LEARNING DEEPLY, April 1-30, 2022
Real Christianity is uncomfortable, dichotomous, and often offensive... It requires a constant and consistent evaluation of one's thoughts and motives, to align them with the One whom we follow: to show humility in victory, grace in defeat, mercy in tragedy, patience in adversity, to uphold justice for the oppressed, to care for the outcast and abandoned, to help even the undeserving, and still to do good even if we are offended and abused... It is not won over by violence or verbal warfare, nor measured by degrees and intelligence, and cannot be imposed by taking lives, lands, or robbing people's purses high and dry... But it is a glorious manifestation of our Savior's short earthly ministry with eternal power and significance: to bring peace, joy, hope, and healing of the mind and body and soul...
Such is life...
Sometimes we achieve our goals and dreams at the first try, sometimes we don't;
and we keep on trying, or we change course and try other avenues, or explore
other ways to practice our talents and share our gifts... But whatever we may
become, everything we receive and experience are meant to encourage us to keep
the faith, to keep on hoping, to remain humble and strong, to endure and
Our faith makes us
whole... Our Savior reminds us that as we try to live His kingdom's power in
our lives, we always come up short, with various ailments and inadequacies,
physical, or spiritual or mental; yet, we can believe that He restores, He
saves, He builds us up again... And as we have freely received such grace, like
the Apostles, we too are given the charge to freely and generously share such
mercy and favor with others, to share hope and faith, to bring peace and
inspiration, to encourage and support, to declare the truth, not to profit from
it or misuse it or mislead people; and that no matter the challenge or the
perjury or slander we are attacked with, by faith and obedience to Him, we get
to keep our lives and sanity, with which we can endure until the end and
receive our greatest reward...
Bridges and causeways
teach us that it is a basic human need to connect with others, whomever they
may be, whatever may be their beliefs and persuasions... Indeed, how we are
with other people (especially strangers whom we do not need to impress), as we
go through life, is a greater testimony of faith and character, than our
proclamations, our degrees and licenses, our work, social status and
qualifications... May we prove ourselves faithful and true, and--whether
married or not--be responsible and accountable to those whom God has given to
go along with us in our life's journey...
Our Lord and Savior
saves and heals, regardless of ethnicity, background, profession, and social
standing... And He asks only that we live the radically changed life He calls
for: to mind our own business and not be judgmental or harshly critical, even
as we understand and care and help others; to believe that He answers our
prayers and fulfills His promises, even as we face troubles and life seems too
hard or difficult to understand; and to let Him work in our lives, that we may
be set free from our physical illnesses, psychological disorders, inner demons,
and mental and emotional traumas... May we heed His words today and always...
If it fits, it's
fine... It starts from childhood... One who is under-appreciated will always
feel inadequate, unsatisfied and insecure... And it lasts a lifetime: in body
image, in physical health, in abilities and achievements, and in facing life
challenges... But thankfully we realize that with our God, we are enough; and
as we repent of our shortcomings, and obey His call, He gives us peace and
confidence about who we are and what we can do; and He makes life--with all its
difficulties and troubles--work out for our good...
The triumph of the
underdog... In this life, is to obey the words of our Savior; to still do good
and right in the face of evil and oppression, to still hope in spite of tragedy
and misery, to have confidence in our God in spite of doubt and despair, to be
a light in a darkened world... And we can experience these and be set for life,
if we realize that life on earth is nothing but not necessarily meaningless; for
while it may have a physical end, but if we are connected with our Creator and
the Maker of the universe regularly and in humility, we can have peace today,
and an eternity with Him in glory...
501 years ago, a
virtually unknown but locally notorious pirate chieftain decided that his
people and culture are never inferior, and successfully fought off a meddling
and pompous foreign invader (who unbelievably went off his rockers for a bit
that time), and his vastly outnumbered but equally feeling proud and superior men,
through brawns, and locational advantage... Not all of life's battles can be
miraculously or forcefully won; yet we invoke the same die-hard spirit, that
never surrenders in the face of aggression, and that never gives up in the
onslaught of the enemy--be they real people and fierce armies, or attacks
against our persons, our souls and spirits, and even our sovereignty and
In repentance, there
is healing and salvation... Our Savior, and even His "Elijah" - -
John the Baptist, call on us all to repent and transform our ways of thinking
and doing, as He ushers in His kingdom's work in our lives... And it is this
that leads us to deliverance and salvation in His Name, and true healing - -
physically, emotionally and mentally... For while we may find some measure of
comfort in nature and beauty, in human relationships and achievements, even in
financial and material security; yet it is only when we abandon our
"nets" - - our own efforts at trying to live the good life, and
follow Him and His Words and ways, can we find true peace and lasting
abundance, life and eternity...
