other and all creation... May we not let our education in life and the Word go to waste, and use them as part of our everyday identity, and source of wisdom, hope and strength...



Sabbaticals and work-life balance... Few people realize that one of the clearest sources of these two practices is the Word itself, because it records the Creator of the universe declaring and blessing the days or such days to be so... In our race to perform well, to meet worldly expectations, to get recognized and promoted by the world, to get compensated handsomely and earn our worth in people's eyes, we try our best to work really hard, to put in long hours, even working all seven days a week, holidays, working until late nights... We forget that nights are created for rest and recuperation, and Sabbaths (or days of rest; in our culture, that is, weekends) are for the restoration of our humanity and souls; so much so that whether we admit it or not, when we trespass such God-ordained and nature-set times and still struggle to do our money-earning endeavors, we disrespect the Creator of the universe, and ultimately, we cannot stop our health from deteriorating, our emotional and mental faculties from getting off-balance... Fundamentalists argue that we are in the last days, and the Son of God is very, very soon coming back... In the physical realm, we feel it to be so: we are at an inflection point--in climate, in human-made systems, in civilization... Maybe we should slow down and think, try to get back to the essence of who we are, sans the trappings of modern life that we pursue in the name of status and convenience, and give more time to rest and fellowship with family and friends, and especially more time with God, alone, and in nature; so that we could enjoy the blessing He proclaimed on the rest day, at His resting moments... For there lies His power and joy, and there lies our hope, to strengthen and encourage us all our days and beyond...



Our walk manifests our character... Some of us are so seemingly vocal about the things we want, while secretly manipulating things to go our own way, even if it means that there are people we pull down and step all over to get ahead... We think that if we project what we think is a transparent attitude, that makes us more relatable, nicer, promotable, desirable... But actually, who we are and what we want need not be spoken out loud, for our walk, whether in the physical and spiritual, reveal to the world our desires and dreams, our thoughts, our goals and destinations... That is not just manifesting, but truly living out the fruits of the Spirit in our lives... For if we really are as great as we parade ourselves to be, that should equate to humility and magnanimity, peace and joy, contentment with what our God has blessed us with, freedom from materialism and envy, vigilance and care about others and the environment, wisdom and love... No cosmetic procedures indeed can make over a wicked heart and a rotten soul; but a humble heart and meek spirit, as proclaimed by our Lord and Savior Himself, will endure and inherit the earth...



Herein do we know if we have truly succeeded, if we have truly lived out our faith and convictions, if we have indeed let the Holy Spirit bear fruit in our lives--we are content, patient and enduring... Because in whatever business we may be: in the God-business with an undying desire for more and more members and a larger and larger church and reach, or in the secular with the unquenchable lust to be promoted and to earn more and more, we will soon learn that there is no end in sight, and that the pinnacle we aim for is hollow and shallow... For a life completely lived is a life content every moment, with appreciation for each little event and milestone, secure in the knowledge of our God's provision and care, fully aware and accepting of life's realities and issues, knowing and being confident by finding value and beauty in the little ordinary aspects of life; that we truly and without burden, gain and receive love, respect, peace, and wisdom until the last of our days...



Uncoloured, unlabelled... One of life's truest blessings is when God sends people our way to accompany us in our journey, helping us see how good life is, how much more fun and pleasant it can be, and how much more peaceful and confident we become when we learn to trust and deal with everything in wisdom and love... And they could be people within our family, our neighborhood and community, and even complete strangers... For we not only proclaim and preach the Word by talking about it; but more than declaring our faith, we confirm it to be true and alive, and we glorify our Creator and King with every act of kindness and understanding, with every word spoken in humility and consideration of others, with every thought and prayer for peace, health and abundance we utter for ourselves, our next of kin, the people around us and those whom we meet and interact with each day...



The insidiousness of self-righteousness... Sometimes we get all absorbed in our so-called life achievements, in working in the best jobs in the great companies, in being perfectly married and raising the very best kids, in being very active with our nice little communities and social circles, that sooner or later, with just a mere pink slip, a little health blunder, a minor accident, a slip of the tongue, we realize that all our little hypocrisies and illusions have crept up and built themselves up to shatter our glass houses... It is then we realize how shallow a pretentious life can be, how devoid of meaning our illusions and desires to be on the pinnacle of perfect living... And that is the ultimate sin: living obsessed only with our own agenda without giving respect to others' issues and concerns, desiring only to pursue our own passions without giving a chance to others to express their opinions and ideas, hogging all the limelight and advancement opportunities, being the queens and kings at home and bringing the same attitude wherever, forgetting that life is solitary, but living is communal--not only with our nuclear family, but with neighbors, friends, colleagues, the service workers we meet as we go through our day, and most especially strangers... May we learn to be less selfish, be more understanding and humble, be more vigilant of our rights and the rights of others, to uphold peace and justice and fairness; that we might not fall prey and accomplice to envy and pride, to hypocrisy and oppression, to discrimination and abuse...



