"It seems that everyday these
days is a trying time,
Of patience and faith, principles,
convictions, character,
A clash of cultures, values as
cheap as dime,
A cloudening of truth, smokescreen
on the important matter.
Thankfully our Saviour shows us a
Amidst the chaos, and the attack
on truth and love,
To put our priorities in order, in
spite of what others say,
To be grounded in our affairs,
with wisdom from above.
May we always uphold what's true
and good,
Be responsible for ourselves,
always do what's just and right.
Recognize that on this earth we
belong to a great brethrenhood,
Different may be in the manner,
but united for our soul's eternal fight."
"The Pearl, the first novella
I read as a kid, was tragic,
In keeping something so precious,
the protagonist lost the life of a loved one,
It took away his family's peace
and a good future, as if the downside of magic,
Because of the greed and
oppression of one powerful man.
Thankfully there is one pearl we
are taught about that's true and eternal,
One giving hope and joy that
cannot be stolen,
A future that, with patience and
perseverance, will be resolute and final,
If we live lives in humility,
grace, with hearts and minds without leaven.
May we always hold on to the great
pearl our Savior promised--His kingdom.
Giving up on pride and
selfishness, always considering the good in every situation,
Our lives open books, vessels of
grace where all kinds of people willing to share are welcome,
That the good seed our Savior has
planted will grow, an abundant life brought to fruition."
"It cannot be said enough,
prayer is power,
Especially done for unselfish,
ungreedy, non-judgmental ends.
And we see its fruits in one's
When pride, prejudice, ignorance
and fear it breaks or bends.
And prayer is its own reward too,
Giving peace to the prayerful,
consolation for pain,
That even still must be suffered
by me and you,
But not deprived of hope and
eternal gain.
May we pray boldly, yet humbly,
patiently, silently,
Knowing in faith, we have what we
ask for.
If we ask for the good of all,
work diligently,
Believing what's coming is greater
than what has been before."
"The wise person carries no
baggage, is good emotionally,
But hard to do literally,
especially in calamities.
For in the former, it is freeing,
peace-inducing eventually,
But the latter speaks readiness, a
matter of survival in difficulties.
Yet mental baggage is no easy
thing to carry,
And so we'd be wise to rid
ourselves of its spiritual embrace.
For beyond the physical, holding
on to toxic emotions makes our souls weary,
Depriving us of joy and
contentment, from appreciating our daily grace.
May we be people truly set free
and delivered,
From a life of prejudice and hate,
self-righteousness and pride.
That our path to our Father's
kingdom be not hindered,
And through life's challenges and
seasons, with Him we will always abide."
"It's not the movement, nor
the group or congregation,
But being reborn means a change of
From one that blindly follows
groupthink without question,
To one that upholds truth and
justice, and values that matter.
As the wind, unpredictable in
direction but real,
So is life truly blessed, graced,
renewed, reformed.
Where the Father's love and power
indwells deeper than what we feel,
To penetrate selfishness and
greed, ignorance and pride are struck down, transformed.
May we be people truly changed by
our Saviour's words and sacrifice,
Living daily the gospel and the
love He had given.
For no amount of words,
proclamations, traditions and pretend actions would suffice,
When faced with the metrics and
scales, the Judgment of heaven."
"One high school literature
assignment was titled, 'This too shall pass',
An apt lesson on the impermanence
of both happiness and suffering.
A sobering reminder too that no
glory nor pain will last,
A challenge to live in the moment,
embrace fully our being.
It speaks to us too, who are prone
to settle,
Not to be complacent but each day
to earn our keep.
For life demands in all situations
for us to show our mettle,
And to always learn fortitude,
develop patience and discernment so deep.
May we persevere in whatever
situation and season,
Giving our best, doing all the
good we can.
That we may prove worthy servants,
who learn our life lesson,
Doing a good turn in every way, to
"It's foolhardy to
counterflow in heavy traffic,
More daring if done in our
spiritual and social life.
But life demands that our efforts
be made specific,
When we preach peace, instead of
judgment and strife.
