EIGHT WORDS PER LINE, January 1-31, 2024

 "While we don't throw awards to the bin,

It is still helpful to remember their worth.

For what's really valuable is worth repeating again,

What gives meaning to our life on earth.

It is not human respect, attention or recognition,

But responding to our Saviour's call for action.

To spread the good news of His kingdom,

To live each day the values of heaven.

Which bid all, regardless, to enter and come,

To be His image, with sufficient grace given."



"We knew we've seen the real deal leader,

When to the Captain of our souls we surrendered.

Because we believe He is faithful until forever,

And righteousness He'll bring as He has rendered.

And He's the model of all who lead,

In goodness, faith, justice, generosity, example of service.

Even slight exaggerations from His Word we read,

Is pride, evil, an affront to His peace.

May we all therefore follow His good example,

For our lives to have meaning, however simple;

And be refreshed, be comforted, be encouraged everyday,

By our good Shepherd who leads the way."



"Against popular socmed trends, sufferings are not achievements;

They are means to strengthen our spirits' resolve.

Because to a life graced by godly moments,

They are eternal investments, not sweets that dissolve.

Sometimes, compared to others, ours may seem lesser;

Or at times heavier, more difficult, or graver;

But none equal, exact copies or really equitable.

So we must endure as we are able.

For God gives us joy, hope and peace,

And strength until the end of our days."



"Every day we're given more than enough grace,

That doesn't discriminate age, gender, personality or race.

It's something undeserved, though necessary for meaningful living,

Gifted by our Heavenly Father, Savior and King.

Let's not parade it with pride or complacency,

But to share with love, patience and courtesy."



"No conversation is easy, each word cuts deep;

Whether said in jest or with honest motive.

Therefore must we be circumspect and think twice;

Speaking what expresses the wisdom we can give."



"Thankfully, though God is Judge, He's not judgmental;

He looks inside and sees our true potential.

So let's not fear our trials and challenges,

For He who provides and guides, never changes."



"Every moment, good or bad, challenging or easy,

Is defining, life-changing, worth our best effort.

May we not waste them with uninformed choices,

Pride, prejudice, bias, doubt, impatience, insecurity or fear.

But instead fill each with wisdom and love."



"A quick word on words: they cut deep,

No sooner uttered, than felt sorry and regretted.

So if we our soul and sanity keep,

Must be mindful of our every word said."



"The future is now, and not sometime hence;

We start doing today, what things must be.

And for what's broken and damaged at present,

As His image, we start restoring and repairing,

Be they things, relationships, lives, hopes and dreams.

That when that time comes, we are ready,

Proven, tested, faithful servants worthy of our due."



"When we were called, we're named to bless;

And that everyday, is what we will do.

We need to state our truth clearly, honestly,

Without bias, prejudice, fear, nor coercion or threat.

For our Savior commands us to lovingly, wisely,

Spread His kingdom message and live it too.

And when others are not convinced by that,

We shake the dust, and peacefully move on.

For it is Him alone who has power,

To judge, to curse, to decide, to avenge.

Yet, all are given the chance to heed.

Our duty is to show only what's better,

Between a life of darkness, and of light.

And despite all challenges, disinformation, oppression and abuses,

May we remain faithful on that task forever."



"It's fun watching the woman voice behind GPS,

It teaches us that humans still rule technology.

Makes us realize there's more than what is,

There's truth behind what we hear and see.

And so is it with faith and life,

They are rooted in things eternal and wonderful.

That it's useless to doubt and be fearful,

Nor fill our days with struggle and strife.

For we can be confident that God provides,

He sees, He knows, He understands, He abides.

And though we perish with our last breath,

But hope in His faithfulness is true wealth."



"We're God's children, but now let's be mature.

We need to stop screaming for His attention.

For our God knows what we need before

We utter a word or appeal with passion.

We need only talk to Him as Father,

And regularly check in, whenever, for any matter.

We can sing or dance for Him as well,

But not to belt out, shriek, or squeal,

Nor convulse, get paroxysms, or wildly, uncontrollably flail.

For He is not deaf, but all-hearing,

He is not blind, but ever all-seeing,

And He's a God of order and peace.

No matter our situation, we believe He cares,

So we can respectfully offer up our prayers.

And as He is ever faithful and true,

We are confident He always pays attention too."



"Some will get offended, this I'm afraid so;

For I believe the same God we worship,

Is able and places us right here, now,

In whatever situation, in whatever season and place,

Appropriately perfect, for what we need and more.

