The devotional today was on Hebrews 7, and the Apostle Paul discussed in plain language how Jesus Christ is our intercessor before GOD, while also expounding that HIS role goes beyond HIS human sacrifice to the dawn of civilization, to the Order of Melchizedek, priest of GOD Most High, even before the roots of the modern faiths Judaism, Christianity and Islam were established.

As Bible-believing Christians, we all share in the same conversion experience: we learned of our sinfulness and unworthiness, recognizing that physical life is not all there is, that there is life beyond death and for all eternity, and that we needed to accept and follow Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR to have any assurance of getting there. 

For those who do not believe though, this idea is preposterous to them, particularly for those who do not want to feel accountable to GOD or any higher being, for all that they do and how they live.  Unfortunately, not believing and accepting something doesn’t mean that it is not true and it does not exist.  Like, if one does not know what a pangolin is, and doesn’t believe that such an animal exists, he wouldn’t recognize it when he sees one and just say it is an animal that looks like a type between an anteater or an armadillo, maybe, when in fact, persistent conservation efforts are underway for this gentle, shy and lovable animal which is a staple in Eastern and African traditional Medicine.

I remember reading from the news how certain world leaders a few months past did not believe in the CoViD-19 pandemic and that if it ever was happening, falsely believed that it wouldn’t reach their shores. I would like to read about their reaction now.

My point however, is that spiritually and physically, we are a sorry species.  We always need intercessors to get between us and those that call us to account—whether Jesus Christ before GOD’s wrath, or health-workers and front-liners to keep us safe and help heal us from the pandemic.

And yet it is sad that many people don’t even recognize this fact, and still go about their ways as if they know everything, are entitled to be always first and convenient, and in spite of being locked down and losing their means of income, still are as proud as ever to realize that old habits and ways of thinking will no longer work now and in the future.

But then again, one mustn’t lose hope for as the Bible said, GOD is Mr. Patience Himself.  HE doesn’t want anyone to lose their chance at spending eternity with HIM.  HE is always calling on everyone to accept HIS Son Jesus Christ, so their souls will be saved from eternal damnation.

Likewise, even if our cities are gradually opening up, we too shouldn’t miss our chance of following the leads of those who help keep us safe and healthy.  I read that some of them have grown tired of all the clapping, and I agree.  It is a worn out tribute, in danger of becoming just another antiquated cliché.  If we truly recognize them for their sacrifice, we too should reform our habits:  wear masks properly (keeping your nose open just because you have difficulty breathing is a sure habit to make you soon not be able to breathe at all and be a flat-liner); always wash hands with soap and water or alcohol or sanitizer (as much as possible, every 20 waking minutes); cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze (which, as a former well-baby and A1 child and daughter of an OC mother, was one of the things I learned to do vigorously even before preschool); don’t pick boogers with your pinkie (yuck! that is what all those hoarded tissues are to be used for...ewww!); eat healthy, take your vitamins daily, stop drinking and smoking, stretch and move your body regularly, and sleep well.  The list goes on, but it is never longer than the whole Bible, so it is not difficult to obey the things that will help us live longer and spend some more memorable times with our loved ones.

Take care. Be safe. Follow the lead of your intercessors.


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