LEARNING DEEPLY, May 1-31, 2022
Blessed are those who are not offended in the Bread of Life... Because more than miracles and blessings, and even regular church attendance and participation, the true measures of faith are acceptance of what our God can do, and His will and plan for each of His children; and obedience through a lifestyle lived for His glory, emulating His motives and works of mercy, and replacing our own selfish, proud, and fame-seeking agenda, to one like His that gives life and hope, and builds other people up rather than pulling them down...
All around us we hear,
see and feel the looming economic and food crises, which, a few months back,
some of the proudest and most ignorant among us deny and mock... But just as
one cannot deny the onslaught of rains during the monsoon season, so can we not
deny that things are getting more difficult from here on... Are we getting
ourselves ready, setting our priorities right, investing in our health and
hygiene, strengthening our connections with family and friends, and setting
firm resolve in our minds and spirits that however difficult things may become,
we do not lose focus and get discouraged, keeping our hopes up and our faith on
a better day, a better future?... Still...
The heart keeps us
alive... What many believers profess to be the heart of the Bible is where our
Savior exposes the heart of God: His love of the world--humanity and His
creation, but not our corrupt human-made systems that only bring pain and
oppression, abuse and death... This love, this heart, this mercy and grace
wakes us up each day, and keeps us going, even through doubts and difficulties,
discouragement and deprivation... For we know that the God who made miracles
then, still continues to work now, in our hearts and minds, in our generation
and era... He is still transforming lives, renewing minds, setting priorities right,
and which we who claim to follow Him are expected to heed and live by too...
Raw power... Sometimes
we rejoice and take pride in the wrong things, most of them aesthetics,
physical attributes, material and carnal... But while it is good to be
concerned and sensitive with what our senses can perceive, it is unhealthy,
unbecoming and ungodly to lose our focus with what goes on inside ourselves:
our minds, hearts, our characters and the state of our souls, and especially
the values and priorities we instill in our kids... May there be no conflict
when we teach them and for us to try to live to be beautiful and substantial
inside, rather than focus on sizes, weights and waistlines; and to strive to
fill our and their minds and souls with knowledge and wisdom, good manners and
respect, humility, tact and understanding, rather than objectify bodies and
worship wealth, fame and worldly standards and achievements...
Boycotts and
sanctions... Perhaps at no other time in human history, have more been done to
make political statements... In reality though, such actions barely make a dent
in the wealth of the oligarchs, the cronies and enablers who have massive
treasuries offshore; but far too often devastating to the employees and workers
who will be laid off when the store or business gets closed, especially for
bankruptcy or litigation... And so, we may have to think twice before deciding
not to buy a certain product, or not patronize a certain store, or not avail of
a certain service; unless we have jobs and capital available for those who
might lose their source of income and livelihood...
The Word since the
beginning, the Life, the Light... The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of
the world, full of Grace and Truth... When we believe in His message and follow
His leading, like water turned to wine, our empty lives will turn to ones of
more significance and substance... And the more we follow, the more time,
energy and attention we invest, even the rest of our days, we age better like
fine wine, and we get to keep our souls with Him too...
Every day is a new
day... And a new chance to make things better and to do more... And we can have
confidence in such opportunity because we believe that our God, whose
faithfulness is great, pours out His new mercies every morning...
Unto all nations,
beginning at Jerusalem... The superscripted King of the Jews is our King too,
to whom have been preached His Kingdom of repentance and remission of sins...
Thus, may we continually spend the rest of our days in His spiritual temple, by
living lives in humility and godliness, generosity and wisdom... For His
kingdom demands not that we forget our past lives to move on, but to
acknowledge and accept its consequences now, like the other malefactor, yet,
humbly strive to ask and pray that He bring us with Him wherever He may go in
glory, and to be patient and wait for the Father's daily promised power and
presence, and in this strength go about our lives, and until the end of our
May we always be vocal
with the truth we know; though many whose beliefs and convictions have been
shaped by lies, fake news and propaganda, gaslightings and fact revisions, will
only treat such as unheard noise... Because as the Savior said and called for,
there will always be people who have eyes to see, ears to hear, minds that are
open, and hearts that accept... And, moving on means yes, forgiving the hurt,
but never forgetting the lesson, and going forward into the future aware and awake,
even if faced by doubts and uncertainties; and from now and henceforth,
remaining responsible, accountable, and in humility and fortitude, while
upholding the good values of delicadeza and palabra de honor... For, though the
road be long, narrow, uneven and rocky, still, living the truth is liberating,
and justice and right worth fighting for... We can be verbal, we can be silent,
but we can always make our intentions and principles clear with the lives we
lead, and the causes we follow and keep...