Alone and confident... In a very real macabre twist to our story today, it seems that from far-flung rural areas to the middle of bustling metropolises, crimes against people living alone have increased in recent years... Yet, demographic data show that as World population continues to age, more and more people find that they have to live alone and independently, far from the support of immediate family and friends... We can still have hope and be confident however, because we have a God who cares for us, who gives us wisdom and a keen mind to protect ourselves and secure our property and person, and who always sends good people our way to inspire us, and even give us company and fun in our most desolate moments... May we learn to trust that everything in our lives will work out well, if we remain humble and faithful in what He said we should be and do... And even when the rhymes of everyday living and reason and logic have abandoned us, with our minds clouded with senility and old age, may we have faith that our God will always watch over us, root for us, and give us courage and confidence to our last breath...



Knowledge is its own reward... And so it is that bibliophiles are some of the few truly contented persons on earth... But reading does not actually just involve the academic, the fictional, or in this case, the Word itself... For as we love our Lord and Savior so much we never get tired of reading about Him, we show our affection best by knowing more about the times and life He lived in through reading other historical and archaeological sources; and we show our true obedience when we read people--because all of us no matter our gender, nationality, beliefs and persuasions are for whom He came and died for... More than preaching about the good news, we experience the good news manifested in our lives and the lives of others when we read and understand others, even strangers, especially those whom we perceive are different and of lower status than us, and treat each other with respect and courtesy, with kindness and consideration, with generosity, wisdom and love... And that is what it means to live as people of His book, people who live on His terms...



Still, silent, waiting, goes a long way... And our story today, and incidentally, the Doodle we woke up to this morning express the same thing: it is when accepting who we are in the eyes of our Maker, in the company and comfort of those who truly love and care for us, we learn how beautiful, rich, diverse and deep with meaning and purpose life is... That in the face of the everyday onslaught of stress and tension, the demands of work and the ratrace of corporate struggles, we can do much not in giving in by filling our plates with much more than we can handle, with achieving more and more, with climbing the ladder ever higher; because true success and achievement lie in humility and acceptance, that yes, we may be passed upon and forgotten, left behind and down, but like Filipino adobo that comforts the body, soothes the heart, and pacifies the soul, our God is with us every which way when we remain humble and hopeful, patient and persevering, unassuming, honest, transparent, generous and wise...



It's not an "us against them" world, but "us against our ignorant, sick minds"... And that seems to be the case with every discriminatory situation we encounter, with every act of violence, abuse and hate we see and experience around us... And the Word today gives us the cure--love, not between lovers, because that too is actually bordering in the zone of selfishness, insularity and narrow-mindedness--but with those around us whom we perceive to be of lower status, of weaker and baser qualities, of more common, ordinary or unassuming, often-despised and ridiculed physical features,of those who have faith, beliefs, persuasion and convictions different than us... May we truly live out the Words of our Savior, and be more understanding and kind, respectful and courteous to all... Because how we treat those we feel inferior than us, reflects the quality of our character...



It's a run, it's a walk, it's a marathon and a journey... Life that is, and for one who is not a runner like me, I take all of its challenges walking, preferring to go by my goal card and pace in appreciating the goodness and provision of God through and through, step by purposeful and meaningful step all the way... As people created in the image of our God we run and walk in different speeds and paces, but all of us are ultimately cared for and supported by, and accountable only to Him, the One who breathed life on us... Therefore we have no right to gloat over others, to judge how life turns out for them, to condemn or ridicule if we don't like the way they live their lives, or to resolve and try to emulate what comes to them believing that "if they can, so can we", which is the heart of envy and pride... May we learn to live with the mindset that matters, to do our best to remain kind and courteous to all, to respect other people's rights, choices, time and issues; that we may truly be worthy to be called faithful and good...



Not sowing discord... Many wise and cheeky people say to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer... Which for greed and selfishness, really does pay well; but strangely, in a positive manner, also spiritually a fulfillment of our Savior's command to love our enemies and to do good to those who mistreat us... Indeed, what ultimately reckons with us in the daily accounting of our deeds, words and motivations is our conscience; which, if we live in peace and understanding with each other's issues and concerns, give us confidence and a sound and healthful sleep at night... A peaceful soul is a healthy soul, which translates to a healthy mind and body... When most other people want to get ahead even if they have to put down and deprive others; when many want the higher ups to be impressed with them even if they badmouth and slander others; then, maybe we have to leave them to it, give them what they lust for, which ultimately won't last long anyway and still makes them dispensable... The most important thing is that we get to keep our peace, our sanity, our souls, safe in the loving and powerful hands of our God and Prince of Peace...



