REASON TO REJOICE August 8, 2020
When I observe people around me, even in social media feeds, and from email updates on news from other countries, I notice that in spite of the pandemic and the undeniable collapse of the existing world order, there are still pockets of hope and reasons to rejoice. True, far too many have succumbed to the disease already, even some people we know and are related to, plus all the calamities that seem to be happening to many countries around the world this time, yet, I see many who choose to remain hopeful and joyful.
And so,
even during these desperate and troublesome times, the Word we read today in
Psalms, chapter 33, resonate well and in a timely manner. The first three verses urge all people (those
who have accepted the salvation that Jesus Christ brought, hence, made
righteous or right with GOD) to rejoice, for it is comely, a thing of beauty,
and since it emanates from within, no makeup or makeover or adornment and
filter is necessary. We are urged to
praise GOD with all kinds of musical instruments necessary, not only the
stringed ones, but an orchestra of new songs, with a loud noise—a fitting
tribute to our Maker Who never ceases to renew His mercies every morning.
4 to 9 lays down the truth of our existence—everything was created from His
Word, which is right and true. He is a
GOD who loves righteousness and justice—a fitting rebuke on some of us who,
when faced with the consequences of our corruption, try all our best to make
excuses, to escape, to deny, to not own up to but evade accountability and
responsibility for our wrongdoing. We
who are enthusiastic about space exploration should also do well to remember
that it is GOD who created all these things, not some unknown invisible force
from the universe, but rather the One who created the universe itself. And when we acknowledge that the universe
itself is expanding in some places and contracting in others, with new stars
and galaxies being born, with some dying, collapsing and getting sucked up into
black holes, should do well to remember that as stated in the gospel of John
chapter 5 verse 17, GOD the Father is still at work even today.
When we
look at all the evil and oppression around us, we should keep in mind the
truths in verses 10 to 17, for in it the Psalmist stated that the plans and
works of wicked people will come to nothing, because the LORD’s judgment will
stand, and His thoughts and plans will be done for all generations. Yes, some of our government officials may pat
themselves in the back because of some minuscule, so-called gains, only to be
brought down low in the next moment because of the steep rise in cases,
economic loss, allegations of corruption and mismanagement, but not so with us
for if we trust GOD, He will bless our efforts: He will give us deliverance, if
we in humility acknowledge His work and His will in our lives. As the Psalmist said in verse 12: “Blessed is
the nation whose GOD is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own
inheritance.” No strongman or so-called
czar can ever attain this, but only those who put GOD first in their lives and
in their reign over other people and their responsible management of everything
under their care—they, and the nation they rule, will be the ones truly
As the
Psalmist also said in verse 17, “a horse is a vain thing for safety: neither
shall he deliver any by his great strength.”
No nation, however rich, however powerful, however complete with all the
most advanced technologies in medicine, in artificial intelligence and
information technology, in warfare, can ever attain true deliverance and
salvation, because only by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and
Savior can make these true in our lives.
And in
the last five verses (18 to 22) is our hope: yes, our governments and leaders
may fail us, our families and friends may abandon us, the world may mock us and
hold us in contempt for having our heads and minds in the air, but we believe
and have confidence that, “…the eye of the Lord is on those that fear Him, upon
those that hope in His mercy. To deliver their soul from death (particularly spiritual,
emotional, mental), and to keep them alive in famine” (verses 18 and 19).
By all
means let those who are too smart to acknowledge, too absorbed in their own
greatness to understand, and too proud of their own accomplishments to humble
themselves before our Maker—let them have their way. But for us who have been called, let us go
through the rest of our days with joy and confidence, for as the Psalmist said
in verses 20 to 22: “Our soul waits for the Lord: He is our help and our
shield. For our heart shall rejoice in
Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” For us who believe and who have surrendered
our lives to His leading, we can surely hold on to this, our everyday reason to
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