The Word we read today, in the second chapter of the Book of Acts, is oddly relevant to our times.  In here we read that during Pentecost, the believers and disciples of the risen Christ gathered together in a place, when suddenly a rushing mighty wind came, and the promised Holy Spirit came on each of them appearing like tongues of fire, after which they who were all Jews spoke the language of all the nations in the known world to the people around them.  Then, after much confusion by their audience, the Apostle Peter stood up and boldly declared the ministry and salvation brought about by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, stating the clearest message that speaks even to our generation now, “…GOD has made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord (Master, King) and Christ (Savior, Redeemer).”


Some may consider it sacrilegious, but I cannot help but compare this declaration to one we just read very recently on social media, how a certain senator, instead of listening to the problems and helping ease the burden of our medical front-liners during this pandemic, who asked that the capital be returned back to ECQ to lessen contagion and ease the burden on our hospitals and healthcare centers, instead said that this cannot be allowed and that the medical personnel, who are already over-burdened, severely rest-deprived, mentally and emotionally weary, should add to their doubled efforts and hunker down to work what I consider a hundred times more.  This statement does not even consider the fact that our medical facilities are severely worn out, supplies are running extremely and dangerously low, and the greatest ally of healing—time—is in unquestionably short supply; not to mention that government funds have been seriously depleted, and because it is yet unannounced due to the lag in reporting and publishing time, the national budget has already been in the deficit for several months now, with national debt piling up every day.


I feel that such statement from an esteemed and privileged lawmaker brings us to the edge, much like the Pharisees and high priests during Jesus’ time, where we are crucifying those whom we consider our saviors against our unseen enemy.


Many of those who heard Apostle Peter’s message felt guilty and remorseful, they were convicted in their hearts, repented of their sins and came to be baptized, and became believers in Christ, essentially Jews who now became the first Christian converts. 


I wonder if during our time today, how many of us feel convicted in the same way, like, do we listen and obey the reminders and requests of our health experts and professionals when they say we have to wear masks when going outside, to go outside of the house only when extremely necessary, to maintain social distancing, to disinfect (as much as possible, obsessively-compulsively) every time we can, to eat healthy, to get enough rest, and to make sure to stay sane, connected and logical in the way we relate to our families and the people around us.


May we not become like the hard-headed religious leaders of Jesus’ time who refused to listen to His good news and His message that brings life and healing, but instead, may we do all we can to ensure life and health to ourselves, our families, and all the people around us.  May we not waste the efforts of our medical, health, sanitation, and peace and order personnel, and not participate (whether willingly or cluelessly), in crucifying our very own modern-day saviors again.


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