"History and archaeology is rife with ancient tales,
Of deities dying and resurrecting, cementing
their glory.
But one that has proven most influential
Is our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ's
resurrection story.
And it's not just a tale for the gullible,
For many of us who believe still feel
That even through dark times we are able
To have hope, His promises becoming more real.
And we believe that is the true message
Of His sacrifice and resurrection two
millennia ago,
To a faith dispersed, transformed, some
scriptures twisted,
Misinterpreted, misused, even abused and
maligned so,
A remnant and a greater audience remains,
Believing and upholding truth, justice, peace
and right.
That through worldly changes of powerful
Holding on to His kingdom, is still the
worthiest fight."
"In life, we often find not what we want,
But what reality and daily living would bring.
Just like faith, in which not our agenda,
But what is needed to promote the realm of our
And just as our Saviour said to remember Him
Through His shared supper of bread and wine,
We remember His sacrifice, for our lives so
We remember His death and resurrection, love
so divine.
And we keep still, we commune in our hearts,
We ascribe glory, proclaim praise and declare
To Him worthy of all, from all parts
Of the world, to the heavens our worship
Yes, for a secular world this season is
But beyond our friends and family may we
That we are meant for a more glorious kingdom
and nation,
Where He promised us our space, love and life
"We live in such contradictory times,
When simplicity and humility are
And pride, disrespect, rudeness are rather
Probably resulting to a civilization lost in
moral bearings.
Even in how we observe these holy days,
When much of the greatest religions espouse
and preach
Days of deliverance and sacrifice, prayer and
Far too many focus on celebrating without
That the glory of resurrection is celebrated
That once shrouded in a coverup, must be
And observed with reverence, rest, days of
a Sabbath season for the body and mind.
It is Paschal, not Christmas, but Passover,
In recognition that the Ultimate Human
Was given up for us, and whose blood
Ensured for us an infinitely more glorious
May we afford the proper respect to our
Saviour's deed,
Even after a couple of thousand years,
Not to repeat the same cause of His death,
Not to repeat the same trend of Noah's
For if we must be healed as a nation,
A civilization, a world full of people hurting
and pretending,
We need to abide in humility with our Healer,
Proper reverence, respect and awe rendered to
our eternal King."
Always, travel with a soul.
Memorize every eskinita and building facade by heart,
More than photos, collect maps, brochures, catalogues,
receipts, train tickets, knick-knacks.
Don't just be a photographer locomoting for your photo
Smile and even make small talks with random people,
Be changed, be more understanding, wiser and deeper.
Be like a travel
Voldemort--always leave a horcrux behind.
"We reap what we sow, is a real adage,
In the literal, spiritual, relational sense
Being dependent and thinking we're always
We'll soon see how people will treat us poorly
Maybe we should learn from our Saviour's
Of a life given for all but most fruitfully
On those who heed His call to pay forward,
To help others, those within our closest kin
For servant-leadership, His will upon our
Starts within ourselves, our family, our
And we can only be as good as what we present
To the world, if we live as His children.
Bringing harmony, peace and prosperity within
our household;
Upholding truth, justice, good order, wisdom
and discipline;
Against life's challenges, ever persevering,
brave and bold;
All our actions manifesting on earth, life in
When we bask ourselves in the love of God, we
do not need to get validated by the things of the world...
Love of God is not compulsory but
unconditional, sacrificial, life-giving, enduring, persevering, it never
It is not based on what we can get, but on
what He gives--not sacrificial but beneficial...
Worldly love takes a lot of work, resources
and finances, energy and time, our emotions and attention and sanity, but still
"Never low-hanging fruits, are love, joy
and peace;
Easy to say and flaunt, difficult to manifest,
For someone so full of themselves, they forget
That these are the products of God's words.
But for those humble enough, grateful and
We know that it is not the abundant life
But the character of the person declaring
Believers, children of God, good citizens,
That is the ultimate test, measure and reward.
And so may we endeavor to become those
People of character our parents, our
community, our God
Would be proud of, worthy servants, faithful
Of His creation, of His people's legacy.
Naive no more, independent from the world's
But dependent on His provision, guidance and
"I'm not sure when it started, but sad
To note that a season of remembering
Our Saviour's Passover has been turned
Instead of prayerful, meaningful,
meditational, holy and Spiritual.
Maybe we are dwelling too much in
resurrection's afterglow,
That we forgot He said to remember His
That though His resurrection wiped out all
But pondering on His death makes us wise.
May we always be circumspect and stay humble,
Ever mindful of our actions, inactions, and
Be remorseful, keep our loved ones from
Always ponder on eternity's key, our Saviour's
"Even in helping others, we can't be
Some will misunderstand our intentions and
For these are the days when people only look
out for themselves,
Offending and disregarding others, and failing
to comprehend.
