A discerning ear... According to some bio-medical sources, the sense of hearing is the first of the five senses developed in a human being, starting even while as a fetus in the womb, and the last to go at the point of physical death... And for one primarily visual learner like me and many of us, it is one where the input is quite difficult to remember for a long time too... But I noticed that in the Word, this sense is far more talked about regarding our God than the sense of seeing... For we are taught more often that 'God hears', especially sincere and humble prayers of a contrite and repentant heart (not mouth, meaning our deepest desires, cares and sorrows, even unspoken)... And this seems to be key in how we obey His command to love our fellowman too, as in, when we 'play-by-ear' what other people are feeling, saying between the lines, their situations and conditions, before we even utter a word... Much like the sounds of joy and weeping could not be distinguished in our story today, so too often it is difficult for people to sense from our words whether what we say are spoken out of pride and arrogance in our perceived seniority and superiority when we give advice or admonition, or genuine care and concern... But humble hearts are wise and pour forth wisdom... May we then strive for humility and meekness, that as we gain discernment of people, hearing what they are not saying, or trying to say but they cannot, we can always communicate in ways that build up and encourage, that blesses and inspires, that gives the right answer, that brings life and hope and peace...



Unless the Lord builds the house... of your life, all your professions and proclamations of faith are in vain... Because the one whose life is built upon His firm and sure foundation has no need to doubt and fear about what happens tomorrow, for He is already there; and what we must do today is to do good and give our best in everything--in our labors, in faith and worship, in our relations with others... That manifests that indeed we believe that we have a God who blesses and restores, who both guides and leads in wisdom, and who gives due reward of mercy and peace to those who wait on Him, in whatever way, whenever...



Seeing beyond... Means to have hope that in spite of life's present troubles, a better future still awaits... With the pandemic-turned-endemic, wars and disruptions, life for many has turned uncertain and dim, hopeless even, if statistics and surveys on how many young people around the world see their future be considered... Yet, we can still believe that as long as there is life, our Creator and Savior gives us a chance to do better and achieve greater things; as long as we can still wake up, and tomorrow becomes today, we are still given something to put our efforts to, to dedicate our energies and talents on, on becoming better people, and on making this world a better place...



Because our God is not a God of miscommunication... Two millennia ago, on that fateful Pentecost holiday, the Word recorded one of its rarest miracles; that actually can be expained biologically if we take the time to marry science into faith, because young infants can actually communicate with each other regardless of race and language if put side by side... By speaking in tongues here do not mean the gibberish that some fake uttering in order to impress that they have felt the presence; but actually real, conversational and structured languages and dialects of different tribes and nations around the Jewish one... And much like today, if we claim to abide by the faith named after our Savior, we cannot use language nobody in their logical mind understands; we cannot preach fables and anecdotes, fantasies and conjectures, nor gloom-and-doom hearsay and prophesy but real issues... Because everyday life is terrible and horrific enough for us to create monsters in the minds of others; but loving our fellowman is and should be as real, tangible and true as our love of God... Gibberish mumbling does not manifest a baptism of the Spirit, but rather exhibiting the fruits thereof to one and all--faith brethren or not, favorite kin or annoying neighbor not withstanding... And we wait for the Spirit, we wait on it, not scream and conjure it into existence, until we feel tingling sensations (when accompanied with hoarseness of voice might actually very well lead to colds or flu rather than the 'Holy Spirit's Presence')... And when we appropriate the Jewish holiday of Pentecost, likewise, when the tongues of fire were sent to manifest that salvation is made available to all mankind--regardless of race and gender; then we fulfill its purpose when we open our lives to be poured out along with our Savior's streams of living water; that love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, reconciliation and eternal life be showered to all...



