"To the ungrateful, none less than the best would suffice,

Everything must be great, excellent, for them always perfect.

But to the discerning, life's ups and downs are spice,

To the ultimate eventful, meaningful life that we expect.

To the short-sighted, only the big ones matter,

For they think everything they do must make a splash.

But the humble and wise gathers and not scatter,

For every little thing is a blessing, in grace and goodness awash.

May we learn meekness, thankfulness, faith and fortitude.

Always thanking God for every chance to bear in patience.

Cleanse our minds of envy, align our attitude,

To that which is good and right, just and with sense."



"We only have one physical life, that's why

People do all they can to enjoy to the fullest,

But our kind of enjoyment should also try

To make this life better not just for us but also for the rest.

So is it with the heart--one pump bringing life,

Then, signalling the end of all things we care about.

So that it's useless to spend our days in pride and strife,

Instead, confidence in our God's goodness rather than doubt.

May we take care of our hearts well,

Eating and taking in healthy, flushing out toxins but not through the mouth,

Adapting what's good, just and right, in peace dwell,

Being tactful, respectful, a mature child of God, neither rude nor uncouth."



"To the envious heart, other people's posts are bragging,

Flaunting wealth, luxury, experiences, taunting those who don't have such.

But to one who realizes that everyone is just busy with living,

One can understand that respite from struggles refreshes the spirit much.

If we believe our souls have been saved for eternity,

How can we not understand our Saviour's intent to give us the good life?

A life that bears promises of peace and serenity,

Even though filled now with challenges, difficulty and strife.

May we put our faith into real action,

And not be limited by what we're told to do.

For a bigger world awaits our influence and inspiration,

Paying forward the grace we've been given, as is due."



"To live deliberately is the key to deep peace,

Not hurrying to get what we want but to wait

For the right time and age, no personal deadline to appease,

Nor other people to please, but patiently hoping in faith.

And this serves wide and abundant wisdom too,

Making us understand and get to know people better.

Helping us grow mature and improve in what we do,

Giving us discernment, fortitude, empathy in whatever matter.

May we be circumspect in our words and actions,

Though we may have very strong ideas about life and other people.

Speak tactfully, treat others with respect in all situations,

Do our best to influence for good as much as we are able."



"Friendships and being friendly are certainly big factors,

On how our days turn out to be.

To the person we become, they are supporting actors,

And helpful guides, always there to understand and see.

One can have too many, and be famous,

One can have few, but with deep connections.

But the best ones develop us to be respectful and courteous

Of boundaries, sensitive to others' needs, the mood in every situation.

May we always prove ourselves to be good friends,

People who are there for each other, for each other's backs.

That even though this short, challenging life ends,

We grow stronger, remain hopeful and faithful through its attacks."



"In these times where content is king, substance is less,

Where quantity is lording it over quality, for attention,

Wisdom is a challenge, a tall order to be selfless;

Patience, understanding, maturity, responsibility, honesty, calling in any situation.

So is the wisdom of the years, and good manners,

Respect and courtesy, threatening to die out due to prideful ignorance.

But for those who claim to be His people, who raise banners

In His Name, these shouldn't be, but hopeful endurance.

May we show our maturity in His Word and practice,

Match our deeds with pure and godly motivation.

That through our days, we live in love, light and peace,

In every way, a testament of His grace, a holy nation."



"To engage others without imposing on their space,

To express care and concern while respecting boundaries,

Takes a whole measure, a heaping of grace,

A challenge not to condescend but preserve peace.

Because all of us must live in harmony with one another,

Each of us having gifts and personalities to contribute

To the common good, to the next generation a mentor, a mother,

As our Creator's light and love we must promote.

May we prove responsible in our stewardship of life and creation,

Always in humility, treating others and ourselves with respect,

Drawing out the good in every situation,

While our eternal reward we patiently wait for and expect."



"When we cease from being, we start dying,

Not just physically but spiritually too.

Organizations learn that when their purpose they start forgetting,

Soon follow low profits, less productivity, a bleak tomorrow is due.

