"As we
face another new year, we observe
People trying
to bring in some cheer and lucky charm,
Believing that
health, wealth, happiness is what they deserve,
Freedom from
chaos, trouble, strife and all kinds of harm.
But the best
way to start any day and year,
Is to be free
from debt, envy, jealousy, insecurity;
To live at
peace with all, free from fear,
And to trust
our loving God with our future and eternity.
May we truly
live as His people, doing His will
In our lives,
living simply, humbly, without regret.
That even in
old age, we enjoy His presence and provisions still,
And of His
goodness and love, we'll always be thankful and never forget."
"It seems
there will always be people who are clueless,
Not realizing
their bullying and entitlements have hurt and deprived others.
Not learning
that people avoid them for their meanness,
Yet expecting
to be catered to, to have audience in all moods and weathers.
How much better
would life have been if we all lived deliberately,
understanding, humble, tactful, minimizing our presence.
Giving others
the chance to speak and shine, waiting for our turn patiently,
Earning our
keep honestly, treating life and connections with reverence.
May we grow
more mature and actualized, in faith and wisdom
Living our
days; giving and doing the best we can
To make life
better for all; ministers of the Kingdom
Of light and
love; our Father's children, a beacon of hope for each and everyone."
"There are
indeed some who believe strongly in themselves,
In their
accumulations, capabilities, qualifications, choices, and decisions.
And that's
commendable too, but burdensome taking of responsibility by ourselves,
When we know
there are things beyond our control, and complicated situations.
It's always
better to have faith and trust in the One
Who holds the
future in His hands, who gives life.
For through
that belief alone, we have won,
Our efforts
have meaning, leading to peace and freedom from strife.
May we truly be
God's children, circumspect, respectful of life and other people,
Considerate of
other's needs, issues, and relations.
Not only when
we need their help when we're in trouble,
But even when
life is good, and we are in much better positions."
"It's easy
to wish good holiday wishes from the comfort of home and food,
But difficult
to appreciate the season when one is sad.
And indeed, far
too many get swamped in festivities, feeling good,
there are offenses to settle, relations and connections gone bad.
And if we
believe Jesus is the reason of the season,
May we also
remember He was born poor and humble,
Grew up in
industry, simplicity, yet in His short physical existence, fulfilled His
And submitted
His body to the punishment of the cross without a grumble.
May we realize
that we too are meant to tackle life's challenges,
Doing our best,
relying on God's grace alone, not other people's alms.
although we can ask for help, but one truth never changes,
Only One is the
source of our lives, the One whom we must please until He again physically
someone really important is present, we pay attention,
We consider
what they need, even tiptoe around.
How come when
we claim to worship, we're the ones screaming for attention?
When we pray,
all we do is ask, but not give His presence ground?
Did the glory
of His love get lost when we learned we've been saved?
Did His very
nature as holy took a backseat to our emotions?
For it seemed
we think He hears better from the loudest shouts we gave,
And not from a
silent, humble heart, not swayed but steady, content in all situations.
May we remember
that the One who we celebrate today is One,
commercialized nor emotional, bringer of the ultimate gift--life, abundant and
And His
presence still lives today, in lives lived and done
In His will,
seeking only His glory, until our time comes to see Him, and that's
shouldn't be made into proselytizing clickbait,
For a matter of
life and death demands transparency.
And so we live
what we speak, we patiently wait,
For chance and
people to turn and happen, living in consistency.
And there
shouldn't be a contest of the journey,
For each is
graced according to our capacity.
Some might
start fast but end late ultimately,
Some might
start late but endure more strongly.
May we be
people instead, who build others up and encourage,
Rather than
promote ourselves, nor our own perceived superiority.
Because we are
not, except if whatever comes, we remain sane and show good courage,
For that will
surely spur us on to eternity."
up, I heard some people ridicule wide readers,
Like it's some
sort of personality disorder.
But now I
realized maybe it's borne out of silent fears,
Because wide
readers learn and know much, with horizons wider.
In our
spiritual life too, reading and reflecting much is tedious,
But necessary
to know, learn, verify and be convinced of truth.
For limiting
ourselves to just believe what others say is odious,
And speaks of
laziness, irresponsibility, of wisdom and grace not worth.