That each action has a reaction, as well
As each omission, disregard, insensitivity,
pride and flaunting.
For of our ultimate comeuppance only time can
And so we must be mindful of everything.
When we expect help, we must be helpful,
When we expect good, we must be good,
When we expect support, we must be supportive,
When we expect learning, we must likewise
Yes, life may be harsh, but it is not
An excuse to ignore and be inhospitable.
For the good and bad, the ignorance and
Will always come around, whether or not we are
"When salvation comes, we believe in life
But sadly it doesn't seem to happen that way,
For there be some who still refuse to grow,
And remain babes in faith all the way.
Even a lifetime of sermons can't open a closed
A sheltered existence, unaccepting of reality
and truth,
Have only brought disillusionment,
misunderstanding, entitlement and chaos,
A life not bearing the Holy Spirit's fruit.
But it doesn't have to be that way at all,
For we can always read and learn the Word,
Nature, life, challenges, good words,
relationships with people,
Our classroom all of life and the world.
May we truly live the essence of when He came,
And live substantially, meaningfully, even
devoid of fame.
May He who entered the city gates on a donkey,
Be our King, to eternity our soul's key."
"Kindness without condescension, is what
marks our faith;
To respect others, no matter what they
To recognize that we all have flaws and
To know that each of us have our own issues,
And that there is no place for imposing
Because respecting boundaries is expressing
love and care.
That we have indeed reached up to that
For one so burdened, to know that we care.
May we truly be our Creator's salt and light
for all,
That we might help save those who are lost,
Give them hope, joy, comfort, inspiration and
In this life and beyond, ready to heed our
Saviour's call."
"Love is action, not an arm or eye candy;
Neither is it what we aim for, but what we
work with.
For it is vain to flaunt what we love,
As if it gives us validation and support.
But always, in whatever we do and say,
Whether sweet and motivating, harsh but honest
and kind,
We must only uphold truth, justice, humility,
life lessons;
Making love a responsibility, an
Not a reward, but an instrument of
stewardship, justice and right."
On believing in our exclusivity and
I had a friend who graduated high school class
valedictorian from a small and secular private school.
But when she went to college in another
private but considerably bigger university, she did not qualify for the first
semester academic scholarship, because according to the school admission
policy, she graduated high school from a population of less than 120.
It made me think, "hala no? Ug bright ka,
bright ka sa kadaghanan, dili sa gamay ra."
(“alas! if you’re really smart, you’re smart
among many, not a few.”)
Maybe we should recalibrate how we reward and
recognize our kids:
We encourage, coach and motivate them to
succeed, and learn respect and discipline in the process.
But we must be realistic, not lead them on and
astray, by only recognizing their achievement after they have competed with
many and came out with flying colors and well-deserved excellent marks.
"Some people ask for help but in truth,
They don't need it; they only want validation,
Attention, a confirmation, one-upping some,
getting even
And making sure they stay in life's race,
By pulling others down, or towards their
In fact many people who truly need help
Don't say so but quietly work their way.
It is wisdom to discern, and true love
To help those who are truly in need.
Because extending help to those who are able
But refuse to do the extra work necessary
Is spoiling, not helping, pushing then towards
While offering and giving a hand to one
Who truly deserves, but humble enough to say
Is giving them a push to a better life.
May we have wisdom and always be aware,
Help and give to those truly deserving of
"Whatever state you're in, people just
assume things
About you, even not knowing the whole truth.
When you look happy, they think you're
When you look grumpy, they think you're
But few would care to know the reason,
Why you feel content nor exasperated; full of
Aside from the condescending greetings and
cursory query,
They really don't listen to what you say.
Because it is indeed difficult to accept,
That some people have found contentment in
Simply, fully, contentedly in our God's loving
And that some are complete, being alone.
Yet, it is to our soul's gain if we live
Our Saviour's words to trust Him
Living independently of other's support and
Yet fully immersed in His presence, love and
May we truly spend the rest of our days,
Secured in His protection, wisdom, bliss and
"It's a sad reality in the corporate
That even when you're paid a measly wage,
You are expected to give your heart and soul,
Be loyal, on time, on twenty-four seven call.
And all while deluding yourself of the dream,
The prestige of illusion and career fame,
Yet not even making a mark in the lives of
Being dispensable, not an ounce of legacy to
your name.
But thankfully our God is not like so,
For He recognizes every little effort and
Done to better the lives of others,
And to share wisdom and hope, love and grace.
Yes, the world and work may squeeze us dry
Of inspiration, esteem, dignity, rest and
But let it not blind us to what is:
That we have a God who cares for our eternity;
Who makes us feel empowered, grants us
Our needs provided, secured up to whatever
"It's unfortunate, but some still refuse
to grow,
Starting with an easy life, thinking that's
There is, getting their way, what they want,
Not striving for more, preparing for the
Behaving entitled, only caring about what they
And when calamity strikes, spread out their
And beg, get angry if not given some.