Life is incremental and insidious... Because we do not find meaning in great breakthroughs and grand revivals, nor in sudden spurts of inspiration and bursts of courage and conviction; but the patience and persistence of living through and conquering our inadequacies and life's uncertainties everyday and each moment... Like what Zechariah reminded ancient Israel, may we not despise small, quiet efforts that build faith and resilience; because the lives we make are built on each little unrecognized task for the glory of our Maker, in the still, small voices of heartfelt and silent prayers, in the quiet help and support extended to those who need and are less capable, not in screams and shouts of vain and selfishly proud, yet empty adoration and fake praise...



The wild card and the tactician... Was how one beloved drama nicknamed two of its fiercely competitive characters... In life too, we may often do our best to plan what we want, to strive to get what we believe is best, to carefully and judiciously curate what we present to society because we want them to believe we have perfect lives; but there is always a wild card... In Daniel's book and in the lives of His friends, it is the presence of God, His deliverance and care against the machinations of the enemy... If we worship and believe in the same God, we too can trust in this wild card; so that we can have the courage to break free from the chains of our pre-programmed and puppeteered existence into the wider, more unfamiliar, scarier and more challenging world outside... For in our weakness, He is our strength; and in our doubts, anxiety and uncertainty, He is our guarantee, our sure hope and confidence, our security and peace...



The good neighbour... Seems to be the one commandment of our Savior most of us love to disobey... But truly, even when most of us consider wealth to be a measure of success, it is loving and being good to your neighbour, and living in peace with them--from your nearest housemate or kin, to those living around your abode--which is self-actualization for those of us who proclaim ourselves to belong to the faith named after our Savior... Instead of being rich and of high status in society, may we instead strive everyday to be good neighbors, and so do the will of the One who called us to eternal life, who told us to, "love our neighbour as we love ourselves"...



March of the monitor... Another one of the things I truly miss living in the province is the regular sounding of the monitor lizard; which a former retired office mate said that every "tuk - ko!", means the pay has already been credited to the bank (lol)... Seriously though, because of urbanization and climate change, these creatures' habitat has steadily been degraded... On the spiritual side though, there is much to learn about the faithfulness of the monitor lizards in keeping time and seasons; unfortunately however, such is not the case when we monitor each other's personal or spiritual, mental and psychological performance and achievements... In the Word today we learn that each of us is accountable directly to God for our actions, whether that be to our lifestyle and preferences, how we treat others and make them feel... For a life full of anxiety and effort to prove our worth is vain; and unless you are a monitor lizard, don't monitor other people's life but your own... You can always pray for your concerns and fears, your doubts and inadequacies; and if you are concerned about others, it wouldn't impoverish you to lend a helping hand; and much

more, it enriches your soul to pray for others too...



Different skreeks... One of the joys of living in the farm, which I miss so much living in the city, is the sound of critters at night... I've gotten so used to it that short of fully understanding what these guys are saying, and without looking at a watch, one would know what time of night it is approximately by the pattern of skreeks: few hours before midnight, they make, "skreek-skreek-skreek!" sounds repeatedly... After midnight, the pattern goes: "skrook-skreek, skrook-skreek, skrook-skreek!"... Those are just my interpretations though, as not being an entomologist, I still do not understand "bug language"... What's amazing though, is that our God and Creator has given us the bugs to coexist with, to remind us that if we keep pace with the earth through our daily endeavours, they too mark time and seasons, milestones and breakthroughs on their own terms and manner of communication... May we always learn to appreciate life and all creation, and do our part to preserve it and be the good stewards we were meant to be...



Expecting rudeness... There are certain places and certain people from whom, because of involuntary observation, prior experience and knowledge, one can only expect rudeness, ignorance, tactlessness and entitlement... Which isn't surprising since the ancients, and even the Word, prophesy many people in these days to be so... But as a lifetime observer of people and seeing many time-honored and worthy values degenerate over time, one understands that there are still a few good people who exhibit acts of nobility, grace and kindness, but since they are treasures, are hard to come by and require much discernment... Thankfully, we have a God who triumphs over history and makes sure that our run in it will be filled with His presence and love, that we may manifest these to others too...



