"A recent quote said it is not happy people who are thankful,

But thankful people are the ones who are happy.

True, for one need not be always deliriously joyful,

But gratitude sets us up for eternity.

And through our story we learn it's because of One,

Who holds our lives and affairs in His hand,

So that we may dream, scheme, and plan,

But we are limited, not being able to see beyond.

And so may we not fear what lies ahead,

Nor if somebody is there with us as we go in our journey,

If by our Father's mercy we allow ourselves to be led,

Then through the challenges, our souls will still enjoy peace and harmony."



"To one insecure, no amount of wealth can suffice,

Nor cover up perceived inadequacy,

But even pure intentions must they negatively surmise,

And nitpicked for every little inconsistency.

Fortunately we have a Heavenly Father who knows our need

For validation and attention, for assurance and hope.

And so with His wisdom, His presence our lead,

And His love and grace, our faith's matched envelope.

May we learn to trust and be confident,

On Him Who began the good work in our lives,

Remembering His mercies as our answered-prayer precedent,

That He will complete it until our blessed day arrives."



"We lose credibility when we create an imaginary enemy,

But build it when we live with transparency.

For we may sometimes forget we too are weak,

Even if with all knowledge we profess and speak.

How much more proclaiming self-righteousness without moral ascendancy,

When we ourselves give in to believing in our supremacy,

Even without knowing a lot, believing only we are right,

When we are just as hopeless as everyone else in the right fight.

May we always be humble, circumspect, tactful, grateful

Of the chance to be alive and to live to the full

A good kind of life, free from malice and ill intent,

Believing that someday, eternal victory awaits the patiently persistent."



"A heart full of light is content on its own,

Humble in learning from life and other people,

Recognizing that substance comes from character that's grown,

Built up in faith and hope, living free and simple.

But a heart of darkness knows no bounds to envy

Nor to pride, always seeking other's validation,

With materialism a curse, imposing a burden so heavy,

Always prioritizing self in any situation.

May we be people of substance, with no malice

Nor impure intent, but upholding what's pure and right,

Promoting wisdom, kindness, understanding, discernment and peace,

True vessels through which our Heavenly Father shines His light."



"'Not to respond when asked a question is rude,

Not to speak when needed by the situation is lazy,

Not to speak out when justice and right calls is cruel',

Are hard lessons we must learn throughout our journey.

And it is telling when we look around,

Especially when speaking with wisdom and grace is a beacon

In this dark world, where sincerity and truth are seldom found,

And life's challenges prove more difficult with each season.

But to remember that life is a partnership

Between us and our Creator, is cause for hope and celebration.

And may we strive daily with His love in every relationship,

His grace and presence abounding in our every situation."



"We don't always know what other people go through,

The least we could do is keep our distance,

And pray silently, neither proselytizing nor condemning even if we're inclined to,

But to give others room to breathe, a chance.

Because like in the story, each person has to fight

Their own battles, without being taken advantaged.

Their weaknesses not used nor their secrets brought to light,

Nor to shame, coerce, induce, just for us to feel good and privileged.

May we be people circumspect, carefully planning our every act,

Tactful with our words, with sincerity and wisdom in all we do.

That we might keep our souls and sanities intact,

Bring peace and light, truth upheld, not for us to undo."



"Whatever we choose to be, we're set for life,

Whether to a way of living that blesses others, or brings strife.

It's not a matter of qualification as much as quality,

A life lived not for self-promotion but humility.

For none of us is so perfect as to not need God,

Nor so talented not to appreciate every gift we ever had.

So that we realize each moment is a privilege,

A chance to prove wisdom and grace more than knowledge.

May we always remember we were never self-made,

And beyond school, we still each receive a grade,

Of being good stewards of life, relationships, creation,

One worthy of our Father's Name, His holy and redeemed, spiritual nation."



"Because the world is contentious enough as it is,

It's not unique to sow confusion, otherness, hate.

For it's human default to lift self above, prioritize our piece,

Deluding oneself to believe one knows better, is good and great.

