Gog and Magog on a daily perspective... Translates Ezekiel's end-time prophecy, with what is happening in the Holy land now (according to an Israeli vlogger we follow), and also with what each of us is contending with each day: attacks from all sides, both bad and evil, and from those whom we previously thought to be good and holy but actually are masquerading as such because their motivations come from greedy and selfish ones... And the war is not just for our physical lives and resources, but our minds and souls... Yet, prophecy always ends in hope, that there will be deliverance, that there will be restoration, that we shall all acknowledge our mortality and limitations in humility, ascribe glory alone to our Creator, and live in peace and consideration of one another (indeed, it is the meek, not the "pillars of greatness and perfection, the bastions of righteousness and holiness", that will inherit the earth)... Whatever it is that ails us or worries us each day may seem too small against the backdrop of what is happening to our world and to the greater scheme of things; but none of them is so insignificant in the hands of our God, who still and forever will hold the reins of history and our souls in His hands... May we hold on to this hope, not only in the coming year and years, but through the rest of our days...



Defining moments... Is where and when we determine our right and proper priorities, and the kind of person we will become... And there can be no resentment there, nor can there be cause for envy or bitterness because we might be given the impression that others are doing better; because for each choice, if we embrace ourselves and our limited capacities in humility, and give our all for a higher cause, we reap rewards infinitely greater than what we hoped for--that is, we have made a bigger impact in this world and in the lives of others, the effects of which will last beyond this lifetime's passions and emotions, but a legacy even after death... Such are the inspirations and messages of our story and word today, and even of the national holiday which we celebrate this day... Because genius and efforts, passions and purposes can only do so much; but a life lived for justice and right, truth, honesty, fairness, wisdom and understanding, will stand the scrutiny and proof of history and time...



Making our choices worthwhile... There's lesser need than ever to flaunt to the world that we are right, or that we made the right choices by having the perfect life, by spreading our beautifully curated pictures on socmed... Because the kind of person that we have become will tell the world whether we really did well... And as the word today says, we need wisdom, patience and endurance to prove it... Yes, indeed, life is not measured by material things, by wide connections, or by how good we think of ourselves; but by how many people we have influenced to do good also, by how much encouragement and strength we have given to the least and weakest of us, by the sincerity of our words and service, by the humility and kindness we have shown to others, even to those whom we think may not deserve it... And that is how we make our choices worthwhile, how we make our values count, how we make sense and derive purpose out of our lives...



Beyond quid pro quo... Is how God's people should treat others; not treating them as converts that we intend to fawn over our thoughts and ideas, nor to give validation and support to our own interpretations of life; but as brethren and kin deserving respect, kindness, graciousness, support and understanding... Because no matter how rich or poor, we each deserve a table in God's banquet, we all need a space in His kingdom; but nobody deserves to be forced, threatened or coerced into such fellowship; for then that would cease to be a kingdom and fellowship of love and acceptance, but a pyramiding scheme meant to rob people of their hard-earned resources, precious time and energy... And before we even solicit people's attention and support, we need to exhibit the same wisdom and graciousness our Savior did too; for we cannot compel people to forgive and overlook our faults and shortcomings, without showing a reformed life, and a humble spirit... May we accept that not all may be pleased with what we do nor believe and be convinced with the same things we believe in and subscribe to; but that everyday, we all have the chance to live out our faith, and make our words and actions be consistent, our motivations reflected in how we treat and respect others as pure, unadulterated, full of mercy and good fruit...



Always with discernment... If all we ever do in life is react, that is burdensome; and shows a lack of perspective and plans for our own... But there are times when aside from minding our own business, we have to mind other people's lives too; not so that we can judge them and compare, and be validated that we are doing better (for often, that will only lead to envy, discontent, and disappointment); but so that we can understand them better, be circumspect with our words and actions, and keep from intruding into their personal space, or giving unsolicited, biased or judgmental opinions and suggestions... As always, it is a mark of the light and love we have been blessed with to be tactful, to always act with respect and kindness, to always uphold truth, justice, fairness and right, and to always act with wisdom and discernment...