Prayer is never intermittent... Probably because I am never a fan of diet and exercise, the word "intermittent", is not exactly one of my favorites (since I have already and will for a long time, associate it with a diet fad)... Just like being healthy starts with the ingrained habit of accepting your body shape and size, age, the effects of gravity, the accumulation of blessings and good things, diet should be preceded by the word "healthy"; and an everyday, every moment, unconscious habit... So I believe it is with prayer and communication with our God and the people He sends our way too... Because life goes on, and for as long as we breathe, as long as we still have the right and capacity to life, we also still have the obligation and ability to pray--not loudly for show or to influence and impress others, but silently, in still small voices that manifest the presence, the stillness, the peace and confidence of faith in a God who is everywhere, who is always willing to listen and respond in His own amazing ways...



God's not deaf... That's worth repeating countless times to ourselves, until it becomes a default part of our system... As we diligently go through the rest of our lives living simply yet generously, in humility and respect, in freedom and fairness... That we have a God who hears our most silent prayers and wishes, and to whom we do not need to shout or scream for acknowledgment like spoiled brats, nor badger and nag repetitively for impact... When we give Him time to talk by being quiet and at peace, by slowing down and listening, He hears and answers, and gives us discernment to learn and understand about the good things He sends our way... May we keep that to heart, and be encouraged and strengthened for the rest of our journey...



Grandparents' pet... Anyone who grew up close to or raised by grandparents can attest to how loving, soothing, and more understanding they are... Like a neighbour's kid this morning, who was crying and screaming because he doesn't want to go to school, but with a few soothing words from grandma, calmed down and reluctantly went ahead with his mom to prepare himself... Maybe that should be our great lesson in life too, as we are besieged by anxiety and worry, insecurity, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, and various other mental health conditions we deny and falsely attribute to us trying to make life perfect and whole... Because we can never have the perfect life with our own efforts; even how much we struggle to project our best; that can only come from the confidence and peace in knowing we have a God who appreciates us, who can relate to our struggles and tolerate our idiosyncrasies, but who always understands and is willing to give us a hand...



Seen and valued... For many of us, it is a sad fact that we only value and recognize people from whom we believe we can reap benefits; but distance ourselves when those same people are in need themselves, not even bothering to give time to ask about their issues and concerns, their priorities and goals... And hurtful as it may seem, but that is normal human nature: to take advantage of people and situations, sometimes even inconveniencing them in inopportune moments, but discarding them when they have been bled dry... But thankfully we have a God of justice and provision; Who always looks out for the good of His people; who gives strength to the weary, deliverance to the abused, recompense to the disadvantaged, and hope and strength to the depleted... May we learn to value others as He values us; that in all situations we may be a blessing, not a burden; that we may be good influences, not burdensome hitchhikers...



We know no one, not even ourselves... No, not our friends who only tell us what is good about their lives, who may share their struggles and hardships but only from their points of view, nor the influencers and online follows who only show their curated lives on socmed... But thankfully, we have a God and Creator who knows us inside out, who is fully aware of our potentials because He planned it, and who can equip us in every way even when we doubt our capacities... May we learn to tap into that eternal source of hope and strength, as we live the rest of our days manifesting His love and wisdom, His grace, generosity and mercy to all...


You can't make a leaf, but you can be vertically aligned... It seems that the trouble for many of us is we think we can do anything we want if we put our mind to it... Quite the contrary though, for there are far too many things that other people do that we can't, nor can we even have control over our own bodily functions... Sometimes too we think we know everything, but are ignorant of even simple history, of people's personalities, and the workings of the cosmos... And so there is nothing left better for us to do than to humbly accept our shortcomings; and for the rest, to look up and trust that the One who designed and ordered the universe will also consistently put our lives in order... So that we do not subscribe nor compare our milestones and achievements with others; for to each of us is given grace each day, and a chance to do good and great with the lot given to us... That is, when we can't even create a living matter from non-existent ones, when we can't even understand how things and people came to be, what we can do is be vertically aligned to the One who gave us life, and to be horizontally in tuned with others, especially those whom He sent our way...


