"Some people dismiss parts of the Bible
as myth,
And for that, refuse to believe most
everything else.
Some choose to read the watered-down versions,
Feeling daunted by the difficult English.
Still some think that not everything is
And read and share only the same worn-out
Yet they forget, the Bible is a library, a
school even, of different thoughts and philosophies.
There's history, science, medicine, nutrition,
philosophy, ethics, fantasy,
There are personal anecdotes and lessons on
There are archaeological details, and moral
There are political learnings, and lessons on
Truly, every word is inspired, and useful for
And each passage worth examining and
Even the uncomfortable and difficult ones
teach us patience,
The challenging ones also teach wisdom and
So may we treat the Word indeed as library,
Where along with trusted reference materials,
we see
What golden nuggets each of its manifold
Show us, and equip us to live
"Beyond the proclamations, we don't
really know,
What goes on inside a person's heart and mind.
They could be the kindest, gentlest, most
generous fellow,
But deep down could be someone discontented
and unkind.
They could be so alive, in ministry so active,
They could be so outspoken of their belief,
But when called to service, they've got
nothing to give,
Except condescension, posturing, moments for
photos so brief.
May we each examine our thoughts and every
To ensure they bring hope, and encourage
others to live."
"More than us not giving up on faith and
Is not drowning out the voices of the weaker,
For we have a God who is not deaf,
Who also created us with capacity to care.
And though He says that to Him we must always
He also reminds us in His word to listen,
To heed the need, concern and issues of
To offer up a word in their behalf,
To extend support, care, a helping hand.
In this world and time which demand more,
May it not be attention and validation that we
For we already have those from our Creator and
And maturity demands that these we give to
less privileged, less informed, the destitute
and more."
"Living just and fair is difficult,
always challenging,
Especially when the next generation is looking
We are expected to be consistent and true,
But often we stumble and miss the mark.
Yet, hope isn't lost with humility and faith,
For we can always try to do our best,
And admit our shortcomings, acknowledging our
While making sure to treat each person with
For the mind doomed to destruction is closed,
But the gracious heart is open to
"It wasn't luck 38 years ago, that made
Our people rise up and dethroned a dictator,
But a passion for freedom, justice and right.
And it wasn't luck that we were called
To a life by our God and Savior,
But a passion for souls, peace, eternal life.
And so we must live daily in wisdom,
Humility, understanding, generosity, kindness,
respect, goodness and grace,
And manifest His image in all our ways."
"As we go through life, we open up,
From focusing on our nuclear ties, to one
That welcomes and keeps good friends through
the years,
And nurtures all relationships, no good deed
For life is ocean-wide, possibilities are
And we never know when we might need
A friend to help, a company to keep,
That being a true one is blessing indeed.
So may we nurture friends, colleagues, and
And remain humble and generous in all
Just thought of this:
"Nothing beyond what's necessary, is one
helpful adage;
Because what's truly important is plain and
Be sincere, honest, kind, generous, humble and
Acquire and dispense wisdom graciously to all
"One of the marks of an educated person,
Is to be able to listen to anything,
Without losing one's good principle, character
or conviction,'
Is what someone famous somewhere, sometime has
It seems to agree with what we read,
That a person of faith is like situated,
One on whom our God's goodness is manifested,
Where His love is made true, eternal and
These are those with hearts and minds open,
To welcome the stranger, fearlessly embracing
the unknown,
Confident in life, with heaping grace from
Respecting each person, obscure or with
Because an open mind is where truth bears
Where wisdom and love bring greatest
transformative work."
"You know you are in the right path,
Your convictions true, your choices and
decisions worthwhile,
When you have peace and contentment,
acceptance, joy that
Is immeasurable, security and confidence,
humility a lifestyle.
And these come from having the mind and heart
Of our Savior who loves all, and wants
All to come, in His family be part,
Be unburdened from life's vanity, desires and
May we take on His challenge and be
His salt and light for all to see."
"It's often difficult to see beyond our
own construct,
Beyond our own prejudice, ignorance, apathy
and fear.
But that is where true love is found,
Where there is understanding, wisdom and
If we can just open our minds to see,
Not to take everything said as gospel truth,
Save the gospel, but whatever expositions they
They should not be relied on without fruit.
Then we would see how beautiful life is,
That even if the world is hostile, unwelcome,
There's hope and joy in our Saviour's grace,
Whose arms are open, bidding all to
Ahem... Actually, we don't need to be validated or completed
by anyone... Our good God has already done that for each of us... And if we
want to live a legacy, we don't need to only do that to our own offspring...
Far too many people have left worthier legacies with strangers, and those whose
lives they have touched, however briefly...
"It's easy to feel down, lonely and sad,
When people ignore you, not giving enough
Nor respect your person, privacy, ideas and
Especially ignoring the good that you have
And there are times we do it too,
When we think the world revolves around us.
But there's one who doesn't, who always judges
Our God, who is always there, ready to listen,
To our thoughts, our dreams, even our fears.