Yes, there will be consequences to
our every word and action,
And we cannot run away from the
call to be accountable.
But truth and wisdom must be
upheld in any situation,
Generosity and patience, empathy
and magnanimity as far as we are able.
May we be responsible, facing
life's challenges with courage,
As we seek our Heavenly Father's
guidance and grace.
Help others see the good news of
His kingdom with humility and knowledge,
Remembering we are all together in
this eternal race."
"An ancient sage said that
it's a shame to be rich
In a country that's poorly
While it's shameful to be poor, in
that place which
Every bread is honestly,
diligently earned.
Yet, because of evil and greed,
poverty is always everywhere,
So that it is a moral obligation
to help as we can,
Giving to and supporting those
around us, being there
To enlighten and guide, making
life better for everyone.
May we pay forward the grace we
have been given,
Making sure to right wrongs,
defend the oppressed,
Uphold truth and love, give
ourselves to wisdom, our characters proven,
Sharing, giving, blessing, as we
are also magnanimously blessed."
"How dangerous and scary a
world it must be,
If each of all our prayers are
granted without effort,
For then we wouldn't have a Father
who loves you and me,
But a spoiler who dismisses us
with favor, but not support.
And yet, we must still believe in
His unconditional grace,
To make it through each day with
hope and love,
For truly, this world's drudgery
and terror needs courage to face,
A Comforter to guide and
strengthen, a gift from above.
May we not abuse such privilege
and earn our keep,
In generosity and understanding,
responsibility and accountability.
Each moment a chance to tap into
wisdom so deep,
Each situation a lesson in
honesty, patience, perseverance, integrity."
"It's difficult to be
consistent in this day and age,
Unless one leans towards being
'autistically' - inclined.
That's not an insult, but
admiration towards one like a sage,
Who does things repeatedly,
untiringly, exhaustingly, of one mind.
So it seems with character,
virtue, faith and love,
If the inside doesn't match the
outside, something will always break.
And maybe, we can show that we
give all that we have,
But we will always be proven by
what we say and make.
May we be consistent people,
focused on where we are headed,
Yet never losing sight of our
humanity and reason.
Our Father's love and character,
in our hearts imbedded,
Faithful and hopeful, patient,
persevering through every season."
"If we do not know what we
are looking for,
We will never know if we have
found it.
If we do not understand what we're
staring at, therefore
We wouldn't be able to grow our
minds one bit.
If we are only after one
particular type of thing,
We wouldn't discern truth just a
hair-breath beyond our reach.
Much like how we fail to see that
in faith and living,
Our Creator has given us His Word
and admonition beyond each Sunday's preach.
May we open our eyes, broaden our
mind and heart,
Welcoming the manifold ways life
reveals what's greater.
For then from our Saviour's will
we wouldn't depart,
Nor run away from His leading,
which is infinitely better."
"The truest wealth indeed is
contentment, from honest labor,
Knowing that regardless of the
situation, we are amply provided for.
And that people may steal from our
hard-earned gain,
But diligence will always bear
fruit without eternal pain.
And we can always have peace,
sleeping fitfully,
For we know even if our days are
numbered, there's One who faithfully
Keeps watch, guides, provides,
leads in the right direction,
Ready with respite, answers to our
every question.
May we spend our days always
seeing what's truly valuable,
Trusting in faith in our God who
is always able.
Children of hope and light amidst
a corrupt and chaotic generation,
Vessels of wisdom, integrity and
honor, His holy nation."
"If only our reason to live
is to be like the rest,
Without ever carving our own path,
nor trying out something radical,
Then it's useless to try to give
our very best,
For then we would only be consumed
by what's tangible and physical.
But if we must give meaning to our
We would do well to strive not
only for ourselves,
For being a light and inspiration
is what truly make our day,
As we bring peace and hope, we
encourage others to better themselves.
May we always remember we are mere
stewards of life and creation,
Here on earth not just to survive,
but to thrive and replenish.
