love means letting go and giving way...
Such as when
you truly love God and people enough to share the gospel of the kingdom by not
intruding into other people's personal spaces; but by generosity and
understanding, patience and steadfastness in the truth, and in humility and
"You can
believe it in faith, or continue with your show:
God is alive,
He is not deaf.
You need not
shout your supplications and worship of Him, just to get attention and rise
above the din of the crowd;
For He is so
near--just a talk, a call, even a whisper away."
"Even as
we try so hard to move away from our past selves;
By diligently
practicing our religion, doing philanthropy, tirelessly attending services,
ministries and fellowships;
But for the
rest of our short lives,
We will still
have to live with the consequences of our past and present choices.
That's the
essence of humanity:
reparations, doing amends, building up again, becoming better--
In humility,
tactfulness, respect, courage and wisdom."
surprises the one who pays attention;
Nothing shakes
the one whose guidance is from our Father from above."
"We can
only use what we have; but we have to use them well."
"The only
kind of fear that leads to something good is the fear of God."
"Life is
too short for us to get weighed down by its trivialities; and too important to
waste on things that don't add eternal value."
"It is the
best life, that is anchored on the as-yet unseen, eternal promise of our
"This too,
is how we know our faith and worship are true: when we abide by the words of
our Savior, when we can empathize with humanity and creation like Him and our
Heavenly Father do."
journey is better than the destination."
abuse, discrimination, taking of undue advantage over others, theft, rudeness,
dishonesty, envy, insecurity and greed, will always exist as long as humanity's
existence. And it is telling of our faith and person if we can rise above them."
whatever age, in whatever season, for whatever reason: amidst the world's
chaos, confusion, delusion and tribulation--be the pocket of hope, wisdom,
justice, peace and understanding."
day, there will be things that challenge our patience, faith and conviction.
But we must not lose our heads; because more than losing temper, and acting
unhinged as we rant and rage, we lose our credibility as messengers of our
Saviour's cause, His gospel, His love, and His kingdom-call."
"We must
always move toward noble and worthy life-and-soul, eternal goals--no matter the
challenges and changes, for whatever reason, in whatever season."
"It's not
a full life if it's only fun and games, with everything going our way. For our
Father's love and grace to be manifested, we also have to live through
challenges and difficulties, poverty and want, darkness and despair, sorrow and
"Even if
some of us belong to the same religious group, individually, we each have a
different idea of who our God is, what and how we want Him to be. May they only
lead to love and reverence for Him, and respect and understanding of our
"How we
walk is a reflection of how we think;
And a
reflection of what we believe in too."
words, in casual, everyday conversations (especially when we think we know
better than the other person, or are entitled to the best, the latest, and the
most), are the strongest evidence of who we are and what we believe."
is a work of a lifetime."
"We can
never go beyond what our God has planned; therefore, we must make sure to
partner with Him, seek His will, and do our best while He leads the way."
somebody tells you that it is enough for you to listen to them, rather than you
having to confirm, cross-check, and read or discover for yourself, be very
careful, be very careful."
than a marriage vow is our God's promise to always be there for us: in sickness
and good health, in richness and poverty, all throughout this life and
"One of
the surest measures of the faith we profess is empathy, putting ourselves in
the other person's place, so that we may know more deeply about their needs and
issues, challenges and motivations. Not blindly judging or imposing on what we
think is best for them, because frankly, we're not 'them'; and therefore, have
no moral ascendancy over their lives."
"Only the
'numbest and dumbest' would fail to see our God's love and provision not just
in the written and spoken word; but more glaringly, in creation, in every life
situation, in every responsibility and chance given our way. Let's give our
utmost, do our share diligently, and if need be, go the extra mile."
"As this
religious day symbolizes, may we continue to have epiphanies of the true nature
of people and things; always remembering and learning from the deeper meaning
and driving force, the real essence of every word and deed, in every situation."
unlike God, we don't know everything; therefore, in these too-often one-shot
chances in our journey, we have to be keenly observant, learn from our mistakes
and others and never forget and repeat, be extra sensitive to moods and
atmospheres and seasons, and be discerning at all times."
"No effort
done for our God, and for the good of those He blessed to come our way, will
ever be wasted."
reinforcement always works better;
and so, may we,
like our Savior, learn to speak the right word to the right people.
May we give
hope, instead of sowing fear;
may we inspire
and encourage, instead of discouraging and unnecessarily offending because we
falsely claim to know better."
'so-called' prophets, and even the color of the year, foretell a somewhat dark
and bleak future; but thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father whom we can trust
for wisdom, provision, guidance, fortitude and strength."
How much better
would the new year be, if we can live the 365 days of it sharing the gospel we
received on Christmas day, not just passively citing verses, but in every
moment, being living manifestations of the word we have received?
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