The day after... For some who dread more responsibilities, is one that must be dealt with with medication... But for many in the western part of the world, it is a day of giving part of what they have gathered, and what they have prepared for Christmas celebrations to the least and the more needy, and even to people they appreciate for their services and kindness... Filipino Tradition also has a similar one--the requiem, often a Catholic mass after the grand fiesta or burial, sometimes a more subdued mini-party after the major celebrations... And often, leftover food the day before are enjoyed, the most famous one of which is the "lechon paksiw", a tastier and vinegared dish consisting of leftover portions of the lechon enjoyed during the main event... While holiday highs may lead to letdowns or anti-climaxes the day after for some; but for many who still carry a spark of the joy, there is always that desire to bond more, to enjoy some more, and to overcome the letdown with an extended celebration... And it all starts from a motivation to give more, and to appreciate the people and situations that gave meaning to our lives the past year, and whom we expect to continue to be with us in the journey for the days and years to come... Like Mary, and Joseph undoubtedly, who pondered the events during the nativity in their hearts, and who carried the glow if eternal light and love to the grave and beyond, may we also carry the love and joy we have experienced, and live through the rest of our days with the same spirit... The day after need not be one of fear or anxiety, loneliness or depression, but something of hope and faith, and a resolve to give more of our best, and to be better at what we do...



Permanent residence... Is a very difficult thing to acquire in foreign countries, by many of our fellow kababayans working there... There are also some Christian groups who decorate their places with nativity scenes, but absent the figure of the Baby Jesus, and just putting it in place only on Christmas day itself, to symbolize His first coming... But in our lives, we often hear and get preached on that we must accept the Lord Jesus into our hearts to get saved... Let us clarify the issue a bit: be saved from what? From a life of meaninglessness and Hopelessness. Why? Because our own intellect and human efforts could not secure for us a place in His eternal kingdom of love, peace, righteousness and joy. How? Simply by asking Him in prayer, to come by His will, come into our hearts and lives, and stay there forever... Yet forever is a difficult concept to wrap around our finite brains, since even our beloved love teams, people and significant others leave us and destroy for us the spectre of forever... And so we can only hold on in hope and faith, because of all persons, our God is the most faithful and true... This season and beyond, amidst all the merrymaking and festivities, even through all the love in many and loneliness and longing of some, we believe He is there; He has come, He will come again in the flesh, but even now, He will never abandon nor leave us... May we make Him a permanent resident in our lives, anytime and for all time...



Which star do you follow?... The people whose words and preachings we subscribe to are often indicative of the kind of person we are--be it in the spiritual or secular realm... And in the Word, we learn of a questionable merger of the occult with a Biblical event--the birth of our Savior, indicated by an astrological mark, and foretold in the Old Testament in the same manner: quite controversial and scandalous at face, but when understood on a deeper meaning might make sense... Because from this we can understand that our God invites people of all beliefs and persuasions into the universality of faith in Him: here are doctrinal boundaries brought down, all are given the choice to worship and bow before Him, the King of all the universe and creation, and to give Him our best, considering what pleases Him, and what is good for the part in His creation we are accountable for--people, things, situations regardless... The Star of Bethlehem may be a continuing enigma for the ages; but nobody would doubt its real meaning of being a call for one and all--to escape the darkness of ignorance and despair, prejudice and self-righteousness, and to enter into the place where the manger of love and light reside, to worship and adore as the shepherds and Magi did, and to bring that light and conviction with us wherever life may lead...



