Because God doesn't guilt-shame... When we
read only what we want from Scripture, we paint an image of God that is
favorable to us, but vindictive to those who have offended us, especially to
those "who got away", those who have touched our ego, those who have
stripped our layer of pride and self-importance... Yet, the Word is blatant in
proclaiming our God's better nature--protective of those who humbly seek His
protection (Psalm 91), and dismissive of those who call on His Name yet
continue to be oppressive, abusive, judgmental, discriminatory, self-righteous
and delusional of their own worth (Matthew 7:21-23)... May we always be
humble--in defeat and triumph; may we always be faithful--in good times and
bad; may we always be true--sans colors, personalities, distance, perspectives,
affiliations, doctrines and principles...
Being merciful to others and ourselves, unto
creation and everything in it... Is how we show we are God's children... Yes,
we get exasperated with people who are rude and disrespectful, that is why
giving them distance and space is good for peace and sanity; yes, we often come
up short and lacking, and so we give ourselves chances of rest and learning to
make up for these faults; yes, sometimes nature turns its wrath on us because
we are negligent and destructive, and so we strive to mend our ways and clean
up our acts; yes, life sometimes doesn't turn out the way we want, and so we
must learn to be humble, flexible, adaptable with whatever situation, that we
might bring good out of distressing situations, love out of chaos and
misunderstanding... May we learn to emulate our Saviour's patience and
long-suffering, His virtue of contentment, peace and security in solitude,
sanity and wisdom even if alone against a crowd, strength in the face of the
world's challenges, ridicule and temptations...
Trust that is not overrated... Contrary to
what many of us have with our icons, celebrities, even our significant
others... Because the One whom we trust is the Father of faithfulness; because
the One whom we put our hopes and confidence on never fails... May we learn to
trust, and banish discontent, anxiety, insecurity, doubt, envy, resentment,
jealousy, pride, an inflated sense of self and worth, a constant yearning to
find wholeness and actualization in someone or something else--because all
these actually come from a heart unable to trust in One higher than all, Who
keeps us all safe and secure in His loving embrace... We can trust in Him, and
we know He always meets with us, and provides what we need...
The better replacement... Though the Great
Replacement Theory is evil, being at the heart of today's many wars,
persecutions and genocides, there is One Replacement Tenet of faith that we are
blessed to receive--that of our Savior shunned and murdered by the Roman and
Jewish authorities of His time, to becoming history's determinant and most
important physical and metaphysical figure... And though we now must reject the
idea that we as a saved people have replaced any race or anybody in His saving
grace, as what He Himself expressed in His Word saying that God does not show
favoritism but loves all people, we feel empowered to have been given the same
mercy and measure of faith as His ancient people... That in our world today, we
might live in understanding and acceptance of one another, that though we may
manifest our beliefs and convictions differently, yet we are united in the
faith of Someone who designed our human constitution and who willed for us to
live a good life, proclaiming His peace and love, and living His light and
wisdom by sharing them to all whom we come in contact with... We are also
eternally grateful that we can replace our stubborn, prideful, ignorant and
selfish existence to one that cares and nurtures, and one that fulfills our
mandate of being good stewards of our fellowmen and of creation too...
No love lost... Cruel and corrupt deserves no
tears... This has to be said: many years ago, when someone we knew--who
happened to also work as a government official but known to be corrupt--died,
one apologetically but secretly felt glad that there is one less corrupt person
in the world... And this seems to be a lesson anywhere: if one is cruel and
wicked, unjust and unfair, one's tragedy and misery seem not to attract pity or
sympathy but derision... And may we learn the lesson too: to be kind yet firm
with what is true and right, to be understanding and generous yet make sure we
still uphold what is good and just, to be realistic and honest yet to do it in
a way that brings encouragement and hope; neither insulting nor abusive,
neither negligent nor mindless, but always aware, always discerning, always
seeing the best and the potential in other people too...