May we be
people ever learning, knowing, understanding,
That our
Father's wisdom become part of our character.
For therein
lies hope, strength and endurance against challenges; to remain standing,
Against lies
and evil; but upholding truth, peace, love, lives made better."
"If we
haven't learned anything else so far,
Then may we
remember we have a purpose,
For striving so
hard in this journey, that we are
Destined for
something good, our lives for greater use.
And we can
believe this because we have a God so good,
Who never fails
to instill His lessons all around
In creation,
from other people, even humanity's great brotherhood;
For us to be
heavenly-accountable, with feet on the ground.
May we always
abide by His light and way,
swerving to selfish agenda, nor be victimized for validation.
Because only
His grace and strength gives worth to our everyday,
Only His love
and presence can give light to any dark situation."
"If groups
are only as good as their weakest link,
individually, we are only as strong as our belief.
For no matter
how secured we are, we think,
Our thoughts
can either bring us more burden, or relief.
To those who
think they must have all,
Will soon find
out their strength and talents not enough,
For to win this
fight, to endure and stand tall,
We need grace
and heavenly guidance from One unfathomably wise, good, yet tough.
May we listen
to His voice, mend our selfish ways,
In humility
acknowledging nothing we have or own.
But in
community with others, bringing peace and light in all our ways,
That our
Father's Name, not ours, be lifted up in renown."
"More than
any outside threat or challenge,
We need
rescuing and saving from ourselves.
For left
unchecked, our thoughts full of envy, greed and revenge,
At every
offense, feeling diminished, in chaos and discontent our heart delves.
Thankfully, our
Savior showed us true deliverance in humility,
The Great King
swaddled with care in a manger,
A place of both
rustic comfort, provision, but honesty,
During a time
of colonization and great danger.
May we be
inspired by the same hope and love in that little family,
To go on in our
journey in faith, of His care,
For if we live
the love we receive, better than a homily,
Through greater
difficulties ahead, our souls will be strengthened to bear."
"As the
old year starts to pass, and a new one to come,
So should we
leave old mindsets behind.
envy, greed, pride, insecurity, are not welcome
Traits in a
civilized society, nor should they form the mind.
For naysayers
and optimists both can agree,
Times are
getting more difficult and challenging.
But our
response is one they most disagree,
One promoting
terror, the other--hope, confidence, encouraging.
May we be
people truly brought up in faith,
Not creating
imaginary terrors more than the realities we are facing.
That our lives
be full of grace and love as we wait,
For our
deliverance, inspiring others while we move towards our ultimate
week, one experienced a high contrast between two places called, 'Green--',
One, extremely
overpriced yet true luxury, the other, an imitation.
mirroring life wherever we have been,
When many carry
the same faith-name, but inwardly different in situation.
For we might
strive to look nice and real,
But life's
challenges would show our mettle.
conviction goes beyond the moment, what we feel,
To rule the
heart in peace, anxieties and insecurities to settle.
May we be
people truly saved, preserved, patiently waiting,
Our daily
responsibilities to respect and cherish done well,
As we go
through our journey with hope, enduring,
That at the
end, our true Master will reward, and all the universe to tell."
"Some of
us may think the world revolves around us,
To the point we
feel others are obligated to consider our convenience.
But even our
Lord is considerate enough to use what someone else has,
And from there
achieve great things beyond mere subsistence.
For respecting
time and space is respecting people,
maturity, good breeding, worthy character and upbringing.
Not to the
extent of self-righteousness as high as a church's steeple,
But really,
just basic responsibility, where we consider everyone's state of being.
May we truly be
people whom we claim to be:
God's children,
spreading His grace in a world of selfishness and greed.
Discerning of
our actions, uttering our words responsibly,
Ready to give
and give way what's not ours, to those who are in need."
prayer can be unselfish, but too often
Personal and
only seen from our point of view.
But others may
have stronger needs, to which we fail to listen,
Because we
believe we ourselves deserve the answers now due.
But maturity
demands respect, discernment, understanding and consideration,
For truth may
just lie beneath, while falsehood pretends,
And that there
is more to each and every situation,
For to go
beyond our comforts is what the Father intends.