A foreign columnist
very recently wrote about how morally and ethically wrong it is for some people
to be so rich, to accumulate so much wealth for themselves and their nuclear
families, when the world, now more than ever, needs more people to share, to
help, and to give to those who have less, have been deprived, and are less
able... I truthfully cannot understand such reasoning though, other than maybe
smell a whiff of envy down there... What I do believe however, having grown up
from a poor family, is that if one has faith in God's promises and blessings,
that if one works hard, live within their means, save diligently for the future
and for whatever it is they want, and try to live honestly, humbly, generously,
peacefully, and patiently, persevering even through the most difficult
situations and deprivation, and keeping themselves far from envy and greed;
that success, prosperity and abundance will come in their proper times... What
I observe too, is that wealth could never be brought beyond the grave; and no
matter how much money or how many or how big are the properties left to
children, almost often it becomes contentious and litigious, hence, the need to
be settled by the courts, with the tax man ever on hand to collect huge taxes
and penalizing or surcharging for failure to do so, and absent the necessary
influence and connections... And so I realize that the best legacy one can
leave to their children and the next generation is a life of humility,
curiosity, fortitude and perseverance; for, inheritance can be easily dwindled
and wasted away, but especially in their most difficult times, children will
always remember their elders' teachings and admonitions, their wisdom and
character, their virtues and reminders... Unlike money or property whose value
fluctuates but most often depletes over time, legacies of faith and wisdom, of
godliness and good character will only grow with the telling, and will only
solidify the more they are remembered and conjured... May we learn to see and
apply the true value of things, that our lives and the lessons we leave behind,
be proven worthy and meaningful...
Watch and pray... Just
as our Savior's timeless words reach to our time, and His passion and suffering
paralleled and credible in history, so too the faith that He planted in us,
must persist and endure, and be minted and proven true until His promised day
of return... We watch the unfolding events of our time, and contrary to the
natural fright, fight or flight instincts, we get down on our knees and pray,
and increase our faith... And as history, civilization and human systems
continue to unravel before our eyes, we settle our hearts to believe in an
ultimate deliverance and an eternal reward, so that we may keep our souls...
Good things come to
those who wait, and better to those who wait some more... It's a cliche that
has always been proven... That if one is not much enamored with instant
gratification, easy access, and the promise of high reward in a short time,
they get better control of their lives and purses, and receive better and more
worthy returns, not to mention legit ones... Such act of waiting is also a
lifetime scientific metric of emotional intelligence, and one that proves a
person's mettle, their characters and quality... May we strive to patiently and
persistently do things in the right and honest way, that through our endurance,
we gain not just material returns, but our souls and the better and more
refined versions of ourselves...
Paying our dues... Our
Savior reminds us that we are mere stewards of life, called to give account at
the end of it for every word spoken, every deed, and every endeavour; and that
whatever we have accumulated do not really belong to us, and we could not bring
beyond the graves; and to fulfill the true purpose of wealth, which is to give
Him His due, to our human authorities our tribute and taxes, to share with the
unfortunate, and those who are having more difficulties than we are as long as
it is within our power... May we be careful lest greed and carelessness, pride
and entitlement, rule over us, that we might learn and grow not to break our
good promises, that we might settle our debts and dues responsibly, and prove
ourselves trustworthy and true...
Happiness in
knowing... Somebody once said in a social media platform that many smart people
seem to be under-achievers, are just content in knowing and understanding
things, and if ever they share their ideas and truths, are not really compelled
to convince people to subscribe, nor to rise up and/or be recognized or get
famous for it... Maybe simply knowing and understanding are, like work itself,
their own rewards; as the Proverbs say, "wisdom is supreme... with all your
getting, get understanding" (4:7)... May we spend the rest of our days in
wisdom, in knowing and understanding, that it may go well with us and the
people we spend our lives with...
The kingdom of God is
within us, and that we must remember Lot's wife... Our Savior's timeless words
reach out to us today, that we might indeed remember that heaven and its
rewards begin now, the moment we decide to take our Savior's words; to let go
of our attachments to materialism and worldly esteem, to give what we have that
others may live better lives, and that in times of calamities, if we must save
ourselves and those whom we care about, to not hesitate and still long for the
things we have accumulated, but to literally and spiritually, run for our lives
and souls... We are reminded lastly, that as He did, we are to continue to
uphold and promote peace and life and healing, to be thankful with what we have,
to do the best with what we can; that even if the world around us should be
breaking and falling down, we can have the confidence that He who created us,
will also save our souls, and lead us to His eternal kingdom...
Sleight of hand...
Some wise and modern thinkers say that we are all heading fast to a doomsday of
our own making, but most of us are either too proud and ignorant to know, and
too smug and lazy to do something about it... And what's worse, the people we
chose to put in leadership positions now and those whom we look up to, are the
ones selling us out... Indeed, that's a horrifying and terrible indictment,
which is not inconsistent with what the Word and the ancients have long
prophesied... But, there is hope; for as the Word said, to let evil continue to
wreak havoc if it must have its way, but let those who aspire to do good also
continue with their mission and their life's work... For until the end of time,
in spite of troubles and difficulties, the life that is lived for truth,
justice, mercy, and right, will still be counted more worthy and meaningful,
and more rewarding and satisfying too...