decisions... A term we often hear in games, the making and execution of which
often determines ultimate victory or not... In real life too, we often make
such kinds of choices; and almost always, character determines our choice,
while character again is what we employ as we deal with the consequences... May
we always make choices and decisions with truth and knowledge, wisdom and love,
and in righteousness, peace and joy...
Immanuel Yeshua... The
Lord with us is the God who saves... And our belief in and acceptance of that
is a matter of faith with lifelong and eternal consequence... Whether we
believe and obey like Joseph, or harden our hearts and destroy or disobey like
Herod, history and eternity will give us justice and reward... May we choose
the better way, life over death, obedience over hard-heartedness, eternity in
His kingdom over that which is not...
Even if our parents
and elders, guardians or benefactors gave and invested all they can to be who
and where we are now, logic, the better part of human culture and tradition,
good sense, wisdom, maturity and responsibility demand--when we already have
the means, no matter how little--that we pay for ourselves the rest of the way;
while leaving something from time to time, to give glory, honor, joy and
recognition to those whom we owe what we are now... May we not be remiss in
this, not a duty to be compelled by, but an act of love and filial piety...
The last two chapters
in the Old Testament call us back to an evaluation of our priorities in life;
as to whether we are working for the accumulation of material things, thinking
that they provide security for the future; or whether we work to do God's will
and His purpose as our calling in life--that of faith and hope, encouragement
and support of our fellowman, and a life of justice and goodness, fairness,
mercy, generosity and love... Otherwise, as He says, our choice will determine
how we will fare in His great day, as each of us are called to account for how
we have lived, and how we have made life better for others... May we make the
right choice daily, until the end of our days...
Dinosaurs appeal to
kids and adults alike, most probably due to popular media... And that's a good
introduction to a life of curiosity and knowledge about science... But just as
the big ones became lost at extinction many years ago, so should our own
outdated notions about life, nature and human connections... Yet, many
scientists believe that the closest genetic descendants of the dinosaurs are
the birds and the chicken, along with the crocodiles and turtles; with the
first two serving as our natural alarm clocks even in any Philippine city... So
too, if we have to live through another day, with its modern day challenges and
issues, may we upgrade and adapt ourselves to a world that increasingly demands
a more aware and awake thinking, one that fulfills old prophecies and espouses
new technologies, one that eliminates prejudices and long established beliefs
in lieu of lived reality and heightened demand for truth and accountability...
We own nothing, and we
can bring nothing beyond the grave... Except a testament to a life lived in
humility, in upholding truth and justice, goodness and right, and in giving our
best to fulfill our Creator's will, and for the betterment of our fellowman...
May we heed the prophet's call...
Farting Queen...
Passing gas is funny, embarrassing and healthy; sometimes like the things in
life that make it better - - conscientiousness and empathy, proper hygiene and
sanitation, thriftiness and conservation, accountability and transparency, the
right word at the right moment, or keeping silent when the need arises... One
of my primary grade school teachers said to fart near the plants, and to "pagpag"
after... Indeed, nothing quite
like nature to humble us, soothe us, and make us realize how much we need it,
how responsible we must be in its care and replenishment, and how good it is to
circulate and pass around the right kind of gas...
Smitten shepherds and
Armageddon... The prophet's last words strangely seem familiar to us who
perceive modern day events: breakdowns in leadership everywhere, and the fall
and breakaway of the people - - religious and secular; and consequently, wars
and invasions, which again strangely seem to be worldwide and nuclear... But
though we are faced with an irreversibly grim future, still, there is hope in
our Creator's promise of remnants, of deliverance and salvation... May we have
hope, courage and strength to endure and persevere; so that no matter what
comes, we may someday all be truly united in worshipping and serving our God in
peace, safety, and everlasting glory...
