"Don't race half-empty, people will
always say,
For you might run out of fuel and energy.
The same can be said about learning in some
Like love, relation, passion, knowledge,
connection, authority.
Knowing less indeed, is the bane of pride,
Unashamedly putting us where we are
Puffing ourselves up, without much substance
Unbecoming of a child of God, our tongues not
even well-kept.
In dealing with people, may we always be
Recognizing each one of our potential,
capacity, limitation.
May we maintain good manners, courtesy, be
A generation worthy to be called His holy
"A neighbor said that a social media
Also has many enemies in real life.
Which goes to show the same real and digital
Are being lived by people, whether peace or
This is sad, considering we take technology as
But instead unmasks deep-seated prejudice and
When we thought we're tech-savvy, but our
values digress,
When there is lack of knowledge and
discernment, instead of advance.
May we be humble enough to accept our faults,
be true,
Consistent in what we say and do.
Practice respect, take our turns well, follow
the queue,
Stop being entitled, nor masking our
insecurity with insults and bashing too."
"Some of us are so quick to judge others,
Forgetting that we are more at fault,
Neglecting to see what in life truly matters,
Preoccupied with living dreams others set by
But if we can just remember more than words,
Our lives bear true witness to His grace,
And instead sow love and reconciliation, not
sharpened swords,
Instead of condemnation, our Saviour's love in
Then, we might truly earn the name of being
His people,
His nation and children, called out from a
world of wickedness,
Into a life where His power and wisdom enable,
On a road to eternity with His peace and
"Nobody's a done deal, each one a work in
Everyday learning, making mistakes, falling
and rising again.
Even being treated unjust and unfairly,
there's still a redress,
For ultimately, the good triumphs, victory
always waiting to happen.
And through it all, we are disciplined and
To become people worth emulating, a shining
For all to see, to help them be guided,
Towards what's true, what's better and good,
what's right.
May we not waste our everyday with pride and
For physical life is short, our names soon
But the way we treat others, with respect and
love, will always be
A precedent, an example, our keys to
"It's difficult to look up to something,
When we think we are higher and better than
How much more, learn about life, work,
virtually anything,
When we believe we already know all that
That's why it takes true humility to look up
To people who have experienced and learned
Even looking beyond them to the heavens atop
Of the world we believe we control, for what's
in store.
Fortunately, that's how our burdens are
lightened and lifted,
Acknowledging that our talents, skills, time
and energy are finite.
Grateful instead, of a God who designed, who
gives wisdom and guided,
Our future secured in His hands, unseen yet
"A lesson one learns as one ages
Is to never stop trusting our heavenly Father.
When we turn and write on new life pages,
He's always there, guiding, leading, our Great
It's just difficult for some when we think
what's in store,
That in exchange, we need to be accountable.
For like human fathers, we need to do more
Than bring His Name, but live it as much as
we're able.
May we therefore strive to give and do our
Be just, honest, faithful, continue to hope
and trust,
Believing that with Him all our cares are laid
to rest,
Our burdens be exchanged with His perfect
peace, if we must."
"A famous person once said he likes
Christ, not Christians,
A sobering indictment of our fall from grace,
When feelings of spiritual superiority become
our comeuppance,
When maybe instead of following Christ, we
mis- and self-interpret our own ways.
Yet, our faith has shaped history in many ways
than one,
Not all destructive of ancient cultures, but
bringing life.
Hope, in the midst of darkness, in a life
longer than this one,
When we bring healing and restoration instead
of strife.
May we learn the lesson of the Sword of the
Spirit ,
Where one side wounds and ends life, the other
That instead of promoting our prideful and
selfish agenda, we are led by the Comforting Spirit
Of our God and Savior, even after our physical
life ends."
"Let's not twist or wring the hand of
As we pray earnestly for what we want,
Even if it runs counter to His timing, the
plans He had,
And fuels our doubts that He can't.
For our God is not an ATM nor a Genie,
And we can only follow His will and plan.
And that by doing what's right and just for
you and me,
As we give our best with all that we can.
May we endeavor everyday to keep faith,
Holding on to His promises, His word in our
For our greatest life adventures happen while
we wait,
Believing that for something great, He has set
us apart."
"It's Sunday, the seventh day of our
modern week,
A time most of us spend in worship and
With others of similar beliefs, people both
strong and weak,
With those we share time and companionship.
It is a time to listen to and ponder on His
From which we gain wisdom, strength and
Especially when we remember brethren around
the world,
Sharing similar hopes and dreams, faith
enduring beyond the moment.
It is a time to ponder on creation too,
Which helps us breathe, moves us each day.
May we make time today for what truly matters
As we anticipate our great reunion with
brethren in the Great Day."
"A student surveyed why teachers quit
their jobs,
I replied, because of low pay and less
It's sad to note that talent is up for grabs,
But to those who mold minds, there's less
Such profession is not work though, but a
Where the motivation is not the small pay.