And we're not immune, bi-pedalled creatures that we are,

Not wanting to walk or hike for convenience or privilege,

Soon brings diseases, aches, inability to breathe deep and far,

Because laziness kills, but healing comes from humility and right knowledge.

May we not forget our purpose, our reason for being,

That we're here to bring hope and life, replenish and restore,

Not inconvenience nor vandalize, not pedestalled nor treated like a king,

But bringing goodness and light, strength and inspiration for a better future."



"All knowledge should lead to more understanding,

Is a good ideal, a humbling, yet worthy cause.

But sadly, when prejudice is the foundation, chaos is king,

And intentions cease being good, greed fueling all purpose.

Thankfully, we can look forward to a greater day,

When there will no longer be hearts with dark imaginings,

Where ignorance is enlightened, tears and fears driven away,

Where every day is a hopeful chance of new beginnings.

As we go through all of life's challenging seasons,

Let it not blind us to our awesome eternal future,

Where rewards await our struggles for all the right reasons,

Where peace and plenty would dwell on those who endure."



"One of life's greatest challenges is being consistent,

Especially when pressures, stresses, harassments and bullyings attack.

For one might be geniuses in career and talent,

But would succumb when corruption becomes a fact.

And so we realize we must be anchored

To godly values, wisdom, truth, justice and right.

To keep our sanity when heavily pressured,

And have courage to say no, stand up and fight.

May we learn fortitude, humility, perseverance, and resilience,

Properly recognizing our worth and our purpose.

For our ultimate reward comes only from patience,

Which faith, hope and love can only produce."



"It's easy to condemn evil--the corrupt, abusive, oppressing party,

Because pointing fingers is easier than upholding truth.

We forget that evil prospers from apathy,

From people saving just themselves, hypocrisy hiding true worth.

But we realize that good news must come to all,

Peace must reign, with our Creator's love and light.

And so we must strive to help each other not fall,

Even in our struggles, for goodness only wins as we fight.

May we fulfill our reason for being,

Striving daily to bring good news of peace.

Inclusive, because wisdom and truth only prosper with their sharing,

While we patiently await our eternal reward for all of these."



"One of life's rarest gifts is most desirable,

To find joy and good in every situation,

No matter how burdensome, confusing, even terrible;

Bringing clarity and wisdom amidst confusion.

No wonder psychologists say humor shows intellect,

For it takes introspection and discernment to speak with wit;

To take life's attacks lightly, not many would expect,

But this truly makes resilient the one who's hit.

May we appreciate life and all our Creator has given,

Remembering always our purpose, realizing we control nothing.

But in confidence and faith, awaiting our reward from heaven,

Our days anchored above, each moment making impact that's everlasting."



"We're undoubtedly nearing the end times of old ways,

Where we see former delusions come to light,

False prophets exposed of their falsehoods, numbering their remaining abusive days,

Liars and frauds disdained in favor of justice and right.

Maybe the time is finally starting to come,

To truly live out our Saviour's ways and word,

Not to be exclusive, special, privileged, but bidding all a welcome,

Not a mindless slavery to ideals we can never afford.

May we truly live out the rest of our days with wisdom.

With humility, dignity, honor, patience and perseverance.

Knowing our Savior and King will restore all, as we await Him to come,

And truly make our struggles worthwhile, bringing end to pain, reward to endurance."



"We're supposed to be more knowledgeable and enlightened now,

But sadly, many are still biased and prejudiced.

Believing themselves to be better than the rest somehow,

Unaccepting of otherness, different views, by unknowns not pleased.

But like to a spiritual family, so is our place on earth

Quite unexpected; our exploitation of creation unnecessary and useless.

Except that we believe the Word, through faith has given us worth,

To be good stewards, replenishing and healing generously, being selfless.

May we fulfill our mandate by knowing our place,

Not raising ourselves up on pedestals of pride and false honor.