This insight is
supposed to be for tomorrow yet, but because I'm just stoked about it, here are
my two-cents' worth... Somebody mentioned the phrase, "persecution
complex", to describe a condition where a person or a group of people, propagate
the belief that they are being persecuted and oppressed for what they believe
in; when in fact, it is they who harass others, bully, bulldoze and forcefully
try to impose upon others, their own ideas and principles, no matter how
illogical or far out of touch with history and reality these may be... That's
essentially, juvenile... Modern life is difficult enough as it is, plus many
things we are challenged with now are about to get worse; so, let us just
respect each other's choices and preferences; and stop thinking that because
other people are keeping silent, you who know a little, know more than them...
Be careful, a little learning is a dangerous thing... The one whom you try so
hard to harass and proselytise may actually be a silent genius, and you'd be
embarrassed once that person opens his or her mouth a little, swamp you with
proven and credible facts, and overwhelm you with insight and wisdom... Until
the end of our days, may we then continue to be more circumspect, refined,
respectful, and understanding...
Some of the prophecies
in these passages were quoted in the New Testament as pertaining to the life of
our Savior; and indeed, three decades after His death and resurrection, the
beauty of Jerusalem, its temple, was destroyed; and even until the modern
times, the Jewish people have been on diaspora, where physical bands and bonds
were broken... Yet, not only for them, but for all nations around the world is
it true: that if we choose and get for ourselves leaders, especially
narcissistic ones whom we idolize, but who only seek to enrich and empower
themselves without considering improving the lives of their people, then
surely, nations and communities are ruined... May we have wisdom to decide and
humility to heed, when we select and even become, the leaders needed for the
Old habits die hard...
But in order to meet the challenges of modern life, it is wisdom to let go of
old habits, beliefs, principles and systems that prevent us from becoming all
we need to be, as we fulfill our Creator's will and purpose for each of us...
And so, we must evaluate daily, what are those that we must let go, and those
that we must work on and improve...
Leadership - - being
in charge of many or just one, with an organization or even your family or
offspring - - is a tall order with eternal consequence... Be remiss and
mindless, irresponsible and careless, dishonest and unfaithful, and ruined
lives and futures follow; but to follow after the leadership pattern of our
Savior - - in truth, humility, goodness, justice, wisdom and love - - will earn
for us a place in His kingdom, and an eternal reward for guiding people in the
right path, and for helping make their lives better...
It isn't always who we
claim to be that shows people the real us; but often it is our preferences, our
persuasions, the people we rally behind and support, our deeds and the causes
we fight for... May they be filled with truth, with justice and right, with
goodness, mercy and love...
Fasting according to
our God is never about tradition or religious practice, or a physical weight
loss habit; but it is an external manifestation of living a life of justice,
fairness, godliness, honesty, mercy, generosity, kindness and truth; it should
be our physical illustration of our freedom from the burden of malice and
pride, of selfishness and greed... And if we really do fast from a cruel and
evil life, from an adversarial and proud spirit, and live for Him and for the
betterment and upliftment of our fellow men and women, we have His promise that
His blessings and grace will surely overflow... May we truly live for Him for
the rest of our days...
No matter how much we
try to paint over it, nip it, tuck it, stretch it, or suck it in, trying to
look like a 16-year old with baby clear glassy skin and an 18-inch waist line
in middle age isn't going to cut it, is unbecoming and immature, and
detrimental to the mental and physical health (especially if one was never like
that when they were sixteen)... For real beauty is one that has accepted the
onslaught of the years; that recognizes that behind every roll of fat and
sagging fold of skin is a happy and blessed moment full of grace and goodness;
that behind every crease and wrinkle is a priceless moment--happy or sad--that
instilled wisdom, discernment and good sense... May we truly age gracefully, as
the rest of our days and years painstakingly reveal to the world the true
beauty of our souls and spirits...
Lying, stealing and
wickedness are never cute, nor an indulgence, nor a desirable part of anyone's
character... They are cursed in this lifetime and beyond, and the people who do
them and do not reform, will incur our God's wrath and most painful judgment...
But those who change their ways to be good, to live the truth, be honest,
responsible, transparent, accountable, generous, merciful and kind, can have
hope in a sure deliverance and restoration...
Some people say that
Christianity means believing in fables and living in an alternate reality...