At every turn discerning,
extracting and sharing wisdom from each situation,
Living deliberately, mindfully,
enduring patiently until our life's grand finish."
"Modern life indeed has been
getting more stressful,
It seems to be a never-ending
So much so that in the humdrum, we
become forgetful,
That a better life is one with a
slower, more mindful pace.
Thankfully, the Word reminds us
what to do, where to go,
For our Saviour's invitation never
becomes stale.
Entrusting our cares to His caring
hands just so,
And believing His promise of
guidance, provision and abundance to never fail.
May we infuse mindfulness,
patience and discernment to our everyday,
At each turn, be a vessel of
peace, hope, and joy,
With our Father's love lighting
our every way,
His joy our strength, His
boundless wisdom free for us to employ."
"It's always good to
remember, something that has gotten clichéd,
When everybody says that after our
difficulties and triumphs, 'it will be all God',
Yet, when we broadcast our
process, our 'My Day' as we sashayed,
There is no spot for Him, as in,
'God's Day', and it seems kinda sad.
Maybe instead we should declare
without hesitation,
That everyday is the day that the
Lord has made,
He who guides, sustains, provides
in every situation,
On whom our cares are taken, our
soul's debts are paid.
Yes, even though people fail us,
deprive, neglect, or demean our person,
We have a Heavenly Father who
loves, who shows mercy and grace.
May we always be thankful, humble,
tactful in any situation,
And recognize His leading through
all the challenges we face."
"One really has to go
skin-deep to feel the worth
Of anything worth doing, since
time proves character.
True joy manifesting in
challenging times, bringing forth
Fortitude, resilience, mental
toughness, clarity, conviction, all that would really matter.
Because the world doesn't revolve
around us, nor can we
Demand respect and recognition,
but to just work diligently.
For at the proper time, what we
are inside will prove to be
The key to a greater future,
humility paying off if we strive patiently.
May we remain steadfast, humble,
prudent, noble, consistent and true,
Giving our all in every situation,
to making life better
For us and others, enduring while
we wait our due,
And surely, joy and peace will
follow after."
"Don't commit into something
if you haven't outgrown yourself,
For you may be found wanting,
deeds scattered, undisciplined.
Correction from others you may
find not a help,
Insisting on your rightness,
righteousness, even with convictions untrained.
It is better to go through life
circumspect, deliberate,
Not inviting scorn, but mindful
and tactful.
For even as nature balances small
and great,
So our daily challenges and
triumphs rewards the soul that's respectful.
May our days be filled with
wisdom, always measured,
In humility, fulfilling our
purpose and calling.
Our moments, their lessons and
realizations always treasured,
Our eternal destiny despite our
current realities always worth embracing."
"It doesn't take talent to be
Just a simple expectation to be
treated the same,
Nor does it take much effort to
Others, just basic respect, a
habit that's never lame.
And so it's hard to grasp greed,
selfishness, rudeness,
For they go against the grain of
being humane.
Whatever one believes, whoever one
worships, life gets better with gentleness,
And living is bearable when we are
more willing to give than to gain.
May we always be mindful, for it
doesn't go out of fashion.
Tactful and respectful,
recognizing each other's right to live with dignity.
Be circumspect and discerning in
every situation,
At each chance, dispensing peace,
wisdom, reconciliation instead of enmity."
"A sad news was aired
somewhere in the first world,
Of a navy seal who jumped to save
a mate who fell overboard
During a hurricane, but both
perishing in the end,
Due to their worn heavy gear,
unfortunate for both savior, mate and friend.
Not to such extent may be what we
face daily,
But still some situations call for
heroism actually.
Especially when a brother, sister,
friend or mate is in a dire situation,
That one needs to extend at least
an encouragement, a word of hope, even caution.
May we be that person that only
gives out peace and love,
Much as how we have been given
mercy and grace from above.
A friend, a mentor, a sister or
brother, a guide,
Never losing steam in faith and
the journey, always ready to listen and abide."