It should be more than togetherness, but intimacy... Bible scholars differentiate between Jesus' words of gathering two or three in His Name, and His presence being there as intimacy--whether with significant others, nuclear families, friends and groups; and that of not giving up meeting together to encourage each other in the faith and in life's journey as mere fellowship... The first actually is where we can give time for true prayer and worship, being in the company of people we agree with, or at least, with whom we share our ideas, intents, and motivations... But fellowship not just on Sundays but other days at work, school, in the neighborhood and anywhere also is important too, because by being with people of different personalities, and even persuasions, make us look and reflect on ourselves, and should encourage us to remain humble, to share knowledge, not to put others down, and learn not to take advantage and abuse other people's time and resources, but to contribute to the general wellbeing of all... In matters of worship, meditation and prayer, small groups are the best venue where we can truly feel the presence of our God; whereas large groups, probably during Sunday service or other gatherings, work more not so much for spiritual but emotional nourishment--the way we sing songs communally, whether active praise or slow worship, with some even screaming and screeching the choruses, might be an expression of pent-up emotions throughout the week of strife and struggle, and works more for release of stress rather than an act of worship; but the almost-unlimited gossip and intrigues after service actually works more for the much-needed attention and validation of the weak and insecure among us (though deplorable, but if it makes them feel good, why not?--anyway, isn't group membership working for mental health and wellbeing, and aimed at belongingness and acceptance, anyway?)... But if we can actually infuse our faith with the truths we hear from the Word, and the deeper qualities of our Creator as we see in nature; then all those Sundays and services in church would reflect and bear fruit in our lives, in how we manage our families, in how we treat our neighbors and kin... Yes, we crave for togetherness and belonging, but we must also strive to be people with whom others would like to spend time with, and with whom they can learn; that together with us, they may improve their lives, refine their ideals and principles, and be given strength and encouragement to face life's challenges too...



Not a replacement, but an addition... In some pockets of the western world, it seems there are so-called Christian groups who preached that they have replaced the Jews as God's chosen people... But Bible scholars keep pointing out that these people followed an erroneous Bible translation, the one that wrongly placed a certain comma... However small such an error was, it has indeed led to some of the most horrific genocides the world has ever seen against the Jews, that still persisted until the modern times... But if people just realize that God is no respecter of persons, and that Jewish chosenness lies not in them being special but that with the professed humility and humanity of their fathers, were set as examples for the rest of the world in terms of relationship with God and other people, even on financial management, personal and communal hygiene, the world would be in a much more peaceful state... And that those who came after them in faith by no means replaced them but are still subject to the same temptations and scandals the very best of them encounter, yet are also still subject to the same principle and law of seeking forgiveness, of expressing remorse and giving reparation, and must still give accounting and pay for their errors and crimes; we would not be remiss or be misinterpreting anything, and keep from overestimating ourselves... Indeed, each one of us, regardless of nationality, both have the nature of human baseness, cruelty, and evil sometimes, and that of holiness, love and creativity of our Heavenly Father at other times... May we all then remain humble, respectful, fair and just, as we strive to live in love and peace, in kindness and understanding, in generosity and magnanimity, and as we all continue to hope and prepare ourselves for a better world ahead...



Seasons to be S.A.D... Seasonally Affected Disorder is real, not just in the northern hemisphere, but especially in what the rich world call the global south... People may be making merry, but deep in the hearts of many is desperation and misery, especially exacerbated by poverty, longing, regrets, depression--all because the earth is tilting and farther away from the sun this season (if you don't believe me, check the shadows at lunchtime)... Yet, since ancient times, no matter how pagan, people are also doing their best to make this a season of hope and light, notwithstanding the electric bills next month, in the belief that someday, starting next month, things will be looking up, and with much effort, patience and heartfelt prayers, we all will see peaceful, more abundant, and generally better days ahead... When S.A.D. strikes us any time these coming days, even in the heart of all the carols, festivities, food and fireworks, may we all get strength from the Psalmist's words: that a someday will come when our dreams and wishes will be realized, that we shall yet praise our God for His goodness and grace, and that life will work out well... Yes, S.A.D. is real, and it will all affect us some time, but so is hope, and the peace, confidence and love it brings all the more real too...