Indeed, some of the most brutal wars mankind has seen throughout history had
been made in the name of it; but fortunately too, some of the most humane and
charitable acts done until the present day had been made under its banner...
Which shows us that whatever faith we profess to have, our individual spiritual
state is always a matter of choice: to do good instead of bad, to be merciful,
generous, selfless, forgiving and kind instead of the other way around... May
we always make the right choice as we live our faith, and be a blessing and
peace maker wherever we go...
Not by human might nor
power, but by God's Spirit... Here we see a multi-verse and timeless God,
employing two witnesses or anointed ones, to fulfill His restoration work in
His ancient people: Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest who was among the
leaders who inspired the momentum towards the reconstruction of the temple
after the people's return from captivity, but in spiritual form God's heavenly
high priest... (The most famous Joshua we know was the leader who followed
Moses who, during his human lifetime, also set in practice, the tradition of
writing the Torah and God's history with creation and His people, and thousands
of years after his death, those Words endure to guide and encourage us even in
our time today)... And Zerubabbel, the human governor who oversaw and directed
the restoration of the nation... We see here the work and intent of our eternal
God--that in all of life's calamities and destructions, we can only rebuild
with the spiritual foundation of His Spirit, that gives us hope, wisdom,
capacity and strength... May we not lose the guidance and the lesson of His
anointing and the testimonies of His anointed ones...
No human being--in the
past, now, and in the future--can ever replicate, reenact, augment, or add to,
our Savior's perfect sacrifice on the cross two thousand years ago... Likewise,
no group of people then, now, and in the future, can also replicate, reenact,
conjure or copy His glorious work in the testimony of the first witnesses to
His resurrection... The true measure of faith is to live it daily--freeing
ourselves from pride, greed, envy, lust, materialism, a bloated sense of
self-worth, and the idolatry of our own opinions; faith means we live on in
hope, in love, in humility, in freedom from the world's man-made constructs and
systems about what a good life should be; because a real meaningful and
purposeful life is lived anchored on our God's promise that He will be with us
through the end of age...
In our tropical isles,
it is always hottest after the storm; not only because life on earth--for
humankind and the environment--must come back roaring strong, but may also be
because in an increasingly warming world, nature reminds us to be more mindful,
more aware, more circumspect, tougher yet more humble; and in spite of the ever
more challenges and difficulties in our journey, we have to have stronger
faith, deeper hope, and a more enduring persistence than ever before...
The prophet Zechariah
saw an apathetic world, that claims to be in peace even in times of war and
turbulence, that turns a deaf ear to the suffering of God's people, humanity
and creation... And he calls on all believers even until today too, who are
comfortable with our own little church rituals and traditions, practices and
doctrines, that humor us in our preferences, but render us blind to the plight
of the lives and souls around us we are tasked to help, enlighten and
support... May we always remember that God's word is eternal; and as He called
on ancient Israel to be awake and aware, and to care; so too today, we are
reminded to live our faith not just on weekends but everyday, to proclaim our beliefs
not just through regular church attendance but by being good and helpful
neighbors, to bring peace and life and hope not only to each other in our
little congregations, but to all people around the world, regardless of gender,
race, color, belief or background...
The things we live and
fight for will always catch up with us; and though that may turn out good or
bad, we must always live the truth, be honest and fair, merciful and just,
generous and kind... For then we can be hopeful and confident that no matter
how difficult or painful life gets, there will be an ultimate deliverance and
May we learn from the
death we Christians celebrate today... The Son of God born to be and grew up a
carpenter on weekdays, but a Rabbi who builds the foundation of His ministry
and that of our souls on weekends and in the last three years of His young
life, the King of Glory born on a manger yet died a heinous criminal on the
cross, and the Savior of humanity born of obedient, faithful and humble man and
woman... Like the prophet Haggai said, even though on the rest of the year and
the whole of our lives, we try to do much and accomplish a lot (to even fill
kilometers long of resumes, degrees and licenses, awards and commendations);
that even if we work to the bone to accumulate much to fill several bank
accounts and investments; that even if we try so hard to climb and be on top of
the social or political or career ladder---all these will never be enough...
