A FAITH LIKE DANIEL August 22, 2020
Today we are reminded of one of the greatest prophets in the Word, Daniel, who lived and survived, and became influential in the courts of three of the world’s greatest empires, the Babylonians, the Medes and the Persians, despite being a Jewish captive. His rise to power and leadership was nothing short of GOD’s work, because through it all, GOD was present in his life, guiding him, giving him wisdom, strengthening his faith so he did not give in to the worldly temptations around him, and revealing to him what will happen in the future, even to our time today.
his life, we see that Daniel was really filled with GOD’s spirit. And we learn that this is because he had
unconditional faith that GOD would deliver him, but even if that weren’t so, he
and his friends (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) will still worship GOD alone,
rather than the idols of Babylon (Daniel 3:16-18).
In our
scripture today, in Daniel chapter 6, even when Babylon fell and was taken over
by the Medes, those who are envious of Daniel and his friends still continued
their attack and accused them again of not worshipping Darius, the Median
king. Because of this, Daniel was thrown
to the lion’s den. There, GOD continued
to protect him. And again, like what
happened during the time when Daniel and his friends were thrown to the furnace
of fire, like the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, Darius was also forced to
acknowledge the power and might of GOD.
One can
argue that these extraordinary events in Daniel’s life happened because Daniel
was of noble blood, and one who stood out against the rest of his people, when
select children of the captive Israelites were chosen to serve in the courts of
their captors. But, we have to
acknowledge that Daniel too, really had a great and strong faith in GOD, and he
had firm convictions on living the life that GOD wants him to live. Often, during our time today, we seldom can
say the same to some people who are very rich and famous. One only has to watch the news every day, to
learn that those who had more financial means in life are many times the ones
mostly involved in illegal activities. I
guess that money indeed, is a temptation for many people to live the wayward
And so,
one realizes that like in Daniel’s time and even to our time today, the enemy
will always be at work, often sending GOD’s people through hardship, persecution,
even sickness and pain. Like Daniel, most
of us have no control over these things.
But Daniel showed us that we can have control over our response. We need to strengthen our faith and stand
firm then, so that we will remain steadfast and not be overcome by the
oppression and attacks of the enemy.
May we follow
Daniel's example, keep in mind whom we must truly worship, and live the rest of
our days serving and praising Him. May
we, even ordinary beings, be like Daniel who has caused the greatest leaders of
the world during his time to declare: “…men shall tremble and fear before the
GOD of Daniel: for He is the living GOD, and steadfast for ever, and His
kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto
the end. He delivers and rescues, and He
works signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who has delivered Daniel from
the power of the lions.” (verses 26-27)
May we
always remember that the GOD of Daniel is our GOD, the One who will deliver us
more than from hungry lions, but from anything and everything that threatens us
and stands in our way of living the life He has willed and plan for us.
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