The anatomy of a border crossing... In the past centuries, when people were less protective and greedy with what they have, migration was a non-issue... But in our time, especially towards the more developed countries in the West, migration is a life-and-death situation of the migrants, and a matter of careers, fortunes, administrative and societal upheavals of those tasked with their governance... Yet, migration is a very natural thing in the rest of the natural world... There might be remembering of oasis, rest-stops and watering holes; yet, nature always offers new life with every trip... So should it be in our spiritual and emotional journey... The past has been done, connections and situations severed or distanced from, mindsets and personalities left behind, and these should remain in the past; extracting only the learning therefrom, and the good memories... And it seems the Word is telling us that too: like our God forgives our past failures and shortcomings, so should we not repeat them anymore, but move on becoming better... If our memories can help our mind relax by engaging in the "doorway" syndrome, where many of us forget our intentions and other thoughts when we pass through doorways; so should we, when doors have been closed in life for us, let them remain closed and enter through new passages in hope and faith, a better person, stronger, more confident and able to face new challenges, with more peace and joy...



Disclaimers... Are there partly so that people might be able to understand some things more clearly, and therefore not misunderstand nor misuse them; and also to give proper attribution to the work, or to recognize the extent of which they might be depended on... Maybe they should come with each of us too; especially to the over-exuberant among us, who fail to heed the warning to tame our tongues... For we cannot expect other people to understand us deeply and patiently, without being worthy of it through wisdom, tactfulness, discernment and consideration of others too... We cannot demand people to forgive our lapses that is, if we do not even acknowledge them, or aware that we have hurt or offended others... Jacob may have been sly, cunning, grasping and grabbing, even stealing what was not his, yet, at the point of sure tragedy and death, he was humble enough to acknowledge it, and to physically bear in his body, the scars and bruises he inflicted on the lives of others... May we likewise always stay humble and responsible for our every word and deed, aware and mindful all our days...



Peace is the mark... Of faith, that is... And it tells the world more than the measure of our faith, but who we are... If we can be thankful, settled, content, joyful in every situation, with whatever we have been given; if we are ready and willing to fight for what is right and just, and therefore manifest a strong moral compass; but also recognize that there are battles better left unfought because they're not with it, and situations and connections we better stay away from because they're toxic, abusive, unhealthy... The peace that He gives is a lifetime gift that keeps on giving... May we uphold and protect it by trust and faith, by wisdom and discernment, by love...



Wisdom is where love reside... If we think that correcting others for their mistakes at whatever cost, because we believe we are right, we are in the right cause, or that we hold the only truth and are on the only right way, then we could not any more be in error... That is prejudice, a bias, and we are judgmental; because nobody holds monopoly of Truth, it being our inheritance from the Father of love, and nobody has righteous ascendancy over others except that which our Savior has done for us, when He gave His physical life as a sacrifice to show us that it is humility that shows us the way to a better future and a more glorious eternity... And if indeed we do not do things as we see fit, as what our heart tells us to do; but to do them as what His heart (by His will) compels us with, then we are on the path of love and wisdom... For they go together: without love for God and for humanity, without understanding, patience, consideration, justice and fairness, all judgments and behaviors become corrupted and selfish... May we not let pride and greed get in our way of expressing love; may we be guided by wisdom in all our behaviors and decisions...