Because silver and gold, opportunities and favors, wealth and fame, health and
time, eternity and life, all belong to our God; who deserve all our praise and
worship, all our repentance and prayers, all our offerings and obedience... And
just as He sent His Son to show us the simple, humble, peaceful and deeply
joyful life--in spite of persecutions, hardships, conflicts and contradictions,
slanders and perjuries and fake accusations; so too may we learn to take up our
daily crosses, and be willing to crucify and put to death our selfish and
greedy evil natures; that we might die with Him in the perfection of His
complete sacrifice, and someday be raised with Him in ultimate glory...
God made everything
good and perfect in its time... And His definition of good is different from
ours: it is infinitely from a higher and timeless point of view, and eternally
beautiful and meaningful... Therefore, whatever may be the situation, we can
trust and have hope and confidence, that though things may be inconvenient or
even painful and dangerous, everything proceeds according to His great plan;
everything is all working out good...
A great majority of
christendom is now celebrating one of its most solemn feasts... Though that is
commendable by its piety, yet it would be good if not just once but throughout
the year, we all think about the consequences of our sins and rebellions
against our God... For though He is a loving Savior, He also is jealous of our
idolatry, He gets hurt by our disobedience, and He is a fierce and righteous
Judge... And if we do make that realization our driver and motivator for godly
living, we have His assurance that in every situation, He, the God in our
midst, is mighty to save...
What one misses most
about living in the province is the sound the crickets and the frogs make after
the storm and the rain... Yes, it's noisy, but nice and endearing, and not
annoying like drunks tittering and giggling after a karaoke session... Indeed,
if we just listen and pay attention, nature itself is our
clock, calendar, GPS
and warning device... And if we are sensitive to its moods, its needs, and its
thresholds of use and abuse, hence, effectively being good stewards of it, the
rest of creation seems to be what our God willed to help support life, and give
us hope, strength and wisdom...
The hardships and
difficulties we face in life are not unlike that of ancient Israel, secondarily
due to idolatry, but primarily because idolatry is just a result of a prideful,
abusive, greedy, selfish, and oppressive heart, that seeks only to gain and get
what it wants, regardless of the consequences to others... May we learn from
them, and rid ourselves--albeit in much difficulty, but consistently and
permanently--of anything that lifts ourselves above that of our Creator, in
believing that we are invincible and powerful; because we really are not, and
are always one breath away from ceasing to be all we believe and promote
ourselves to be...
We all have plans and
dreams... Some work out, some don't; some we work so hard for, and we believe
we deserve to have, and may even seemingly work out in the beginning, but after
some time, or perhaps some years, we realize are all just meaningless; still,
there are some things, situations or predicaments that come or happen to us
that we did not ask for or feel we deserved... Yet, the keys to hope and peace,
and a truly abundant life, are to be consistently and unceasingly thankful and
joyful in every situation, to understand things deeply, and the skill to know
how to make do with whatever we have in whatever condition, and to act with
confidence, pure and humble motives, and good intentions...
Though the world be
afflicted and nature fails to provide and support life in its due seasons, yet
we will always find joy in the God of our salvation...
Setbacks are not
stops... They are momentary pauses, annoying enough for those of us who have a
strong desire to get ahead and anywhere fast, but meant to make us appreciate
what we have and where we are, until the time we are able to continue and go on
achieving our goals our plans...
Stranded... And on the
In an increasingly
warming world, with fast rising seas and dried up rivers and reservoirs, a few
days of rain becomes an apocalypse to many...
You pass through
highways inundated with floodwaters, washed out and broken houses and bridges,
landslides along mountain passes...
Life indeed is one
great adventure...
And if one is only
after the fun, because YOLO, well...
Try being in the midst
of such catastrophe, and you will learn and realize...
Life is meaningless
with only fun and happiness...
Because a greater joy
and deeper wisdom can be had with the harshest situations, if we manage to stay
May we hold on in
faith to such hope, and in our God's promise of sure deliverance...
Pride, vanity, terror,
ridicule, abuse and oppression of others will not make a person live in peace
and confidence, and deprive that person of wisdom and love; but the person who
is just, humble, merciful and true will live, survive, thrive, and have good
sense and hope by his or her faith...