Always for good... Like the Word today, and
like life as we live it through each day, we realize that in the midst of
suffering and despair, chaos and confusion, something good always comes,
something beautiful always remains... And that is not just an old poem or
cliché; because indeed, if we have lived truthfully, faithfully, courageously,
and in hope, we learn patience and discernment, we can influence others and be
a force of good, we can dispense wisdom and tact, we will always be blessed
with the right word and the sufficient impact, to just bring about the positive
and the learning and realization in others too... May we always be mindful,
tactful, respectful, aware and content; knowing and believing in the security
that comes with trusting in the One who never lets us down, and who always
gives us the courage to go on...
Don't block the driveway... Is a very common
sign in our crowded urban areas... Funny, yet it also often happens in how we
treat others--be it our own selfishness and threatened ego, our over-exuberance
in something we know so little yet too proud to admit of our ignorance--we have
the tendency to drive people away and muddle the message of the kingdom for
them... May we truly be as mindful and understanding as our Savior; may we
truly be generous and loving as Him... That may we always respect people's private
spaces and rights, be humble and patient and generous in giving them their due,
and pour out the mercy and grace we have received, sharing the light and hope
that became our mark when we decided to dedicate our lives to the cause and
calling of our God...
The true power of prayer... Is not that it
changes things all the time, but that it changes us, or the ones praying... At
times maybe, we might be cranky and rude, impatient and seemingly entitled; but
when we pray, we become more humbled, learn to acknowledge our helplessness,
save for the strength promised us by the One who never fails... And we know
somebody prays truly and faithfully, by the constant and consistent
transformation we see and experience in them--wiser, more patient, tactful,
caring, less selfish, more understanding, more generous... May we always hold
on in hope that though our daily realities are harsh and challenging, but in
faith as we pray, there will be deliverance, restoration and peace...
The source of confidence and peace... Is not
because we are able and capable, but that we are made so by the One we put our
trust in... The source of power and strength... Is not because we have much,
that we have achieved and accumulated a lot; but because in both abundance and
deprivation, whether we achieve our goals or fail in our endeavors, we know
that we are loved, we are sustained, we have been made whole and complete by
Him who designed us and created us for His glory... And the key to sanity and endurance
is not because we are at the top of life's ladder; but with consistency and
substance, in honesty and transparency, freedom from envy... Knowing,
believing, experiencing and perceiving that we are always blessed, that what we
receive in grace each day is more than what we need, and that whatever little
we have finds its fulfillment and meaning when shared with others generously,
at times rendering us empty and exhausted, but always recharged and
That which must not be named, or ignorance is
no excuse... There was a mindset during the early months of the pandemic that
persists even until now, that people feel resistant to first aid measures at
stopping contagion and controlling the widespread reach of the disease, because
they have been fuelled by lies and misinformation... Indeed, it wasn't CoVid
that killed the ones who went away, but from a compromised immune system,
preexisting conditions worsened, and immune response led to inflammations that
only worsened the body's response to weather changes, to air pollution, to
metabolisms gone haywire from the processed food we ate, from mental distress
and Hopelessness, and the general reduction in mobility and social
connections... And that would have been prevented, life would have been
meaningful had we heeded the Old Testament's regulations on isolation, adequate
covering and masking up, and as a whole, investing time, resources and energy
in strengthening immune systems and health... Sadly, such is happening in our
mental, psychological and spiritual psyche too... Far too many are sleepwalking
through our general existential crisis, still not deconstructing and outgrowing
from the lies we grew up with: we cannot anymore follow what people say and not
what they do, the inside of the cup must match the outside and we must follow
the good that people say and do when their credibility merits it to be so;
faith is not just an intention, a pile of words, a length of speech, but it is
action, it is giving hope and light and love to all regardless of who they may
be, while lessening the focus on ourselves; and a life well lived is not
earning the six figures or having the latest shiny toys and gadgets, not having
the semblance of a perfect union and perfect brood, but in reality, being a
good influence, a hope and inspiration, an example for others that there are
many other ways to reach their dreams of a better life, that love can be shared
with much more than our nuclear connections, that what we have can actually be
given up to help others have better lives and not to line the pockets of the
few and misleading, misrepresenting powerful... The Word and daily life never
cease to warn and remind us... May we therefore be warned, avoid the road to
perdition, save our souls and that of others until the end...