May we not ruin this beautiful, heavenly
With pride, smugness, ignorance, intolerance,
hatred and condescension,
And live in humility, service, faith and
"Prayer leads to good works, harmony and
Not only within ourselves but with others too.
An act that should be silent and obscure,
But whose true power lies in lives reformed,
Words spoken with wisdom, generosity, kindness
and grace.
It is not selfishly asking that God give us
But in faith, imploring for guidance and
As we navigate life's highway, being His salt,
Light, hope, and example for all to see."
"The future is scary, because we don't
know what's there;
Especially when we want to believe that things
will always be.
But when we realize that life goes on as it
should, no matter,
Then there can be hope and peace for you and
Knowing it's futile to be anxious and fear,
Learning that the past has been and the future
not in our hands;
Confident that we have a God who provides in
every matter,
And that blessed is the one who endures life's
trials, at the end of it all still stands."
The Holy Bible does not say, "Everything
happens for a reason."...
This is a stretched and twisted
misinterpretation of Romans 8:28, which does not demand passive acceptance of
life's challenges and downturns, as they are more often beyond comprehension;
but instead calls for an active response with love, in still fulfilling His
will and purpose in spite of everything...
What's truly written though is that everyone
and everything is given "time and chance", "seasons" even,
to act upon what they believe in, what they were made for, and respond well to
every situation... (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 9:11)
Because our God, the prime Designer and
Creator of life, if we still haven't learned from nature, allowed us to ask
"why" only when seeing the physical and tangible, an area we much
relegate to science; but when analyzing how life turns, instead compels us to
respond, "what for?", followed by "yes, I will"...
We have no right to ask the Potter why He made
things out to be, (Isaiah 45:9...), but to say, "here I am, send me"
(Isaiah 6:8).
"Growing up, growing old, should be
growing better,
Not full of regrets, nor of missed lessons.
For learnings and realization often come much
When life teaches wisdom, in overcoming
youthful passions.
And that goes for life's ups and downs,
When we're given time to race and rest,
Until we receive either condemnation or worthy
After we have proved and given our best.
So may we strengthen ourselves for the
And patiently persevere, growing in love and
"Love is eternal, transcending even body
and soul,
More than hearts, flowers, chocolates,
endearments and sentiment.
It is giving beyond what we are able,
Loving many more than who's in the moment.
For indeed, romantic love blinds, closes the
While agape opens to give more that'll last.
And seeing the latter is our Saviour's brand,
Timelessness far better than emotions that
don't last.
So enjoy every moment now, with the one,
Because sharing love with many is life well
"Can't say enough, all life calls for
Not for the 'gram, not for the like.
For soon, humiliation, despair and destruction
follows insincerity,
The sincere one, even mocked, gets the prize.
Not of earthly riches, adoration, glory and
But of peace, prudence, a life of substance.
And that is more desirable, rather than power,
Where the heavenly kingdom gets promoted and
May we all be sincere, good and kind,
Be the light and hope that others mind."
"In truth, the greatest love in the
Was done on the cross two thousand years ago.
And before we can manifest it to others,
We need to start with ourselves too."
"All shades of red, is what we are,
Along in each our life's journey thus far,
Nobody better, nobody more complete, perfect
or whole,
For we each have battles big and small.
But through it all we believe as written,
That our Savior already has won and done,
With eternal victory, through His kingdom of
That in His hands, we are now one.
May this give us strength, hope and peace,
As we daily manifest His love, forgiveness and
"Nothing quite speaks hatred than
condemning others before
Even knowing who they are and what they are
And assuming that because you don't see them
in your little circle,
Or heard about them in your limited bubble,
Then you must be better than them,
Know more, are more righteous and true.
And nothing expresses more love than being
Understanding, kind, generous, and hoping that
instead of
people making you comfortable or giving you
what you want,
Even the validation and affirmation you need
about your beliefs;
That you look out what's in their best
What makes them comfortable and open up to
Just like our Savior, sharing a powerful
kingdom message,
Unobtrusively, quietly, firmly but true;
Instead of condemnation, in the place of
pride, ignorant prejudice,
There be love, peace, good order, joy and
"If only we stop thinking too highly of
And realize that we don't hold monopoly of
Or righteousness, goodness, kindness, talents,
skills and abilities;
That we are not entitled to speak of what
little we know,
Nor are people obligated to enlightened us
with truth,
That we would not subscribe to anyway,
Since we have filled our cups with pride and
And the mistaken illusion that people must
give us their time and space,
But that we are all mandated to respect one
Then we would have truly seen how good our God
How faithful, generous, caring, protecting and
We would also realize there's nothing to feel
resentful or insecure about,
For nothing can be taken from us that is truly
And that what we have is not ours but an
undeserved favor,
Which we should not hoard or gloat over but
And not to feel resentful that others don't
give us what we want,
Simply because what they have may have been
meant for others more needful too.
