"We often hear that one can give without
But one can't love without giving, people say.
We go on to say one can live without loving
Themselves or others--but then life is
meaningless that way.
For to truly love is to be fearless,
To go beyond, above, and through the extra
Embracing life as it comes, alone, in company,
Facing life's challenges with faith and a
It is being humbled at the daily mercy we are
Confident in the heavenly strength and wisdom
we receive.
May we truly attune ourselves to the mandate
of heaven,
And live out our God's love, in His good
promises, trust and believe."
"Praying with eyes open, growing up is
For they say it's easy to get distracted.
But we learn it's not totally bad too,
For we are also easily warned and alerted.
Yes, our Savior reminded us to watch and pray,
Implying that we should also always be aware.
That we need to see the truth every day,
To understand and know, to give and share.
May we not abuse other's generosity and care;
Be responsible for our lives, accountable,
patient, humble,
May we always be discerning; our lives bare
From vanity, His grace and strength making us
"Yes, angels are real, I've experienced
it too.
Even just yesterday, before the car we're
Was a mere few feet from colliding into,
A 10-wheeler container truck, but braked,
It seems it wasn't yet our time, thankfully,
And we have our God's ministering angels,
We are grateful that He sees to us,
Giving wisdom, good health, strength, always
leading and guiding.
May we always pray, be humble and kind.
Even though not sweetly nice, nor
condescendingly saccharine,
Leaving our doubts, insecurities, biases,
prejudices, worries behind;
With His grace, our every day to begin."
"Worry and anxiety makes us human, it's
Having people we care about, dreams and
While not knowing the future, what to do,
Or control it, given our current limited
But worrying should wake us up to the truth,
That we are limited, therefore not to boast;
Because we have a God in the present and
future both,
One who can help when life is challenged most.
May we then always humble ourselves before
Pray and trust, as we do our best.
For His promises are sure, not a whim,
We can be sure He takes care of all the
"We're always better and stronger
together, it's proven,
And that's a great relief, a source of
For unity brings success, peace, joy, all
When in community, we go through whatever
But to reap togetherness' rewards, we need to
To be mindful, respectful, generous, patient
and humble.
For life can only move forward and prosper,
If we are also responsible, mature and
May we grow in knowledge, understanding,
effort and love,
Learn to let go of our bias and prejudice.
That there be good fruit in what we have
Sown; better rewards for our life's honest
"Age is just a number they say,
And it is true to some, fortunately.
But it means more aches, pains, to many,
More frustrations, as we have diminished
But there seems to be a way around,
Getting the best of life, even through its
And that is to stay more "on the
In humility, living deliberately, confidence;
taking our chance.
For our time is getting shorter and shorter,
While there is more to do to pay forward.
And we must use every moment to get better,
Keeping our hope and faith aligned
"Unity in diversity is a powerful,
praiseworthy situation,
For God's people of every tongue and nation.
Yet sadly, many of us are too insecure,
Proud and ignorant, our understanding lacking
and unsure.
Yet, we cannot ignore nor dismiss other's
To serve, show their gifts, shine their light.
Life is uncertain, vulnerable, beyond our
All we can do is keep our soul.
May we find true security in our Father,
Understand, respect boundaries, give way to
each other.
That life on earth may be more meaningful,
And our journey to eternity made more
"In a world of chaos, uncertainty and
We still hope in a God who's near.
We still believe in our Saviour's eternal
That He can restore our life's broken pieces.
So as His people, may we always endeavor,
To live His peace, wisdom, grace and favor;
Neither contributing to the enemy's lies and
Nor spreading disinformation, condemnation,
prejudice, biases with fervor.
But striving each day to be mature,
Working out our salvation, and being more
As we learn to share the love He's given,
While we eagerly await our eternal places in
"Family is more than blood, more than
But with those with whom we feel commonality.
Because as God's children, we're called to be
Like Him, who feels beyond what we see.
And so in life, as we go through,
We need to accept, understand me and you;
Be ready to share, be willing to love,
Acoording to the grace we receive from
"'The end does not justify the means',
Wise words we often hear and they're true.