From the light within... Comes goodness and
generosity, understanding and peace... A hurting world that is constantly
attacked everyday by war and violence, hunger and disease, confusion, lies and
chaos, is so overwhelming that one begins to question where did all our
knowledge go, and if indeed all the refinements of a so-called technologically
advanced age evaporated to oblivion... But one can only manifest what one has
inside... If this is wisdom and love, if this is truth and peace, if it is
mercy and grace; then, even in the midst of the most difficult challenges and
deprivations, we would only have had peace and understanding, humility and
reparation of wrongdoings, accountability and restoration of what was ruined...
May we let the light of our God fill us deep inside, that we may also radiate
unto others the same light, hope, peace and love He has given...
Here, now... (at USJR CfPA)
"Pagtagad, pagpaminaw, pagtubag"
A green thumb for the soul... Is what we need
to grow, to flourish, to realize our potential to be our Creator's responsible
and worthy heirs and stewards... But we need tons of wisdom and patience too,
not to immediately give in, yet have the discernment and humility to choose
which battles to fight, and even when to let go and live for another day... In
an increasingly challenging life filled with more and more difficult moments,
may we all learn to nurture the faith and conviction in us, to do good, to be
understanding, respectful and kind, to be content and at peace; that no matter
what happens, the Eternal Gardener and True Vine will not let us go, and will
always be there to sustain and inspire, to strengthen, to give life and
A mental health challenge... These days,
people seem to be crankier, more impatient, more selfish and rude... Even those
who are supposed to be in the careers of care, those in the ministries of faith
and enlightenment, those in the offices that should educate and breed truth,
seem to have lost their way at leading people to uphold and have confidence in
the truth, at encouraging them to hold out in hope and to test every thought
and principle, against what is good and that which brings life and light... Maybe
because we are in the post-pandemic era, and the challenges of our existential
crisis as a civilization are our daily realities, conventional ways of doing
and thinking don't seem to work anymore... That is, except for the invitation
to truly and physically rest in the God-ordained night-time and one day in
seven; and to shrug off and abandon the old dreams and pursuits that may bring
more wealth but less good health, in favor of wholesome living that promotes
well-being and kindness to self and others first... And it seems too that the
key to it all is trust... If we can trust the One who gave us life, then we are
set for greater days ahead; if we can believe and accept that He has prepared
good things to those who subscribe to His ways and will for humanity, then we
can only rest in faith that He will always sustain, and that we will always
have--in spite of fear and war, hardship and deprivation--the peace that passes
all understanding...
Beyond mere woman... A strictly patriarchal
society for generations have relegated women to the sidelines, denegrating them
to child-bearing and housework while discounting potential and capabilities...
But the Word, that even itself was used by patriarchs as the sword to treat
women as substandard, second-class citizens, if understood properly and in
humility, implies that women have talents, skills, capabilities and strengths
not just to bring life, but to protect it, to uphold justice, to dispense
wisdom and goodness, and to generously contribute to the needy and society...
How then can the virtue of helping people stay alive be considered a weaker
strength, while brute strength that brings pain and suffering be called
great?... May we learn to recognize that everyday is not complete without it
being a woman's day, every effort for life and the kingdom not find wholeness
without the talents, skills, discernment, wisdom and strength of women,
especially those who live their faith and conviction by bringing hope, light,
love and life to all...
Hope, and a little dignity... It is easy for
many of us to feel self-righteous if we are comfortable, amply provided for,
secure in our own little domestic bubbles and company of friends, and
like-minded brethren... But to those who are severely deprived and in dire
need, hope seems elusive... And there are those too, because they have
experienced so much abundance, that a little discomfort is tragedy; which for
lesser people is nothing but a blip in a lifetime of hardship, toil, suffering
and pain... May we see ourselves and others in the proper light; put our hope
and faith always in Him who promised and does not fail, that we may find
strength and courage no matter what happens in our future...
