That sometimes is all it takes... To prove who we are and what we are made of... Sometimes things don't work out well, or according to plan; it shows our fortitude, patience and character... Sometimes, we need to stop overdoing believing in miracles or instant healing and immediate answers to our prayers; it tests our resolve and patience, our confidence and endurance when our wishes take a long time coming... Sometimes we need to stop treating ourselves so highly and de-emphasize doing everything we want just because our God promised He will give us strength; the true lesson there is for us to acknowledge our weakness, the inherent unfairness of life, and yet, for us to still hope, wait patiently, and bide our time... For He hears indeed; and life and people may knock us down a season or two by demeaning us, abusing us, disregarding us, refusing to give us the time of day, or even blocking our path, maligning and attacking us for their own greed and selfish ends; but our God always prepares something better and greater for those who wait and remain sane, strong and steady... May we hold on to that, and be encouraged to do good all our days...



Silent greatness... I have had this belief since childhood, borne out of a lifetime observing other people: that the most verbal, the noisiest and most loquacious, actually know so little, and are actually devoid of much substance; while the seemingly quiet and composed ones actually know a lot and are more capable... Truly, still waters run deep, be they good or bad... And that seems to be the case with our God too: it seems that those who profess to be so active, energetic and aggressive in professing their belief, and in making sure they make a splash, pumping out the loudspeaker to proclaim to all how good and righteous they are, how religious and spiritually revived even-- actually are in need of spiritual and emotional revamping and wisdom; while those who patiently and silently endure life's trials, often low-key in their experiences and milestones, seem to be built with a stronger core... May we learn the lesson in Job's story: that it is not loud protestations and professions that define who we are, but in patient endurance, keeping ourselves silent before our Maker's majesty, and instead of our words, letting our lives and how these bear fruit in the lives of others, speak of His greatness and glory, His understanding and wisdom, His peace and love...



Peace and goodwill on all (Luke 2:14)... Two millennia ago, in a world ruled by a powerful tyrannical empire that falsely espouses its own version of peace, we hear such words from the heavenly messengers... A declaration, but also a work of faith cut out for us until our time today; where, yes, we may have a false sense of peace in terms of commerce and technology, but definitely an everyday war against greed and corruption, against the destruction of morality and culture, with sadly far too many casualties among the vulnerable and weak... But we are called upon still to live peaceably with all, even with those who do not believe the same things we do; for that is the only way to help and support each and all of us who face different challenges each day... And that too, is one clear manifestation of whose people we are: whether we are truly children of our God, who manifest His message of hope and love, peace and goodwill to all...



No small effort... In a coffee brand's latest ad, it asks people for whom do they rise each day, meaning to whom do they dedicate all their hard-earned efforts... Much like Ikigai, thinking about our purpose in life gives us energy and strength to go on, no matter the challenge and difficulty, no matter how heavy the burden, or how great the setback... But talking with one who was almost on the brink made us realize that when people, especially the young, are overwhelmed with problems that are often beyond their capacity and control, taking their own lives is too often a tempting option... Yet, we must learn the lesson of the Levites: indeed, not all of them became religious leaders, because for the greater many who were not qualified, they became servants of all, some named, all the greater majority not even a single letter to their first or family name... But we must also remember the words of our Savior: "he who desires to be great among you, must become your servant" (Matthew 20:26-27)... And this greatness often does not bear fruit here in this life, but after (Matthew 25:21&23)... And so we must plod on, if only to realize that yes, we might have people we care for and support, people who depend on us for sustenance, education and all other provisions; but it is not just them, but to someone higher than them that we dedicate all our life's work to: our Creator and King who put us here on earth to fulfill His will in creation, who desires that we mature each day to become more like Him, sharing His love to all, becoming responsible stewards, declaring His glory, and manifesting His goodness and majesty to a world in chaos and pain... May that give us enough strength and energy to power us up each day, until our appointed time to go back and return our spirits to Him who gave us life...