For things gotten and achieved by hands
Won't satisfy, nor bring contentment and peace
We may have shown a nice, amazing aesthetic
To the world, and gotten it to acknowledge;
But fakes soon receive their justice, so
And the falsity becomes a lifetime heavy
May we therefore endeavour to be honest and
In all our dealings, even when no one sees.
For our God surely knows, He meets us here,
And showers upon us His grace and peace."
"'Blessed are the peacemakers', our
Savior said,
'for they shall be called children of God'.
Makes us realize the obligation that must be
For this call is for all, with all we have.
Because in God's family, there is no room for
Nor condemnation; for He alone has the right,
The magnanimity to reward as He pleases,
And the perfect discipline given with love and
With the little time we have in this physical
May we endeavor to keep peace, courtesy,
Wisdom, responsibility, accountability, settle
all debts and strife,
That we may always experience God's mercy and
"It's sobering to note that people are
the same,
Some you trust, but they disappoint in a
Some condescend, but treat you like an ATM,
And some manifest their selfishness and greed
with stealth.
There are also those we look up to
But prove fallible and more wicked than most,
For they profess wisdom and faith so,
You're surprised, they're judgmental,
unwelcoming, living a great boast.
Good thing though, we have a book and a life
to learn,
That we soon see things in their proper
May we always remember that what we sow, we
As we strive each day to make life better to
"If only all our actions are so motivated
By love, that we abandon hate and selfishness.
If only we stop being greedy, inward-oriented,
But put ourselves in other's shoes, never
Then we would understand our Father's
unconditional love,
Accept, absorb, manifest it wherever we go;
Always mindful of the unmerited grace from
And the need to impart them on others too.
Then, life would be a blessing, not a burden,
Our responsibilities become motivators to work
humbly, diligently.
May we always remember it's a mandate given,
Love, humility and honest labor, the keys to
"As we go about life, pondering, making
We often come to choose between pride and
Either we believe we're in the right places
To judge others, or to manifest God's kingdom.
Either we insist that we are the best,
That we're entitled to time, attention,
Or we feel equal with all the rest,
Needing guidance, sustenance, strength,
correction, deliverance and forgiveness.
Always, the five finger test holds true:
When pointing one finger at others, the other
Are pointed at us, who are without clue,
That first we must change, for maturity to
May we always be enlightened to properly mind
The business of understanding, tolerance,
responsibility and accountability;
That in our journey, nothing gets left behind,
Because our goal is not now, but
"To each one is a different grace given,
Unique talents, gifts, abilities, different
perspectives and thinking.
So that we might bring a piece of heaven
To whatever we do, say, whether working or
Let's not forget to ascribe glory to the One
who made
Us and all creation, as we deal with life's
For if we remember, our debts to life's circle
was paid
By Him, who loves, forgives, provides, never
And as we go about our everyday realities,
We are called to pay forward and give back.
With all we can do, with the best of our
Because we know and believe, He provides
whatever we lack."
"Home is where the heart is, it's true,
And home is not necessarily a physical place.
For home must be in our hearts too,
One that we carry through all our days.
And with whatever connection, wherever and
whenever be,
We're at home if we feel we belong,
More than a matter of what we receive and see.
But one where right is upheld over what's
Where there is respect and love,
understanding, peace,
Where there is growth, wisdom, honesty and
Where we are given freedom, are at ease,
Speaking our mind, supported as we fulfill our
May we learn to make each space on earth,
A home for God's people, and all creation,
That we care and recognize each other's worth,
As we live daily being His holy nation."
"Some choose these passages to encourage
weekly church attendance,
Failing to look at their true meaning and
Our Savior preached and established a kingdom
lasting forever,
So now, His kingdom is with us wherever.
When we eat or sleep, at home, in community,
We manifest His glory, giving our best
And every chance we get to hope and encourage,
To bring peace and light, never just empty
Are points for soul-winning, victory over
Deliverance for those trapped in an elusive
pursuit of happiness.
May we learn to ease the burden of others,
By teaching them a better life, what really
That they may appreciate how good is our God
of love,
How beautiful, meaningful, purposeful He has
made the lives we have."