Neither charms nor snake oil... In a less
informed time, people are so gullible as to believe in what cultists exploit:
magic charms, hypnotism, claims of grandeur and snake oil efficacies... But
with the increased knowledge as the Word has predicted, a lot of nefarious
activities and evil deeds of people whom many believed before as holy, wise,
and knowing have been exposed; and with that, skepticism has grown too... Yet,
as God's people who experience His daily mercies, whom He blesses each moment
with peace and discernment, we know that we need not experience sparks and
spurts of activities and excitement to believe that He is always there... Faith
itself is our test: if we can believe that He is with us, if we can be content
with what He gives, knowing that more are in store; if we can feel confident
amidst whatever difficulties, challenges, and setbacks that come our way, being
secured that He is preparing and pacing us for more and greater, then we have
affirmed His work and will in us... May we always have such faith,
consistently, persistently, enduringly, all the rest of our days...
Trained and untrained... Knowledge and
learning are the aims of training; but the ability to make an impact, to
influence others, to establish connection, is something we are either born
with, or are bred up to... Just like in expressing the good and godly
principles we want others to also have, that we might all live in a world of
kindness, courtesy and respect; so also we need the right knowledge, truth,
honest information, and a lack of prejudice and bias; but we do need to have
the right attitude of humility, understanding, tact and maturity to accept that
not all may believe and follow us outright, but if we exercise our gift of
leaving a part of who we are with others, that someday soon they will be
influenced, and take initiative towards a better, healthier, saner and wiser
life... May we use all the faculties and gifts given us, to fulfill our mandate
as our brother's keepers, as creation's stewards, and as children and heirs of
the God of Light and the Prince of Peace...
How are we using our gift... A very perceptive
young person once said that many of us have a gift that is like perfume: we
leave a part of who we are with every person we meet... One can only wonder if
what we leave is something good and inspirational, something that uplifts the
spirit and soothes the heart, something that enriches the mind, enlightens and
gives wisdom, something like truth delivered lovingly and tactfully, something
like hope and peace... Are we putting on the right perfume everyday?...
The perfect peace... Amidst all the atrocities
our world is experiencing daily, it seems sad that the prophet Isaiah's
conditions of peace starts with a strong city... For in our time, no city is
safe from the effects of climate change; no country so strong from the abuse of
greedy and evil people who sow lies, hatred, and war; no people safe from the
clutches of the enemy's attacks on our bodies, minds and spirits... And the
saddest part is that many of those whom we trust and look up to spiritually and
politically, are the ones who instigate such cruelty and chaos... Yet, within
it all indeed, a mind at true peace is one stayed on and anchored on the hope
that someday, things will get better, and soon, deliverance will come--be it of
our souls, or physical liberation of our bodies in either freedom or death...
And we need not fear the latter too; for that is victory to the one who kept
the promise to be faithful to our God and His cause, to the one who daily
strives to bring peace and light, who upholds truth, justice, mercy and love...
true Sabbath is, and a real and honest practice of finding rest in our
Creator's blessed time...
Christian and, indeed, no historian could accept the epigram which defines
religion as “what a man does with his solitude.” It was one of the Wesleys, I
think, who said that the New Testament knows nothing of solitary religion. We
are forbidden to neglect the assembling of our- selves together. Christianity
is already institutional in the earliest of its documents. The Church is the
Bride of Christ. We are members of one another.