That's why it's all the more telling of our character,

To bring peace, light, sow wisdom and understanding,

To discern, be tactful, circumspect in any matter,

That our Saviour's sacrifice be not brought to nothing.

May we prove ourselves worthy as stewards of life and creation,

With nothing to be ashamed of, living consistently, faithfully, honestly,

Conscientious, diligent, hopeful and persevering in any situation,

Always mindful to live each day responsibly and accountably."



"We don't always know how it goes,

But we get saved a lot by judgment calls,

Even when life's uncertainties keeps us on our toes,

Prudence, patience, save us from bad and deadly falls.

And ultimately, it helps us save our lives and souls,

From calamity and destruction, from a point of no return,

Giving us chances to mend a life full of holes,

And from our mistakes and misses to learn.

May we always be open to discernment and insight,

Welcoming of opportunity, greater changes leading to better possibilities,

With our path illuminated by our Father's heavenly light,

As we fulfill our purpose and perform our daily duties."



"Cheating death, denying old age and its pains

Doesn't pay, for they surely come for all.

And all we have gathered in wealth and gains,

Will not preserve us when it's time for our call.

But discerning and accepting our mortality makes us introspect,

To live deliberately, in humility, live each day with thankfulness,

Afford to everyone understanding, empathy, magnanimity and respect,

And in spite of challenges, persevere in hope and cheerfulness.

May we be people truly grounded in our Creator's wisdom,

In all our actions and decisions, accountable, transparent,

For soon our appointed day will surely come,

And the fruits of our lips and deeds soon will become apparent."



"If all we seek is other people's acknowledgement and validation,

We will never level up nor make it.

For people will always differ in response to any situation,

And may treat us according to how they see fit.

Yet the Word says we have a higher order,

One which calls us to live and share our Father's glory,

Where our actions match the words we render,

Where faith overcomes fear, trust winning over worry.

May we always remember our spiritual anchor and tether,

How it always calls us back to our Saviour's gospel,

Through a life thriving in whatever season and weather,

One through which our Father's light, darkness to dispel."



"Much has been said about the importance of companion,

But let's not over-interpret that to require having an intimate "Other",

For the Word talks about having understanding and communion

Through life's ups and downs, with one who's always there.

And these could be those with whom we identify similar interests,

Like-minded, who share our values and priorities,

So that it is an affront to humanity as one stubbornly insists,

To be tied to one who does not recognize one's worth and capabilities.

May we learn to discern the people whom our God has sent our way,

Acknowledge their presence in our lives, be mindful

How great is the privilege of having one who gives us time in their day,

Who inspire and encourage, never failing to remind us to be hopeful and faithful."



"One truly educated will manifest itself in lawful obedience,

Not out of fear but in respectful consideration.

And one truly loving and loved develops resilience,

Faith in the face of doubt, courage without condition.

Because believing in the One who delivers and comforts,

Is a crucible of what we believe in.

For there lies peace beyond the image one purports,

And confidence beyond the material is the reward therein.

May we be people of substance, loving, considerate,

Obedient to our Saviour's instructions to discern and understand.

That the future that lies for us be nothing less than great,

And that our souls be not lost from His mighty hand."



"Persistence and humility are underrated requirements for success,

In whatever endeavor, for whatever end and cause.

Just holding out, amidst all challenges to peace and happiness,

Being there, on standby for what may come, just because.

And these are what our Heavenly Father asks for,

From His children, to have faith and to endure.

Though difficult, exhausting, but to still walk a mile more,

While keeping our minds free of malice, our hearts pure.

May we be people delivered from the slavery of hopelessness,

And always remember that truth and justice will have their day,

As we strive with diligence, honestly conducting our business,

Always finding the good in whatever situation, in any way."



"A documentary stated an obvious but uncomfortable fact,

As the world heats up, kindness goes down.

It seems with global warming, people lose their tact,

When life's challenges grows, selfishness and rudeness abound.

But in order to physically survive, one must acclimatize,

Adjust, stay hydrated and cool so as not to lose the mind.

For the more we get offended and in turn aggrandize,

So will joy and peace run away and leave us behind.