Gold, frankincense, and myrrh... Curiosity drives our searches... And we just realized a few things... Rather and more than interpreting the Magi's gifts to the baby in the manger as gifts to royalty, when we learned their uses, it was both sobering and heartwarming... Gold is material security, whose value only increases with time; frankincense was the gum resin of the frankincense tree, which a discovery travel show years ago showed to mostly grow in the desert, which the frankincense farmer extracts, sells by weight, and when put over burning coals, gives off a pleasing aroma because it is not only tranquilizing, but also blood pressure lowering, analgesic, tonic or pain-relieving; while myrrh, which is also a gum resin of the myrrh tree, is cosmetic and therefore with its inherent volatile oils, is a good ointment to heal scars and burns, and all other skin allergies and ailments (if a baby who still has sensitive skin will be placed on hay, he would have hay-fever like me too)... More than gifting them to a king, I realized that the wise men gifted them to a little boy whom they believe is so important for them, for their faith and for the future of humanity that they care so much about his material security, his physical health and mental wellbeing... Shouldn't that be how we look on our Savior and those ostracised in society whom He embraced too, if we aren't doing it already to our friends and loved ones?...



A greater community... Is what we have in the family of God; not being insular with our views and judgments, but open-minded, ever-curious and learning, always mindful and discerning; and not just in our physical ones, not just for those in our little congregations, not just with those who believe the same things we do, like the same things we like, or dislike those things we dislike too... Because nature and the Word tell us that our Creator created diversity, and it is that inherited trait from Him that we must practice... "Let us not give up meeting together"... More than a Sunday thing, but an everyday lifestyle--living in peace, safety, respect, love and honor with our neighbors, family, kin and colleagues, with friends, competitors and adversaries too... This is the peace and goodwill proclaimed by the angels in Bethlehem two millennia ago, that unfortunately, still is as elusive around the world now as it was then; because it is still a goal we must work hard for each day, a life cause, a choice, a vocation we must pursue through the end of our days...



The great equalizer, is not just death... But more than that is our standing with our Maker... No one can claim greatness over The Deity, for we are mere mortals, unable to understand even the deepest truths of life, and to control the future... Hence, it is vain to secure ourselves with wealth and material things, with funds in the bank or in trust, in insurances for future calamities and mishaps; for there is only one that can give us peace and security: a humble and lovingly fearful relationship with our God and True King... May we remember that we are just as weak and mortal as the next person, even the beggar, homeless and mentally- and psychologically-challenged among us; and that we all need the love of our Father, His daily provision, guidance and leading, to make it through...



Don't become a slave to FOMO... I believe it is also one way of coping; in our world today that is undergoing the greatest existential crisis of our civilization, going online, scrolling and even doom-scrolling is an addictive vice much maligned, but also a habit which many of us have a hard time letting go of (because facing reality is harsher and more burdensome)... And the story and the Word today recommends a solution: godly contentment... It came from the book of hymns, and it also comes out elsewhere in the epistles (1 Timothy 6:6-10)... Indeed, if we can only accept the fact that though it is good to be aware of what is happening in the world around us, it is better to experience it firsthand than see it in small screens... Though it is good to express affection and care online, it is still better to express generosity and love with the people next to us, next door or a few doors down; while it is good to be witty online, but tact has more substance if we express it to the people we meet in person each day... May we not be slaves to FOMO, nor hide behind social handles to express opinions often misinformed and bias; but may we let our in-person meet-ups and conferences with others be filled with wisdom and godliness, with truth and love, with understanding, peace and good will...



Holding on to the dream and the promise... Joseph had a dream; and it was the spark that sent him on to betrayal by his brothers and tragedy, but also greatness in the end... Pharaoh had a dream, albeit one of famine, suffering and sorrow at first, but later, God gifted his empire with one of the wisest and most faithful person who ever lived... In like manner, we have seen and continue to believe, that for every attack by the enemy, abuse and oppression by the rude and cruel, God's faithful will remain standing, surviving and thriving; and the more they are put in difficult situations, the greater their lives turn out to be, like turtles moving so slow on land, but are excellent swimmers when thrown on the deep oceans... And we know we can do these things when we keep holding on to His promise that He will not forsake nor abandon, but always be there to sustain and guide, to strengthen, give wisdom, discernment, hope and peace...