our own age the idea that religion belongs to our private life— that it is, in
fact, an occupation for the individual’s hour of leisure—is at once
paradoxical, dangerous, and natural. It is paradoxical because this exaltation
of the individual in the religious field springs up in an age when collectivism
is ruthlessly defeating the individual in every other field. . . There is a
crowd of busybodies, self-appointed masters of ceremonies, whose life is
devoted to destroying solitude wherever solitude still exists. They call it
“taking the young people out of themselves,” or “waking them up,” or
“overcoming their apathy.” If an Augustine, a Vaughan, a Traherne, or a
Wordsworth should be born in the modern world, the leaders of a youth
organization would soon cure him. If a really good home, such as the home of
Alcinous and Arete in the Odyssey or the Rostovs in War and Peace or any of
Charlotte M. Yonge’s families, existed today, it would be denounced as
bourgeois and every engine of destruction would be levelled against it. And
even where the planners fail and someone is left physically by himself, the
wire- less has seen to it that he will be—in a sense not intended by Scipio—
never less alone than when alone. We live, in fact, in a world starved for
solitude, silence, and privacy, and therefore starved for meditation and true
The Weight of Glory
in A Year with C.S. Lewis
Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses. Copyright © 1949, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
Copyright renewed © 1976, revised 1980 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights
reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S.
Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis
Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins
Impactful living... Is caring for the least...
With all our talk of validation, aesthetic beauty in the digital world,
affirmation from friends and family, none compare with giving to those who
cannot give back, with sharing what you have and what you know to make other
people's lives better... Yes indeed, this may just be what our Savior meant
when He talked about many calling on His Name but whom He doesn't know...
Because they are only called by name, but did not show the same love,
generosity, understanding, goodness, wisdom and peace He embodied, not only for
His physical tribe but for all kinds of people, especially the marginalized...
May we be known more than what we profess, but beyond our words, how we live
out His Name: "Immanuel", can people feel God living among us through
our words and deeds (?); "Jesus, our Messiah", will people know the
Savior, Healer and Deliverer is within us by how we too bring that salvation,
healing and deliverance to our fellowmen (?)...
If you're good, you know, and you can share...
Knowledge, that is... While many of us claim mastery and superiority in many
things--professionally, marriage and relationships, parenting, we will always
be limited by our integrity and credibility... We are soon found out how good
we manage things, by the people we keep around us, and those that move away...
And so, humility becomes our crucible; because with humility comes godly
wisdom, the kind that seeks the good of others more than our own, the kind that
respects and recognizes other people's potentials, the kind that learns to give
way and not cling on to position and status but to give room for others to
advance... For wisdom and real living faith result to confidence; that wherever
we may be in life, we will bloom and flourish, we will be more than amply
provided for by our Heavenly Father who calls us by Name, and who makes sure we
see His goodness and mercy in our lives each day...
True care is not an afterthought... It is
genuinely respecting others--their concerns and issues--without prying into
their thoughts and feelings; it is keeping ourselves outside other people's
private space yet still praying for their welfare,; it is considering what is
good for others and not looking at them as statistic or convert, nor thinking
of them as one more addition to our supporter and follower or income source;
rather than recognizing their true worth and potential as sometimes maybe,
knowing, feeling, and being immersed and wise more than us... And in the
fashion of telling people about our faith and hope without telling them the
name of our religion and denomination, the way we care for the little and the
least, the hurting and wounded, the confused and chaotic, speaks volumes about
how we obey the commands of our Lord and Savior, about the measure of our true
love of Him and others...
Death of dreams... Many people follow what
other people say they should do and should have at certain moments in their
lives, believing these to be the things one should have, the worthy goals, what
everybody is having... But what is the glory in having what most other people
have; where is the joy and fun in being like the rest?... As it is in fashion,
so it seems in life... Why do we think that what others have, we should have
also?... And why do we believe that what works for us, will work for them too?...
Aren't these just manifestations of greed, that we don't want others to have
lives so far removed from ours, that would make us feel insecure and
inadequate?... Like fashion again, so is life... Each of us have unique
callings, and that doesn't give us the right to impose on others what we think
is best for them... May each of us recognize the unique grace and talent we
have been given; that the only measure of a life well-lived is to be not like
the rest, but to be more like the image of our Creator in us--multi-faceted,
creative, talented, loving, caring, generous and true, full of mercy, wisdom,
understanding, goodness and good spiritual fruits...
