I came across an online article that said it seems the IG influencers people used to patronize and idolize before had grown less influential. Probably because with the pandemic, people have realized that instead of stalking and hanging on every post and update of their favorite stars, life is better off under the new normal if they actually try to learn a new skill or earn an income alternative to the ones they have lost or been reduced to doing.

What do most of these influencers do anyway? Many of them seem to be endorsing fashion, cosmetics and beauty enhancements, even immorality and vice, and little in the way of actually helping people work to better themselves. They are called influencers because by what they do, what they say, what they wear, they influence people to do likewise. And because many of their followers are minors, that says a lot about the kind of things we allow our children to learn and adapt.

But what should be the kind of influence we expose our children to? We learn in today’s Word in 1 Peter chapter 3 verses 3 and 4 that it is not the outward adornment--ornaments, beautifully done hair, or the latest fashionable clothes—that determine our worth as individuals and standing before our Maker, but what is in our hearts, that is, a humble and quiet spirit. And it is considered a great price itself in the presence of GOD.

People grow old, fashions fade, memories are forgotten, pretty pictures soon wear and tear. The only thing that lasts is character. And this, what reign supreme are humility and inner peace. It lets us stand and endure amidst trials, it keeps us grounded in victory and prosperity, and it gives us wisdom and patience in adversity. It is something that does not tarnish, uncorruptible, and lasts beyond our lifetimes.

May we all be better influencers to all those who look to us, so that through the things we do, the words we say, the modesty we dress ourselves with, we do not arouse envy or derision in others, but that they will be blessed and encouraged.


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