The maternal instinct... Is what defines true motherhood... To care and nurture, to feed with food and wisdom, to teach and lead well, and to guide in humility and love... And not necessarily having your own physical kids... For there are those who have given birth, yet compete with their children for attention and affirmation, in acting childish, immature and clueless themselves... While there are those who haven't birthed with their bodies but with their hearts, in their wide and deep capacity to understand, to relate, to embrace diversities and quirks, in the love and acceptance they shower upon the difficult, the unlovable, the grumpy, the sarcastic, the bitter and depressed, the know-it-all... For we are all kids by heart, exploring ang journeying through life none the wiser... But for the rest of us who have learned to accept the good and bad while remaining joyful and hopeful, they are the mothers in us; and even with much or bereft of commercialism and trade, deserve to receive a worthy and heartfelt thanks and greeting: Happy Mother's Day...


Non-dissimulated... Lately, as I got older, I have one other favorite Cebuano rendering of a rather deep word, one that I parroted from my late maternal grandparents, "dissimular"--to pretend to do something, but actually having different intentions or ulterior motives... And it seems our story and text today tell us that in order to live the proper life, we have to avoid that; although sadly, a lot of brethren seem to engage in that deplorable habit in a kind of hypocrisy, just to be called religious or holy, but underneath are full of envy and insecurity, fear and anxiety... It is good to heed the words of the apostle; for love indeed, cannot be manifested with fakery; and the false and pretense will always leak out and be discovered... May we be authentic people, in how we love and care for each other, in how we share our God's grace and goodness to one and all...


Anger reveals who we are... This message really hits close to home, especially for the many of us who struggle with our tempers and patience... Because no matter how good we think we may be, how smart and accomplished, how wealthy, how strong in faith and convictions, how high in status, the moments that try our patience and tests our temper bring out the real us... And it is quite easy to feel superior and rant on others when we think they come up short, when we feel they block our way to getting what we want, when we think they commit a social or moral faus pax, than to see that the issue is us--or rather, our lack of understanding, patience, our carefully-masked up insecurity and fear, our photoshopped hypocrisy, that is tethering on the brink of a catastrophic reveal because someone 'got our goat'... May we understand that life is too short to waste energy on getting angry and forcefully demanding to be treated the way we think we deserve, but rather to be patient and appreciative at each little moment we are allowed to breathe, and to enjoy and do good with our short, vapor-like existence in the whole course of history and human interactions...


How the birds and ants see... Is as different as night and day... Like seeing from the 91st story of a tall skyscraper, birds can see a lot, even the whole picture, but may miss the details... Much like people who often generalize things but fail to understand and be empathetic to the needs and issues of others... While those who see like ants can nitpick at the tiniest details, but can't even see what's beyond the corner, unless they have as keen a sense of smell as these our little creature friends... Thankfully we have a God who can see in both manners and beyond; so that even if the world neglects us, fail to see what we are really going through, uncognizant of our situations and the issues we face, He is always attentive to our needs, and desires that every day, in every way, we are at peace, and we enjoy all the love in His presence... May we have the humility to perceive, and the stillness and patience to wait on Him and His leading...


We are only as good as our word... And we show whom and what we worship by how we deal with others through our words... Such is the case of our story today, of stolen amulets and figurines believed to bring good luck; of the sincerity, respect and consideration of our talk; and the manner in which we pray... For we do not serve a God that we can hold physically in hand, nor is He deaf and blind, nor His knowledge of languages limited, nor does He need us to touch amulets and figurines to invoke Him, nor for us to shout to the top of our lungs to call on Him or show the world that we worship Him... For He who created us is everywhere, and He did not manifest Himself to Moses from winds and the storms but through a gentle whisper... Likewise, we can only pray in secret, from the bottoms of our hearts; and we can only perceive Him as we obey His Word to do good to our fellowman regardless of who they may be, or whether they do good to us in return... Our God is Creator, He is in creation; He can never be held nor stolen nor adored and fellowshipped with exclusively, but in wisdom, in love, in peace and order amongst the chaos, in humility and grace amidst life's harassments and tragedies...