May global warming develop in us fortitude and resilience,

Though it may exhaust and weaken, but not destroy our conviction,

To be gracious and generous, discerning, understanding, with patience,

Help us endure until the day our efforts come into fruition."



"It's unfortunate, but in our status-driven world today,

It's easy to hate on those who have more;

While bemoaning the fact of their inadequacy in some way,

Some strive to bring down what they think lies before.

But such is not the path of wisdom and peace,

For there we are called to bless, to share,

Not caring whether recognized or rewarded for our piece

In trying to make other's lives better, just and fair.

May we be people willing to give what we can and have,

To make every day, every place, every way,

A slice of our Father's kingdom, a spot of heaven and love,

Where His mercy shines, His grace shining on our path each day."



"A famous writer said that if you want to enslave a people,

Create an imaginary enemy, preach it incessantly, and promote yourself as savior.

Such an abusive situation, but unfortunately, many have been so gullible,

And sold themselves out to those who are after their purse and favor.

But our Savior showed us the better way,

Winning over evil with good, fear and cowardice with faith and courage.

With wisdom and discernment, understanding for our everyday,

Knowing that for every situation, our Heavenly Father lights our passage.

May we be people able to discern between our true enemy and true friend,

Rightfully assessing the doctrines and values we have been built on.

That for all our efforts, our journey might result to a rightful and worthy end,

Our Father's love and mercy, the anchor our soul can ground upon."



"It's part of being an ambivert, being comfortable in whatever,

That one understands both the need to talk and keep silent.

But it's difficult to accept why anyone can monologue to others in an endless chatter,

Nor scream and shriek, calling it singing, until voices are hoarse and spent.

Thankfully we believe in a God who's not deaf, no matter

How we feel frustrated or unheard, seemingly neglected, disrespected

By life and people, even being dumped on with mental and emotional clutter,

For we know our effort and patience will receive from His grace, the result we expected.

May we learn to rein in our tongue, be circumspect,

For life is too short for regrets, and saying sorry afterward is meaningless.

When we have intruded into people's space and time without respect.

May we then each spend our days in ways loving, generous, selfless."



"The bag shove is telling, as regular commuters say,

Keeping our luggages in front, rather than back or side,

So as not to bump or hit others as we make way,

Manifesting good breeding, education, respect, and many other good virtues aside.

So is helping, understanding, discerning other people's needs and concerns,

Rather than always our own, or what makes us feel good.

For true success and wealth is where a peaceful and insightful heart governs,

Not one out to promote self, or to flaunt around the neighborhood.

May we be sensitive to how we live,

How we speak, how we act, that others may see,

We have been brought up well, as we generously give,

Of our time, our skill, our talents and energy."



"One reason I'm not what people said I should be,

Is that I prayed to be kept safe from harm, and thankfully,

Our faithful Father has granted it magnanimously, securely,

Providing for other things more meaningful, fulfilling, worthy for me.

Like our story and countless personal histories through the ages,

Our God designed life for good for those who love Him,

Who pray for their choices, not decide on a whim,

But heed correction, listen to the wisdom of the sages.

May we learn to respect each of our life paths and choices,

Not impose what we think is good for them too.

For what we want may not be best nor rightly due,

As each of us are blessed to walk through life according to our own paces."



"It's the kind of mental and moral disconnect social media has exacerbated,

People sharing so much of their lives online,

Even personal, emotional, but when asked or confronted,

Get offended and say, to each other's business should people only mind.

But the digital world has no such thing as privacy,

Much like in the real world, in our physical relations.

We may think we respect some, but actually offend many,

With our tactless words, seemingly pure yet actually selfish intentions.

May we grow mature, every day deepening our discernment,

Sensitive to what keeps the peace, what preserves and promote grace,

Because just as there is no taking back words carelessly spoken in a moment,

So even with an apology, there really is no real recompense for our rude and offensive ways."



"Can't say more than enough, but always, lying is evil,

Penetrating the deep recesses of the soul, destroying it.

Although it seems between lies and truth some are comfortable to swivel,

But undeniably, that's dangerous, more constraining than a horse's bit.