Healing waves... Herein does one know that many people are unsettled, anxious, stressed out, whatever may be their professed belief, religion, affiliation or persuasion: grumpiness, rudeness, short-tempers, rage and tirades when experiencing even the slightest issues and provocations... Hence, social media is awash in ambient sounds, ASMR, meditation videos and audios... For truly, as hugely complicated are the inner workings of our bodies as well as the nanoscopic and unseen forces that power up its functionings, sound waves particularly have a significant impact; especially since doctors and scientists say all that causes us pain and illness start from inflammations, and strangely they are minimized if we are able to relax and slow down a bit... And our story today shows a great example, where to a highly stressful and insecure job as leader whose days in position are numbered, music soothes the demons that plague one's psyche... May we always listen to good music, the ones that affirm how good life is despite its hardships and difficulties, and shows us how loved and cared for we are by the God who designed and created us, and who holds the breath of life that powers every small details of our bodies, even to the connections and communications of our neurons, hence how we think, feel, understand, make choices, decide and resolve to persevere...



Non-toxic positivity... True, loving and honest encouragements truly give people the feeling that they are loved, needed and supported; the toxic ones, well, their insult, sarcasm, abuse and oppression oozes out... And as believers, we have to be careful of this... For we might just say the words, but if we don't have an ounce of empathy, if we cannot imagine ourselves in the shoes of another, if our encouragement actually couches languages of self-righteousness and condemnation of the other person's choices, preferences and character, we better keep silent... For silence itself is golden, as the hallmark of one who listens deeply and tries its best to understand the other person's story, is a greater encouragement than all the positive, rosy and flattering platitudes combined... More than talk, we start with listening, we begin with understanding and caring...



What's on our walls... The story today hits close to home, as, being a museum junkie and a primarily visual learner, I belong to those groups of people who can't appreciate and remember something unless I see a constant reminder... Yet, being poor and due to the humble structure of our abodes, we put our visual reminders on our walls instead of on doorframes, not of pricey or expensive beautiful paintings we cannot afford, but of verses and words that encourage, build up, affirm, gently rebuke and keep to mind... And countless times, this has indeed brought comfort and peace, healing and enlightenment to our souls... In our virtual or social media life, as much as in the physical, may we examine what cones up in our walls, and make sure that for us and others, these affirm and remind us of the greatness of our God, the beauty of life and creation, and the goodness and potential of others too...



The solitary in families... In this life, even with progress in the assertion of rights and respect, a lot of women are still objectified and abused, treated second class, considered only for their bodies and reproductive obligations, and passed up when it comes to benefits, proper pay and recognition... Yet reading the Word in its entirety shows us that our God upholds women and affords them due honor as the second half of humanity... If one is confused and prejudiced, dismissive, oppressive and abusive to women because of their perceived superiority towards whom they perceive as weak, it is ignorance of the worst kind and have no proper and right basis in scripture and faith... And so we learn that a lot of us must change our attitudes and not find validation in how people see us and in what tradition dictates; for our God meets our needs and predicaments every which way: Father to the fatherless, Defender of the oppressed, Lover of the neglected, Provider of widows, and Family to the solitary and single... May we indeed find and settle on His acceptance, His recognition, His respect, His provision, His love...



In different paces... Our story today is far too common, but not in the way the author interpreted it, that is; because far too often we see others' weaknesses and relapses as lack of faith, and think that they are forever lost to the ultimate hope of a happy ending and reconciliation... There is that one element we should all overcome however: the pride, prejudice and self-righteousness of one who thinks that he or she is better than others because outwardly, they are religious, faithful church service attendees, and vocal about their faith and conviction... For as our Savior even overlooked Peter's momentary cowardice and betrayal, so too He overlooks our discouragements, weaknesses and momentary exhaustion and rest; seeing only our great potential and contribution by working for His kingdom, in different paces, in different places, at different times... And so, it is of the enemy to believe that they who are not of our little congregations are doomed, because corralled sheep that have not known life's true challenges are easy prey to lies and deception by ravenous wolves; but they who have been exposed to much difficulties, even rejection, misunderstanding, abandonment and harsh judgment, are in a better position to gain victory and live lives truly filled with God's Spirit, bearing fruit, overflowing with His grace and mercy, shining examples of His light and love...