But it is both knowledge-loving and sharing;
Knowing that the war on ignorance goes on
Thankfully we have a God who calls and
And just as He reminded the apostle Peter to
feed His sheep,
So teachers must teach, build up, discipline,
encourage, as far as they're able,
That students may learn skills, knowledge,
wisdom, values and character to keep."
"Wherever we are, we must give it our
In order to live fully and understand,
What life has to stay, how to stand tall,
Amidst its challenges, how to deal with the
given hand.
We must be present too, yet aware and
Neither taking everything at face value, nor
doubting people's intentions.
For to a higher call, we must be tethered,
Without removing ourselves far from this
world's issues and necessary actions.
May we spend each day walking the talk,
Consistently honest, meaning no harm, keeping
the peace,
May integrity and humility be our identity,
living as a simple folk,
That we might stay sane, our soul in one
"Oftentimes, in our struggle to be
relevant, we forget
That we can't control, nor can know
We strive so hard, take all we can get,
Not realizing that true happiness is in
wanting nothing.
For if we see the creation around us, we
That we are situated in the most perfect place
in the universe.
But because of greed we fail to analyze
That every entitled thought and deed works in
May we learn to appreciate what we are, all we
Humbly do our business, persistent in crisis
and challenges.
For no good deed lasts unless done in love,
And no progress comes, unless all of us
"One of the enemy's greatest lies we're
Is that we're never enough, can't do life
But we realize alone doesn't mean lonely
growing old,
It just means with solitude, is our comfort
For solitary doesn't mean sad, knowing God is
It just means we are more open to
Of knowing more, discovering, exploring, being
more aware,
With heightened alertness, sensitive in all
our faculties.
But with daily discouragements and put-downs,
may we strive on,
Believing in faith in our Lord's promises not
to abandon.
For He it is who made us and brought us here,
And He will be our destination, forever,
"Living simply, is key to happiness and
Knowing we cannot bring anything when we
It is feeling secure and confident in our
Believing with God's grace, we can get our
soul's desire.
Yes, we need to build our person here,
We try our best to put aside for our next
But we need not be greedy with what we hold
And must learn to temper our faith with
May we strive each day to live well, be good
and kind,
Neither naive, prideful, ignorant, nor
delusional with who we are.
For no matter how good we think we may be,
will not come to mind;
But rather our character endures, staying with
us no matter how far."
"The lone voice of reason, is sad these
For it runs counter to this generation's
virtue that's FOMO.
Just to be acknowledged, validated in many
One follows whatever trend, even lacking in
sense and logic too.
And the same goes for sentiments and ideals,
When people subscribe to laziness, ignorance,
bias, prejudice.
Where there is no more boundary in morals,
Even the religious and spiritual, with the
hedonist, all in one piece.
May we therefore still strive to be wise and
Never compromise the gospel we have been
Not be consumed in the pursuit of crowd-fame
and funding, the material,
But be discerning, scale down, free from the
"They say this day has been much
Heavy with greetings, but ads to spend and buy
Still, one can't discount a mother's role,
neither generalized,
Nor too focused, for she can love and give so.
Yet, there are those who don't have their
But bear kids from the heart, there are
greater callings
Awaiting, with them giving time, talent,
energy, resources, all that they had
To raise other people's kids into fine human
We salute you all, commend you to the Heavenly
Who guides and gives strength, wisdom,
discernment, and fortitude too.
May He bless all your efforts, dreams as
mentor and mother;
As you embrace the call to love and teach, His
glory shining in all you do."
"The hardest people to convince about
what's true,
Are those who believe they know more than they
The most difficult ones to influence toward
what's right,
Are those who, when their ideas are
challenged, put up a fight.
But thankfully, our Savior has shown the
better way,
That of being honest and humble in what we do
and say.
Those who talk a lot may seem to know more,
But really, may actually hide ignorance,
guilt, shame at their core.
May we be people of wisdom, in our deeds,
thoughts and words,
Recognizing that our tongues are sharper than
Weapons to use only to bring hope and save
Against life's challenges, sharpening our
humor and wit like knives."
"In school was where I first encountered
Especially when some of us are clueless,
thinking all is fair,
Not knowing the value of flattery, kissing up,
And assuming that honesty and doing good takes
us anywhere.
But sadly, undeniably, there are those who
give favors
Only to those whom they like, patronage too,
Selectively giving good marks to flatterers,
even if their labors
Still leave something to be desired, 'the
who's who'.
And in the real world, such unfairness is
Which has sadly been a major factor of
corruption, dissatisfaction.
But later on, one questions if the favored are
truly relevant,
As one discovers the emptiness of their
substance, their lesser qualification.
Thankfully, in the gradesheets of our God, all
is just,
No favors, everyone equally worthy and
Everyone's future a product of faith and
learning from the past,
Everyone given time and chance, giving our
best, as much as we're able."