For all its worth... A columnist commented on our culture's fixation on degrees and achievements, with many families printing on tarpaulins their kids' Latin honors, or passing of board exams; and in our social media age, even extended family and friends, teachers and colleagues unabashedly sharing such posts to the public... Indeed, we are a people of poor spirit, aside from being poor economically: to us, having a family member, friend, acquaintance, colleague or mentee, earn a degree or award is a community effort; and we want the rest of the world to acknowledge that, even if other sensitive people consider that overbearing, bragging, and demeaning to those who haven't achieved the same... But I would settle for one poor in spirit anytime; since our Lord even said, "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," (Matthew 5:13); for that means that we acknowledge we are nothing before our Creator, we are grateful for every thing given our way, and we affirm His greatness in how our lives and the lives of our children turn out to be... As He said elsewhere, "The kingdom of heaven is within you" (Luke 17:21); I too believe that when we are thankful, when we are humble, when we are content with the lot given to us, yet work hard to earn our keep, support others in their journey, and receive affirmation for it when our children reach their dreams and goals, then that is true wealth, priceless beyond compare... For what greater treasure is there in being filled with the love and grace which brought us salvation, in sharing it with others, and in declaring to the world our gratitude in how our God blesses the work of our hands and the fruit of our wombs and hearts? With the children that we help educate and set up for life, if they reach the level of success in each endeavor, then that is truly a manifestation that indeed, the kingdom of heaven has come down, settled and brought joy to our short physical existence on earth... Nothing to be ashamed in that, and always, everything to be thankful for...



Un-pixelated... Sometimes, when we sweat over the small stuff, overthinking each little situation, we are prevented from seeing the clearer, bigger picture... But in this passage, the Word demands that we let go of such natural but limiting human tendency; and accept humbly that behind the scenes and above it all, our God does His work in accomplishing His will in us... May we learn to trust His leading; that in any situation--good or bad, we always keep the faith and patiently endure; knowing and being confident that if we persevere and humbly wait, He soon brings good things for us, while molding our characters to be more like Him each day...



Poured out... A truly meaningful life, is one given to something for a higher cause, something that will last beyond this lifetime... Yes, we can give our best to our families and children; and we can dedicate our efforts to raising worthy citizens; but short of improving the lives of others beyond our kin, or at least enriching their minds with truth and knowledge, and focusing only on our nuclear connections, is a lonely and unfruitful existence... May we learn to give of ourselves towards making other people's lots better; for that is indeed a living song of worship, something that manifests the love and grace we have received...



There's a welcome here... In the family of God that is; and there is no continuing judgment, nor constant proving of our worth and capabilities, our loyalties and sentiments, in a community where love flows, and where His grace and mercy abound... May we therefore, who call ourselves as His children, make sure to extend the same wisdom and favor granted unto us through His saving power; may we likewise extend the same understanding and consideration to others, especially since we do not know (but already in too deep in faithful commitment to His kingdom and cause to say we are unaware) the struggles each of us go through each day... And may our Creator and Lord bless our intention and efforts...



There is always a silver lining... Just had a talk recently with somebody who is undergoing a lot of problems, that it already affected her performance, her views on life, and her sense of hope... I do wish I did my part in giving encouragement, and in reminding her to endure and be patient; for surely, with every day that comes, while we are alive, we are getting closer to the solution of our problems, the deliverance we need from our troubles, and the success that would ultimately help us and our families be lifted up out of misery and despair... And we can have courage and strength for this when we remember that in spite of life's chaos and hardships, we have a God who deeply cares for us, who--when we love Him and keep our eyes on what pleases Him-- causes all things in life to work for good... May we always be an inspiration and encouragement to others, as we get inspired and encouraged by the Word, and the people our God sends our way...



Each a precious child... No offense meant, but this cuts deep: In our social-media-addicted world, it seems that a lot of parents display their kids (no matter the lack of sense or any substantial and objective achievement) like trophies; so much so that children believe they are great when they know and have only done so little; and that they must always do something flashy, IG-worthy, or trendy, to make their parents acknowledge them and brandish them around... But we fail to realize that children are not our toys, nor are they our cover up for all our failures and shortcomings, nor should they achieve for us what we were too lazy nor too much of a coward to achieve when we were their age... They are people too, with great potential indeed, but still entitled to privacy and respect, to freedom to grow and become the best they can be, without being stripped of their dignity, and subjecting them to the abuse and harsh treatment of trolls who malign them (who are in fact fake accounts of insecure beings with only one friend and follower; and many times are actually paid "farm-members" for every toxicity they drop online because they can get engagement and hence, advertisement space)... We each are precious in our parents' eyes; but if we haven't felt like that, may we not forget that our Heavenly Father truly feels and cares for us that way... Likewise, may we treat our children like precious treasures--not worn like fashion jewelry to be snatched, stolen, abused or damaged by thieves and criminals--but like priceless pearls, protected from the elements in the safety and comfort of the oyster of love and peaceful childhood, given the chance to grow and develop to become humble, respectful, loving, kind, generous, and faithful children of God and stewards of life and all creation...