"While no one can claim moral
ascendancy over another,
There are still some people that
needs to be reminded
Of what truly counts, the
important matter,
Or their hold on life and sanity
would have ended.
And those of us who are also
undergoing the same challenge,
Need to look out for one another.
For none of us is so perfect, none
immune to change,
All alike in burden, in responses
and reactions with our human sister and brother.
May we always be there to
encourage, to build up, to inspire,
In selflessness, may we make our
lives meaningful,
That we may work our way out
together especially in situations that are dire,
And in love and peace, be patient,
persevering, faithful and hopeful."
"It's one of the most telling
Yet far often overlooked in the
race for clout:
The prayerful person is at peace,
patiently waits,
Not shouting out their greatness,
nor running their mouths about.
And prayer is its own reward too,
Something too few realize until
much later.
It in itself a manifestation of
confidence in what's due,
Trust that whatever the situation,
something awaits that's greater.
May we never cease praying,
whenever we can,
Holding on in hope and faith,
trusting in our Father's love.
Daily living His will, being
responsible, respectful to everyone,
Fueled by unlimited mercy and
grace from above."
"Abuse is a sensitive topic,
yet one must be aware,
It is never normal to elevate a
life more than another.
It is indeed a virtue to forgive,
a strong dare,
Yet not to forget that
consequences must be borne together.
As it is with our basic human
right to survive,
So is it with the need to be
respected and treated humanely.
Nobody has supremacy over another
in wealth or status, but to thrive
Is every person's natural path, no
matter how things progress insanely.
May we recognize how small and
immaterial we are,
Against the grander infrastructure
of the universe,
Be humble, respectful, courteous,
go the extra mile as far
As needed, love and peace
motivating our actions, our thoughts, and every time we converse."
"There's a certain kind of
rage that brews,
As life gets more difficult, more
raw and existential.
The fearful becoming ruder, with
not a few loose screws,
Life's trivialities nitpicked, no
passing moment proving inconsequential.
But patience is a virtue that is
its own reward,
For the moment when you are most
pressed is when you most need it,
When life's challenges seem all
the more insurmountable, surviving is hard,
That's when you need to extend
more grace, holding on more than a bit.
May we learn to take in each
moment and appreciate
The life and breath we're given,
be mindful
Of everything, see their worth,
the value of the small against the great,
And to our God and good
convictions, be steadfast and faithful."
"To a generation that
desperately seeks validation,
It seems only positive remarks are
Less so with discipline,
constructive critique, warnings, admonition
Even if they give caution from
evil days to come.
Undeniably though, the aged has
seen it all,
And would want to guide in the
path that's true,
However disregarded, unseen,
unrecognized, a life of integrity still stands tall,
A life making and correcting
mistakes, and living to tell remains due.
May we learn from the wisdom of
those who have been before,
Knowing that with humanity, there
is nothing that's new,
As we live, we realize, as we
advance, we learn more,
Hopefully not making the same
mistakes, but breakthroughs not unlike a few."
"All of us are driven by
something unseen,
Yet real, manifesting in our
everyday talk and action.
It gives weight to all the things
and places we've been,
It brings substance and meaning to
our every situation.
Whether that unseen force be the
light of wisdom and love,
Or the darkness of selfishness and
greed is up to us.
But the better person gives
generously of what they have,
Even when unrecognized,
unacknowledged, deprived of the little one has.
May we choose to be led by the
good spirit of our Heavenly Father,
Who nurtures and provides, gives
hope and strength,
That we may learn to be
independent yet still have the grace to help another,
Remaining steadfast and faithful,
as we go through life's full length."
"Amidst the world's hustle
and bustle, race and humdrum,
When almost everyone strives for
attention and validation,
One may feel left out, unheard,
unseen, unwelcome,
Where one may even question
long-held priorities and conviction.
Thankfully the Word reminds us
that acknowledgement comes from our Creator,
Translating into internal
motivation as we follow what's right,
In humility, we seek not another
person's favor,
But the heavenly grace, our
Father's mercy, love, and light.