May we be
people discerning, understanding, open to realities,
While we strive
to live the good grace we have been given.
Each day
exercising our better nature and qualities,
With minds
pure, spirits free from self-righteous leaven."
"Words are
always a source of life and death,
They can build
up, strengthen, inspire and encourage.
And saying and
handling them well is true wealth,
Not worth
destroying with tactlessness, rudeness, pride that discourage.
For since time
immemorial, words always have the power,
Being graced by
the presence of God, fruit of His love.
And everything
we say to someone we think higher or lower
Than us, is
actually a manifestation of the life we have.
May we be
people consistent and constant in deed,
Living lives of
meaning and wisdom, truth and grace,
To paths of
goodness and peace, may others we lead,
That goodness
and peace also dwell with us all our days."
"The face
of God, is the face of our neighbor,
Even if we may
not like or accept it.
For loving our
fellowman is also labor,
A burden we
might do well to carry bit by bit.
For as the
story today shows our true color,
When we try to
live the faith we profess,
By being
respectful and understanding, both worthy endeavor,
More than real
emotions and thoughts we try to suppress.
May we be
consistent and true, whenever and wherever,
Do our best to
bring peace, hope, comfort, enlightenment.
As we manifest
what it means to be a Kingdom-believer,
Living our
Father's love and grace, moment by moment."
"As in the
parable of the harvest, we look at our Father's will,
Like our story
today which reminds us to ask.
For in faith,
our worried hearts would be still,
And peace
covers us, as we do the task.
Indeed, with
all the challenges and burdens we handle,
It is tempting
to just zone out and escape.
But we must
believe our Father's light can ignite our dying candle,
And that for
our fortitude and character, patience and perseverance are tools that shape.
May we always
try to seek His will, live His love,
Be respectful
and responsible, magnanimous, considerate and gracious.
As we
continually seek wisdom, strength and guidance from above,
Becoming worthy
stewards of life and lives so precious."
heartbreaking, but recent news and events painfully show
How life
suffers at the selfishness and greed of the few.
Who want to get
their way in all things,
considering the consequences to their abusive and dark imaginings.
But yet there
is hope, as this season being a reminder,
That to life's
challenges and difficulties, there is a rejoinder.
It is the life
brought by the One True Giver:
Humble yet
abundant, difficult yet peaceful, bridging to forever.
May we remain
circumspect, respectful, not insisting on our rightness,
But patiently
waiting, tactful, enduring, discerning, generous and selfless.
For this life
is too short and fleeting to make an offensive show,
But too
precious not to promote the kingdom of heaven here below."
"A pet
student prayed a very personal class prayer,
Asking God to
prioritize the needs of the most needy.
Cute, except
for the fact most would like to hear,
That God
prioritizes each one, always on ready:
To give what we
need, whether provision or grace,
To enlighten
and encourage, strengthen and guide,
At the end, to
reward those who endure the race,
To give
consolation to the suffering of those who abide.
And we can
believe that He hears all our prayer,
For we've seen
how good He was in preserving us.
May we too give
to Him our utmost love, devotion, anytime, anywhere,
Whom we know we
can depend on as the seasons pass."
"The OGs
believed in the 'power of the terror' way,
GenZs into behaving and doing well.
Unfortunately a
lifetime and generation of PTSDs clearly say,
works better, with more meaningful fruits to tell.
And yes, the
post-gospel epistles show us too,
encouragement is key to growth, persistence, and endurance,
Building a life
that's consistent in conviction in everything we do,
Where our
Father's light does shine, His truth can only advance.
May we always
remember to encourage, support, build up,
Not be a
stumbling block or a hindrance to others,
That we may
share, fill each other's cup,
And thrive
together with our fellows, sisters and brothers."
"It never
fails to prove what is true,
What we say as
manifested in what we do.
If faith, by
good works done consistently,
If wisdom, by
choices and decisions done patiently.
And when we say
we're worth the accolade,
We are still to
work after, like a debt to be paid.
For a life of
doubt, impostor-syndrome is what we get,
When we know we
haven't played fair with our bet.
May we be
consistent, settled between our word and action,
Always mindful
of the weight of our every situation.
That we might
someday receive our ultimate reward,
As people
molded in character, each a good steward."
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