Blessed are the lost,
for they will surely be found... Blessed are the people who humbly admit that
human life--no matter how rich or thick, how crowded, gilded or pedestalled--will
never be enough without our God's presence, and will never be full unless
touched and guided by our Creator and King... For, even in lack and
deprivation, even in difficulty and suffering, even if we have wasted all in
riotous living, there is hope that when we humbly repent and return, strive to
be reconciled, and resolve to offend no more, that a loving and forgiving
Father awaits with His banquet and embrace...
The dance of life...
I'm always amazed by how our indigenous people--our living cultural treasures--could
express their deepest longings and desires, prayers and emotions through
dance... Sometimes we see their prayers for rain and abundance; and we feel
their prayers for life--to spend more time with the people they love, and for
strength--that they may still earn their keep and be able to feed their
families, their communities, and the nation... Indeed, words are never enough
to fully manifest who we are; and so may we learn from them to express our
thoughts, our feelings, our proclaimed faith and deepest convictions through
actions, through our choices, through the lives we lead...
Counting the cost...
Living godly, just, fair, right, and with the Truth entails swimming against
the tide, being comfortable alone or with the minority, and being courageous
and brave with one's convictions and mandate... But our Savior has shown that
it is okay, for just as we only need a pinch of salt to flavor a dish, so too
only a few but who are imbued with His indwelling presence, inner power and
spiritual might, a few who gain wisdom and are passionate about His cause and
the things and kinds of people He cares about, can bring about a good change in
their families, their communities, and the world...
A good startup culture
is a fertile breeding ground for strong entrepreneurial spirits, encouraging
people to make do with what is available, but not just be content and make up for
what seems to be lacking and necessary, and to make the best with whatever
opportunity and possibility handed their way... In career and business, and
even in the personal aspects of life, an entrepreneurial spirit is always a
good and worthy asset; for life is made more meaningful and worthy, if one
develops the confidence in making do, the courage and patience to make up, and
the wisdom and freedom to make the best of things...
Ask, seek, knock; or
to every endeavor, a commensurate reward... Our Savior did not miss
opportunities in reminding His physical audience, and us now, that the things
we struggle for, will always tell on us, and will determine our future: whether
that be knowledge and wisdom, justice and right, generosity and magnanimity, or
the more mundane and natural selfishness in looking out only for our own
interests yet appearing beautiful and righteous on the outside... But let us
keep in mind though, what great responsibility and privilege there is in just
being alive itself; and what more responsibility and accountability await those
who know and were given more... For a complete life is a completely poured out
one: whatever grace and goodness we have been favored with are meant to be
shared with others, that there may be room for more of God's love and mercy in
our lives...
A dangerous
question... Asking about things is the basic step to knowledge and
understanding... Yet, many people have been mocked and ridiculed, even their
lives ruined and taken, simply for asking about something deemed dangerous to
the interests of those who have something to hide... But how can one protect
and uphold something vague, something they do not fully know and understand...
Still, the right questions, however uncomfortable, must be asked... For it is
only in knowing that we learn the truth, and it is only in understanding that
we gain wisdom and courage to live free and fair...
Nothing for the journey,
save for His mercy and grace... When our Lord sent His disciples, and seventy
or more others, even the one who had yet to bury his parents or see them to old
age, and the one who had yet to say goodbye to his household, we are reminded
that whatever will be the situation and circumstance, for them and us now, we
are to preach about and live His kingdom of salvation, of peace and
reconciliation, of wisdom and discernment, and of truth and life; and to be a
light and blessing wherever we go... If people accept the message, they can
share His grace with us; if not, there is no condemnation, for life itself
makes us all suffer or enjoy the consequences of our choices... May we remain
faithful and trustworthy with the message entrusted to us, and prove it with
lives lived in humility and fairness, generosity and understanding, justice and
We have yet to finish
the first half of the gregorian year, yet it is amazing to see a general spirit
of stubbornness rule the times and peoples across much of the world; where people
insist each of them are right; where they do not listen to reason and good
sense and even facts, calling such as fake news or bullying, firmly believing
that they themselves know that they are right, even if they might lack some
basic knowledge... But we have seen through the lives of others, how
stubbornness often results in misfortune and regret... Very well then, since we
have made our choices, may we brace ourselves for more of the difficulties we
have been warned about, and strengthen ourselves for the troubling
uncertainties that lie ahead... Still...
Patience and respect
are two of the truest hallmarks of faith... As what these passages demonstrate,
we have a God who can heal and deliver and save; yet, we must show deep respect
for Him and humbly submit to His will... For whether we ultimately gain the
freedom from pain and suffering that we seek or not, everything that we
experience is because our Creator God cares for us; and more than physical
illness, He shows that He cares more about the salvation of our souls, and the
renewal of our hearts and minds...
Rains on our parade...