But in honest service, our lives bearing forth goodness and praise,

That our Creator's glory may be proclaimed, as by His presence we abide forevermore."



"A life well-lived is a far better declaration

Than wealth and status, degrees and proclamation.

For there we see one doing their best,

Respecting, understanding, being humble, with wisdom, considering the rest.

And daily practice is a much better preaching

Of beliefs and philosophies, habits, thoughts and feeling.

Especially in peace, upholding truth and right,

Making sure godly courage powers our eternal fight.

May we always have discernment, fortitude, hope and faith in the journey,

Properly apportioning and sharing the grace we receive daily.

That we may not fear what lies ahead,

Knowing a much greater reward awaits us instead.



"We sometimes miss our dear departed loved ones,

And wonder how long until it's our time to go

Join their ranks, by going through the passage once,

Leave this physical life, for an infinite tomorrow.

That's why it's sad for one to believe there's nothing at the other side;

Because then our struggles now would seem senseless.

For it's our nature and purpose that by our Heavenly Father of Light we abide,

Believing our efforts to live and share His love not fruitless.

May we continue on in hope and faith,

And daily remember His mercy and goodness.

Our grand, eternal and universal reunion we eagerly await,

Where sorrow will be gone, and in its place, everlasting happiness."



"Remembering fully, practicing consistently inside and out,

Regardless of the person, place, time and circumstance,

Is what our God and Savior would have wanted to come about,

As we live His Name, not for mere show or performance.

Like a famous chocolate brand whose history of slavery

Was transferred from their immediate production to the earliest source

Of their supply chain, to a people living below poverty;

We come to realize greed and whitewashing's great, malignant force.

May we strive to live fully, our Saviour's Word,

To match our claims of identity in His Name.

For maligning His gospel through hypocrisy is a sin we cannot afford,

That we might keep our souls, until the day our eternal rewards we can claim."



"Let our Sabbaths be days of real rest,

For the mind, the body, and the soul,

Let it not just be a holier-than-thou contest,

But a time to restore and make our spirits whole.

For the true essence of the day goes deep down

To our innermost beings, where our humanity meets the divine,

Waiting not for this earth's recognition, but for our ultimate heavenly crown,

As we strive each day to let our Father's light shine.

May we truly be refreshed each time, each moment

We commune with and worship our God and Creator,

Not through our agenda but His, a wholesome predicament,

Not overwhelmed by the present, but hopeful for the future."



"An inclusive God is difficult for some people to consider,

Because our nature wants us to belong and be treated special.

But looking at creation we begin to ponder,

Nature has quirks, a great variety, a space for all.

And so is it with hope symbolized, the rainbow,

Without invoking the cultural appropriation of the choices in gender.

For like the sun and rain, everyone sees and experiences them so,

People rude and nice, greedy and generous, uncouth and tender.

May we likewise realize that as long as the earth endures, hope is alive,

Available for all who choose to believe.

Our Heavenly Father's favor a source of strength and peace to those who strive,

His grace and mercy abundant, if we open our hearts and minds to receive."



"In a country plagued by nepotism such as ours,

Being somebody's kid anywhere is always seen as privilege.

Those who get the best without putting in the hours,

Often get ahead, recognized, because of their lineage.

Thankfully, though itself dichotomous, our God is fairer,

Where He gives chances to all, familiar and obscure.

A choice to be called His child or friend, no matter

Who they may be, His promises are always sure.

May we find our identity in our Heavenly Father's loving embrace,

Living up to His Name in our daily living.

Gaining strength and wisdom from His mercy and grace,

Hope for tomorrow, joy and peace that's everlasting."



"Out of sight, out of mind, seems to be the default

Treatment of those who have gone out of our circle.

It might be by choice, or through no one's fault,

That life happens, moves forward for all people.

But the greatest thing is faith that binds

Us to the Giver of life, the Source of our hope;

That never fails to encourage and daily reminds,

As we wake, we breathe, we work, we can cope.

Regardless of the circumstance, may we continue

In our journey to being His salt and light.