Where forever is sure... Popular memes would have us correlate the state of forever with a long-term romantic relationship; but even that too is highly doubtful, for human brings are fickle, and emotions are highly variable... But then, continuing on yesterday's theme that our God is enough, we learn from today's word that He too is the only one perfectly reliable, dependable and faithful, and thankfully too... For relationships with friends, family and loved ones may go south and things may go sour when each do not get what they want, or their material desires are not met, and there are so few who remain faithful across time and space; but our Savior is always there, within reach, and a prayer away... Like a strong tower or sufficiently stocked and safe relocation area during storms, He is the only one who can give us peace, security and comfort each time... May we not let go of that very important lifeline too...



He's more than enough... This cuts deep, but I'm not in the least bit offended... A curious student asked why I never got married, and I told her I enjoy learning and living alone more... I remember a friend with the same conviction, who said that having one's own family makes one nuclear and insular; your efforts and affections too focused on your own, you have neither time nor resources to help and support others... I believe so too... Without having a physical offspring gives one a chance to be a mother- and mentor-figure of many, not to mention not putting up with the stress of living with someone else who might feel insecure of the least bit reduction in time and attention... And if we take the Word today to heart, we realize that first we must find our wholeness in God, before we can open ourselves up to others... Yes, He is more than enough... And yes, we believe He sustains and guides, He empowers, He encourages and strengthens, He heals, He cares deeply; so much so that no offense meant, even a solitary life is never sad and desolate because He is there, and He fills it with people who also care for us, are never insecure of our achievements or judgmental of the little that we have achieved so far, nor are intimidated by our character and person... He is more than enough, and the people, circumstances, milestones and seasons He blesses us with are what make our lives meaningful and whole...



Forgiven, not forgotten... One of the passages today is part of the lyrics of a famous burial song in the country; while our caption is the title of one of the songs of our favorite Irish family band... Speaks of the normal human trait of not forgetting those whom we love; and in a higher plane, mirrors our God's remembrance of all of His people, regardless if they acknowledge or believe in Him or not... And we see this displayed daily, especially in things we believe have no hope, but comes to life even with a simple touch and care... We see this too in how we feel secure in His love and grace, even if some people point fingers or raise eyebrows at us, thinking we are beneath their brand of perfection, self-righteousness, class or "enlightened" (on their terms and prejudices only) lifestyle... Because truly holding on to the love and grace that sustained us, is outpouring in like measure the mercy and understanding we have received... Indeed, if we humble ourselves, be remorseful of our wrongdoings, and strive to live in peace and kindness, our Creator is ready to forgive our imperfections and give us strength to live as better people... May this give us confidence and strength, not shouting from the tops of our lungs that we love Him (because He is not deaf, for Him and even for many people whom we seek to impress, whispers are louder than screams), but quietly doing our tasks and responsibilities, fulfilling His kingdom's work here on earth, as we await the great day He promised to return in the flesh and restore all things...



Beyond time and space... The consciousness community espouses the belief that all of humanity are united by common thoughts... And these arose out of our common emotions, intellects, behaviors, regardless of age, gender, culture and upbringing... So should it be on matters of faith... If we claim to be Christians, we shouldn't be dividing ourselves into congregations whose affiliations are divided by the whims and self-serving and selfish goals of men in robes and pedestals who are only out to rob us blind of resources and energy with little care for our souls; but let our consciousness be one with what our Savior taught us--to genuinely care and support the weak and incapable among us, to go beyond the four walls of where we gather to hobnob with each other during fellowship time, but to a hurting and confused world, to seek and fish for souls that need the love and attention of our Savior, all the while not emanating an attitude of condemnation like what his adversary did to Job in the Old Testament, but propagating peace, mercy and grace... That is the real essence of not giving up on the assembly, when we bring more of those who would be willing to come because they are not discriminated nor treated like greenhorn, second-class citizens, or of lower-status because they are unknown newcomers; but assembly is where everyone is treated as equals in the eyes of God, each one undergoing their unique journeys at their current stages of becoming more like Him who brought us life and salvation... In short, each one being a church, whether alone in a crowd, or together with like-minded brethren in familiar spaces... May we always and for all time, be His church, His bride, His child and heir...