For we know and experience it to be true,

That in truth, there is real freedom and deliverance,

And fighting to uphold it is a responsibility for me and you,

If we want our community to prosper, society to advance.

May we people of truth, people in whom there's no malice and guile,

Transparent and discerning, understanding, humble yet courageous,

Making each moment count, every second worth the while,

Living with faith and hope, conviction and noble purpose."




something most of us lack...

Thinking beyond our interests to how our words and actions affect others...

Putting ourselves in other people's places, rather than the convenience of judging or criticizing those that we barely know about or understand...

Wearing someone else's skin and walking around in them...

Remembering that Finance and Economics taught us that life is a pie...

And that the more we amass for ourselves, the more we deprive others of what they should have...

And being aware that such thinking is not Marxism or Socialism but the very ideals founded when the earliest generations among us decided to settle from our hunter-gatherer, predator-prey, warrior-land-grabber period of humanity...

Because sharing and giving way are not weakness, but the hallmarks of an enlightened and actualized human person ...



"To what extent is envy, I often wonder,

Is it wishing other people have less than what they possess,

Is it wishing that we have more of what we can gather,

Or of being the most, having the best and latest, always on top are all we obsess.

Such is the sad reality of a hungry and lonely soul,

Even in wealth, status, company, intimate or large, yet still not content.

Unlike one on whom discernment and truth has made whole,

Gratefulness, meaning, purpose and will have rendered in the heart pure intent.

May we be people who are at peace with who we are,

That even though life repeatedly shakes, batters, or burdens,

We can still go the distance no matter how far,

Upon whom wisdom and horizon, our Heavenly Father only deepens and widens."



"At stake in one country's major election today

Is immigration and respect for the rights of women;

Something radical, though swept under the day-to-day

Humdrum of living, but undeniably real, and for democracy, a given.

And consequently, a crucible of the world's faith and ways;

Not just in terms of race, but of gender and personality.

For truly we live out our Creator's love and grace,

If we can respect people's mutiplicity, and our own basic duality.

May our actions and thoughts be consistent with what we proclaim,

People who need not present only our best foot forward.

Both feet being grounded, real, honest, humble, walking towards our worthiest aim;

No excess baggage of prejudice, but in community with all--progressing heavenward."



"Trust is a currency, so hard to keep,

But so is skill, and wisdom so deep.

Just as one indiscretion destroys trust and faith,

So one seemingly educated tripped by a careless word said.

Yet we have a Heavenly Father who invites our trust,

And for our sanity and soul's safety, believe in Him we must.

Otherwise the alternative is one of darkness and despair,

No hope of justice and recompense from a life so unfair.

May we trust our God, in everything give thanks and pray,

As we deal with discernment to all we meet each day.

Always opening our minds to possibilities both good and not so,

With freedom to choose what's good, in everything we put effort into."



"A regular theme in crime dramas we love watching,

Is on the problem of cults and their evil effects.

How these men and women could sway the vulnerable is alarming,

Considering the resulting severe trauma and toll on mental health it affects.

We learned too that these prey on one's weaknesses,

The desire to get rich or get healed quickly,

To be validated, to belong; blinding one to another person's abuses,

All because one gets taken by fake and dubious promises uttered sweetly.

But then we realize these leaders are subject to the same eternal metric like us,

And may we see that we are also subject to the same struggles and norms.

May we learn to give, be wise, in humility working with the gifts each one of us has,

While not patronizing frauds, scams, or abuses in all its forms."



"There's no shortage of leadership experts who advocate time management,

And rightly so, for once gone, it doesn't come back.

We might see one or few opportunities return in another moment,

But if it's a battle, we might not be ready for its attack.

And so it would be best that we follow some wise words,

Redeeming the time, living deliberately, purposefully, meaningfully,

In making the most of each chance, consistently sharpening our swords,

Holding on in faith and hope, patiently, diligently.

May we be masters of each of our time,

Good stewards of life, accountable for every chance and opportunity given.

Making impact that lasts longer than the sounds of a wind-chime,

Even beyond our earthly existence, leaving an eternal legacy even."




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