When you know somebody deserves what you took by deceit or undue advantage (whether you whined for it like a spoiled brat, or your helicopter- and stage-parents staged life and the (public?) system just for you to have your way and to get ahead), you will forever be a thief... And no matter how high you will reach in life, even if those whose opportunities you have stolen continue to live simpler, more obscure lives way beneath your status, make no mistake--you will forever be an impostor... Even if you shine like gold, your substance is still dross; and with every proud, tactless and foul language you utter just to throw your weight around and show others who's boss, you only show that your soul will forever be rusting, and rotten to the core...



Not a wicked bone... Most of us would like to admit that we are only slightly cruel, just a little bit rude, and only protecting what's ours--but fail to see that we have already overextended our rights and claims, that we have already taken what belongs to others, or deprived them of what is rightfully theirs, what they have a right to earn, to enjoy, to spend their more worthy energy, resources and time on... Maybe we need to look deep inside ourselves and realize that no matter our degrees and professions, even our professions of faith, most of us want to be given unlimited privileges we haven't earned, or to be put in pedestals, failing to see that we are just a blip in the pages of time, and that it's either the world has outgrown our ideas and methods, or that we are still too ignorant as to be considered masters of life and the universe... May we all live in humility and service, in respect and consideration of others--especially if they behave and believe differently than we do... For after all, our Creator deals with no wicked bones, and so should we; recognizing that kindness and generosity will have their due rewards, while cruelty and wickedness their due punishments...



No sign of weakness, no sign of life... Contradictory, yes, but telling too... For in our last moments, when we leave this physical life, is when we actually gain victory over life's aches and pains... And none of us is invincible to life's challenges, even to the attacks, abuses and put downs of others, even so-called friends and strangers, because that is our lot while we still breath... Yet thankfully, we have a Savior who can relate to our issues and concerns, and who also encountered moments when He felt weak and vulnerable; yet so soon after, accomplished the greatest thing for us, and changed the course of history forever... May we be encouraged, strengthened, and continue doing our best, giving our all, and against all odds--enduring patiently and with good temper--all that we must face, the rest of our days...



"Octopuses remind us that we can meet life’s murkiest and most quizzical depths with a soft intelligence—one not of hard lines, but muscles that stretch and take new shapes and shades."



Resentment kills the soul... So was it with Cain; so it seems to be with many people today... We strive so much to get what we want, thinking we have done the best we could, we have given what we think is due, but often, these are not considered enough... We have two ways to respond: either we lament life's unfairness or the world's neglect and disregard, or we can do what is necessary to improve and later be proven more worthy... Because nothing speaks more faith and love than patience and understanding, contentment and acceptance; that maybe sometimes what we have done might be less than what was needed, but it is not reason to stop being good stewards of what were entrusted to us; and to continue on in our journey in humility and grace, in generosity and kindness, in keeping faith and in peace...



The better journey... Many people in the West now call Christians hypocrites, and that is sad; it highlights the small majority who bring the Name for their own selfish and egoistic ends, to defame the many throughout history who established causes and organizations that helped the poor and disadvantaged, those that provide emergency health and first aid services during wars and catastrophes, those who send children to school and supported the unwed mothers and orphans in altruistic means... But if our delivery of the message gets convoluted and the power of the love and grace behind it muddled, the fault is entirely the messengers, but the message remains true: that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us so much that He offered His Son to give us a chance to be one with Him forever... Yes, the means doctrinally is brutal and merciless, as they smack of despicable human sacrifice; but it should elicit in us the proper humble and contrite spirit... Everyday then is our testament, to how we respond to such love in the way we deal with our loved ones and other people, and in how we make our lives bear fruit in keeping with His will and plan for us, and for all humanity and creation too... A time indeed of restoration and reward may be coming, whether we believe and accept that or not; but meanwhile may we continue to work ourselves out in faith and get ready for our own time...



Through fire and water... Those of us whose work and learning are far removed from the production floor have a hard time wrapping our heads around things that must be tested and tried before they become worthy... Sure, we may mouth the words, but in our desire to get more likes and affirmations, validations to what we do, we often neglect making sure that we bring out the best in ourselves and in others too... In other words, many of us often trade quality and good substance for the quantity, the impression, the semblance of expertise and goodness while trying to hide ignorance, poor judgment and misunderstanding... And such is costly, not only in financials, but even in conscience too... May we strive to live lives of quality and generosity, goodness and understanding, wisdom and love; that like pure gold, our lives manifest how good and precious an intimate connection with our Heavenly Father is; and in truth and more than words, be living testimonies how secure, confident, and peaceful a life dedicated to Him and in obedience to His will--despite our faults and shortcomings--will be...



