LIFE SONGS July 19, 2020

The Word today in the book of Psalms chapter 120 is described as the first of a series of Psalms called ‘Songs of Ascent’ or ‘Songs of Degrees’.  Bible scholars say they are the songs sung by pilgrims as they make their way toward Jerusalem.

One cannot help but ponder that in our daily lives too, there are songs that move us.  Some inspire us, some make us remember of bygone days and people, some irritate us, and some give us hope.

In the case of this psalm, in the first verse the Psalmist made a bold statement by saying that in the time of his distress he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him.  I wonder how many of us believers today can say the same.  Whenever we have problems or troubles, do we cry out to GOD, not only saying repeated or memorized words in prayer, but fully surrendering all our cares to Him, recognizing that it is He who holds authority over our lives, and moving on in faith?  And do we really live everyday with confidence that He hears our prayers, or do we go about our days doing our own things and spending our own efforts without acknowledging the miracles He performs in our lives each moment?

The second to the fourth verses are the Psalmist’s prayer and declaration that GOD keep him from the lying lips and deceitful tongue, and that this liar be punished with the sharp arrows of the mighty.  In the KJV, the last phrase mentions also, ‘the coals of juniper’.  Since I have a very limited knowledge on plants, I wonder why such is considered punishment.  I looked it up in the Biblehub, and it says that juniper roots are used to make coal because they can store the heat for an almost indefinite time, meaning they are long burning. 

Indeed, in life, lies not only hurt for a moment, but because of it, many relationships and trusts are ruined, and its after-effects can be felt even through a lifetime.  As such the Psalmist has stated that an apt punishment for something that destroys life and connections so hurtfully should also be punished in a commensurate manner and with equitable impact, like a long-burning charcoal, that heats and scalds so the person remembers his or her wickedness and be prevented from doing the same thing again to other people.

The last three verses describe the Psalmist’s predicament that he is in a woeful situation because all around him are people who love conflict, war and chaos, while he himself long for peace.  I believe this is the same sentiment of not only the Israelites but GOD’s people until now.  We know and believe in the Judeo-Christian ethical standards and that they are the only perfect recipe to good government, abundant life, and peaceful existence.  It is sad however, that many people choose to stir confusion with the fake and the lies, and fan chaos just to feed their egos and make themselves feel validated and knowing.

I just hope and pray that we come to know the errors of our ways, because some of us, although we like to think we are peace-loving and nice and kind, actually do slip up even in our thoughts.  May we make the song of peace our life song, and strive to be the world’s peacemakers that may we truly earn what Jesus Christ proclaimed in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5 verse 9: “blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of GOD.”


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