Alone, but not lonely... In our increasingly lonelier and anxious world, one needs stronger connections to get through life, to stay sane, to remain hopeful and strong... Yet, it is also a fact that as more and more of us ages, and less and less born to replenish our kind, more and more of us will find ourselves alone many times, either through our choice, or the choices of others... But, as an introvert, thankfully, we are not stranger to being left alone, left out, or unnoticed, unacknowledged and unrecognized... Good thing too, that we have faith in a God who always attends to our needs, and at each moment, cares for our concerns and our dreams and plans... May we always put our hope in this, and hold on in faith that even if the rest of the world turns its back on us, the God and Creator of the universe will always give us His time and attention, His provision and peace, His love and mercy...



Seen and known... An omniscient God is scary, yet that is what we believe about the God we worship... One wonders however, how some people can act with seeming impunity, hurting others with words and actions, pulling their weight around, robbing and depriving others of their God-given rights, their hard-earned fruits of labor, their humanity, if they are aware the Highest Deity sees them, knows them, and would surely make them pay for it?... But then we realize that because our God knows and sees us, He also knows that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, what doesn't deprive us of one breath today is a chance to rise up to life's challenges and persevere for a better and greater tomorrow... And so we trust that because we know we are seen and known, that all our hardships and difficulties, the abuses and oppressions we receive are nothing compared to what awaits us; for we might feel injustice and unfairness today, but surely, in faith we can believe that our reward, our deliverance, our greatest breakthroughs and victories lie just ahead...



Stiff necks... We sometimes get them in the morning, thinking that maybe we only turned our heads to one side when we slept, so that our necks became sore when we woke up... But sometimes, I observe that we get them when we carry things too heavy for what we can comfortably accommodate... And that may just be all on the physical side, but strangely it seems to be how it is on the spiritual and mental side of things... When we don't listen to good advice, to reason, to logic, to the Word, we find that though we may get what we want, it comes at a cost too painful, too heavy, too material to affect our character, disposition and overall perspectives... And sometimes too, when we fail to acknowledge what's good in others and not recognize their potential, but insist that only we are right and qualified, when we bite off more than we can chew, at the end is misery and pain... May we learn to be humble, and like the proverbial cat who looks at both sides before crossing the street, consider the effects of our words and choices, our actions and fleshed out motivations on others, that we might avoid becoming stiff-necked and a 'pain in the neck' for others too...



Serpents in our midst... Not a few of us have encountered, and unfortunately have been victimized, by people who say and do one thing, but when it comes to preserving their ego, would not hesitate to betray us or sell us out... And I do not dare use the word snake on them, because our reptile buddies are quite predictable, studied and known; whereas there is no end to the selfishness and greed, the venom and vitriol, the abuse, suffering and agony unleashed by traitors... Yet, we thank God that, like in our story today, He doesn't betray us, He does His best to give us what is good and fair, He gave His all, even His Son, to show His love and grace... We can take comfort in the hope that the human serpents in our lives will soon experience what an ancient serpent in a fabled garden has experienced (if we don't lose ourselves, our cool and calm, our poise and integrity in the face of their attacks) - - these will soon be driven out from a life that is full of peace and love; and all the things that they have accumulated as rewards from their oppressions and abuses of others will soon come to nothing... Inspite of life's challenges made more difficult by traitors in our midst, may we still go on in faith, in patience, in wisdom, peace and love...



Healthy feeding... No one would doubt doctors and health professionals when they say we have to eat healthy and clean, in order to live productively functioning lives in wellbeing... But it seems that isn't the same sentiment when it comes to our minds and souls... Not just during the pandemic, but especially with the use of social media, far too many of us spend more time on useless and shallow content that only elicit mockery and cheap laughter, envy and pride; instead of those things that make us learn more about life on earth, about civilization and commerce, human behavior and culture, about history and facts... And that is reflective of our spiritual and moral feeding too... May we be grounded more on how to make life better for others, and ours but not at others' expense; for as we seek to do good, to be fair and just, to be understanding, generous and kind, to learn more, we get closer to knowing our God and how He works in each of us, and we lean more towards how best we can live His Word in our lives, and how to make it bear fruit...



The length of our work week... This generation and these times invite us to think about the things we work for, and how we do it... In generations past, we were taught to work doubly hard for every peso that we earn, to put in long hours, to always be on call in order to be called responsible... But we realize those things prove hollow and our dreams and aims shallow; for far too many have paid with their lives and health for a promotion, for a recognition, for a raise; for indeed, no amount of the highest salary, and no level of the highest status could ever come up to the value of a life, mental and physical well-being, relationship with family, kids and friends... May we take up our Savior's offer, who gave us an example of a humble and simple life, free from the burdens of materialism, far from the halls of richness, status, position and connection, within the company of the lowly, the outcasts, the dregs of society; yet, was able to influence humanity, history and eternity, to become the champion of our souls, and the captain of our fates... We may not have the same length of work week, yet, we can all surely spend each moment of it in faith, in love, in peace, in humility and humanity, in generosity and understanding...



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