The weather bureau said that monsoon season has officially begun... Though many
lament what may seem like a short summer, because the monsoons mean less
opportunity to get out and have some beach fun and more floods; yet, this
season is also a much-needed break and life-giver to our scorched and dried up
land and environment... Yes, nature does follow its regular pre-ordained seasons;
but it is amazing that some people can't seem to accept that it is so with
human life, and that one does not stay in a certain position, level or
situation forever, because others and other opportunities have to take their
turn... One does not always get sunshine and rainbows, or much profit and
riches, or fun and games... There are times to keep still, to stay indoors and
introspect, and times of want and lack... So then, like the proverbial ant, may
we reflect on what we have done to save for these rainy days... And like it,
may we too realize a thing or two, grow and mature, be more honest, humble,
faithful, trustworthy, and be more responsible and accountable; especially
since each time the rains pour on our parade, is a time to be drenched, to be refreshed
and to reflect and learn...
For good measure...
More than miracles of healing and physical deliverance, our Savior's short
physical ministry of eternal significance teaches us that true salvation,
healing and deliverance are of the heart and mind, a repentant and humble
spirit, faith and obedience to God and the Words spoken by the One Whom He sent
to us and Whom we love... Whether we doubt the veracity of His Words or even
His historicity and existence, we know His Words are true and relevant, more so
in our time today... May we not harden our hearts against Him, and open our
minds and souls to the glorious possibilities that believing in Him, and
honestly, transparently, consistently and persistently living the radical life He
preaches can bring...
When in doubt, know
more... It's the natural human instinct to discover things, in order to cure
ignorance... It's a milestone in human development, that's why kids are
curious... Yet it seems counter-intuitive when, especially manifested during
this pandemic, and as massively enabled by social media, far too many people
around the world (our country cited as belonging to the top, in one recent
science survey) choose to believe and propagate lies and conspiracy theories,
historical revisions and propaganda, rather than knowing facts and truly useful
information... Is it pride, laziness, cowardice?... Are we ashamed to admit to
the world we don't know much, and doggedly insist on being so, that they might
not ridicule us?... That's a burdensome life... May we live with humility and
try our best to know more of what is true; because truth will set us free, and
will lead us to the greater future that we all aspire...
Our Savior and His messenger, John the Baptist,
again presented to us the kind of alternative life that He brings: the good
news of His kingdom and salvation will be preached to and lived by the
poor--people who neither have the material means, nor power and connection or status
in society, who fall through the gaps and are otherwise would be deprived of
favors and benefits afforded to those who have and who can afford; and how
God's spirit and power work in them to bring healing and comfort, deliverance
and true freedom, enlightenment and wisdom, generosity and benevolence, respect
and care for all, the upholding of truth and justice and right, and a life of
contentment and peace through whatever circumstance... Quite the opposite to
how the world works, and by the metrics with which it uses to measure victory,
success and prosperity... May we have the humility, wisdom and courage to
choose the better life that only our Savior can bring...
One can lose, without
losing the lesson; and if one wins, to not be smug, puffed up, or condescending
about it... For as we learn from victorious athletes, truly winning a game or
match or competition does not happen on the exhibition or contest ground, but
in the practice and work out halls, and in the many hours, tests, trials, and
attempts made to prepare for and to actually compete in countless matches...
Indeed, true victory manifests in one who has developed the endurance and
strength, the maturity and fortitude, while remaining humble, noble, gracious
and kind...
The story of the birth
and childhood of our Lord and Savior, and that of his human cousin and
messenger, John the Baptist, is too far removed from the commercialism with
which we celebrate it, and would even offend the prudes and perfectionists for
bring scandalous even in its time... Yet, here we learn about faith and
obedience--to God, to parents, to the authorities and even the customs and
culture of the community... Our Savior has shown us that He dwells among the
downtrodden and the poor, being born in a manger rather than a rooming house or
physician's clinic, and His messenger living in life's desert, bereft of
comforts and open to the elements, while bearing the most important message of
our lives: to repent of our prideful, greedy and selfish nature, and embrace a
life of humility and wisdom, truth and transparency, simplicity and
responsibility, obedience and faith... May these lessons not be lost on us, and
give us strength and courage throughout the rest of our days...
Less invested, less
expected... When we really haven't invested much time, attention, energy and
effort on something, either believing or being aware that it doesn't have much
substance, we can believe that it may not have much to deliver, and so we can
afford to detach ourselves from it, or not expect it to amount to much... The
contrary however, is what happens when we are so passionate about something or
someone, even to the point of working out a rage whenever something challenges
or critiques our choice... But herein lies wisdom... For by fallible human
nature and the natural order of things, reality too often comes out far from
expectation... And so, may we be circumspect, learn to ignore slights or
insults and offenses, and just be pragmatic about things... For as a wise
father had said, if something is true and genuine, it will be proven,
especially when life takes a turn for the worse... For surely then, the fake
and the illusion will falter, at the very least, will fail, and at worst, will
ruin our carefully constructed narratives and made up realities... May we have
the wisdom, humility, fortitude and patience to live through, however things
turn out to be...