A life well lived is
not where one's goodness and greatness is claimed and proclaimed far and wide;
but it is one where one's offsprings have grown up well and good, and one that
blesses and graces others, whoever they may be,--in generosity and kindness, on
care and concern, with truth and honesty, with humility and fairness and
Greatness and a
lasting legacy cannot be paid for in violence and blood... For a person or a
nation that lives in force and intimidation, inflicting terror and oppression
on others, will soon find the same heaped upon them... May we learn to live in
peace and justice, in generosity, wisdom and understanding...
Many people say,
"count your blessings"... But the better way is, "be a
blessing", to others and to all creation too...
In the hubbub of
life's traffic, may we remain mindful, respectful, grounded and humble... For
our God - - and for our peace and confidence - - the rude, the abuser and
oppressor are despised; but those who remain faithful and hopeful, and who
persist in doing good, and in living just and fair, will always be blessed and
On another rainy day,
we once again ponder on not letting anything go to waste; whether planting well
to have enough vegetation to drink and soak up that rain, whether to have
budgeted funds and time to repair the leaking roof, whether to have properly
nourished our bodies and invested on good health and vitamins and food
supplements, including stocking the medicine cabinet to keep our bodies healthy
and well, and whether to have scheduled our past time to do our tasks so that even
if the rains leave us stranded with barely a window left to do our tasks, we
could still accomplish our goals and plans... May we not waste a moment
henceforth; because though the rain may slow down our movements, that it will
not dampen our resolve and enthusiasm to do good and have a better life for one
and all...
Through all of life's
changes and challenges, we look unto the God of our salvation...
I've said it before,
and I'll say it again... Journeys are better than destinations...
Lest we be confused,
this passage prophesying the Savior to be born from Bethlehem, indeed came
true, except the common interpretation that He rule with violence to avenge
ancient Israel's enemies... As what we have learned before from the gospels, He
was the real Prince of Peace, He came to bring life and salvation, and the kind
of war He waged and died for was for our souls; and the battles we now wage are
against our selfish, greedy, violent and evil natures; every other physical and
verbal ones are the work of the adversary... May we learn that as the prophet
called out both rich and poor alike for their rebellion, oppressions and
abuses, and calls on all to love and worship our God only, to live humbly and
just and be merciful, so these are our ultimate weapons in achieving our life's
ultimate victory against our carnal and lowly nature...
Indeed, all pained
creatures do cry... We were startled last night when one of my uncles pet game
fowls started bawling; not a crow, or a whine or whimper, but a loud weeping
and wailing, like a hurt human being... Apparently, he and the one next to his
coop had a tussle, he was badly wounded and bloody, was startled in his nap
when the other started attacking him again, and wailed in pain and
frustration... Good thing a few of us, and his master, hurried to where he was,
and he was rescued and helped... Really, if such simple minded fowls could have
somebody pay attention to them, how much more for us, many of whom think that
we are alone... Because our God designed that no matter how painful and
difficult our situation may be, there will always be others who pay attention,
if only to care and call for help, so that deliverance and comfort may come...
May we always hope and pray for that, and be sensitive and thankful when it
comes our way...
Walking under the
right banner, that is, under that of justice, goodness, peace, freedom and
right, will be mankind's key to enjoying a coming glorious future where our
Creator will restore broken humanity and battered creation, to that which
fulfills their true purpose, and for His greater glory... While persisting in
evil, lies, injustice, greed and pride, will be the sure recipe to downfall and
oblivion... May we heed the prophet's voice, not lose hope, stand up for truth
and right, and endure our present day and coming difficulties and troubles,
holding on in faith that someday very soon, deliverance will come...
A popular saying goes
that silence means yes... It could also mean that if silent, that person has
simply run out of things to say, and is either rebuilding their thoughts, or
recalibrating how to respond, or simply uncomfortable with saying anything...
But silence can be golden too, for it can be a pause and a prelude to something
greater that will be revealed, and that needs full attention and focus when
declared... Therefore, as people of peace and confidence, may we learn to enjoy
the silence, probably as much as or more than the noise, because then, we may
get ourselves ready to tackle ever greater challenges, opportunities and
A worse breakdown
awaits those who abuse and oppress others; those who, out of misguided pride
and envy and greed, take away what rightfully belongs to others while refusing
to pay up and be accountable for what they should responsibly be rendering...