And so we need not fear nor worry,

What happens when our earthly time is up.

For He will put us somewhere we belong,

In realms and states we're meant to dwell.

And whenever, whatever, wherever that place may be,

We'll gratefully receive what we deserve for eternity."



"Beware of trusting what you believe is right,

And always examine whom you heard it from.

For our Savior said many are false teachers,

And prophets that sell your soul for money.

Whoever has words but no deeds is fake,

Same as one noisy but with no impact.

That you might keep your sanity and soul,

Always pray for discernment, patience and wisdom too."



"Make no mistake, humility and generosity go together.

These are keys to happiness now and forever.

And though modern life's hardships tempt us otherwise;

These truly keep our souls, making us wise."



"The God we follow manifests in our deeds;

And His will becomes our daily motivations too.

May we adopt His goodness, generosity, and love;

That everywhere, every time, we bring life and peace."



"Life is too short to live with regrets;

We must always be wise, understanding, and circumspect.

And though everyday we might commit an error;

Still we strive to be better than before."



"Thankfully, God is fair; He is not corrupt.

You don't need machinations to make it up.

You don't need flattery, bribe, nor oratory too.

For the heart is what He looks into.

And a heart of service, beyond our feelings;

Beyond our preferences, ideas, biases, prejudices and imaginings.

May we remain, humble, steadfast, patient and true;

Everyday living our faith, and giving what's due."



"Some people talk much, without revealing their minds.

Some smile and demure, while holding a dagger.

But always be humble, fair, generous and sincere;

While being discerning, alert, careful, keen and wiser."



"It's fun and sobering, reading other people's faces.

You know what they're like, what they're thinking.

If only we do that when we vote.

Then we would have less thieves in office."



"They say busy hands make for busy minds.

So, do busy mouths mean emptier minds then?"




"Not all people will be pleased with you;

And that's totally okay, that's their right too.

But always abide by the truth you've learned;

That will set you up for all time."

- Standard Nonconformist



"Life is too short to waste being scammed,

Therefore we must learn all that we can.

When we're tempted by a certain someone's tenet,

Let's stop, think, measure against our Saviour's intent.

That we don't specialize, confuse, condemn nor divide,

But understand, empathize, draw nearer to His side."



"It took me a lifetime to learn this;

Thankfully, I now know who's sincere, who's insecure:

When we condemn others, we're looking at mirrors;

The ones we hate are us in secret."



"Not all of life's battles must be fought;

In some we persevere, in some we surrender.

But what we must not give up on,

Is to hold on in faith and prayer."



"You can't convince people to believe like you,

If you don't manifest a more credible alternative.

You cannot build a lasting and worthy legacy,

when you stop at you, sans the community."



This may offend some, but according to mudra:

the key to having a child who loves to read books and have a high degree of reading comprehension in whatever material is a parent who actually reads books too, and who fills the house with books that are good reads...

In other words, literacy is less the job of the teacher at school (mostly overworked and underpaid), but an inherited habit and lifestyle, almost a genetic trait, in the home...



"There's no labor where God is not present;

So we must give our best, selflessly, faithfully."



"You should never malign truth or lived history,

Just for money, fame, like, or political mileage."



"To each of us is given good measure,

For which we must be accountable and responsible;

And when we think of the eternal reward,

There's no reason for insecurity, envy, nor pride."



"If you're proud of something, just be quiet;

Don't put others down because you feel superior.

For just as no good deed remains unrewarded,

So will karma strike where it hurts most."



"We hope and wish while there's still time,

For things in life to turn out well;

But control and certainty are beyond our hands,

So the best we can do is pray."



"True love is not all passion and sacrifice;

But creativity, joy, generosity, and lifetime dedication too."



"Tragedy and deprivation may bring out our worst;

But never to exploit people's generosity and time."



"His sacrifice was perfect, unequalled, cannot be replicated;

All we must do is live for Him."



"We're often shameless while running out of time;

But favors are earned over a lifetime too."



"There will always come a time for restoration;

But we need to upgrade our mindsets too."



"Everyone deserves privacy;
Be friendly,
but not personal."


"Let us avoid comparing ourselves with other people;

We don't know their experiences behind closed doors."



"His life, death and resurrection brought us salvation;

May we likewise give our best for Him."



"Life is short;

Always choose truth and good."



"Loud attention-seekers may make all the noise,

But quiet, faithful ones always save the day."



"Caring for nature is an act of worship."



A life lived only for today is meaningless;

But a life lived for eternity is worthy...



Same person, but with

New Year, New Mindset...





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