The Word we read today, in the first epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 3, is a timely reflection of our times. Because of the pandemic, billions of us around the world are locked down in our homes, and to answer the call of the impending global food shortage, to clean the air and be able to breathe a little freely, many have resorted to home gardening and becoming plant-parents and plant-guardians.
lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have also brought about some changes in the
way people think, with one news article I read yesterday saying that the
pandemic and the quarantine and health measures being implemented around the
world have resulted in the rewiring of people’s brains. Many have become sad and depressed, with
cases of domestic violence, child abuse and even divorce piling up. Most have switched on to survival mode, so
that our old materialistic lifestyles are now refocused on just supplying our
families with the bare essentials, resulting to the bankruptcies of thousands
of companies around the world which are engaged in the business of luxury and
branded goods, leisure, tourism and travel, and the loss of jobs of millions of
people in these industries.
On a
spiritual level, one may be compelled to think about the way people’s
convictions, principles and beliefs are planted and what are the foundations of
such, in order to understand what is happening around the world, and how to
better respond and help when necessary.
chapter of apostle Paul’s epistle shows us that between him and the other early
influential Christian minister Apollos, it doesn’t matter from whom the
brethren received their message, dispensation, baptism and laying on of hands,
for they are just both ministers according to him, and it is only GOD who has
planted and laid the foundation of our faith and salvation.
In the
life of the brethren today, this is also what we must keep in mind. Our social media feeds, the more democratic
way by which humanity these days can have access to news and information, and
yes, plenty of gossip (because traditional mass media has been slowly but
surely subjected to the tightening control of our paranoid authoritarian leaders),
is filled with all kinds of posts and status updates from people and
organizations, many of which seek to deliver some kind of message, whether
serious or with sense, or just nonsensical bragging and annoyance.
But as a
discerning and mature person, who must take responsibility for what he takes in
and what he spreads to others (mentally, and well, in answer to the call of the
times, in micro-droplet forms), we must choose well what we read, subscribe to,
and share with others. We must not
forget what kind of tree we are, who planted us, on what foundation or soil we
were planted in, and who are those people we allow in our lives to take care of
our spiritual nourishment, mental development and psychological well-being. Yes, sometimes we must share some
light-hearted posts, even funny jokes and memes, but we must not forget that
the reason the gospel was revealed to us is so we can bring, “Glory to GOD on
the highest, and on earth, peace and good will to all men.” (Luke 2:14)
We must always
remember to put GOD first in everything that we think, say and do, for indeed,
it is He who created us and planted us here in His creation. We must root ourselves in the solid rock foundation
of His Word (Matthew 7:24-25), because it is our sure word of prophecy (2 Peter
1:19), one that will build us up (Acts 20:32), strengthen and guide us in the
right path (Joshua 1:8), and save and deliver us (Romans 1:16).
And when
the apostle said that we are GOD’s temple (verse 16), we must also keep in mind
that we are GOD’s dwelling place (2 Corinthians 6:16), where His Spirit resides. Just as we do our best to keep our bodies
clean and healthy, so that we might be better able to fight and resist and
overcome the virus that threatens our very existence, so may we also do our
best to keep GOD’s temple in our bodies clean and well-maintained: physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
We may be proudly and smugly calling ourselves plant-parents or plant-titos
and plant-titas, but we mustn’t forget Who is our One True Gardener. We must live the rest of our lives with His
leading, guidance, and sustenance, which we need to return to Him in manifold
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