Such people are in open spiritual and civil rebellion against our Creator, and
disobedient to His plan and purpose of a peaceful and abundant life for one and
all... May we learn to conduct ourselves rightly, be humble and content, and
always be thankful with what we have; so that we may not be consumed by greed
and selfishness, and not be enslaved by lust and envy...
We are in one of the
most critical moments in the history of humankind; where, as a species, we are
collectively called upon to uphold and defend truth, right, justice and
fairness; where unscrupulous people court our sympathy, flatter our vanity, and
exploit our gullibility, so that they could take advantage of the majority of
us to put them into power and positions of authority and abuse... May we always
ask for wisdom from our God, so that we may discern whatever it is that will
help us preserve our lives and souls, and keep our faith...
Our unfinished
business with God... The book of Jonah seems like an anticlimactic story,
ending with the prophet getting angry with God for not destroying Nineveh as He
prophesied, yet destroying a gourd which shaded the prophet from a scorching
east wind... Some scholars say the story is open to our interpretation, with
how our Maker deals with weak humanity that is still in process in building
character... It is indeed a story that speaks to all of us even today,
especially to make us ponder on our priorities; as they say for example,
whether our motivations be profit or people, or for humanity's rights,
freedoms, and betterment, at the expense of the destruction of the
environment... But the prophet's story shows us a better way: our motivations
and actions should be that of mercy and care, generosity and stewardship...
Because all created beings belong to the One who made them and caused them to
exist, and we are mere guides and mentors; we do not own anything, we do not
lord over anybody, but that we have the responsibility to care for people, and
the environment, with all that's within our power, and to let God have His will
and way in all of them...
There is no greater
crime than poisoning the minds of the young with lies, half-baked truths,
ignorance, ill-informed judgments, hypocrisy, biases and prejudices... Because
we not only mislead for a time, but improperly mold a character, destroy a life
and doom a future... May we all be honest and true to our children and the
youth, faithful and accountable, generous and gentle, trustworthy and
Scientists debunk the
veracity and plausibility that Jonah could have stayed in the belly of the
great fish for three days and three nights, because he would already have died
and been properly digested during that entire time... Yet, this is the
illustration used by our Savior for the period of His death and resurrection...
And so, we learn that whether biologically accurate or not, the point of this
story is that if God is not done with us yet, and that He still has plans for
our lives to bring Him glory and honor, He will always find a way to save us even
from the deepest oceans, the hardest battles, and the most difficult
situations... Such is our golden time with Him, so that may we learn our lesson
from the prophet Jonah's turnaround, and may we not let such precious chance go
to waste...
Only those who can
truly see can differentiate between light and darkness; the blind may imagine
or sense through the skin, but things wouldn't be clear or accurate all the
time... So is it with our minds: the truly darkened ones may pretend to be
knowledgeable, nice and good, but really, not getting anywhere past their
ignorance, pride and greed... May we let the Word enlighten our minds, and be
our guide through the rest of our days...
The kingdom of Esau is
both an ancient symbol and modern illustration of God's sentiment and judgment
against a proud people, who believe that they are living at the top of society,
that they are unmovable, invincible and indispensable... Yes, apparently modern
life exposes a lot of them today too, and our God will always have the same
judgment: their ultimate downfall and comeuppance, the ruin of all that they
have worked for and took pride in, and the deliverance and salvation of those
they have oppressed, abused, harassed, insulted, maligned and trampled on...
May we be cunning yet humble like Jacob, and not follow after smug and proud Esau...
Truth, wisdom, knowledge
and understanding are not alternate realities; but they should be our everyday
reality, and should govern our every action and motivation...
No place to hide and
run to... Like what the prophet said to the ancient Israelites, including the
Philistines and Syrians, our God will always catch up with and reach out to His
people--whether they be escaping out of guilt and shame, or for their lives...
For it is He who created everything, especially mankind; and though we try so
hard to live according to our own convictions and standards, but nobody
(whatever may be our race or nationality) is exempt from living the reality
that evil and hurtful deeds will always ruin and destroy, and that repentance
and humility will always result in goodness and peace..
People who are often
too proud of themselves and are always ever throwing their weight around, will
pretty soon realize that life these days will only expose their stupidity and
ignorance... Yet, they continue to feel high and mighty still, even though
their vulnerability and weaknesses are revealed... May we all remain humble,
because with humility comes wisdom, understanding, mindfulness, awareness and
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