Then, just like the queen we would learn,
That all we'd be left should be thankfulness
and praise,
A life of service, unselfishness,
understanding, magnanimity,
Working and striving joyfully with our God,
never abandoned though
Alone, until we receive our ultimate reward
and grace."
"Wherever God calls us, is where we rise
Up to the challenge, with faith and
Because disillusionments and frustrations
always hound the wise,
Who discern the fake, what causes the offense.
And through such journey predictable yet
always surprising,
When life's pleasures are intermissioned by
doubt, fear;
It's faith, obedience, endurance, courage,
hope and healing,
That makes all our burdens easy to bear.
May we continue the good fight and race,
And abide steadfast till the end of
"Growing up in debt is not easy, I agree,
Studying college, I benefited from that burden
Poor parents lovingly and unselfishly
contracting loans everywhere,
Just to make beloved children's dreams come
And no amount of payment is ever enough,
For that sacrifice was wrought in true love.
That all we can ever do is be good,
Take care of our elders, and pay forward.
May we not let the debt of love and sacrifice,
Go unpaid, unsettled, with selfish, riotous
But continue the journey, fight the good
Of faith, service, wisdom, patience and peace.
And love each day until our end of days."
"In our fast-paced, attention-crazy
modern world,
Pride itself becomes its own condemnation and
For how can one think to better society,
If all they do is talk, no action?
And with every effort at kindness and peace,
One realizes that humility gives everything
due substance.
May we work diligently in fairness and
That wisdom may reign, and life may
"Watching and praying, walking in faith
and confidence,
Is what God's people did from of old.
It's the same principle we must follow today,
As we face challenges, difficulties,
discouragements and offense.
For none of us is too great alone,
None too strong, too smart, or too crafty.
Always we need guidance and wisdom from above,
When life hangs heavy and its burdens hefty.
May we tap into our Creator's eternal power,
And be overcome by peace that lasts
"All of us go through THE life change,
When we must choose where life goes next.
For most, the choice is always
Having to give up what we value most.
But like Abraham we soon realize and see,
That it takes faith to take the leap,
Hope to believe that everything will go well,
Courage, in the face of doubt and fear.
For soon we experience true wisdom and
The grace to face life's unknowns head-on,
The fulfillment and love borne out of
To a higher calling, to an unselfish service.
May we realize that we really own nothing,
And what we have must be generously given;
That through us others may see God's goodness,
By our service, they experience a slice of
"We can only invite people to experience
It is Him who really brings them close.
All we are tasked is manifest His gospel,
While He calls those whom we believe are lost.
For we cannot judge people as they are,
Not knowing the race they've run so far.
All we're made for was be His light,
Vessels of love, wisdom, bounty, good and
May we endeavor that in us He's seen,
As we accomplish the kingdom mandate that's
Not everything written about dragons are true... Just like
not everything you see and hear are all there is... Always look behind the
surface, between the lines, and listen to how things are said rather than what
is spoken... For true godly wisdom and heavenly grace is discerning,
understanding, full of mercy and good fruit...
"It's true, we can't fight disease or
Nor can we delay aging or physical breakdown.
Science sadly has not won its ageless battle,
Yet we're still here, doing the needed
But in this temporal life, one truth stands,
There's much to learn and be thankful for,
When we accept that everything happens with
It's when we realize that what medicine,
Exercise, diet, insurances don't want to
mention verbally:
Being grateful and content is all that's
For a life to be of quality, regardless,
Of pain, sickness, disease, suffering,
deprivation or poverty.
I don't know how to swim, but they say,
When you stop struggling, you float and learn.
So when we stop struggling against life's
We can be at peace, secured, and confident.
That through all seasons, our Creator is
Guiding and strengthening, giving wisdom,
care, and provision.
And above our aches our pains, we learn,
That the best insurance is faith and
relationship with Him.
May we float with the flow of life,
And swim with His will in the tide."
"Not under duress, the right kind of
Out of love, without ill motive or extensive
Is that which was shown by our King,
Our God of Three Persons worshipped as one.
We can be many things to many persons,
But let us be consistent through the seasons.
And so whatever it is that we do,
We can know and believe it is true,
If we likewise manifest the same genuine
Without coercion, flattery, fanfare, empty
applause and praise."
"Some uncomfortable truths challenge
conservative beliefs and persuasion,
Like deep friendships that stand across time
and distance,
Ones that extend beyond normal, basic human
Or clearly, transcends beyond our efforts at
For soul mates do exist, with no ill
People who sincerely love their friends
without malice.
And it's this kind, often absent strong
That manifests our God's legacy of peace.
For if we can give without expecting
Then we've secured in heaven our forever
"The One whom we worship was The
Yet, He humbled Himself to keep our souls,
Therefore He only deserves all of our best,
While here on earth we fulfill our roles.
A kingdom message of love, righteousness and
Was what was given for us to share,
Undiluted, unadulterated, not for gain that is
That all may experience meaningful lives
beyond compare.
May we be His servants faithful and true,
Believing someday, He will reward me and
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