"Some people question the existence of
As they face life's darkness, chaos and
Though some would like to vilify them as mad,
Still we can't discount how bad some things
are going.
But in the midst of it all, we realize,
That our ability to think and make sense,
Shows a higher intelligence--to understand and
Life's challenges, the universe's
complexity--has precedence.
And so in faith, we learn to ascribe
The beauty of everything we see, the purpose
Of what we can't control, to One everlasting,
Always at work, giving us freedom to choose.
And in humility we recognize and praise
Our God who sets all things in order;
That even though difficulties hound our days,
He always guides, enlightens, supports,
strengthens us forever."
"From high school up to now we are
Of our Saviour's everlasting words through the
apostle Luke (12:48),
'From those who are given much, much is
A tall order, as people of the book.
But we learn that's what makes life
To heed and pay forward, to share, to give.
Because our existence came with gifts: souls
Ready and built up, our Maker's will to
To make life better for others, bring peace,
Hope, love and light, that they may see,
Our God's love and care; that hopelessness may
And His justice and joy may reign for you and
"It's foolishness to believe, that only
us matter
To God, for He cares for all Creation too.
Likewise vain to imagine, that we're always
Because in our eyes we believe to be so.
For nature shows a massive diversity, of type,
Kind, abilities, forms, expression, and means
of communication;
And it is wisdom not to believe in the hype,
Of our superiority, uniqueness, high calling
or station.
For each of us is accountable for our action,
Thoughts, words, our daily living, sustenance
and motivation.
And it speaks of principle, character and
To respect and value others, striving in
"We know that physical blindness is a
Yet for some, it leads to a different ability.
For they say, all other senses get enhanced,
And hearing, smelling, touch, get refined and
And there are many cures to physical
Which we can avail of through science and
But spiritual, emotional blindness is
difficult to cure,
In people whose ignorance, biases and
prejudices are sure.
May we strive to keep our sights clear,
Banish doubts, insecurities, ignorance,
superiority, pride and fear.
For we have a God who heals even today,
Enabling us to see His goodness and love every
"Changing us for the better should be our
Whatever we believe in, think, do and pursue.
For nature shows nothing ever stays the same,
How much more for both me and you?
Our parents and elders can only do so much,
Putting us through school, making us learn.
But with adulting, life becomes our watch,
And for us to strive to know and discern.
Likewise, in faith we believe in levelling up,
From only receiving the Word preached, cut and
To exploring more, corroborating, researching,
filling our cup,
With wisdom, our lamps we brighten, not hide.
May we ever grow to be more like Him,
Who Designed, Created, Saved and Provided for
That His Holy Spirit in us not go dim,
But shine brighter as the days pass."
"Joy is difficult to find, fake and keep,
Even as we live and flaunt our lives online.
But it is a natural emotion running deep
In the heart of one content, with peace
It's also a natural reaction to goodness,
When justice prevails, truth and right are
Where people uphold humility, trust, integrity
and fairness,
And where respect, good manners are always
May we therefore endeavor to abound in joy,
In every situation, for each and every person.
As we spend our days to simply enjoy
The triumph of good, the victory of
On Long Weekends:
This realization came with age, and will not
be appreciated by most...
Whenever long weekends are coming, travel and
tour businesses, malls and amusement parks make us feel guilty of FOMO and
entice us to go on trips, vacations, sprees kay long weekend lagi...
But what is the purpose of weekends?
Biblically and historically, it is to rest, a
Sabbath and connection time with our Maker, in rest, meditation and holy,
solemn worship...
And strangely, our souls really feel refreshed
when we do that; rather than kill the time traveling somewhere far, hopping
from place to place para daghan ta ug pictures from many different views and
places, experiencing adrenaline rushes with noisy queues and crowds, but
failing to savor our connection with God and nature in each nook and cranny of
this green earth...
Mao diay no, the best weekend, is a weekend of
rest, dili mulaag and mopahulay lang sa balay, freeing ourselves once a week
from commercialism, the bondage of spending-toiling and earning-spending again,
the burden of going far and traveling hard and long, just to "relax"
somewhere, then repeating the whole tiresome journey on our way back home...