But if we believe in a God who was,
Who is, and is to come, we know
That everyday, He's alive, He works, He
But He also needs us to work and account;
Not depending on other's favors but His grace
Poured out on our honest and faithful work.
Because He is faithful, so must we be;
Because He never tires, we invoke His
Because He is wisdom, we ask for some,
Because He is love, we too must have,
Not from other's labor, pity nor
But from the honest sweat of our brow,
In recognition of our Heavenly stewardship
In honor of Him who created us and creates
May we start our work week and everyday,
With His guidance and provision all the
"At a time when leadership is in
With some purporting to promote the good life,
Some saying they bring salvation to the soul,
Yet most fail; what's more, manifesting grave
It's best to look at our Saviour's example,
And remember that leadership is actually an
A product of humility, wisdom, love and grace,
In a world full of pride, entitlement, lacking
But leadership is the best of all ways,
To eternal glory, to be proven responsible
But we must first outgrow our own selves,
And stop thinking people and the world owes
For each of us must be responsible and
For our lives, for our souls, for the kingdom.
May we learn not to flaunt what we have today,
Especially not call attention to our hopes of
For tomorrow may not come, but memories
And we might be mocked, when dreams go
It is enough to invite people to peek into our
But not air out the dirty linen nor expose the
For our mission is to share God's kingdom,
And not our own ignorance, biases, prejudices
and faults."
"It's difficult to live substantially,
bogged down deep
By materialism, superficials, trivialism, what
feeds the ego.
For one cannot err, their soul to keep,
Be humane, while holding fast to wordliness
And what is wordliness: prioritizing only our
Thinking how short is life not to enjoy,
Believing we must be first, we must lead,
Buying happiness, even without substance and
true joy.
But the truth always stares in the face,
Bringing forth wisdom, love, godly living also
Not couched in conformity but understanding,
Heavenly grace,
Neither condescending nor flattery, but truth
in verse."
"Because charity can neither be forced
nor faked,
So may we not expect people we believe
To have much in life, will really take
The call to be unselfish and willingly give.
Just as salvation is a gift, from love,
Which our Heavenly Father has blessed on us;
So the joy to part with what we have,
Is also Spirit-fruit, a lifetime it lasts.
And though life dictates we be self-sustained
But the one who has been truly freed
From the curse of materialism will be blessed,
To know that in giving we receive more.
In truth, generosity as a reward is best,
Worthier than all the world's gold in
"The way to the heart, is through the
Not just for men, but for everyone too.
For science says we are driven by the gut,
And our lifelong microbiome residing there
happily so.
So it seems with our deeper lives, though
We decide and act based on what we feel;
Often not thinking if our basis is bias or
Believing only we are right, that everything
is a good deal.
But may we realize that we're meant for
something higher,
Our legacy not in the material but in
And goodness and kindness, generosity and
humility are what matter,
Love, faith and hope; for and from our God of
"It's reality, life turns and goes its
With some situations of which we can't
Yet, we're never alone nor left to stray
From our loving God's care, provision and
mighty hand.
And so may we always keep in mind,
To call, to always seek His help and pray,
For He never leaves whom He loves behind;
As His promise, He'll always make a way."
"Two things we all have: resources and
Determine how far we can go in life.
For each of us have different, unique
Enabling us to survive this world of strife.
And when our God said to trust Him,
It's a better choice to take His offer,
And indeed hope, believe, find peace in Him
Who can make all things well and better.
That is faith, a manifestation of true love,
Believing He completes us; even alone, never
But provided well, with everything we already
Our needs met, our inadequacies forgiven and
"No time should be wasted, not doing
For our time on earth easily runs out.
Yes, we can achieve things as we should,
But always there'll be a reckoning, no doubt.
And it is painful at the end to note,
That we have only done as others did,
Not according to our unique heavenly-appointed
Not a deviation from the crowd and trend.
May we be given wisdom to know more,
What we need to achieve, in greatness,
And chart new trails others haven't been
To make happen what cowards can only
A lot may be offended by this, but...
Kani lang jud no, in sharing our faith as
Let's quote and share the words of JESUS
CHRIST more than that of the epistles of the Apostle Paul, which many of us
often cut short, misquote, or misappropriate in inappropriate situations...
Unless we want to be called Paulinians...
But even the Paulinian communities share the
gospel more...
Because the words of Paul in the epistles are
his interpretations of life, the gospel, and his responses to the challenges of
the church during his time, many of which may be one-sided, judgmental, and
inappropriate to these times in our history,
While the words of our Savior were The Good
News; they may be harsh, but eternal and unchanging, The Word of Life...
"As a Christian, we always try to fix
other people... Wow! Shall we wait for that [to come true] for a while, or...