"In a world overrun with greed, we find
Poverty, want, misery, sickness, rage,
hopelessness and despair.
Yet, we sometimes see pockets of hope and
People giving their time and energy, sharing
goodness from above.
And maybe this is our humanity's calling and
To be light and salt, give consolation to
suffering and miserable existence;
As we live out our faith, humble in our ways,
Proclaiming the kingdom's good news all our
May we prove worthy of such mandate, be
In giving substance to our person, ever
Of the mercy and grace received each day,
Paying forward; His wisdom, truth and light
guiding our way."
"We're often poor judges of human
For we easily believe sweet-talkers,
charlatans, swindlers
Who flatter us, making us feel like we belong,
But are only after our hard-earned resources
and free efforts all along.
We do it to those who promise to lead us too,
For the better, for success, but don't
actually do so,
For they only line their pockets and abuse
Never caring that the masses who believed have
become poorer.
Discernment indeed, is one of the greatest
heavenly gifts,
Enabling us to read between the lines, see
what truly uplifts.
It gives us a chance to listen and understand
what's not being said,
That we may be watchful, wise and mindful
May we always pray for discernment in
everything we do,
That we may make choices and judgments good
for me and you.
In that way, we keep our souls, our lives, our
Enabling us to be self-sufficient and content,
alone or in community."
"It's a sad fact when we encounter
Flying against all we've learned about the
love of God,
When even some of our esteemed social groups
and churches
Fail to recognize the diversity of gifts each
of us have.
But a true body of Christ is not boxed, but
Therefore there's no need to fight for nor hog
the Spotlight.
The differences in our capacities shouldn't
make us envious nor worried,
For we are all gifted with our Father's
Heavenly light.
May we use each and all our talents and
To share that light to all, bring hope and
That our God may be glorified, His love
greatly overcoming
Our doubts and difficulties, His wisdom ruling
over everything."
"Whom we love is shown in who we follow,
Not in words, in empty declarations, in
But through the influence it brings, that
bears remembering too,
For love needs no flattery, makes no offense.
If we love, we let go, give space,
We don't push or impose ourselves on others.
But we accept ourselves, and understand with
That every person needs time, growth in all
And just as we are loved but not suffused,
May we too, love and let others take their
For Heavenly love gives freedom, not making us
Enabling us, at the right moments, to bring
out our best."
"Some thinkers say, we now come to
civilization's crucible,
A great time of reckoning and rethinking;
Where almost every person is only out for
themselves, only able
To decorate themselves well, but are greedily
For a job, a windfall, a status, a favor,
At all costs, at the expense of others'
Rights, their well-being sacrificed
Greedy for gain and fame, but refusing
accountability in what really matters.
But we weren't blessed for and in that way
For as God's people, we are called to bring
Restoration, healing, truth, justice,
fairness, life and hope, our debts to pay.
And may we prove worthy, living for His glory,
not as we please."
"I haven't been a very brave person,
Neither do I think I'll be in the future.
And so I've experienced keeping silent with my
Even passed over, neglected, insulted and
still endure.
I realize that we need not all be go-getters
to prove
To all that we are good, qualified, worthy of
For there'll always be people greedy,
selfishly move
To get what they want, regardless, and
privileges they expect.
But those who can work with dignity, in
Being transparent, honest, sincere, diligent,
just and fair,
Will soon have their reward of peace, more
Than accolades without substance, faith and
service without air."
"More than changing things, prayer
changes us,
And hopefully, for the better, not the worse.
For there be some who, rather than
thankfulness and remorse,
Treat their prayer life like trophy, feeling
For prayer is regularly checking up and
checking in,
With our Creator, who gave us life and hope,
It is not something to brag and boast,
But rather an act of love, unselfish,
May we pray in every occasion, every day,
For what we need to thank, in ourselves and
For wisdom, guidance, mercy and renewal, in
all matters,
That we might have strength and inspiration
along our way."
"What we believe defines us, shapes our
If we believe we evolved from a lesser order,
We evade the responsibility, acting out our
base nature,
Having no hope beyond our body's physical
But if we believe we came to be
Because of divine design, we live in humility,
Acknowledging both the wisdom behind, all
glory be;
And the greatest love that sets us free.
May we live each day in faith and peace,
Joy that we are so loved, provided for,
Thankful and grounded that such mercy and
grace fill our days,
Our existence not in vain, but a part of
life's glorious forevermore."
"As one ages, one feels weaker, often
More forgetful, less inclined to hear and see
Yet the onslaught of the years shows the
important matter,
That life is precious, and it can only be
lived beautifully;
When we trust and believe in our God so
So loving, true, caring, providing, giving us
As we pass that on, humble and prayerful,
We find people who go with us through whatever
May we appreciate each day given, in whatever
Learn from nature, keep our pace, mindful of
our ways.
Ever thankful for whatever comes, living with
subdued passion,
Never forgetting past lessons, but both eyes
on the future always. "
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