It is human nature not
to believe anything unless we see it ourselves... It was true in Jesus' time,
and even ours today; however now, it has been exploited by unscrupulous people,
who propagate lies by filtering images, twisting and superimposing made up
falsities, so that our youth are often fooled and misled... Yet, the truest
witness is the lives we lead... People will see how real and powerful,
trustworthy and believable our message is, if we apply it first to ourselves,
and it has borne fruit in a life of wisdom and humility, hope and courage,
faith and kindness, peace and joy... May we not lose the testimony and message
of our Savior's death and resurrection, for that will be the anchor for our
souls through the rest of our days...
Tact is the ability to
say the right word at the right moment... It is a blessing, for it gives hope
and joy, and it brings life and peace... It is also a measure of a person's
wisdom and maturity... And unlike flattery and fanservice, condescension and
speaking in a saccharine manner, since it is real and honest, the Proverbs
(25:11) compares it to apples of gold, in choice settings of silver-- precious
and enduring, of greatest worth and with unmatched significance... May we learn
to speak with tact, that we may grow in wisdom and love, and be a blessing
wherever we go...
In the first
organization I worked for, the sirs and madams always remind us neophytes that,
"what goes up, must come down", a loving and gentle rebuke to stay
humble with every little achievement, every accomplished project, every mission
done, and especially in promotions... For the victories one thinks to have
achieved by themselves, may actually just be heaven's graceful condescension
and not-entirely-merited favor to a prideful and over-confident honor graduate,
that when one starts to feel entitled and puffed up, could spell the beginning
of doom of one's career... Strangely, that seems to be what is necessary in
everyday life too... We may think we have the upper hand, but soon something
breaks down our house of cards; or we may feel disadvantaged for a time, yet
something greater and better awaits tomorrow... And so, may we remain mindful
and attentive, at peace and content, because like the proverbial wheel of life,
what goes up soon comes down, but that we must always persistently endure and
patiently yet doggedly head towards our noble destinations...
Watch and pray... In
this second retelling of our Savior's warning about our times, and of His
suffering and trial, we are again reminded that because His words are true and
His promises eternal, we are to keep faith and keep ourselves from growing cold
and denying His work in our lives... Yes, troubles will always happen, and lies
will propagate, with many claiming salvation and deliverance for a world mired
in poverty and corruption, crime and hopelessness; but we must have the
discernment to realize truth from a well-constructed scam, because only our
Lord can truly save and give us the kind of peace and truly abundant future He
promised... And just as He humbled Himself to His suffering and indignity in
front of the human authorities of His time, so too we are called upon to be
humble and obedient, first of all to the kind of life He calls for, that would
truly lead to sincerity in being humble and law-abiding to ruling authorities
in our world now... A godly citizen is a good citizen; and a true believer, one
who is truly saved and destined for eternity in His kingdom, is one who watches
and prays...
Condescension and
appeasement are never good strategies... They only show a blatant ignorance and
lack of discernment about the true state of things, a false sense of pride and
entitlement, a laziness and lack of wisdom on how to set things to right, and a
general poverty of the spirit... For truth and justice cannot be buried with a
white-washed lie, nor by extending an olive branch when one has plunged a knife
through the heart of reason and good sense... May we learn to recognize when
the wolf has put on the sheep's clothing, and preserve our souls by being
transparent and true, humble and wise, courageous and hopeful that soon, truth
and justice, goodness and right will ultimately prevail...
God reveals His wisdom
and pours out His grace in the grassroots... Very strangely like modern life,
it is the poor, the sick who cannot afford medications, the oppressed and
abused, the downtrodden and neglected, where wisdom and humility are found, and
where our Lord's mercy and grace are much appreciated... And like modern life
too, it is those in positions of power and wealth, where truth is trampled
upon, where worship and obedience of Him are hypocritically done, and where
greed and corruption and crime are most rampant and lorded over... Yet, there
is hope, for as the vineyard owner will do, He will surely return, set things
to right, and bring justice to all... May we humble ourselves like the colt and
the little children, persevere and endure with the little that we have like the
widow with the two-mite offering, that our lives, though full of hardship and
pain, yet because we know we are kept by the God of Mercy and Grace, will still
be worthwhile and meaningful...
It's disheartening to
see the ideals of your youth and childhood be marred and broken by people who
will not hesitate to pull all stops just to prevent anything from making a dent
in their intent to rewrite history so that they could hold on to power; and a
huge disappointment too, to be enabled in it by a generation that increasingly
believes it knows best more than its elders, that it can blatantly disrespect
previous generations of wisdom and experience, just because it is
technologically savvy, and always online... It's not surprising though, because
we know, as we have been raised up to understand, that with knowledge and
wisdom come humility and understanding, which we did the best we could, to
attain and live by; but we were also aware even as the ancients prophesied,
that pride and greed will increase, will corrupt our young, render them proud
and entitled and stiff-necked, and will not listen to truth and good
instruction... But as the Proverbs say there is hope, if we can raise and train
some of our youth to be godly and humble, to be curious, not to be lazy to know
and learn, to do extensive research and critical thinking, to think deep and
reflectively, to have the courage to uphold truth and right, to protect the
rights of others, and to promote and live with justice and peace... They are
God's gift to us, precious treasures to protect and mold well, that they may
become the hope and the light of the future, and that their lives would become
worthy and meaningful... Collectively, as members of an enlightened humanity,
may we fulfill our duties every day...