In a drab and dreary world, we each need me and you,

To build each other up, set all things to right."



"It's challenging to shares one's faith these days,

When people have become disillusioned by those who say they believe.

For words and actions sadly don't match in many ways,

And the gospel is used by the unscrupulous, favors and wealth to receive.

But faith is all the more powerful,

When we understand life is more than the material.

Because its true power lies in becoming, bearing fruit, being mindful

Rising higher above desires, urges, emotions that are natural.

May we step out in faith each day,

The Word as our guide, not an honor-badge;

A source of hope, confidence, peace and joy as we pray,

Lighting the way, spreading our Father's love as we advance."



"A lying tongue is just no fair deal,

Only bringing hurt and pain, despite the intent,

It might buy but couldn't fill a meal,

It might beautify but can't substantiate the content.

Nothing beats honesty and transparency as fruits of peace,

For they might be miniscule but sufficient enough

In bringing clarity, brokenness restored in one piece,

Hope, trust and joy even when times are rough.

May we hold on strongly to truth everyday,

Our decisions and actions with honest and pure motive.

For that is our lifeline to a better day,

With our Heavenly Father's light guiding how we live."



"When we feel superior, it's easy to rant and rage,

But humility is virtue, more difficult to pursue.

For with impatience, we show we haven't earned our age,

While waiting gives us the best that's our due.

And so we ponder and should ignore micro aggressions,

For that only leads to unnecessary hurt and stress,

While choosing the wisdom way in all our situations,

Bring overall freedom from resentment, trauma and distress.

No matter how difficult, may we prove ourselves the better person,

And move on from toxicity, its influence and hold,

That we may fulfill our noble purpose, our ultimate reason

Of being; that our Father's love through us, others might behold."



"We learn from the youth, as my nieces showed me,

How fast they can move on in thought upon stepping out from a door.

Forgetting immediate past hurts, however difficult it may be,

Ready for what lies ahead, beyond, and before.

And so it is with our life's journey,

Everyday brings manifold challenges, simple, severe, sometimes profound.

But patience is a worthy virtue, persistence is the key

To a life that's meaningful and dynamic, where love and peace abound.

May we hold on to hope and faith every time

We're buffeted and burdened, tested and tried.

For holding to the past is not worth a dime,

But heartily welcoming constant change infinitely better than the cut-and-dried."



"Because we know our God is good, we can trust,

That He answers when we call, grants what we ask,

Seeing He has done so magnanimously in the past,

Believing His provision today is up to the task.

And so we gain confidence to call forth in prayer,

On times when we worry, are anxious or in fear,

Holding on to the hope that He is always there,

To give wisdom, peace, turning to joy our tear.

With this faith, may we always find strength for everyday,

In our journey so fleeting across time's greater expanse.

For we may soon be gone, all our efforts called for a day,

But the source of our hope lasts, a non-negotiable, once-in-a-lifetime chance."



"Mendicancy is an ancient issue, and one glaring in our cities,

Be they real or run by the unscrupulous,

For there will always be people who prefer to beg than work what's due,

While others sorely need the help that others produce.

It's wisdom's work, and one needing discretion,

To help the truly needy while not encouraging dependence,

For each of us must earn our keep in any situation,

With humility to ask for help, magnanimous without insistence.

May we learn to be generous as our Heavenly Father,

Without expecting favors nor patronage in return.

For that is the true essence of His kingdom, the one we're after,

A reward and everlasting legacy for each good turn."



"Tension is a taut string, ready to break,

One that makes us stand on our toes and shake.

It's no respecter of persons, high and mighty,

Bringing out our mettle, to run for cover, or fight rightly.

But it also makes us remember that life is never monotonous,

That not everyday are our struggles burdensome and rigorous.

For there are days when we get a respite,

To pause, get away shortly, or rest and recuperate on site.

And that's what gives beauty to our days,

To know that suffering and toil will not be for always.

Because our faithful God promised us what's sure and true,

If we persevere, everlasting joy and peace await me and you."




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