Because we also watch Korean dramas, we came across a character called, “The Unbreakable Sword”—a title used to mean a warrior most loyal to royalty, the King usually, that he or she would fight to the death before letting anybody touch his VIP. This means that the person has deep loyalty and faithfulness to the one he is guarding.
believers, we sometimes forget that we have an Unbreakable Sword in our lives
too—the Word of GOD as stated in the epistle of the Apostle Paul for the
Hebrews, chapter 4. He started off more
than half of the chapter to expounding how, as we believe on Jesus’ atoning
sacrifice for our sins, we also enter into the “rest” of GOD, meaning that, we
cease to live life based on our own merits and efforts, but instead live our
lives in obedience to His will. As a
result, life becomes not anymore a burden for us, and no matter the
difficulties we face daily, our spirits are settled and at peace, because we
know that He who began a good work in us, is faithful to carry our yokes and
burdens, so that He may lead us into our place in His kingdom. The apostle then stated in verse 11 that we
should labor to enter into that rest, and not wallow helplessly in unbelief.
verse 12 states one of the strongest descriptions of the Word, and why it is to
our own present and eternal benefit that we must live daily meditating and
making it true in our lives: “For the word of GOD is quick (living and active),
and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Indeed GOD’s word exposes who we are and our
motivations, our thoughts and attitudes, and on what terms do we think, develop
our convictions, be driven by our principles, and on what level or plane we
base our choices and actions. Nothing
can be hidden or convoluted by it, because even if some say there are parts in
there that are cryptic and mythical, still, knowing the background and the
culture behind what is written, we can say that its message is as clear as
day. In short, what is good according to
GOD’s word is really good, and what is not good is really not good for us too.
This should be the kind of Sword we must try our best to be guided and protected by—something that is a perfectly cohesive collection of written work by at least 40 different authors who lived in different generations across the ages that are historically, scientifically and naturally aligned, instructions for daily living, wisdom to understand and discern our everyday situations, and visions and prophecies which saw what is happening to us now and what will yet happen in the future. Even though we may not be royalties or VIPs, we can live each day confident in Jesus Christ’s words when He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35)”, because we know that our hope and future lies in that, our very own Unbreakable Sword.
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