"Comparisons are good when we want to
As we try our best to do better.
But it's poison to have ourselves personally
Especially our worth against others, whatever
the matter.
For each of us have our path to follow,
Where we have been called, enabled, gifted.
No less nor better than the next fellow,
Nevertheless, caring, understanding, respect,
still shouldn't be discounted.
May we keep busy with our lot that's given
From the time we said yes to a higher, eternal
Live each day a steward of earth, ambassador
of heaven,
Making sure we and others stay on course, not
"Truly, from those who have been given
In work and relations, much is indeed
For we will never be out of touch,
With life and learning, situations planned or
And that is the purpose why we live,
As we breathe, think, act, feel, sow and
Out of what we have, to selflessly give,
Because life is better when we all face it
May we learn to listen, respect, keep our
And with every intention, to ponder and
How we may share our God's mercy and grace,
How we may encourage others not to
"Because time is gold, people prize
But often forget mere presence is blessing
And because life is often harsh in reality,
Silver linings become the crown of life's
hardest stuff.
Yes, it's always good to hope, even against
all odds,
For that brings sanity, peace and contentment
Though we need to acknowledge the good with
the bad,
But we need to realize life always turns for
me and you.
So let's not give up on faith, hope, love,
Even if misused, abused, disadvantaged and
gaslighted by some.
For these convictions we own, gifts from
By our Father who calls all to heed His call
and come."
"Faith is becoming, as it really should
Doing the right deed, faithfully walking the
Not only in times when others can see,
But especially in what inspires and motivates
our walk.
And because our faith is to One far above,
So also must we strive to be better.
Daily striving to overcome the ignorance of
the past,
Everyday moving forward in wisdom, peace,
grace and love.
May we live daily in faith that's fruitful,
That we find purpose in what we do.
For then truly, our existence gets meaningful,
Our short journey becoming worthwhile for me
and you."
"'Life is a never-ending process of
My lifetime motto, a word to the wise.
It should both motivate and drive everything
That we do, experience, encounter, see and
For even at the point of death, we learn,
From other people, from nature, from life
And every day deserves a good measure in turn,
When it teaches us how to tame and improve the
May we never forget life's lessons and go
The process of being built up, understanding
deeper, knowing more.
That our days not just be meaningless going to
and fro
But fruitful, abundant, everyday we become
better than before."
"It's getting rare to see selfless people
these days.
Maybe due to life's worsening difficulties and
Where many are only after what they can take
Not caring if they have brought harsh,
unwelcome changes.
But the better life needs people who better
Mature, respectful, humble, generous and
For it is not the mighty, but the persevering
will stand,
Who bears all in patience, knowing the joy of
simple living.
May we be people, graceful and easy to get
Willing to be corrected, to give chance to
For it's not down here but to a higher calling
we must belong,
Believing in faith, that peace, hope and love
are what truly matters."
"If we have the kind of fear necessary,
Then life wouldn't be so confusing and scary.
For we wouldn't persist in our entitlement and
And instead, love and understand, peace we
For anxiety may hound our every waking hour,
But we have a God who has the greatest power.
And we can believe that for every difficulty
and challenge,
With every oppression, He will deliver and
May we therefore not lose hope and trust,
Pray and carry on, and persevere as we must.
Because then we will receive our ultimate
Our faithfulness recognized, as we follow Him
"In 'true parable of the talents' sense,
We learn what to do with what we've been
If wealth, then to give, without making
If skill, then to teach, to mentor and guide
And we learn that is where happiness lies,
Contentment and peace, on giving up envy and
Stressed-free, not running the race for the
A generation of responsible, respectful people
we help breed.
May we truly make use of our talents and
To build others up, in a way building our
characters too.
That we may deal with life and people in
proper measure,
Bring life, hope and peace for me and
"Though each of us is unique, and
uniquely gifted,
Doesn't mean others can't do what we're doing,
Nor can we not perform where others were
With scientists calling that the plasticity of
the brain and learning.
That's why humility and obedience is key to
In life, work, relationships, we need to
Embrace what's good and right, relieve
grievance with redress;
Bring peace, hope and joy, not abuse and
May we truly be people built up and
accomplished in faith,
Our every word and deed without malice, but
with mercy and grace,
Motivated not by pride and greed, but
selflessness and good faith,
That godly confidence and true contentment
rule the rest of our days."
"The contented kind are those who see the
good in bad,
Who can find peace amidst the chaos, stillness
even in pain,
Who can rest easy only after giving the best
they had,
Whom life's hard-won lessons are golden
treasures to gain.
Because it is a sad life to constantly be
Ourselves with others, knowing each of us have
our own issues,
None more valid than others, but each worth
Deserving of understanding, as we put
ourselves in each other's shoes.
May we therefore discern that for those who
have the faith,
Everything works out for good, if we allow
such mercy and grace
To fill our days, as we patiently wait,
For our ultimate deliverance, the reward at
the end of our days."