Do we call ourselves saints now?... We don't have to be like other people (or
for them to be like us) to reach them [and share our faith], we only have to
like them... Don't curse the darkness, turn on the [your] light... Bad times
(sorry) are such good times to share our faith..."
(because we need to share the peace, strength
and hope that we have, not to condemn others nor threaten them with eternal
damnation, nor feed the world with terror and fear so they will subscribe to
the same prejudices as us)
"Great Christian music (in church
service) should be lived at home"
"Connect with people, do not correct
them... So that you may be pleasing to the people whom you believe are
lost." - John Maxwell
"It's humbling to know we can't control
We have dreams, efforts, strife, struggles and
Things holding us up, some making us fall,
Those that give joy, some giving us tears.
None of these are greater than our Father,
Who created all things, and who gives breath.
So that we can only be thankful rather
Than flaunt and boast, having no real wealth.
May we always properly place and behave
Before Him, in gracious humility, above all
"One can't really fake faith, it always
For there will always be points of reckoning;
Where with true love and patience one knows,
That there is a chance to prove everything.
Just as time is the tester of passion,
How strong it is, how faithful the keeping,
Of promises, of care, support, time and
So is it with faith that's alive and moving.
May ours stand the test of a lifetime,
That at the end, our reward be divine. "
"We may not have power, clout nor
Life may not have given us much resource,
But by our Saviour's grace, we're give passion
To serve, support, teach, love in full force.
For we must show His mercy to all,
While making sure we teach people " to
That at life's end we remain standing tall,
Good stewardship done, accounting life with
honest service.
May we not be remiss in our effort,
Striving on our own, or with others'
"When we feel down, anxious, besieged and
It's good to remember we have high ground,
To run to, seek guidance, protection round
With mercy and grace, wisdom, love all around.
It's always worth remembering our Father in
Challenging, trying, difficult, exhausting,
confusing, and burdensome times;
For He never runs out of bounty and peace,
Which we receive as we pray all times.
May we not lose that bond and keep
On believing, praying, trusting, with faith so
"Living simply, our Saviour's words we
truly affirm:
That if we save our souls we lose it,
But if we give it up, we gain,
An adage that is always a good fit.
For if we only think of our salvation,
Worry only for our own safety and need,
We fail to manifest His love in action,
Be our brethren's keeper, we fail to heed.
And so we might give, sacrifice, and lose,
We might think our efforts even be wasted;
But supporting others always have good,
everlasting use,
For seeds of His love we have planted."
"Sufferings are difficult to understand,
heavy to bear,
They're actually an unwelcome part of daily
But if their regularity brings wear and tear,
Our endurance and patience is key to
For with them we feel human and vulnerable,
Masochistic yes, but we perceive our God's
And with our daily prayers, we're made able,
To still give praise, our faith added length.
So may we always hope, believe and pray,
That His grace will still save the day."
"The soul that's content is full of
That no matter how life turns, everything's
It's courageous beyond understanding, peaceful
unmarred by pretense,
Love and wisdom, it's daily sustenance and
Because if we accept His sacrfice that saves,
The deliverance we remember this time every
We know our God still works and lives,
Even giving us hope, wiping away our tears.
And so with faith we face our future,
Manifesting His image daily, being our true
"It's an ironically sad part of adulting
To pretend that things are better, good and
When in reality we struggle to make ends meet,
When we strive not to boil over and remain
But nothing quite reminds and grounds our
Than meeting childhood mates and friends for
whatever reason.
We reminisce, feel happy about times gone by,
When lives were simpler, carefree, full of
Not difficult no matter how hard we try,
When responsibilities are full in our hands.
So it seems when we go back home
With our God and others in purer connections,
Confident enough to be honest, transparent and
Humble and wise enough to admit our
May we always season our life's everyday
With love, grace, truth and right an everyday
"Anti-corruption initiatives are brave,
good and praiseworthy,
As well as speaking out against tyranny and
But often it is the heart we fail to see,
That wants more, regardless of other people's
For sadly, corruption has been ingrained in
Deceit and fraud bigger pulls than love and
So that speaking truth is attacking the
That breeds poverty, chaos, social decay and
Yet God's people are mandated to be different,
To speak Truth, to act with wisdom, fairness,
Humility, generosity, peace, patience always
exercising good judgment,
With courage, stepping up yet still with
May we fulfill this mandate all our days,
And be content and blessed by His grace."
"Good governance requires that we always
That we are mere stewards, owners of nothing,
Even our lives, our resources, our
Save the proper response of joy and
Indeed, on earth we see nothing lasts forever,
There is a time and a season for everything,
A time for sorrow, joy, introspection and
Yet, beyond the grave we can bring nothing.
And so all we have left is the humane act,
Of being the image of our good Father,
In generosity and love, in making positive
Bringing peace, healing, hope, faith in His
kingdom forever."
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