Hopefully nobody is offended by this, but I thought about Mom’s issue, why some people seem to live life proudly and smug like they are on top of the world during their better days, without a care on basic courtesy or humane and reasonable hospitality for other people, and yet in their times of distress, still manage to harass others into helping them or granting them favors when in fact, they never did likewise to these people when such were in need.  It seems that there really are some who only think about themselves, but when difficulties come, still believe that the world revolves around them, and that other people are obligated to help them when in fact, they were never a help or source of support themselves.  It kind of makes one remember that indeed, in life, what goes around comes around, but sadly, only a few are any wiser.


We are reminded of this when we read today’s Word in Psalms chapter 36, when King David described how it is with wicked people, those who have no fear of GOD in their eyes (verse 1), and continue to live life like they are kings in their own little domains.  There are many of these nowadays, some we know, some we don’t, some in positions of power, some in obscurity, but they all share the same characteristics: “for he flatters himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity (or corruption) be found to be hateful” (verse 2—does this read like a media outlet’s current events’ column, rather than a blog?); “the words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he has left off to be wise, and to do good” (verse 3—this really seems like the daily news briefs we see on local TV); “he devises mischief upon his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good, he doesn’t abhor evil” (verse 4—hopefully the decisions these people make today have no familial-, community-, national or international implications, otherwise, GOD forbid, we shall all reap the disastrous harvest from their bad sowing).


But then, all is not dark and hopeless, because the Psalmist extols GOD’s goodness and mercy in the next three verses (5 to 7): “Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the great mountains; your judgments are a great deep: O Lord, you preserve man and beast.  How excellent is your loving-kindness, O GOD! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings.”  Praise and Worship Pastor Don Moen made these the lyrics of his song, and it is well, for we hear this one ever present during this pandemic over the loudspeakers in malls and supermarkets.  And Mr. Moen was Christian (the real, practicing kind) and concerned enough to ask for his followers’ status update on FB this morning, as to where they are checking in now. 


Indeed, many strong men and so-called wise leaders and experts have repeatedly ordered our people to follow health and safety protocols (while violating the same themselves), and blamed and lambasted us for stubbornness and hard-headedness, even without themselves properly accounting for their own management of people’s health and public funds; and yet, I am definitely sure, twenty years from now, they will be forgotten, unlike Mr. Don Moen, who has been in the born-again Christian believers’ psyche for at least the past 3 decades and still counting.  Talk about who’s truly wise and worthy.


In the next three verses (8 to 10), the Psalmist leads us in acknowledging what happens when we truly live by the grace of GOD: “they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Your house; and You shall make them drink of the river of your pleasures.  For with You is the fountain of life: in Your light we shall see light.  O continue Your loving-kindness unto them that know You; and Your righteousness to the upright in heart.”  Here the late king intercedes even for those of us living today, for if we ascribe life and guidance to the Fountain of Life and Light, we shall be satisfied in the deepest part of our souls, whether we live as a family, in community with others, or locked down and isolated alone.  For it is not companionship that makes us whole, but the grace, mercy and goodness of the Lord.


And the last two verses (11 and 12) is the Psalmist’s answer to the misogynists and narcissists of our day, who couldn’t accept the fact that there are people who are inwardly content, amply sustained, and living joyfully amidst these troublesome, miserable and desperate times: “Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked remove me.  There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise.”


May we spend the rest of our days knowing how to conduct ourselves to others, being fully aware that whatever we have done in the past and even now, whatever careless word we say, whatever prejudices and insecurities we let color our communication with other people who do not live, think and believe like us, have eternal consequences.  And only by our humble repentance, and daily resolution to live life deliberately and well, considering and being concerned of other people’s welfare more than our own, can we truly be filled and satisfied from the True Fountain of Life and Light.


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