The needful things... Is unfortunately also a title of one of my favorite horror author's works; which tells the story of how people give up their souls just to get what they believe are more valuable to them... Which makes us think too and observe that people indeed naturally give up their time, energy, resources, affection and sanity, to those they think gives them the validation they need--whether these be wealth and fame, the respect and recognition of others, or those that boost their identity and self-esteem... But the Word makes us realize that only one thing is needful: time spent listening to our God, in His Word, unadulterated with so-called, over-exuberant, exaggerated-to-the-point-of-fantasy-and-lies messengers, and even freedom from fellowship with others who say they are concerned with our welfare but are only giving us time and attention because they need our money and they want us as a statistic of their adoring mass of supporters... Yes, like beggar Lazarus and his poor and apologetic sisters Martha and Mary, may we realize that our God looks on us with love, sees us as precious individuals, is not out to scan or rob us, but desires that we give Him time in learning and meditation, in pondering, rest and realization upon His goodness and generosity, His care and true concern, His provision, wisdom and love...



It works both ways, forgiveness that is... As we are to our heavenly Father, so must we be to our fellowman... And the resolve to never do anything that oppresses and offends, nor to perpetuate behaviors of bullying, gaslighting and abuse... And incidentally, such marks us in faith too: the humility and wisdom that comes from realizing we all make mistakes, and not to feel superior with our own little achievements in conquering our weaknesses... Because as fickle as human nature is, nothing quite shouts out pride than self-righteousness, believing one knows better than others, and coercing the rest into subscribing into our little doctrines and dogmas... May we truly live as forgiven people: in humility and service, in compassion and love, in understanding and peace...



Always on call... God being God, we believe He always hears us and answers our prayers... But us being human, there is a limit to what we can do; so that being on call 24/7, being available to respond to work calls beyond the end of our shifts and until weekends and holidays, is human rights abuse and violation... Thankfully, in our moments of difficulties, pressures, stress, oppression, He is still there, ready to give us release and grant our prayers for deliverance... May we approach His throne always in humility and love, in holy fear and respect; for we know that no matter how high heaven may be physically, the One who created it and all of the universe is a prayer and a sigh away...



Faith that heals... More than the physical, the kind of faith displayed in the Word today brought healing to the mind, that is, freedom from mental anguish and distress, deliverance from fear and insecurity, and confidence in the God who still works miracles even today... May we have such eyes of faith; that whether the physical plea is granted or not, our minds and hearts are anchored in the belief that even behind the scenes, our God and Savior is preparing something great and amazing for us... May this give us peace and contentment, deep joy, assurance and confidence 'til the end of our days...



Ancient warfare in modern times... The actors are the same then and now, the sentiments never changed--oppression and oppressor, abuser and abused, taking turns in the name of vengeance, statehood recognition, dignity and identity... But the difference is that in our generation and highly connected world, the effects spill over more quickly and heavily... And one thing did not change too: the reliance on man-made objects and systems which often proved lacking--be it the heavenly-inspired but man-crafted Ark of the Covenant, or the supposed-to-be highly sophisticated Iron Dome... It seems we never learn that it is not what we do that keeps us safe, sane, secure and at peace, but what we keep inside--what we believe in, bearing fruit in how we treat others and handle life's situations... May we all learn our place and fulfill our part in our Creator's great plan; may we all obey our mandate of stewardship and being the keeper of our fellowman...



Here's to not taking ourselves too seriously, nor highly too... Knowing that all we think are valuable in this life are actually disposable, including our passions and emotions, our struggles and tribulations, our wealth, fame and accumulations... And realizing that when all is said and done, our servanthood and stewardship of life and creation, the keeping of our brethren and fellowmen, is actually our key to the portal of the great beyond... And that is, starting with prayer, then understanding and tolerance for the lost and those who believe and live differently... For that truly is the mark of the child of God, children of peace in a generation only immersed in its own agenda of being constantly validated and of amassing more... May we live that legacy; may we spend each waking hour doing what our Heavenly Father commands; and with His inspiration and power, His creativity and love in us, may we endure and persevere in faithfulness and in faith...