Yes, the world disappoints, life
harrases and challenges,
But He who indwells in us is
May we remain steadfast as the
season changes,
Find our inspiration in the
Life-giver, that's infinitely better."
"A quote said that teaching
is the ultimate act of optimism.
Indeed, to believe that in each
student lies a gem,
Waiting to be uncovered, polished,
perfected, until they glisten,
Is hard, but everyday rewarding,
for you and for them.
So is it with life, so full of
difficulties, deprivations, challenges,
But underneath are priceless
treasures of life lessons.
One's convictions always under
attack as the world's values changes,
But peace comes to those who
remain steadfast through the seasons.
May we always remain hopeful,
faithful, patient and persevering,
Doing our best daily, even
lengthening our working hour,
With our Heavenly Father's
goodness and grace indwelling,
All our thoughts, words and tasks
driven by His love and power."
It's now International Teacher's
Some friends may ask, "Why
did I turn/go back to teaching--full time now, at this age, considering the
tremendous work and effort, the long hours, the tons of papers to check and
grade, lessons and exams to prepare, the breathlessness of keeping up with the
profession's standards and updates, the small pay and dearth of recognition,
the challenges in handling and managing Gen Z, and in a few years' time,
Simple lang:
"We only have one short
physical life, at the end of which, when asked at the Judgment Seat what did I
do with it...
(I did not bear physical offspring
of my own and make them grow,
Nor did I build kingdoms, heaped
on accolades and recognition, nor amassed wealth...)
"While the smarts and greats
have their field day,
Genius and wise stand safely and
quietly aside.
For it is natural for the learned
and the status'ed to always have a say,
While nobility demands that one
put down one's pride.
And so is it with temper, a very
short fuse,
Among those threatened of their
position, status, impression.
While the humble knows difficulty
and stress are not an excuse
To be rude, for one must be sane
in any situation.
May we learn the way of love and
Always mindful, hopeful, faithful,
diligent, enduring and persevering
Against all odds, keeping our
minds and souls in one piece,
While we strive for a better
legacy that's everlasting."
"Often, we're put in
situations that overwhelm us,
Where we feel swamped, inadequate,
not ready, unqualified for;
Made worse when the challenge is
yet to pass,
And we don't know what lies beyond
the door.
But in such times, faith gives us
That all we've undergone may find
its meaning
Brought to clarity, inspired by
wisdom's timeless adage,
Not to fear, for with our Heavenly
Father, impossible is nothing.
May we hold on in hope that
someday we'll be well-compensated,
For our seemingly unsung,
unselfish, unrecognized efforts now.
At a better someday when our
sufferings will be vindicated,
And all things work for good for
us somehow."
"Admittedly it's hard to be
patient these days,
When surrounded by people out only
to get what they want,
Regardless of others, selfishly
imposing their greedy ways,
Having only their say, as
insensitive as a dead plant.
Thankfully, the Word gives us the
proper perspective,
That such an uncaring, unmindful
attitude doesn't pay,
Taking undue advantage, abusing,
oppressing, depriving others is not the way to live,
Nor can they help us stand strong
in the Great Day.
And so may we learn respect, tact,
sensitivity, consideration,
Empathy, seeing life and
situations from different points of view,
That we waste not our privilege as
a child of God, His holy nation,
Bringing glory to His Name,
substance to the gospel He's gifted to me and you."
"Many times, we become
victims of the lazy, greedy, selfish, irresponsible,
What is rightfully due us become
hostage through flimsy excuses,
We still come up short no matter
how much we are able,
And couldn't grasp the extent of
insensitivity however one muses.
But thankfully, in faith we can
keep our hope and sanity,
Putting things in their proper
frame and right mindset.
That our struggles need not be
borne alone, but in community,
Recognizing a higher family that
loves us, meaningful friendships with people we've met.
May we always hold on in hope for
a better day,
Where the oppressors and abusers
would meet their due.
Where we are shown and led through
the right way,
Where there is respite and
redemption for me and you."
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