Wherever you may be in this world, always look
on the bright side, the silver lining, the sliver of hope; and always put forth
an ounce of goodness, respect, kindness to others... Make sure you are firmly
established on the faith and hope you profess; so that when the time of testing
comes and you are far from your resources and comfort zone, you will be secured
and confident... Believe that because like unborn babies secured in the womb of
the mother, we too, before our ultimate conversion, are secured in the hands,
the arms, the heart and mind of our loving God...
The right kind of provocation... The Learner's
Way put forth the idea that provocation is a means of discovery... But that
discovery should lead to innovation, a better way of doing things, a better
life for all... Do our words and actions bring life, hope and ancouragement? Do
they entice people to do what is good and right, to be honest and transparent,
instead of just being condescending so they could earn favors and affirmation?
Do our words and actions not bring discouragement and guilt, but rather, a resolve
towards doing good, being generous, transparent and understanding?... May we
always be blessed with wisdom on how to provoke people the right way, the
better way...
"Reading makes a full man; conference, a
ready man; and writing, an exact man"... Timeless words from Sir Francis
Bacon, applicable on the spiritual and interpersonal level... The more we read
the Word, the more we read the collective wisdom of humanity, the more we
realize who we are and our place in history... And the more we speak of the
hope that we have, the more we give life and encouragement to others, so will
we be all the more ready to face life's challenges... And so it seems with
distilling down our thoughts, writing or documenting our meditations and
analysis of life and living, the better we become at remembering how good our
God is to us; that there was never a time wasted, good or bad, but that all are
working out that we may live up to our potential as His children, as stewards
of creation, as keepers of our brethren... May we devote our lives, like
Timothy, to the "reading, exhortation, and doctrine", that we might
rid the world of ignorance, learning poverty, lies and misinformation, fear and
anger; and help usher in a world of love and peace...
Accountability... A word often bandied on the
day-to-day, but so few actually keep it... For even in the way we live, we
aspire and strive to live beyond our capabilities, uncaring of the consequences
of our words and actions, and expect the world to grant us favors and
privilege; without considering that on the day-to-day too, we must both build
character and save for the rainy day, for days more difficult and challenging
than the moment... May we not waste the wisdom granted on us, and be mindful of
our desires and motivations, our manifestations and deeds; that they might only
bring hope and love, and glory and honor to the One who gave us life and real
inspiration and courage...
That sweet time... Most of us live an average
life, and die at around the same age... But some live far too long that they
are the only ones remaining of their friends and loved ones around their
generation... It seems like they have found the sweet spot of living,
particularly the life that seems stress-free with a bit of fun... And that
could be said if life in faith and trust in our Heavenly Father too: challenges
cone everyday, along with problems, stressors, tensions, pressures... But we
need not let them cloud the joy we have in our God's goodness and mercy, we
need not let such turn off the light of His love in our lives... We may die
young or old, we will never really know; but may we spend each moment filled
with peace and confidence that no matter what happens, our God is there to see
us through...
With the right intentions... A person of faith
prays regularly... Yet, at times we forget the wisdom behind why our Savior
commanded us to Ask, Seek and Knock, and tying up with the story of a person
asking help from a friend because he is helping another... As we mouth off the
words, the Word recorded for us what our Savior wants us to feel: that every
prayer for something will not only be for our benefit but for others too, that
every petition be not just for our needs but the greater good and need of humanity...
Because it seems that only when we live so unselfishly will there be a true
manifestation of the Name and faith by which we are called; only by humble and
pure intentions will there be fulfillment and peace to our souls...
Task, not ticket... Is what the Word today
seems to describe good works... These are things we do because of who we are in
our God's kingdom and great plan for humanity, not for the likes, the
accolades, the impression... We were saved out of love, not because we are
good, but because He who saved us is eternally good... Likewise, we do the best
we can to help our fellowmen, we deal honestly and sincerely, we relate with
much humility and understanding, we talk with tact and discernment, we let our
light shine because we have been ignited by the God of light... May we not
waste each moment and always pay it forward, as He said elsewhere, "from
those who are given much, much is demanded" (Luke 12:48); not just of
talents and skills apparently, but heapings of grace and mercy, wisdom and
understanding, love and care...
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