His battle... Many philosophers would call it a form of escapism, attributing our struggles to something as metaphysical as God and the spiritual realm... But for many others around the world, attempting to understand life's tragedies and harsh realities are really beyond what our eyes and mind can conceive; while some sadly have gone the difficult path of questioning God's goodness and power when there is so much suffering all around... What some of us often forget though is that as we believe that we are made in His image, we are also almost equal and most definitely active participants of everything that happens on earth and creation... We may not have the overall, total, long picture of where life and civilization will be in the future; but getting there is as much as our individual and collective doing, more than the natural course and order of things... Yet, because our visions are limited, we can have peace and confidence when we appeal to a Higher power whom we believe knows all, and whom we know holds time and eternity in His hands... Our daily struggles are our daily crosses, our mundane issues are ours to act and decide upon; but the greatest war--that of our souls and spirits, the pneuma that lives on as our essence after contributing to the work and wisdom of creation, that will last beyond this physical existence and beyond, lies only in His hands...



The risk society... A lesson one can learn from these times is that humanity is actually at the risk of totally destroying itself--with greed, lust, apathy, with blindly following trends, cultures, schemes and scams, believing these to be both norm and right, thinking that if we have what others have, we have arrived in life... But what's truer than day is that each of us is both unique and one; we may believe in different things, are differently abled and capacitated, yet, the unmistakable Voice of our Life Shepherd--calling us to do good, to be humble and wise, to be generous and kind, to be at the forefront of life's battles for truth, justice and right-- is loud and clear... We are already an endangered species; let us not anymore ruin our slim chances with lies and misinformation, with our pride and ego, with promoting what we think is best even if at the expense of other people's rights to be free, to make their own choices, to be respected, to be supported, to actualize their birthright as heirs of creation and the Creator, to be secure and at peace...



Discontent destroys... Much, it seems, as what the Word has shown with our first parents, and which few discuss... It is not Eve's gullibility, nor Adam's lack of judgment (though sadly, these are still our inherited traits), that drove them out of Eden, but recognizing their lack (wisdom and knowledge, then nakedness), and attempting to cover or equip themselves by their own effort (sewing fig leaves together), after which indeed God showed His care and higher wisdom by sewing them coats of skins... Yes, life often misleads us especially as we seek to better ourselves, as we try our best to get rich, to get on top of the corporate and social pile; but these efforts often prove lacking at the end... The best we can do is still lesser than what our Heavenly Father can... No matter our wealth or the size of our bank accounts, these are just stringed fig leaves, when compared with His greater provision and guidance of coats of skins... Whereas we try to build our fame and wealth here on earth so people will look up to us, or so that we can hedge against our fears and of poverty, disability and disease; but a fuller life is one where the treasures are stored in heaven... May we not trade the coats of skins our God is so willing to make for us, for the temporal joy that our own brittle fig leave covers bring...



The extra mile... It's easier said than done, that is, calling people to act right and respectful; but harder to do, that is, respecting each other's rights, decisions and choices, principles and convictions... Much harder still to accept that some people may know and may be better than us; or that what we know to be true and right may have been a culture of lies all along, feeding only the ego and the struggle for validity in the face of irrelevance and redundancy... But as in all worthy endeavor, doing good, being fair and just, understanding and acceptance, respect and discernment, love and wisdom take time... And only the patient and the brave can truly claim their rewards... In a world of misunderstanding and chaos, selfishness and greed, prejudice and lies, may we strive to be the light that brings truth and hope, the spark that brings love and peace...



Birds on a wire... Even when it's raining, they don't get electrocuted... And science says it is because they are not grounded either, that is, they don't touch the ground, hence, electricity stays on the line, finding no conducting path to the ground... It seems a fitting illustration to the Word and story today too... We might seem like we are in dire, burdensome or troublesome situations; but if we keep ourselves up in the higher hope that we have a God who hears our cries and is attentive to our prayers, we are kept safe, we win over life's crushing depressions and disillusionments... While at times we need to humble and ground ourselves to remain strong adherents to what is truth and right; we need to realize too that there are higher eyes that look upon our mundane troubles, and we need that perspective to see the good that is beyond, the better that might still be out of reach for now, and in faith, anticipate and wait patiently the great things that come to those who persevere and endure...



A light shines... Even without uttering a word, God's true people (the real deal) are known by the energy, the peace and quiet power, the love, the wisdom, the positive vibe they bring; that does not hide burdens, nor are hypocritical or self-righteous, nor do they rebuke or reprimand even if lacking in moral ascendancy, nor are pretentious with what they have and what they can do... May we let our inner light shine, that more than printed or spoken words, our lives are living testimonies of a good God, of a loving Heavenly Father who deeply cares for His creation, and of a powerful and merciful Savior who can set souls in captivity free...




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