Less than a year ago, each of us have our own issues and concerns. Now, with the pandemic, we share a common fear, and common causes and reasons of feeling tired and frustrated with life and with how things are going. I realized that this merely illustrates one of the things I learned today, how, in the study of Biology, “understanding life is a social enterprise.” It simply means that we do not live and exist by ourselves alone. Whether we claim to be independent for whatever reason and in whatever aspect, we are reminded of a famous person’s statement that, “we are a product of the work of the hands of many people.”
As people
of faith, we believe that we were created by GOD in His image. Our bodily organs work perfectly according to
His universal biological and physical laws, even in times of sickness and
disease. The air we breathe, the food we
eat, the clothes we wear, and all other things we use to survive, to earn a living,
to enjoy life—are products of the forces of nature and the work of many
people. And so, whatever we are going
through, it is either partly a result of our own actions, or a result of our
interaction with the world beyond our skin.
What we
learn in the Word today, in the epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians,
the first chapter, with the first few verses interpreted by some Bible
scholars, that it is actually all of humanity who were predestined as children
of GOD. However, only those who accept
His gift of salvation, and live to follow Him in love, will—at the dispensation
of all things, or when Jesus Christ comes back to set everything and every
affair on earth in their proper order—will we get the chance to physically
spend eternity with Him in His kingdom.
these times of crisis and bad news and discouragement, unlike many, this belief
is not escapism but something that our innermost being craves for. Because we know that physically we all die,
we have this fear that if we get sick any moment—or by stroke of coincidence we
get into disastrous and tragic circumstance, life is taken away from us—we have
the desire to believe that life could not be meaningless and that it could not
be just what it is, but that there has to be more. And this longing for more is our soul
reaching out to the Being where it came from in the first place, the One who
gave us the breath of life.
For all
our doubts and inadequacies in understanding what lies beyond, what comes
after, and what will happen to us tomorrow, the great apostle has stated in verses
13-14 that we, “…were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the
earnest (in this case, it means guarantee, because the one who promised is
sincere) of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession
(our souls), unto the praise of His glory.”
This should comfort us and give us confidence, that even if things seem to be getting worse, there is still something better and greater that lies ahead. Even if every day there are things that discourage us and weaken our resolve, there remain stories and words that build us up back again, and uplift our spirits to enable us to move on just one more step after another, until we reach the fulfillment of these promises. We should be thankful and prayerful every day that we have a GOD who can never lie, a Savior who is always more than able, and a Lord and Master who is the father of trust and trustworthiness that He is sincere, He is earnest, and He will fulfill in our lives a proper dispensation and perfect accomplishment of all things according to His purpose and plan.
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