Love is sacrifice... So was the message two millennia ago, when a teenage girl betrothed to an adult kin gave birth to the human person of our Lord and Savior, under almost desolate conditions, in an era ruled by an oppressive regime; so is it now in our time... Yes, most of us may now be living in democracies, but many live in chaos and anarchy, poverty and misery, and the oppressive conditions consequent of greed and corruption; yes, we may be much more technologically advanced today, but each day all are witnesses and victims of the degradation of morals and values... But in spite of it all, many still acknowledge the value of goodness and kindness; and therefore still live in hope and faith, love and generosity, wisdom and a desire for peace... And like the story today, the more we acknowledge the grace given to us, the more we find the courage and resolve to live as our Savior commands: to "lay down" our lives for our fellowman--to give our time, energy and talent, not solely for our own benefit but for the betterment of others; recognizing that we have been given a lot, we have learned more, and we experienced a lot and met more people not so that we might feel proud of being successful and connected; but that we might share such wealth of experience and knowledge with others for them to become better people and disciples of love and grace... In sum, we became who we are now in order to help others become the best that they can be too...



We cannot give what we do not have... Because giving to others that which isn't ours in the first place is hypocrisy and stealing... And true giving is a shadow and a reflection of the giver; you give what you consider of value, to one you know who needs it now more than you; in essence giving a part of you who you are to someone else... And that seems to be the meat of the Word today... We believe our God came to earth in human form in the person if a baby more than 2,000 years ago, to give us the hope of eternal life and inner peace; and that is His essence that we must live out today too: generosity outpouring toward others, in humility a witness against and condemning materialistic and carnal lifestyles, while helping other people build and keep their dreams, making sure they have hope and are encouraged amidst life's harsh realities and challenges, and keeping ourselves sane and strong, unspotted with the world's corruption and greed... May His gospel not be lost on us, as we spend the rest of our days with His leading and guidance, His provision and care...



Peaceful coexistence... The Word today is encouraging, especially to those undergoing stressful situations and need courage; but offensive to those whose lands and territories, and therefore those who have proprietary and human rights, are affected and encroached upon... While we believe that state or religion-sanctioned land-grabbing and genocide are always deplorable and immoral, but let us remember that we are here on earth appointed as keepers and stewards of creation and each other... And this does not only happen once but on a daily basis: we are responsible for our nuclear families, our parents and elders, our children and the future generations every moment... We need courage and accountability both, in living at peace with one another, in paying our debts and dues, in acting with respect and kindness, in not oppressing, abusing or taking advantage of people's kindness, or disparaging them when we do not get our way or they do not grant us the favor we ask, while we squander the blessings we were already given... For it is not courage to do whatever we want at the expense of another, thinking that God is on our side because of our brownie points in our little churches and congregations--that is pride and entitlement, not a legacy of our Maker but his adversary; but when we act with discernment, patience, wisdom and consideration--that is the good kind of courage, having hope and faith in a good and fair God, who always upholds truth and justice, fairness and right...



The Only Name we need... Again, I dare repeat this: when the Pope visited Leyte 2 years after Haiyan, and when Typhoon Amang was raging, so that the sound box/speaker in the stage where He was holding mass and speaking, was knocked down by strong winds and even injured and killed one volunteer, he could loudly and clearly be heard saying several times, "Jesus is Lord!"... Not to disparage him not calling on the saints of Catholicism at the moment of near-death but to show that even the head of the Catholic Church knows and believes that only One Name can bring salvation and deliverance... His timelessness means He was the Good Shepherd, as He claimed in the gospels (John 10:11), the Shepherd David invoked in Psalm 23, and the Shepherd of our souls we can trust and call on today... And nobody is excused; now His gospel has been preached to all corners of the globe, so that choosing to call on Him, everyday, each time, in our moments of joy or despair, when we are sick or confused, when we are in our prime or at the moment of death, is a matter of life and death indeed... May we choose wisely, and choose the Right Name: Yeshua Ha' Mashe... Jesus, The Messiah... Jesus, The Christ...