Who knows us... A famous leadership expert says that in terms of promotion, it's not whom you know that's key, but who knows you... Funny, considering that in the workplace and in society, a lot more people would suck up to the powers-that-be, even putting others down just so they could rise up... Good thing to know that in the eyes of our Maker and Savior, it is His knowledge of us that ensures our endurance and deliverance... I never fail to get amazed at certain people whose prayers seem to always get good answers, and realize that indeed He is attentive to their cries, no matter when and where, and of whatever kind... Are our lives known by our God? Can He distinguish us inside out? Are our actions to Him and others distinguishable and marked with His presence, love and grace, and not for the likes and impressions we crave from people and faith brethren?... Even if we are incognito and irrelevant, unknown to the rest of the world, may we find confidence and peace, in the daily effort and connection, in the daily grace and privilege that we are known by Him...


Vincit omnia Veritas... Is a famous quote made a motto of one of our local fraternities, as also plastered by them around the city's walls... And indeed, much as many unscrupulous and notorious people throughout history have tried to bury and cover it up, to falsify and smokescreen it, to change the narrative, it always comes out, delivering a hard comeuppance, determining and changing the course of history, discourse, civil, political and spiritual society... And when our Lord and Savior declared Himself to be the Truth, may we realize that a fake faith too does not pay; fake goodness and principles built on lies only lead to a sorry end, and a filtered, curated life is vain, joyless and devoid of peace and contentment... May we uphold the truth, be sincere and authentic, be discerning and profound, as we remain humble and understanding, generous, courteous and kind; for these are the ultimate manifestations of our love for our God, our love of our fellowman, and our love for life and creation...


More than fellowship and human companionship, but His presence... That is what we need for right worship and relationship with our Creator, and that brings us salvation and inner healing... Like true friends who may be apart for decades but remain close at heart, so is our unseen God to those who truly love Him--unperceived by the physical senses, yet firmly convinced that His power and glory, His mercy and love surround and fill us each day... So that no matter the hardships in life, we do not need to manifest our own strength and power, we do not need to feel superior and rule over others, we need not accumulate much wealth and status; because if our faith is true, and our obedience in Him faithful and pure, He fills us with His presence, His strength, His wisdom, His humility and greatness in every situation... Indeed, a life truly reformed and transformed, a life destined for greatness even beyond the grave, starts here now in faith, in patience, in understanding, unassuming and humble, yet kind, courteous, tactful, magnanimous and real...


Thankfulness is a lifestyle... And as such, it manifests God's Spirit in our lives... We can give thanks through words; but we can give thanks through deeds, especially when we pay forward, when we free ourselves from greed and pride, when we strip ourselves of vanity and envy, when we are generous and understanding, when we remain humble, helpful, resourceful and hopeful; knowing that because our God has dealt with us so graciously in the past, He is going to do more so now and in the future; and the thankful heart expresses and lives that attitude even now... Let's always give thanks to our God, and to the people He sends our way...


Fruits borne by grace... We believe we have been saved from the death of our souls through the grace of our Maker and Savior... Pre-Jesus' time, Moses also experienced such when he repented of his murder, and self-exiled from civilization to live the nomadic life... And when such grace comes true in our lives, regardless of what we are and what we believe in, we become less selfish and judgmental, we become more giving and understanding, we stop imposing our own beliefs and convictions on others, we stop thinking we are better just because we attend church regularly, we have more degrees, we are more entitled because we have more connections, we have accumulated more friends and family, status and wealth... Grace bearing fruit in us is like that of Moses: transformed, reformed, stripped bare of the sandals of vanity; for in the Holy place of God's presence in our lives, there should be room only for listening to His will and plan for us, obedience to His leading, and doing greater things not by our intellect and strength, but by His power, and for His glory...