Indeed we really feel and receive the benefits
of a long weekend when like our Creator did, we rest from all labors (even the
labor of seeing other people and keeping up with their lives), and just being,
zoning out, logging off, detoxifying our lives from toxic connections and
stressful endeavors that take their toll on our time, finances, physical and
mental well-being...
"It's a daily habit, yet marking our
Showing up in our behavior, part of one's
To be thankful, content, despite having little
To be mindful of our Heavenly Father's care.
And naturally, it bears fruit in wisdom too,
Understanding that we have no control over
But our thoughts, behaviors, words, actions
and motivations,
Humility and patience, the virtues that come
from knowing.
May we always be thankful each moment,
That in life we gain the proper perspective,
Remembering that we are supported all the way
By our God from whose bounty we receive."
"Maybe we should stop cherry-picking and
learn more
Than what was lectured, preached, and
Open our Bibles always first to the gospels,
To the actual teachings of our Savior, true
For His words are priceless, timeless beyond
Teaching us good manners, respect,
understanding and peace,
Empathy to others, doing our best on our own;
Being content, not seeking people to flatter
or please.
Not always demanding help but be the one,
Helping ourselves that we might help others,
And opening our lives to different
Knowing that paying forward is what matters.
May we be responsible and accountable for
Being honest, truthful, patient, just, fair
and wise;
Teaching others independence, maturity to fend
for themselves,
And learn to face whatever challenges may
"A time for God, is what we need,
For a world awash in fear and hatred.
Recognizing that we are all jointly
Realizing that each of us must be responsible.
Yes, life's daily challenges may overwhelm or
Our resolve, our conviction, so that we impose
Ourselves on others, but that shouldn't be,
For each one of us have struggles too.
May we therefore remember that nobody is
To make life easy for us, but us alone
Who must bear the consequences of our
And receive due reward for our actions.
But not to fear, fret, be anxious or worry,
For He never leaves anyone helpless.
And that in all of our concerns and issues,
He's always there, His love and care
"Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago has
this Psalm
As backdrop to its chapter on 'Forest
To show the commonality of faith in man
And the same hope of deliverance and good.
We realize that whoever and wherever we are,
No matter our age, gender, nationality and
We need a Savior, a Father not far
But near to call, in joy and grief.
Like our human interactions, may we always
That bond, special, eternal relationship, holy
and divine.
As we fulfill our stewardship of life and
Living His will, in body, soul and mind."
"Beyond the Word and other people, but
Itself speaks to us about our God's wisdom,
Love, care, guidance, bounty, design, plan and
Inclusive of everyone, bidding them to come.
Therefore we must be mindful what we hear,
And not falsely believe and follow the crowd,
For His will brings forth humility, holy fear,
Contentment and peace, direct opposite of the
And it is to our salvation and security
If we meditate and be mindful as always.
For not just our earthly concern but eternity,
Is at stake, when we choose our ways."
"First and last is leadership, what
determines success,
For ourselves, others, with groups and
And the spirit thereof is stewardship no less,
Knowing that we are simply entrusted with
And when we realize that we have a Great King,
Who is our ultimate Leader and Guide too,
Then with humility and accountability, we can
manage everything,
Through whatever challenges, we're confident
we can do.
So may we always remember our calling and
To guide, inspire, motivate, bring hope for
the soul,
That in all ways our Creator might be
And that forever with Him we will abide."
"It's time we understand the epistle for
what it says,
And turn this passage around to remove our
For in our time today that's globalized and
We know assembly means a bigger crowd beyond
our families.
And this is not condemnation of one who
doesn't have a clique,
Nor derision of those who fail to belong.
For it is encouragement to also encourage one
And motivation of our brethren as we journey
It also opens us up to be more understanding,
Tolerant of diversity, gifts, freeing us from
And making us aware that we're all people in
the making,
That if we love others, we also must let them
For each of us are given grace and strength,
But that we must support and care for one
Not give up on giving up to whatever length,
But also letting each other grow, as we
journey towards forever."
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