Shaken, not stirred... Science, and even the Word tells us that earthquakes are actually a daily occurrence; yet for the hundreds that happen everyday, around 99% we cannot feel, but the strongest ones... And no matter how strong they may be, they are no less normal; meaning that even if these strong ones bring death and destruction, the earth, which has been in existence far longer than us, is not at fault; while we must improve how we construct and build things, repair and restore, remove or relocate, which is all part of a normal and sane human being's ordinary life cycle too... Why then do some--instead of informing, updating, marking each other safe-- propagate terror by doomsaying, sacrilegiously using God to threaten people with eternal damnation by a mere shaking of the earth?... And why do we let ourselves get affected and believe them too?... Haven't we internalized the words of our Savior, when He said to trust Him always, and to be His shining light, salt-bringers, peacemaking children?... Yes, the world might be shaken from time to time, but it shouldn't shake our faith and conviction... Yes, the earth always quakes, rumbles, realigns itself, recycles its tectonic plates, and so should we: abandon toxicity and abuse, stop oppressing others nor throwing our weight around or acting special and privileged, never stop giving hope, declaring peace, spreading good cheer and encouragement... And because today is the first advent Sunday, which all the rest of western Christianity celebrates, which we in the East do our best to follow (even if sadly, some create their own versions of it, twisting the truth in the process), may we too, anticipate the greater event, a commemoration of our Saviour's first coming, and a joyful anticipation of the second one in which He will come in the flesh... For while we live His messages in the gospel daily, we embody His will on earth, we are the living manifestations of His love and grace, His goodness and kindness, and His healing and peace to all...



Rising above rudeness... I have had multiple interactions with people who are rude, people who think that because they're on the other side of some counter, a pedestal or platform, a screen or a podium, wearing some ID or badge, or inside their running (new and beautiful or even old and rickety, ramshackle) vehicles, are just simply dripping with offense, abuse, sarcasm, pretend righteousness and superiority, and an overall impression and feeling that they are privileged and that everyone else are objects beneath them... Thankfully, I often have a higher self-esteem, and a deeper understanding of where things stand; so that no offense meant, in many cases, I simply do not buy the fight... Yet, there will always be those who will almost get the goat... At such times I realized, and may we all too, that meeting such people with like actions and behaviors is really beneath us who believe we are saved and graced by our God and Creator; and that ignoring such attacks are the marks of nobility... Because yes, to act with compassion, kindness and understanding is what this hurting world needs; and there are far more confused people, young ones who need truth and enlightenment, love and support, and characters rightly molded to become better people, and people with whom we can share our Lord and Saviour's goodness and love, His wisdom and peace... Those are the people who better deserve our time and energy, and our talents and passions...



The weekend vibe... For some of us who don't work weekends, we are grateful for Fridays, because we know we can find rest the couple of days after... But for the many who work day-in and day-out, even weekends and holidays, we feel grateful too, for every day that we are given the chance to earn our bread, and support our families and loved ones... For indeed, no matter the busyness in this life, no matter the attacks and push downs of the busy bodies, those who still remain patient, humble, and enduring will eventually find their rest, restoration, revival and reawakening in our Father's great love and mercy, who ordains all things, especially our times and seasons... As He does not discriminate, may we too not be quick to judge according to our biases, but always to give room for alternatives, to try to put ourselves in other people's shoes, to be more discerning and understanding... For in that we show if we are His people: if we have the same depth of wisdom and love as He does ...




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