"The cost of freedom is obedience to a
higher call,
Stepping out of our comfort zone, to
unfamiliar, often disadvantaged territory,
To one where dreams may fade, statuses may
Where patience and persistence pays, not
getting our way in a hurry.
But this hard-won freedom actually is its own
Knowing that we have done our best, given what
we have.
Making sure no one is left out, trodden,
abused, everyone moving forward,
Proclaiming and living daily, our Saviour's
hope and love.
May we indeed be people of freedom in all
Exercising the freedom to think, believe, and
do what's good and right.
Not in bondage to biased, narrowed thinking,
and toxic relations,
But everyday, as His children, bringing peace,
hope and light."
"In our social media - obsessed world,
it's strange
That those who often use it were described as
It might be because of the fake nature of
online friends,
Because nothing can replace real physical
bonds and connections.
Thankfully, there still exist real friendships
across the miles,
Crossing time, even without constant chats,
But built up maybe from past meetings,
Yet forged in spirit and common good interest
for our entire lives.
Such too is our relationship with the divine.
May we tap into such valuable bonds for our
daily motivation.
Always remembering the people who value us,
and we treasure so.
Be grateful, bless their existence, be blessed
by their distant presence too."
"Generosity manifests itself in many
Not just giving directly, but giving chances
Like one beloved actor who bided his time in
the sideways,
Waiting for his chance, letting those in a
hurry to take first lead.
For we have seen there will always be gaps,
attrition and burnouts.
That there will be people who can't wait to
Despite the overwhelming burden, just grab
whatever is in sight,
Even if still unripe, grabbing opportunities
meant for others too.
But our God did not deliver us for that way of
Not to take all for ourselves, leaving some
for those who can't go fast.
That our lives may be full of peace, free from
Where everyone gets their fill, since His
bounty will forever last."
"What I observed differently in Quiapo's
Friday devotee day,
Is what finally made me understand their
Nazareno fervour.
It is that even along very busy Quezon
People may come from the fish market,
commuting, ferrying people on public transport, work, or from wherever,
And still stop for a moment to hear Mass and
probably pray,
Not even inside the comforts of the church
Doing all the standing, sitting, kneeling,
yet, still devoting.
Protestants may call it idolatry, and they
have freedom to believe so.
But isn't it also idolatry to attend church
All decked out in our Sunday best clothes and
Yet inside is full of greed, envy,
self-righteousness and entitlement?
If all we ever care about is how people see
Aren't we bowing and worshipping before the
idol of self-image?
Our Savior has said true worshippers worship
in Spirit and Truth.
And by the Spirit, we mean the intent, as in,
the intent of the law.
And in Business we understand Truth to mean
Honesty, Transparency and Integrity.
May we then truly worship in Spirit and Truth,
In Love, Understanding, Patience, Humility,
Selflessness and Generosity.
Then, truly, however we may manifest our
We can have peace and confidence that our
prayers have risen,
Accepted and counted as fragrant incense
before our God."
"In a world awash with grief, anxiety and
Where people everywhere, everyday, live with
the fear of missing out,
Thankfully, our Savior reminds us whom to
To turn to everytime, not only if we must.
He said then, He is still saying now,
If we believe, if we have faith, He'll show us
To not worry, to not be anxious about what we
don't know,
About our needs, our future, our health issues
May we always remember His words, for they're
never a burden,
Nor are we to impressive manners, favors and
flattery beholden.
But only to live a life spreading His kingdom
of love, grace and cheer,
And let Him be the One who will, our lives
"The beauty of knowing, is in overcoming
Of the unknown, mysterious, maligned,
prejudged and misunderstood.
One discerns people's issues, their motives
and ideas we hear,
And learn that we are all members of a great
And when one understands creation, how its
Should render us in awe at its complex
While making sure to be good stewards of its
We realize the truth behind fake news and dark
May we truly be children of our God,
Peace- and life-bringing, ever seeking for
what's true.
Giving our best with what we have and had,
Making sure each day always gets better for me
and you."
"Death indeed is a great leveller, not
All soon forgotten, most of our legacies gone,
And we bring nothing, not even bare victuals,
Our memories remaining only to our loved ones.
But we need not fear what happens after,
If we know and did all the best
We could, in all situations, in whatever
Believing in faith our God will supply the
May we not fear death, rather protect and
promote life.
For indeed one must be a friend, the other a
Both natural, should then be wrought in peace
not strife,
That our souls be anchored in love, not in
doubt adrift."
"Time runs so fast, we all can agree,
But especially for those whose hands are full.
So much so we lose track to some degree,
Of its sense, forgetting to appreciate what's
But we are all given the same number of hours,
And we are all given the same chances.
To do good, bringing peace and understanding a
God-given duty of hours,
To bring hope and life in whatever
May we be faithful of time, even if sometimes
we run late,
That no moment be wasted on promoting vanity,
pride and greed.
For our lives too soon will pass, it is
useless to wallow in hate,
But to live each day with grace and mercy, is
a blessing indeed."
"Everyday we see huge gaps of people's
Alongside little though inadequate, yet
well-meaning pockets of grace.