If we can believe...
Real, living faith entails giving up on our preconceived notions and prejudices
about what life and people should be like, and embracing like a child, the endless
possibilities that humility and obedience to our Savior can bring... For this
will bring us peace and healing, and will bear fruit in our lives, as we
radiate and share such virtues to all we meet...
Maturity is coming to
terms with the past, acknowledging our faults, making reparations for our
offenses and misdeeds, and making sure that the future will not see a repeat of
our ills, shortcomings and negligence... For, as our hero has said, that he who
doesn't look back to the past, who doesn't learn from what has been, will never
reach their worthy destinations... Because truly moving on is settling our
baggage and the burdens we have imposed on others, and facing the future in
hope, faith, truth, humility and right...
He is Christ, the
Messiah, the anointed One... And if we obey Him and claim to be called in faith
by His Name, we must follow His Words: that our insides matter more than our
outside, that we are to bring life and peace and healing, that we are to honor
our parents and elders, that we let not doctrines of greed and pride cloud over
His gospel of love and salvation, repentance and humility; and live our lives
dedicated to His kingdom, instead of the world's systems and acknowledgment and
traditions... It is a difficult calling, but worthy of eternal significance, as
it is anchored on the Creator of the universe itself...
We parents and elders
always want the best for our youth, so much so that we do not want them to
experience the hardships and deprivation, the abuses, oppression and trauma we
went through growing up, and having and raising them... Yet, like little
children, sometimes they need to be bumped, bruised, hurt, disillusioned and
broken in order to learn... And even if they may be too confident to admit it,
and we are tempted to say, "I told you so", yet we can be confident
that facing up to their own unique challenges and difficulties, and the issues
and troubles of their own time, they will learn and mature... Oh yes, by God's
mercy and grace, they will...
Do not be afraid, just
believe, and be made whole... For all the tumult in our bodies, hearts, minds
and spirits, our Savior only has these reassuring words... And indeed, by them,
we live... And so, may we show how much we love and worship Him by heeding His
Words... Let us have faith in spite of our brokenness and brokenheartedness,
that our God will still heal and restore, will still rain on us His mercy and
peace, and that our lives and bodies will be made whole again; because we know
that we have a God who fulfills His promises, who gives and does more than we
could ever ask for or imagine...
Walking more... Health
experts say that to maintain good health, one has to move more, that is, to
either walk, run, dance, or work out more times than staying put, talking,
sitting or being sedentary... And in all aspects of life, that seems to be
needed too: actions should be done more than plans, implementations should
trump dreams and promises... And for a better future, that is our duty too:
from the highest post in the land, down to the most humble servant, and even
the littlest kid on the block... So, for our greater tomorrow, and for our future
generation, let us be vigilant and mindful, and make this the start of our
everyday default, where we move and act more, encourage each other to do
likewise, and deliver precisely and grandly on what we talked and dreamed and
promised about...
There is nothing hidden
that will not be revealed... The retelling of our Savior's teachings and
miracles, leadership and actions showed us again that He gets His priorities
right, that He doesn't waste time, that He owns up to His choices and
preferences, and shows us that even if some things are difficult and difficult
to understand, but if we persist in faith and obedience, everything will come
to light and proper fruition... May we let His Word and love bear fruit in us,
so that more than miracles of healing, we will gain the deliverance of a mind
of wisdom, and the true healing of a life of godliness, responsibility,
accountability, and stewardship of the now and of the future...
Unscripted... When one
lives according to truth and right, justice and godliness, wisdom and fairness,
there is no need to fear the future, or to try to control the narrative and
manipulate how things should go... Because whether we like it or not, things
will always turn out the way they're meant to be, with each generation learning
the hard truth and facing their own challenges and tragedies, and their
ultimate comeuppance too... May each of us have the wisdom and fortitude to
face and weather it all...
Straightway and
immediately... Our Lord and Savior did not waste His time... After His water
baptism by John, He started His ministry by preaching the kingdom, teaching the
people the repentant and new way of life needed for them to have a restored
relationship with God, while addressing their needs through miracles and
healing... And we who call our faith by His Name are likewise commanded: that
as we go about our daily business and earn our keep, to not waste our time
living greedily and selfishly, but to live lives in humility, worship of Him,
and service to fellowman; that His precedence be not lost on us, and that as He
brings healing and deliverance, we extend the same joy, peace and love to all
those around us...
