GOD IS OUR DEFENSE August 20, 2020

The Word we read today in the book of Psalms chapter 89, is something we all need to hear, for it is a Maschil, a contemplation or reflection of Ethan the Ezrahite, one of the three chief singers and cymbal player-musicians during the time of Kings David and Solomon (1 Chronicles 15:19), along with Asaph (whose Psalm we have read many days ago), and Heman.  It appears Ethan is also a poet and songwriter himself, by penning this Psalm, as well as being a worthy scribe and storyteller, for this Psalm records both Ethan’s praise and prayer, and GOD’s answer to Him in a vision or revelation.


The name Ethan in Biblical language, means “strong and optimistic, solid and enduring, permanent,” according to Wikipedia (which also made reference to Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, on 1 Kings 4).  And true to his name, the words of his song are as timeless and enduring, and one that will be a source of great strength to people like us during these times.  Because of Ethan’s wisdom, he is considered a standard comparable only to King Solomon, whom the Bible says was wiser (1 Kings 4:31).  This might be because Ethan has seen and known the GOD he serves and worship, the one he is truly working for instead of the king or the people, dedicating his talent and his love, thereby being strengthened and empowered to be among the Levites whose work is in praising and worshipping GOD, and leading all the congregation to do the same.


In the first fourteen verses of the psalm, Ethan sang of the Lord’s mercies, greatness, power and goodness—how He has created everything in love (mercy) and faithfulness, how He has blessed His people and promised to have the seed of King David sit on the throne forever.  And we know in the gospels that this is Jesus Christ, of the tribe of Judah, whose legal and biological genealogy can be traced indeed to King David (Matthew 1:5-17; Luke 2:1-5, 3:23-31).  This is the same GOD whom Ethan says the heavens praised for all His wonders, for His might and power, for He rules over all creation, and whose throne and dominion is established in justice and judgment, mercy and truth.


In verses 15 to 18 of the psalm, Ethan declared blessing upon the people who know the joyful sound, in walking and living according to GOD’s leading, rejoicing in His name, exalting His righteousness, deriving strength from His glory, and favor from Him.  And this blessing too, is as timeless and as borderless as GOD’s people then and now and until forever, “For the Lord is our defense; and the Holy One of Israel is our King” (verse 18). 


The next ten verses (19 to 28) is GOD’s response to Ethan in a vision, how GOD has blessed David His servant, and how He will bless his descendants too, giving them victory, deliverance, grace and favor, and success in life.   Even when His people will rebel against Him and turn away from the path He has planned for them, GOD revealed to Ethan how He may discipline them, but His mercy and grace will still be there.  He will still be faithful to bless if they return to Him (verses 29 to 37).  He will fulfill His promises to His people and to all their generations if they mend their ways and be reconciled with Him.


The last part of verse 37 had ‘Selah’, the change of tone, or point of view, for in verses 38 to 45 Ethan concurred with GOD that indeed, His people have been great sinners, so that their enemies have triumphed over them, they have been seemingly abandoned, their strongholds destroyed, they have become a laughingstock and a ridicule among the people around them, and their lives have been shortened and spent in sorrow.


But the last part of verse 45 also had ‘Selah’, for in the next three verses (46 to 48), Ethan reminded GOD that the man He has created is mortal, he cannot save himself, and therefore if he commits sin and disobedience, no one else can save him from the grave, both spiritually and physically, but the One who has created him in the first place.  This kind of speaks to our predicament today.  Yes, the world’s civilizations may have come such a long way in terms of knowledge and technological advancement, and yet, as what accountants would say, the only thing certain are death and taxes.  We all die, no matter who we are, regardless of how much money we have in the bank or none at all, whether we are well-connected or alone, abandoned and isolated, sociable or solitary.  And we all can get sick, in any and all kinds of diseases, known and unknown, controllable or like the one the world is experiencing now—novel, silent and highly contagious.  And no amount of vaccine or cure can work against it unless our Creator Himself wills and grants the healing.


The last part of verse 48 has another ‘Selah’, for in the next four and last verses of the psalm (49 to 52), Ethan lived to his name once again, and epitomized what it means to be a strong and optimistic believer and child of GOD, solid and enduring in his faith in GOD, and permanent in his faithfulness to serve, render praise and lead the people in community worship.  He asked GOD to remember His former loving-kindness, His promises of deliverance, His power and strength to remove shame and affliction from His people.  And the last verse concludes with Ethan rendering back to GOD the one thing that a human being alone can give back to the One who owns everything—eternal praise and blessing, on Him who is eternal and who forever deserves it too.


We who share in the gospel first entrusted to Israel’s people and who now share in the faith that was brought by Jesus Christ’s redemptive sacrifice and salvation, can claim these things, and are parties to these obligation too.  Yes, we may still sin and commit mistakes, we may still offend GOD and people, and yet, there remains hope for us, for the GOD we worship is the same GOD that remains true and consistent throughout all generations.  We may still suffer for the irresponsible things and the destruction we have done to His creation, including this temple (our bodies) He calls His own, and yet, we cannot turn to any other being for help and deliverance during our times of trouble, sickness, pain, suffering and despair.  May we bless Him forever too, following the lead of wise Ethan the singer/poet/cymbal player/story-teller, render praises to GOD alone who created us, who saved us, and the only one who can heal and deliver us—our GOD who is our rock, our source of strength, our victory and our defense.


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