And we believe that is where ministry should
One where help is received, even for those
souls too exhausted to return praise.
Because if we must live out the faith we
We walk the talk, not brag and boast.
We give more and beyond, rather than confess,
We run the race, not just take shots and post.
May we truly be people of our God,
A holy nation, a royal priesthood declaring
His glory,
Sons and daughters bringing peace, washed
clean by His blood,
Preaching His kingdom, a tie that binds
through eternity."
"A topic I mentioned once in finance
class is duality,
How some of our business friends work hard,
Yet put figurines, trinkets, to attract more
wealth and money,
Faith and superstition alongside marketing and
work standard.
The Word calls this idolatry, or worshipping
strange gods,
Frowned upon or taboo, yet a daily reality
Because though God's people work at home or in
foreign lands,
They still hold on to traditions, customs and
rituals so.
Isn't it better though, to be free and
Trusting our unknown future to an unseen God
we believe to be all-knowing.
May we listen to His intent, our hearts
Love, work, believe, and obey His will with
all our being."
"Giving in all forms define the faith we
For not only are we encouraged to share
But even our time and talent, energy,
cooperating for one aim;
As we make sure each one stay healthy,
physically and mentally.
And giving is the ultimate expression of the
love we received;
The true gospel of the kingdom we are
encouraged to preach.
For more than our words, our actions are
better believed,
When we extend peace to all, even beyond our
comfort zone's reach.
May we always be generous, giving, selfless
and true;
Understanding, respectful of each person's
rights and issues.
Ever discerning what is needed, what is the
will of our Father too,
As we deal with people in wisdom, by putting
ourselves in their shoes."
"It's the start of the summer term, of
setting expectations,
And some students expected one to have both
passion and patience.
It makes us think about how to respond to
certain situations,
Our priorities, how we view ourselves and make
It makes us reflect too, that the profession
itself is one great blessing,
Motivated beyond the money, but the
willingness to share.
So that every stressful and work-laden day
deserves thanksgiving,
Believing that wisdom and knowledge will
always have plenty to spare.
May we make each moment count, each day worth
its 24-hour,
Even if there's no recognition, no pedestalled
For we believe giving our best is the only one
that lies within our power,
While we await our ultimate reward, as
faithful servants whom our Great Judge shall call to attention."
"Peer pressure is a lifetime burden for
us all,
But not always does it only lead to bad,
For beyond feeding envy and insecurity,
leading to downfall,
It can show us our uniqueness, appreciate what
we have.
While it also fuels our hunger to be
We can realize that we need not be liked to
feel content,
For we only need to do our best to be
Be honest, faithful, just and true, sincere
with our intent.
May we not forget too that regardless of how
life turns,
We have a God and Savior who cares for us,
Who, in spite of our shortcomings, lifts us up
in our downturns,
Gives us wisdom and strength, guides us as
long as our lives shall last."
"If only life were easy, handed on a
silver platter,
But such is not so, and we're often offended.
What we may consider serious, others see a
trivial matter,
But there is always another chance for dreams
we think have ended.
For successes teach us to celebrate results
more than effort,
While disappointments and rejections
strengthen our resolve and grit.
So that we learn to acknowledge all those who
give us support,
While we discern the many other ways our
talents and skills could fit.
May we not give up, not get disheartened,
When people and panels think of us as less
Their expectations and standards; but always
We have a God who has more than enough for
Who abundantly provides grace, wisdom, love
both strong and tender."
"Casting the stone of condemnation is
easy for some,
Especially to those who think they're immune
to life's downturns.
But when one learns that good and bad both
To any person, one should keep silent in turn.
For even when one believes themselves saved,
The chances of offending, erring, falling
short still occur.
Therefore, self-righteousness has no place,
since our Savior gave
Us all a chance to change, to grow, with His
will to concur.
May we always remember each of us a work in
And respect, give chance, understand, know our
For the gospel that we preach must be
undiluted with selfishness,
Free from greed, pride, done in humility, and
honest, faithful service."
"Wealth is not measured by what we have,
But by what and how much we have given.
Just as our worth lies not in the things we
But in generosity and grace, by which darkness
is beaten.
People may forget our names, not care about
our issues,
Still, we continue to afford respect and
For it is not our personality that remains and
But by how we have made lives better, wisdom
and good sense dispensing.
May we spend our days in peace, giving
Each person a voice, a chance, a way,
Not diminishing each other's light, nor
We were saved to share God's love and kingdom
in any way."
"One wonders why truth, good and right
are dissed,
Why reason, logic, wisdom, and godliness are
Then one encounters self-righteousness, and
understands why people are pissed,
That's why the message of the gospel gets
And such occurs every day, sadly done by
people we know,
How, feeling confident in themselves, seems to
have lost the faith.
Thinking that because they perform certain
traditions religiously so,
They're better than the rest, singing praises,
heaping disdain with one breath.
But the Word says we need to look ar our
How, in the sight of God, we're all work in
And instead of hate, judgment, let love bring
His mercy and grace, His generosity and
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