We have different
choices and preferences, but we are Filipinos; wherever we may be in the world
right now, still we are one family, one community, one nation, one people...
May God bless us all with His immeasurable grace and favor, as we vote wisely,
vote nicely, and vote free...
The torn veil and each
of our lifelong mission... We read the last two chapters of the book, and the
first of four retelling of our Savior's suffering, death and resurrection... We
are reminded that His death tore the veil separating us mere mortals from the
presence of the Holy God of Israel and the universe... We now have access to
our Maker, minus the intercession of high priests or anybody else, man-made
tradition and rituals; and it is clear what He wants us to do: to teach all
nations--not just our inner circles, nuclear families and little
congregations--for an inclusive world where His Word bears fruit in our lives,
so that others not only will hear the words we say, but more importantly, see
through the lives we live, how real Christianity has transformed us and will
transform one and all, that we may be assured of His presence and guidance
through the rest of our days, and that we may have the confidence of being with
Him in His kingdom for all time...
It's Silent Sunday,
for tomorrow we decide the future leaders of our nation.... And it seems, like
we did each time, we are voting based on emotions, nostalgia, disinformation, a
tragic misinterpretation of the past, and a sad short-sightedness about the
future... Miraculously though, we always get the kind of government we deserve,
no matter how much we complain about poverty, corruption and dynasties...
Hopefully whoever wins and leads us in the future, we will not regret; and that
though we expect these people to rise up to the challenge of leadership, it is
us who will truly fulfill that role in our families and community, that our
children and future generation may truly benefit, be proud of and thankful
The only way we can
share in our Savior and Lord's pre-ordained yet tragic suffering, prophesied
and glorious resurrection and perfect salvation, is to heed His Words and
follow the pattern He taught us: to be responsible and ready with what we have
anytime, to keep and hold on to our hope and faith, to put to good and wise use
the talents and skills and resources He has blessed us with, and as a way to
show our deep love and respect for Him, to truly care and be generous towards
others, especially the outcast, the oppressed, the different and the people
beyond our nuclear families, and those whom by poor human judgment and blind
prejudice we wouldn't welcome into our inner circles... For just as He denied
Himself and willingly submitted to false accusations in order to suffer and die
a most horrific and unjust death, so too if we deny His Word from bearing fruit
in our lives by not repenting of our cowardice and greed and selfishness, like
what the apostle Peter did to redeem his betrayal and broken relation and faith
with His Master; then we can only expect that though earthly life may be
unburdened and easy for us today because we only live it YOLO and for our own
interests, yet our future and eternity will not be so... May we learn to share
and even give our lives today for His cause, to proclaim the good news of His
kingdom, and how we must live it with transformed lives now, that we might earn
our rightful places in His kingdom forever...
It's difficult to prepare for and
usher in a better future when we are irresponsible and wasteful, dishonest and
delusional, untrustworthy, un-accountable and un-transparent with the here and
now... May we have the wisdom and humility to be mindful and aware of our words
and actions, and their consequences, today and for all time...
In warning His
disciples about the end times, our Savior first condemned hypocrisy, and how it
leads to an actual woeful and miserable existence, even if pleasant on the
outside; while those who remain faithful, consistent, transparent and true,
will be blessed with the wisdom, strength and fortitude to endure, until He
comes and brings about ultimate deliverance and restoration to all who hope in
Him... May these words open our eyes and hearts, awake our senses and minds,
and encourage us to hold on and keep the faith, in spite of whatever trials and
challenges that may come...
There is a reason why
we were born, why we have to wake up each morning, and why we have to do well
what our hands find and are blessed to do each day, until the length of our
days and years run out... My family life teacher once said that as kids, we are
the stars at home; but if we go out to the wider world, each of us are stars
too; and it is growth and maturity that we gain if we are able to adjust
socially in the company of others, especially since they are not part of our
nuclear families... And so, it is our responsibility to understand and fulfill
our life's purpose; to have the wisdom and humility to remember that as we go
about our daily tasks, that the world owes us nothing, that we are not entitled
to everything, that it is not our goal to have more of what we want or feel we
need, or to have or experience the latest and the best of anything; but that
with the short lives we have (compared to the age of the universe), we will
make and have made life on earth for others (and on this side of consciousness)
worth living too...
We who call ourselves
in faith according to His Name, should learn and heed how our Savior uses the
devotion and humility of the silent majority, in illuminating the Word during
His earthly ministry, in upending man-made traditions and superstitions, and in
upping the level of perspective from one that is considered humanly
intellectual, to that which seems confusing because it is beyond reasoning,
that is, the true essence and glory of His heavenly and as-yet invisible
kingdom... In logic these might be difficult to accept, but in faith we know
that because His thoughts are higher, what ails and pains us is not all that;
but that there will always be deliverance, breakthrough, and greater days ahead
if we remain hopeful, faithful, and true... For a life lived with His leading
may be materially poor and physically challenging, but will never be wasted,
and eternally rewarded...