The inner weapon... Is best, and manifests well in humble confidence... That in spite of our daily realities, a better life awaits, greater things lie ahead... And whatever may be our status in life, irrespective of wealth or language, a heartfelt prayer to our God and Maker is the most human and humane thing to do; acknowledging our mortality and dependence, and giving us courage to do good, to face life's challenges, to be a source of hope and inspiration, and to be a force for good to others... May we always be prayerful in any situation...


Keep on walking... My late maternal grandpa reached 94 in relative good health due to a virtually stress-free disposition, exercising in his latter years through daily neighborhood hikes... And I just learned from a drama show that when drunk, taking a hike helps sober people up... One realizes that life indeed is challenging and burdensome; but a hike, a stroll, a regularly-cadenced stride helps to calm our nerves and alleviates anxiety, with the movement of which even modern-day doctors say is one of the most effective ways to prevent and cure inflammation, which they say is the leading cause of diseases... Yes, at whatever age, especially in our advancing years, as long as we keep to the safe paths, and watch out for falls and slips, steady, regular walking helps us achieve a good and healthy life... So it seems in the spiritual too: even with tiredness and disillusionment, diminished capacity and resources, discouragements and setbacks, as long as we keep on the right path on the journey and be careful not to give up, give in, slip up or fall down hard, we can hold on in hope and faith... Tiredness and sore bones are only temporary predicaments, not final judgments; we are tired and sore because we have done something, we have exerted our effort; but what should keep us on and help us endure is because we are doing, we are exerting, we keep on walking...


Tuck Everlasting, and family... Was a fun read and an eye opener too... For many of us want to live and stay young longer; so much so that we do everything we can, and pay as much in procedures and for food and fad diets and exercise to do so... But taking it from a family who was always on the move because they wouldn't want to call too much attention on themselves when they never grew old and their neighbors did, would mean that such desires for immortality is alienating and insular... For our God has ordained that life and time take their course and toll on us, to develop and make us grow in wisdom and acceptance; and true beauty is manifested in us when we gracefully embrace our age, our status, our diminished capacities; because that would mean we are ever closer to Him in dependence, in spiritual and physical presence... Yes, the gray hairs and wrinkles, the wobbly knees and aching backs are bothersome, and friends and loved ones may leave, neglect or abandon us to move on to their next exciting life-phases; but if we can find confidence and hope that our Savior had prayed for us and loves us so much, and He intends in every way to provide and care for us, then the advancing and twilight years are more than welcome... The farther we go and the longer we spend in life means the closer we get to our ultimate victory in His kingdom...


That one candle stand... In the church of the sectarian school I teach, there is a religious icon assemblage of a half-naked Christ, fronted by rows of 12 candlesticks, with 5 directly in front of the icon, 6 in the next row, and 1 alone in the third... I realize that it depicts the disciples after the Lord's death and resurrection; particularly after the treacherous one, Judas, committed suicide, and was replaced by Barnabas the Encourager... And so we learn that in our faith and life journey, we get into our breakthroughs, we persevere and endure not only of what we are, what we have and what we believe in; but because our God sends "Encouragers" - - friends and family whom we do not realize become our real life coaches, and who and with whom we share our faith and reason for hope... May we not let the spirit of fear, pride, discouragement and disillusionment make us lose sight of our life's purpose and goal; may we be sensitive to the needs of others and not just say in words but act to encourage and inspire; while we open ourselves up to the encouragement of those who truly care for us, to guard ourselves well, yet to not forget the lesson from those who seek to belittle, insult, oppress, abuse and take advantage of us... For no matter what we encounter in our journey, we are confident that our Savior who finished His work for our salvation, will also complete His work in us as we live that gift and grace throughout our lives...




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