Learning our lesson,
earning our keep... Sometimes, easy answers and freebies come, and we are
grateful for them... But too often, life is confusing and challenging; and it
is a true test of character to understand and accept the bewildering and
uncomfortable, to learn the lesson from things that are difficult to wrap our
minds around, and to still be thankful even when things don't go our way... May
we always open our minds and hearts to the possibilities that even the
difficult and unpleasant things hold for us; for to the humble, faithful,
perceptive and patient, eventually, all things work for good...
Salvation and a life
of faith are matters of choice; whether we spend it married or not, with
children or none... Because one can only try so hard to do good, yet it might
just all be an act; for the true test of a person is one's attachment to wealth
and money, to a life of personally achieved financial security, versus one that
is full of hope and faith that the God we follow also generously provides,
especially if we think less of what we want, stop feeling entitled and
believing that life owes us more, but instead of how we can make life better
for others too... And like a child, innocent and trusting, no malice and full
of confidence, so too, may we learn that in humility and a desire to see His will
in our lives, can we truly be guided and led in the right path for life...
Changing house
curtains... Especially in the provinces, is a visual symbol of getting ready
for festival season and other celebrations... If only outdated notions and
beliefs, toxic attitudes and characters, selfishness and greed could be as
easily changed and discarded... Yet old curtains are still washed and stored
for next changing season, so may we also cleanse and repent ourselves of the
things that we have done to displease our Maker, and that offend our fellowman;
and not just on curtain-changing time, but everyday, strive to share His love,
mercy and grace, His light and hope to one and all...
Paying our dues, and
being accounted for... Our Savior has shown that there is always a time of
reckoning: whether that be a simple catching up with old friends (like His with
Moses and Elijah), in the payment of debts and taxes, in the living of a
wayward and profligate life, in the oppression and abuse of others, a rest from
all our sickness and ills, a break from our stress and burdens, and especially
in proving our walk and ministry--one, like His most tragic suffering and death
and glorious resurrection, or as simple as being called upon to express the
basis and logic of our hope and faith... And that is the real test of our
humanity and heavenly citizenship: whether what we were taught and commanded by
Him translate to a life of love and mercy, generosity and forgiveness, obedience
even to earthly authorities, patience and persistence, and joy and peace, no
matter the situation... May we have the means, the wisdom, and the courage to
settle our dues in their due time...
Taking hikes... In the
literal sense, is a good exercise... In the figurative and derogatory too, as
being sent away or dismissed, affords us time to think about things... Because
in life's ups and downs, and reversal of fortunes, there's nothing quite like
being grounded--mentally, psychologically and physically--to make us see the
true value of things, and the worth of people and circumstances...
What comes out is what
counts... Our Savior preached, even as He healed and made miracles, that what
is in our heart, what comes out of our mouth, is a better indicator of who we
are, more than our trappings of wealth and aesthetics... For we might have all
riches in the world, and we might gain all available knowledge there is, yet
our souls could still be rotten... Meanwhile, we might be physically afflicted
by sickness and pain, and even oppressed and abused by the world, yet if we set
our hearts and minds on hope and faith in His healing and deliverance, His
salvation and promise, that is true wealth for us; and even if we might lose
all that we have worked for, these are still incomparable with all the mercy
and grace that He showers on those of us who faithfully heed His words and obey
in humility...
In Matthew 13's
parable of the sower, many people agree that to be the good soil is the best;
for one that is heartily and deeply receptive of God's Word and His kingdom's
work in their lives is one that is truly productive, fruitful, abundant and
worthwhile... Yet, our Savior said to hear well, for such goal takes a lot of
work, effort, time, and sacrifice... And as what we learned in Agriculture
class, if we want to have good, loamy, rich soil, we need to feed it with
proper and abundant nutrients, may we also feed our minds and souls with what
is good and godly, wholesome and right, with that which brings love, hope,
peace and joy...
Parables measure our
understanding of our Savior's teachings... They also elicit reflection and
introspection... Because faith is not a matter of what we say and declare, nor
what we sing about, nor what other people see us being emotional for... But it
is knowing that all our work will be measured someday; and all that we do and
the motivations behind them, regardless of who we are, will determine whether
we have made proper use of our senses, faculties and abilities, in fulfilling
our cooperative act in His kingdom's work in our lives, and whether we grow up
and mature, and be as accomplished as productive and useful wheat, and not as
less productive, injurious, offensive and toxic tares...
Labor is its own
reward... Many people are commended for their loyalty, which is often measured
by their longevity in an organization... Still, there are those who continue to
accomplish their careers in spite of changes and upheavals, difficulties and
challenges; even if at times, the pay is just barely enough to feed their
families, and often fall short in giving them a good and comfortable life...
And so, we realize that work is not so much about what we earn, or what we are
acknowledged for; but our daily participation in our God's creative act in the
universe... Because no matter how humble the task or position, the real essence
of work is not the money or fame and status, but it is our reward for waking up
and productively getting through another day...
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